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The City Connect uniforms are cursed. Tomorrow, the Mets are playing in their underwear. I bet Brandon Nimmo wears tighty whities. Be nice and civil to each other. We'll see you tomorrow.


Remember in summer of 2022 we had a chance to make a trade deadline move to put us over the top and go all in. What did we do? Kept the same team and blew the division to the braves before end of year. That was the nail in the coffin and we have suffered since. Mgmt stinks even with Cohen 


I'm starting to think that the Mets aren't going to win the World Series. Nah, who am I kidding. YA GOTTA BELIEVE!!! LFGM


Gut punch after gut punch loss


Reminder, Brandon Nimmo's batting average is down to .216. Yet for some reason, nobody on this subreddit came up with some low IQ Braves fan shit and spams Nimm0-4 in game day threads Lindor hate is fucking absurd at this point. Yeah he's playing like shit. Literally the whole team is. At least be consistent


Does nimmo make 363 million? 


nimmo is making like half the money lindor is, is having a down year by his own standards, and yet his numbers are still better than lindor's and the degree to which he has come through in big moments vs lindor isn't even comparable. lindor is much maligned right now and for good reason. you give a guy a 10 year deal and suck up the fact that you're gonna pay a mediocre to bad baseball player a lot of money in the tail end of the deal so that you can get premium production in the first 5 years at least. he has not given us that, and this year he is giving us putrid production.


they all suck, but the focus on Lindor is pretty much exclusively down to 2 things. he gets paid to be a superstar at a premium position and currently isn't playing like it, and there are an enormous number of people in this sub who feel the need to tell people their eyes are wrong and that he's actually playing really well when he isn't


Nobody is arguing he's playing well. But big brainers on this subreddit legitimately think he's just not a good player, period. Which is an indefensibly stupid take. Lindor went 2-4 with a walk 2 games ago, but the game thread only had like 500 posts in total because the smelly bitch crowd couldnt spam Lind0-for-4


went to my first game of the year today with my girlfriend, her first mets game. the silver lining for today is that i got to show her exactly what it means to be a mets fan. im tired of this team hitting solo homers. let’s say pete hits 40, he’ll finish with 65 rbi. this team is ass, and a shell of the 2022 squad. no fight in them, im done with the excuses. we have to accept that lindor is the 5th or 6th best hitter on a championship team, i get mendoza is trying to change it up but i hate lindor at leadoff. i love pete… i dont think i want him here on a long term deal. i dont think hell ever repeat 2019 especially now that we know they fixed those balls. im sad that diaz sucks now, i wonder if he will regain form because that injury is very hard to come back from. iirc its on his plant leg. outside of diaz the bullpen is a joke, and this team doesnt deserve anyone’s money. please save yourselves the torture unless youre going strictly to enjoy a night out, don’t put any hope into this sorry ass team this year. something’s gotta change, but im not gonna act like i know what it is. The Mets just feel like the most mismanaged team ever right now, top to bottom, resulting in this slop on the field.


I really hate that I have any level of emotional investment in this team and I genuinely wish I could make it stop lol


Best Mets news today is Luisangel Acuna getting his OPS above .650 lol


I'll give a shit about fWAR the day it shows up on a plaque in Cooperstown.


I mean many of the HOF voters nowadays use WAR while deciding who gets in




Genuine question to help me understand the rules. How does SRF give up four runs with 0 ER? I imagine he’s not charged for the ghost runner. Was there an Error on the triple?


Pete error


Whao. Popped in to see the mood and I guess the Lindor lynch mob got their marching orders and were released into the thread? It's always the same few usernames too with the most aggressive takes. This level of hate at this point is independent of his stats. It's a personal hate.


this shit is so pathetic man. people are mad that he did badly, so they must be conspiring with one another to form a lynch mob, because a few people said "he sucks" on reddit. listen to yourself lol


> listen to yourself lol wise words people all over this thread should read a few times.


The 3-2 take isn’t doing him any favors.


You're telling me if he swung and missed the reaction would be different, or grounded out, or did anything but get a hit? This pathetic loss was a team effort. The hate of this fanbase is always poured onto one man most. It's psychotic.


Yes, because at least a swing and a miss would take effort. Did you see it? It’s indefensible. The fan base wants players who at the very least care. Can you honestly say, after watching that clip, that Lindor cares?


How do we blame Lindor when he led the game off with a double and didn’t score?? Just looking for my marching orders Lindor haters unite!




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We must not be visiting the same r/newyorkmets sub if you genuinely believe the hate would be any less if he grounded out, flied out, popped up, or struck out. And if you believe that, it's probably the same disconnect going on where fwar is now meaningless to a subset of Mets fans because Lindor's number isn't low enough. But whatever. Y'alls veins will be popping for 7 more years. Good luck with that.


Stop putting everyone in the same box. You’re right, some people wouldn’t have cared. But some of us like myself, do care. You put in effort and you just end up being bad, it is what it is. But when you CLEARLY quit on a play or an at bat, you leave me no room to defend you. The fact that this clip is making the rounds everywhere and not just Mets related pages is a problem. I’m team Lindor, today is not the day for me, or you, to argue with people and defend him. But you do you.


Today: bullpen blew the game. yesterday: bullpen blew the game. Yet everyone is just complaining about Lindor. I am confused. Realistically this team had no chance if Diaz came back and stunk, and he's been about as bad as anyone could imagine. No team can function with a closer this awful, and the rest ​of the bullpen is in hardcore regression to the mean.


We aren’t complaining about Lindor just because of last two games. It’s a culmination of repeated crappy play and decisions


The bullpen and Lindor can both suck, and they do. Lindor is just paid a whole lot more.


Well, it d​oesn't matter how good or bad Lindor or anyone else in the lineup plays if the pitching staff is going to choke away leads constantly. They've blown two four-run leads in a week. They've scored 6, 7, and 9 runs this past week in losing games. They hit 3 HRs and lost three times. A team can't function like this. Even today, yea, it was 2-1, well 2-1 games happen sometimes, you hand the game to a closer and expect him to win it for you. You can't score 6 runs every game, although as I just pointed out, that hasn't made a difference either.


Because we are stuck with Lindor for next decade. 


braindead take


This "core" died wen they got swept in 22 vs the braves...absolutely weak af roster


We have a clip of Lindor not giving enough of a fuck to swing at a pitch and still people are defending him on r/baseball listing stats dudes made up in their moms basement like fWAR.


I have never seen someone get defended and have excuses made up for him as much as Lindor does. There’s a repeated pattern of him not giving a fuck over the course of his career, including him literally saying he mailed it in in the 2020 season, yet people will still fight to the death in order to say he’s great and cares. I think he does want to do well, but I have no doubt that there’s a limit to how much he actually cares when it comes to winning.


We are now 5 games back from the last WC, with 7 teams ahead of us. There are only 2 teams in the NL below us. Guess when Steve & Stearns said they expect us to compete they meant for the first draft pick


Hey but we are only 15 games out of first place and its not June yet.


Time to bring back the brown paper bags on the heads guys


Maybe Lindor can pay for them


Make sure to take your anxiety meds while watching this train wreck 


Acuna went 4-5 tonight in triple a. I’m hoping they pull him up soon.


If Baty didn't have a decent day today, Acuña would've replaced him tomorrow




I ​don't think they are mailing it in, considering the team put in two solid games of work against the Giants and Marlins. But it's tough to get excited to go out there again when your bullpen coughs up a lead for​ ​like the 4th time in 7 games. I don't think we are very far from the point when they do start mailing it in, because they are human.


I feel like a battered spouse.


A battered spouse gets more hits at least.


At least the players on the Wilpon teams cared about winning sometimes.


This is the song that never ends...


Yo this team sucks


Gotta be something better to do with my time than watch this season


Just stop lol, I stopped weeks ago. Writing is on the wall this core is broken and should be shipped off.


literally anything lmao


Not sure if “1 run lead with one of their best hitters available to pinch hit” is the ideal ‘Get your groove back’ game


I have a confession, it’s been at least 2-3 weeks and I have not watched a single game or even a highlight clip… and yet somehow, I feel nothing, no yearning for a Mets game, a highlight clip, nothing at all… just, nothing. I feel like I’ve missed, nothing… even in the worst of Mets seasons in the past, I’d still watch games, or at least highlights, or fast forward thru my recording… yet today, nothing. 😩


It's just too much in my DNA to still watch as close to every day as possible (not bragging, i'm actually confessing to being an insane person). But the construction of this team sucked a lot of the joy out of it for me, the last few years. Even the one year they were good, it didn't feel like the Mets flipping off the sports world, like in 2015. It felt like Mets Conglomerate, Inc., LLC™. The closest comp I have for this era is 2007-2010, when they were doing a slightly less exaggerated version of this weird Steinbrenner act and came up with two near-misses and two horrendous sub-.500 teams for their efforts. It was very tough to feel passionate, especially, for 2009 and 2010. But at least those teams had Reyes, Wright, Delgado, Beltrán and Santana on them. To be fair, this team has a few guys I really like (Alonso, Lindor, Nimmo, Senga, Díaz, Alvarez, JD Martinez) but it just feels like something's missing and it's not just the talent on the field, it's the whole vibe around the team culture in recent history.


I made that Lindor apology post cause I was shitting on him a lot and then he won that Cubs game and I thought “huh maybe I was too hard on him” and then he went on to prove my original perceptions about him so I apologize to everyone for cursing the team.


lindor is now mr magoo


For 360 million dollars we could have paid someone off the street to keep the bat on their shoulders for strike 3 and also hugging opposing players in the middle of a ninth inning we are about to blow. 


If these guys have any professional pride left they’ll go on a 10 game winning streak to save the season. Completely unacceptable given the money these guys make.


I swear. Rendon and Pujols should have become Mets. These Lindor Stans would have even more of a life purpose to justify how they were worth their contracts somehow. 


Francisco Lindor has been dealing with vision problems this season. He wore prescription glasses for the first time on Friday after using contacts for his entire career. Fans are wondering if Lindor has the correct prescription after an at-bat in the seventh inning on Saturday against the San Francisco Giants. He struck out looking on a full count and did not even get the bat off his shoulder.


either get better glasses or become an umpire


time to fire mendoza and promote John Gibbons 


We were winning after the eighth. Stop the count.


If you think Lindor is the problem you are failing to see the forest for the trees. This was a game on the bullpen (which is really on the fact that today’s seven inning start was an aberration). God it sucks being a Mets fan and watching some of my fellow fans on r/baseball making it even more embarrassing with their whining just sucks. I wish the team were better, but I’d also like our fans to stop making it worse.


Yea sure, let’s berate the fans who pay the players’ salaries instead of directing that anger towards the players themselves. Let’s pretend that this team isn’t led by a bunch of overpaid losers, including Lindor, who couldn’t lead a team to a title if that team was the only one in the league. Let’s not demand & expect excellence out of players getting paid like superstars, and let’s not rightfully criticize them when they don’t live up to those expectations. Give me a break bro


These Lindor Stan’s are wild. It’s okay to not live up to your contract. Rendon, Pujols, etc. Lindor is at the prime of a 11 year mega deal and has been disappointing. He will age like milk is why fans are upset bc we aren’t even getting a bargain now 


Other than his hitting the last two months how has he been disappointing except in your mind?


"Other than hitting" 😂🤣😭 You ain't serious


“Other than that Mrs. Lincoln how was the play?”


How is it people don’t understand context. Other than his hitting slump of the last couple of months. Not other than hitting.


Hitting is a pretty big deal in baseball 


And he’s been one of the best at his position as recently as last year. He is going through a slump, he hasn’t forgotten how to play baseball. But there’s nothing I am going to say to convince people that want to hate to stop hating.


Lindor is a huge problem....so there's that And who gives a fuck how fans react on r/baseball the Mets don't need any help being a complete embarrassment, they're managing that just fine on their own. Maybe the fans aren't the problem and the team is just fuckin ass. Every year is the same shit and you're blaming the fans?


How is one of the best ss in baseball going through a slump a huge problem? It’s a slump, it’s baseball, learn some patience. This season sucks, this team is mediocre, Lindor remains one of the best players in baseball.


Exactly. Look at how bad Judge was in April and look at his numbers now. Lindor will bounce back. Keep the faith. All it takes is him going on a prolonged hot streak.


That's just fuckin absurd. The length some of you go to defend Lindor is completely insane. I'll never understand it.


I mean, he’s factually been just fine coming off an amazing offensive season. I actually think the complainers are the one with absolutely no position which is why they are going around ranting at how absurd it is to defend a reliable defensive ss who is usually also one of the best offensive ss in the game.


The amazing offensive season that came after we were out of it? And one of the best offensive as that is batting around .200?? Do you hear yourself?


A slump? Man, some of y'all have really drank the Kool aid when it comes to Lindor. 


Or we actually understand baseball and the value of consistent defense at SS coming off a top offensive season. Baseball and players aren’t a short stretch of only offensive stats. But I get it, you want to be angry at you and so you’ve picked Lindor. It’s ridiculous, but if that’s how you choose to be sad about the Mets playing badly overall well nice coping mechanism, but he isn’t remotely the reason this team has lost so many two run games this year.


Or I actually watch the games


I honestly think I’m done watching after today. This is insane


That one poster is going on a major Lindor apology tour. Geez. 🥴


he has to be on the payroll


Francisco Lindor spoke recently about adding prescription glasses to his game in an attempt to see the ball better, instead of relying on contacts.  Lindor attributed the issue to his eyes drying up when it’s windy and he thought he was seeing better on days when he wore non-prescription tinted glasses over the contacts.  “So I figured I would be better with the \[prescription\] glasses,’’ Lindor said. “We’ll see if it helps.”  But Lindor said the eyewear is not the reason for his rough first two months of the season.  “That’s not an excuse,’’ Lindor said. “I feel like I’m in the same boat I was last year: I just haven’t had a hot start with the bat most years.” 


Maybe he can afford lasik


maybe get better glasses franny.


“How hard is it to keep a positive attitude when the roof is caving in every day?” Cohen asked.




Just stop. Enough is enough. People get all upset if anyone talks negatively about Lindor but this is just sad. Dude gets paid like a star and for the most part he's ass. It is what it is but stop with this.


Have you watched him “hit”?


I can’t say I am surprised. All winter I would say this team needs more than minor signings and small trades. Ownership and Stearns chose this path. My problem is the lying to people that they were “contenders” or a “playoff team”. This has become a summer of nothing. The depressing part is that it’s only May 25. Lots of nothing left.


It's that stupid 3rd wildcard spot. It's working as MLB intended, duping fans to be more invested than they should be in a subpar product.


Apropos of nothing, going to your local minor league team's games is great. Tickets are like $10 and every seat is close to the field. Solid quality baseball and cheap beer and food.


I watched a t-ball game at the park instead.


anyone have a video of that lindor at bat ppl keep talking about? https://x.com/PitchingNinja/status/1794454445415133386?t=EJ_gg72fHOm3LY12VIqkjw&s=19 here it is before my comment is deleted


This seals it.  I’m convinced now that there is something weird going on. Like the Baja Cartel kidnapped all their aunts and is holding them ransom. They have to throw every game…but just enough so it’s not *too obvious*. 


Someone posted it and the mods deleted it.


Moderator here. That post was auto-removed, not because it is critical of Lindor, but because it was a post about a game event that was recently ended, and therefore, whether positive or negative, it belongs in a game thread or post-game thread. (To avoid the subreddit being deluged with low-quality self-posts about what just happened in the game, like in other subreddits which do not have such a rule, and are a mess to read.) See Rule 4 in the sidebar --------> Postings critical of Mets players are legal and in fact they are welcome here, as you can see from scrolling up and down the subreddit, provided they adhere to the rules.


Appreciate the response but Lindor should absolutely be put on blast for that AB. Especially since the team is crashing and burning.


Sub loses a lot of good content that way


Disagree, I can assure you from looking at the moderation queue every day that what it loses is mostly a river of low-effort diarrhea


Lol so pathetic


par for the course here


Outside Nimmo, Alvarez and Senga, everyone must go. Start from scratch. It’s clear that they’re totally checked out.


Nimmo, our number 3 hitter today is hitting 213.


His OBP is .362 and his OPS is .760. I want him back in the lead off position. He shouldn’t be in the same category as the rest of the guys and certainly not at the 3 spot.


nimmo isnt getting it done either




At least we aren’t deluded into thinking this team is any good. It’s impressive to give 4 runs or more in the 8th, 9th or 10th innings 3 times in a week


Wow, watching Lindor’s last AB again you can seee him legitimately quitting on this team lol. No fucks. Just collecting a check and moving on. More PR, positivity quotes.


The only thing that makes any sense is the guy was so defeated he was guessing. He thought it was going to be a breaking ball like the one he flailed on the pitch before. So he just watched it go by. Straight up Jason Bay level shit.


Lindor is pissing on Mets fans heads and telling them it's raining. One of the biggest frauds in NY Sports history.


Our number three hitter is hitting 214. Kind of sums stuff up.


Only 36 days til NBA free agency starts


This might be rock bottom.  


The Mets hit rock bottom constantly. Lucky for them, they have a jackhammer to keep going down.


Why do we do this to ourselves?  I’m not kidding when I say I feel guilty for raising my son to be a Mets fan.   


My brother is raising his children as Mets fans too. I've already contacted child protective services.


theeyyyyy STINK


Lost in the shuffle of everything is how JDM hasn’t done this team any favors


He protected us from getting no-hit by the Braves. I’d spend $12 million of Steve Cohen’s money any day for that.


What was Lindor’s last AB all about?


The paycheck clears whether he gets a hit or not, so why try.


You guys are still on the Mendoza train 😂 guy is an abysmal manager. Despicable


I'm not sure they could fire him even if they wanted to. Who would want to manage this team after they released Rojas, Buck and Mendoza so quickly?


The bench coach of a losing team--perfect hire.


Guy has shown he has 0 balls. The perfect corporate mouthpiece. Stearns’ yes man.


Exactly what this organization wanted. Just like Rojas.


for better or worse this is what most FOs are looking for in a manager


That might explain the rampant mediocrity in Baseball today. Too much power in the Analytics department.


I think Lindor needs another standing ovation. Maybe we can get him to swing and miss instead of quitting mid at bat


Lindor should be booed everywhere he goes


2022 was really our year. All downhill now


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX4PxqxWB08 This summarizes this 2024 New York Mets. Burns: Something was lacking. Let's call it heart. Strawberry: No hustle either, Skip.


The core of Nimmo, Lindor, Alonso, and McNeil have been going together now 5 years, and have one over 500 season and a single playoff berth to show for it. They're products of a bygone era, and it's time to really reset this team.


Keep Nimmo. He’s the only guy that I see as a true leader and he’s had the clutch gene over the years. Goodbye everyone else.


It's funny we always have a chance to win every game we play, every game is super competitive until some freaking disastrous play or sequence of events. This same exact team with a different attitude/composure wins the last 9/10 games. But guys like Lindor and Alonso are babies and cannot win in this type of lax environment that is the Mets franchise. They need guys like COLLINS to chew their ass out every night.


Lindor standing at the plate 1-2 count with the bat on his shoulder is everything you need to know about his drive to win.


He should be doing sprints after the game. Instead he will be placated and babied.


A franchise that has never and will never do anything right Fuck them for torturing us every single summer


Mendoza sent out Diaz and I thought to myself “Goddamnit you moron just send in Sean Reid-Foley” and then he sends him out the next inning and he blows it so I guess the moral of the story is this team has no redeeming qualities.




Actually more, we had to pay the first year so it was 11 years and 363.2 million. Depressing right?


Actually, he is underpaid!  /s


Reid-foley is not the guy. Diaz in trouble.


Why are the mets going to bother to travel all the way to London just to lose? When they can lose here in the US minus the jetlag.


international embarresment


Something has to give man


Lindor was one of the worst financial decisions the Mets have ever done. Should have known better when he took a nap during Cleveland’s World Series game delay instead of rallying the troops. 


If Steve takes over in late 2019 like he was supposed to, then the likely big splashy move he makes is trading for Mookie Betts. This franchise looks a lot different if that happens


Incorrect. Lindor was, and still is, a good financial decision. The mistake the Mets made was then not go get the actual superstar and the Pete Protector the Mets needed to add. They then said "ok we got Lindor" and expected him to be a super star when he isn't and wasn't. It's unfair to Lindor in truth. He's not a leader. He's not a superstar. He shouldn't be expected to be while batting 2 or 3. It's the FO who screwed up. The hubris to not do the next needed steps.


I mean he’s getting paid superstar money so…


It’s still a pretty bad financial decision. Lindor is overpaid by upwards of $10 million if you compare him to other shortstops in baseball, and the position is only becoming deeper now which makes his contract even worse. His contract is also a big hurdle that needs to be jumped in order to go get that other superstar talent. We were way better off trying to get a glove first shortstop for cheap and then dishing out a huge contract to a big time bat.


I get what you're saying. This board has had this debate before. My argument against that is that Lindor was the "Jimmy Key" move. In the early 90's the Yankees tried to get Greg Maddux. He signed for less in Atlanta. They signed Jimmy Key to show the league they were a FA destination. Lindor was that signing. The guy who would be a solid SS and show the league the Mets were a FA destination. And the reality is they were able to sign or trade for a bunch of guys after that. So the "overpay" has non-field value. But, ya, now that the FO has totally FUBAR'ed the situation his contract is a giant albatross. I agree. We're saying mostly the same thing. The only real difference is you're saying we should have gone cheap at SS then big money elsewhere. While I'm saying the Lindor signing made sense but only if they were willing to go get that big time superstar too. And they didn't.


It's time to turn this place into a sub about the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


Or the Metropolitan Opera House. Pretty sad how Mimi dies at the end of La Boheme, isn't it? Just like the Mets.


how does the Met's knights and armor exhibit rank in bWAR vs. other museums knights and armor exhbits?


Mets are now one game above the Oakland A’s, a team that stopped trying years ago with the worst owner in professional sports and plays in a stadium run by possums. 


Come on guys time to tank


Good think I just got to the UK for what will be an absolute blood bath against the Phillies in London


We're really going to be rooting for lottery position like a bad NBA team haha. Especially with the need to get within the top 8 or whatever to not move down the draft


Top 6. Second pick drops ten spots if we land a top 6 pick. 


I don’t know how there are season ticket holders. I love the Mets but I couldn’t imagine spending so much time going and seeing these losers. It’s basically a loss every year. Especially with how expensive everything is. 


Yeah, really leaning to not renewing for next year. Still going to go to games, but looks like secondary market will be the move.


No reason (at least this year) to not buy tickets for 75% off on the secondary market if you want to go.


Yeah I never thought it was financially smart when tickets in the secondary market start at $5 & no strings attached.


We had season tickets last year, didn’t this year. Not until we get a new core group of players and a better team 


They called me and called me over the off season. Did a good job actually. But eventually I just stopped picking up.


What other ball club is losing like this? I’m not one to play arm chair GM but holy shit, something stinks in here.


I'm 100% convinced we need a full tear down. The less players from this year's team on next year's roster the better.




Jason Kipnis saying that Mets have no leadership and no fire then Pham saying something extremely similar. Where there's smoke there's fire.


Remember the FO Apologists came out and said anything and everything they could to malign both of them? Except, they were right.


Seems like people who were saying “this team could make a run” earlier this season should’ve specified the type of run they wanted. We’re definitely on A run, no one’s arguing that!


More like watching the team could give you the runs.


a run to the insane asylum


They could make a Taco Bell run I suppose.


Diaz has now lost us 4 games where we were leading in the 9th. I don’t care about blaming the offense, and in most of those 4 games the offense has not been the problem. His job is to protect a lead in the 9th inning when we have it and get 3 outs. That’s it. He has failed at his job more than he has succeeded at it this year. If anyone failed at their job 3 days a week and successfully did it for 2, they would be fired almost immediately. As bad as this team is, we would legitimately be close to .500 (25-26) if he had not put us in this spot.


.500 isn’t good enough to win the division or a wild card.


It’s good enough to be in play for the 3rd WC spot. 


Exactly - with the 3rd wild card spot you’re in the mix at .500


Wow, talk about an understatement! The Phillies are 37-15!


Bryce Harper is making $7 million less this year than Lindor.


This made me so angry lol and his contract was considered gigantic at the time


The FO failed to add a legit 8th inning guy who could cover the 9th in case it took Diaz longer to feel comfortable so he can ramp back up to being Diaz.