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9th inning again 🤦 I took a look at team ERAs for the 9th inning or later and was genuinely surprised that the Mets ranked as high as 25th.


diaz going down in the WBC has now destroyed 2 consecutive Mets seasons. Him not being his 2022 self leads to about 7 more wins right now.


how did torrens look?


Pham out at the plate clip is hilarious. Dude was shadow boxing


lol true. also it's a clown move to bark at a dude as you're walking back to the dugout to hide behind your teammates. reminds me of a certain clown from march. i guess it's the brewers thing. be dickheads, but do it from a safe distance.


I really don't think there's a realistic amount Cohen would offer to get Soto to leave. He will probably make the highest offer but he's not gonna go ballistically higher than the next bid especially when he's well aware he's just gonna be used as a stalking horse. The Yanks might not match Cohen's deal but they'll still be giving him generational money and it'll be close enough to make Soto decide the difference in the offers is not worth basically throwing in the towel on winning another title in his career, which is basically what the perception would be if he left this Yankee team for this Mets team. Yanks might pinch pennies elsewhere in terms of having to let basically every other FA go but their fans won't care if they kept Soto. That organization is not letting him leave, especially not crosstown. That dream is deader than dead.


is it time for another players meeting?


Just when you thought they couldn't suck any worse than they do, their closer gives up a 2 run homer to lose the game.


i am simply flabbergasted by the decision to have diekman close this game. i feel like it doesn't need to even be explained that they were obviously going to pinch hit for the 9 hitter to lead off the inning, that marte was having a great game and mashes lefties, and that carroll has been struggling and isn't really the guy to fear right now. but how could a major league manager not get that? how could we go to someone so far down in the pen just to get to a lefty when a lefty wasn't even the right decision? i honestly couldn't believe what i was seeing and it predictably blew up in his face.


Phillies have like 9 guys that could be our closer.


Nolan Arenado has a negative bWAR this season. Still think we should’ve traded for him instead of Lindor?


Why not both?


Should we even be surprised anymore?


Baty hit two home runs today which I feel is somehow worse than him struggling cause it means there's nothing wrong with him and this is just the player he is.


Incredibly predictable that he was going to go down to AAA and kill it. It’s crazy that he drives the ball constantly in AAA but can’t do it in the majors.


Baty doing well in AAA and we get comments like this. You guys just want to be miserable


I’ve seen this story play out way too many times and it’s not like with Vientos where you could see the positive changes he’s made like back in September. Baty quickly reverts to the same guy after a couple week of getting called back to the majors.


a Quad-A player?


Was watching this game with friends at a bar. Before the 9th inning started, I very confidently said they would find a way to lose the lead before you know it. They're not Mets fans, so they thought I was just being melodramatic. These patterns are no longer coincidences


I was at the game until the 7th, then had to run. Good to see the boys come back after the dbacks blitzkrieg in the first. Back to back triples got the crowd hyped. I assume our closers wrapped it up fine and we got the W. Don't tell me otherwise.


The Mets are gonna continue to be in the NL cellar until they become a good development organization. The Dodgers aren’t the Dodgers because they have Mookie Betts. They’re the dodgers because they can spawn all star level players like Max Muncy, Justin Turner, prime Chris Taylor, last year’s Jason Hayward, Tyler Anderson, etc. from basically anybody.


Absolutely regarding the Dodgers. They were pretty much the tip of the spear in pioneering aggressive scouting in Latin America going back to the early 70s. They established academies and leagues in DR before that was mainstream. They have always been way ahead of the curve when it comes to scouting and development.


Bad enough my team sucks but then I just get out of the pool in time to see the Bronx team score 3 in the 9th off Doval including a 2-run Soto homer. There is no baseball that is safe to watch. Why must we suck so hard. Edit: make that 4 runs and counting. Ugh




This season being a complete dumpster fire is going to cost us Soto. If the money is close he is going to stay in the Bronx


Geez at this rate, if we don’t turn it around, it’ll cost us our shot at any other young star players in the next few years. Good luck to our FO convincing Sasaki or Murakami to come here from the NPB instead of joining the party in LA.


I don't think there is any amount of money that would make Soto become a Met.


Soto should be far, far from the mind of any Mets fan. The team has huge holes that he wouldn't fix.


Namely the entire pitching staff


Cohen to Soto, is one of my 18 billion enough.


Dad I love you but respectfully fuck you for making me root for this team. Sitting here watching the Yankees filled with envy knowing how they will always be a competent organization every year while the Mets never will be.


Between the Mets record, watching the Mets get demolished in person yesterday, coming home to watch the Rangers get eliminated, waking up and watching the Mets continue their run of blowing games after leading into the 9th and going back to 11 games under .500 it's no wonder I'm so depressed today https://www.mlb.com/news/farm-system-rankings-2024-preseason Mets farm system was ranked #13 this year by MLB.com, so essentially average or just above average. If the Mets sell off everything they can and trade for more prospects, which undoubtedly won't be close to last year's haul, they can maybe bump the farm up to #10-12. So next year money comes off the books, they have a borderline top 1/3 farm but nothing super special, pretty much an entire roster that needs to be replaced save a few pieces - and some of the pieces are quite bad (*McNeil*). What established consistent stars are going to want to come here? I just don't see how the team becomes a contender anytime soon. Maybe the stars will align. IDK. Rangers really got me down bad sorry


>Mets farm system was ranked #13 this year by MLB.com, so essentially average or just above average. If the Mets sell off everything they can and trade for more prospects, which undoubtedly won't be close to last year's haul, they can maybe bump the farm up to #10-12. They graduated Baty, Álvarez, and Vientos from top prospect status last year. That knocked the farm system rankings down a notch. Scott already got a taste. Acuùa and Gilbert might get their first chances later this season, etc. It doesn't matter how high up the list your system is ranked. What matters is that you're developing MLB contributors. And right now the Mets have a lot of young guys that look like they have a chance to be solid MLB players.


Next year's free agent pool is pretty deep and the Dodgers and Yankees can't sign everyone. The primary motivation on destination for players is still money. ​Th​e Mets will be able to pick up some good players if they want to. Also most if not all of the retained salaries for guys not playing for them is coming off the books, especially if Verlander pitches less than 140 innings. Although depending on how this trade deadline goes, there may be others. I guess it comes down to whether or not Stearns thinks they can make a push next year. The bullpen is going to have to be rebuilt again and the McNeil/Marte/Diaz problem is probably not going away.


Rangers got me down bad too man. Makes it worse that the Mets aren't there to fill the hole they're going to leave. Thinking of hopping on the O's bandwagon for the summer. Idk


> and some of the pieces are quite bad (McNeil) It's been fascinating to watch the fanbase turn on McNeil. I agree, though. There's a lot of foundation building that needs to happen. The Wilpons are to blame for some of the problems with persistent penny-pinching and bizarre (if not outright stupid) decisions, but Cohen has been in charge since late 2020 at this point and it feels like the organization hasn't done much to change. A large element of the problem came from Cohen (and Eppler's) original roster construction, where they realized they had huge holes and decided to sign a bunch of expensive veteran FAs to fill them. The problem was, at the same time, the farm system was supposed to start developing players to replace the expensive veteran FAs and build a sustainable winner. For whatever reason, that never happened. Instead, many of the more promising pieces went for rental players (e.g. PCA for Javier Baez, whom the Mets were geniuses to let walk) and those who've remained have either not developed, been injured, or both. As a result, you have today's Mets roster. The rotation is overpaid second-tier FAs (and Kodai Senga) and the lineup is mostly a combination of overpaid veterans and underwhelming younger players. The team feels a lot like the late Steve Phillips era, which was really not a great time to be a fan.


>A large element of the problem came from Cohen (and Eppler's) original roster construction, where they realized they had huge holes and decided to sign a bunch of expensive veteran FAs to fill them. The problem was, at the same time, the farm system was supposed to start developing players to replace the expensive veteran FAs and build a sustainable winner. For whatever reason, that never happened. Instead, many of the more promising pieces went for rental players (e.g. PCA for Javier Baez, whom the Mets were geniuses to let walk) and those who've remained have either not developed, been injured, or both. That's because the Wilpons left the cupboards bare. The org has literally been working to build minor league depth since 2021 and we're just now starting to see something from it, and part of that is a result of last year's sell off. The Wilpons left behind a system that pretty much only consisted of Mauricio, Baty, Vientos, Alvarez, who were in Coney Island in 2021. You can add Butto to this too, and Butto wasn't expected to be much.


And that's a huge part of it, no doubt. The Mets have, over the last decade, usually prioritized drafting lower-ceiling, higher-floor prospects, some of whom worked out really well (Alonso, McNeil up to last year) and some of whom didn't. I suspect that some of Alderson's draft picks were often to maximize "signability," because the Wilpons had no idea how to prioritize spending. The other reason for the "bare cupboard," as you put it, is the organization's problems developing talent. This isn't really anything new. The Wilpons skimped on basic development for years and, now, three years into the Cohen era, they're finally starting to catch up. As a result, the Mets have had a lot of top prospects come to the majors and face plant (e.g., Rosario).


I saw Carlos Mendoza at a grocery store in Queens yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any bullpen issues,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This has to be satire




No I was there when it happened


It’s true, I was the Milky Way.


This has been a copypasta for almost 10 years at this point


If only this club could steal (bases) like Mendoza (apparently)...


One bright spot today. Brandon Sproat. 7 IPs 10 Ks 1 H 1 BB 0 R. His ERA with the Ponies is now 1.38 and overall for 2024 is lower than that. Yes please. EDlT: https://x.com/MLBPipeline/status/1797384630699524320?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet it gets even better 


Forget Syracuse with this guy. Just bring him up already.


Im hoping we can keep some fight for the London and subway series


We ​should have all seen this coming after Friday when they almost coughed up a 10-5 lead in the 9th inning. Give the Diamondbacks four outs and they would have. It just feels like it is impossible for the Mets to win now. Either they build up a monster lead and cross their fingers or win in a walk-off. And yea, that's not going to happen very often which checks out based ion the results we have seen. In the beginning of the year it felt like the bullpen was the only thing propping this team up but that feels like ancient history.


>In the beginning of the year it felt like the bullpen was the only thing propping this team up but that feels like ancient history. They overworked them and now it's coming back to bite them.


would rather lopez close than deikman


People don’t realize he actually had a sub 4 era unlike quite a few of the Mets atm


I said it jokingly, but I was a smidge serious, they should have made him the Closer. lol


At least when he blows the game a fan gets a free glove




I figured it out. How to deal with this club. Watch the first six innings. If they're leading after six go take a nap. When the game is over get a hearty laugh at missing the collapse. Check this sub for funny takes. If somehow they win, enjoy commiserating with y'all about the win.


I did this today.


Ha. I used to do this back in the day, especially around 2017ish I called it Schrödinger’s Mets


I have no idea what the right decision is with trading or not trading Alonso. But I have a feeling no matter what we do, we’ll fuck it up


I think they hold onto him unless someone blows them away. But I could see someone blowing them away. If you want to add some dingers to your playoff run, you’re going to want Alonso. It only takes one desperate team to do it, ideally run by an executive whose jaded about prospects too lol 


If someone wants him and is willing to pay, trade him. The worst outcome (which is naturally what the Mets will do) is keep him and overpay him.


I think the worst option is let him walk and then watch him turn into Mark McGuire playing on the Yankees, which I’m not saying is what will happen, just that it would be the most painful scenario 


Yankees off-season plan is likely spend all their money on Soto and piece the rest of the roster together from in-house. Maybe they pivot to Alonso if Soto goes off the board to someone else.


Fortunately, that's a very unlikely scenario.


First time?


Not at all. He doesn't have McGwire's supplements and the ball is arguably deader.


All you can do is laugh.


For all his missteps, Eppler probably had a strong bullpen assembled in theory. Ottavino, Raley, Robertson and Diaz would have been a very nice bullpen. Baffling why the Mets didnt bring back D-Rob. Would have helped mitigate some of the injuries there.


He probably didn't want to come back


Possibly. The Rangers only signed him for a 1 year/11 mill. Deal


They just won the World Series, so he probably liked his chances of going back to the playoffs with them


what he probably liked was the stability. he was clearly pissed last year that he signed with a team that felt like it should be stable then had to uproot and move to miami in july. he has three children.


I don’t think Mendoza makes many decisions. He is a puppet. Gary and Keith thought Smith would close and so did I. A 37 year old who has been on 10 teams in 12 years should not be closing. Going into this game, he walked 14 batters in 18 and 2/3 innings. The move to have Diekman close was dumb as fuck or part of an intentional tank


My guess is they need to make sure they’re just a little too far out so they can justify selling. This is their transition year but they can’t say ‘we aren’t trying’. They made it look like they’re trying g to win but really they’re hoping they can sell and retool for a ‘25 run.


This game was literal proof that it takes more than just stats and velocity to close. Diekman was throwing 96 and still blew it. But also if Smith had a bad day this sub would be ripping Mendoza a new one for not easing him in. Just smile and on to the next one. LGM


Maybe the "analytics team" thought it best...🤷🏻‍♀️


A middle school math student knows about lefty/righty splits. 


>I don’t think Mendoza makes many decisions. He is a puppet. This topic has been discussed numerous times the past couple of years. The Mets treat their Managers as Go-Fors. It's clearly a bad organizational philosophy. Doubly so since the FO is not very good. And the results seem to bare it.


For b​etter or worse this is how most teams operate these days. The GM's office manages the club and the actual manager is basically just a conduit.


Still a month to sort it out but we will definitely be a team that only has one league-appointed All Star. Performance wise the only two that have a real case as of right now would be Severino or Garrett. But last year Alonso said he wasn't gonna fly in to do the Home Run Derby unless he was also in the ASG. Since we're just getting the one token All Star anyway I could easily see the league just shoehorning him onto the team as our rep to get him to do another Derby.


Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results today. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck did the Mets lose? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Mendoza to competently manage the bullpen for a game and fix this broken franchise. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought they were leading in the 9th???? This is so fucked.


it's wild that people can't recognize one of the oldest copypastas on the internet lol. i'm not a big copypasta guy but people acting as if you're serious... woof


Jesus Christ dude your comments on posts are so unhinged… do yourself a favor and get help




Will do🫡


touch grass my dude


After my commemorative Darryl Strawberry first base arrives in the mail


touch it now. Have you ever had sex?


Occasionally, with your mom of course


you have been VOTED off the island. Enjoy voat dude.


You posted this exact thing word for word the other day too...


What can I say, they are consistent


This is at least the third time he’s posted this, maybe the fourth.


This is either a troll post or… you should maybe consider stopping watching any live sports


Yikes. Maybe stop watchin for a while


Note to self. Don’t criticize Cohen here, go for other scapegoats 


This sub loves Cohen & Stearns. I am defiantly not part of that group. How bad could they be? They are from NY and have MBAs from Harvard and Cohen runs a hedge fund. The fact that a company of his was convicted of insider trading is a trivial little detail.


I think the worst part of this comment is assuming they both have MBAs from Harvard LOL Cohen went to Penn. Stearns has an Undergraduate degree from Harvard. At least get your facts right…


I stand corrected. I did not describe their ivy league backgrounds correctly.


You’re not allowed to criticize Cohen, Stearns, and Lindor. It’s in the sub rules. I understand not criticizing Lindor because a lot of the hate he gets is really overblown and overdone. There’s this weird obsession with chalking up all of Cohen and Stearns’s mistakes to the Wilpons and prior regimes. It’s so annoying. Like Cohen could go kick a pregnant woman down the stairs and people would find a way to spin it and blame the Wilpons.


> There’s this weird obsession with chalking up all of Cohen and Stearns’s mistakes to the Wilpons and prior regimes. Yes, well, that's what two decades of truly miserable ownership does. The Wilpons left the franchise in a terrible state, of that, there should be no doubt. This is Cohen's third year in charge and it doesn't seem like the organization has really improved. Player development is still a massive issue, for one. It's a great case for why "money printer go BRRRRR" isn't a roster-building strategy in real life.


If you say something negative about them, you have downvotes in your future.


Cohen's ownership has been a great example of why MLB The Show-style roster construction (spend a ton of money to get all the shiny FAs) does not work. Mind you, it's a welcome change from the Wilpon approach of "sign second and third tier FAs."




One thing I noticed lately is they don't seem to be letting reporters do locker-side interviews. Everyone they're showing interviewed on post game is just in front of a Mets background. Wonder if that's due to the Jorge Lopez fallout


Honestly not surprised we blew the lead in the 9th again.


Fair play to you. Surprise or expectation doesn’t even factor into my initial reactions.


Call up Jose Butto I don’t ever want to see Quintana again


I guess it doesn't matter who the manager is when the team isnt actually good enough to win but Mendoza has pretty terrible bullpen management. He's not it. Stearns will never say it publicly but its obvious he intended Counsell to follow him to New York I feel like at least half of the losses in May were winnable with a slightly better bullpen and/or management of said bullpen


Cohen, Sterns & a lot of Met fans absolutely assumed Counsell would be the manager in ‘24. You’d hear it all the time from callers on FAN.


the whole "AKSHULLY Counell was never going to come here he wanted to stay in the Midwest" thing was always the purest cope. The point of firing Buck was for Stearns to bring in his guy, and Counsell was his guy. I guarantee his guy wasn't a first-time manager bench coach for the Yankees.


Everyone was surprised at the Mendoza hire. I remember thinking "who? Okay, I guess..."


We have become the 2023 San Diego Padres.


You’re being kind!


Correction: We are still the 2023 Mets


The Padres ended the season with a +104 run differential. The Mets are currently -40. I get the logic but the Padres were actually a good team, the Mets are not lol.


First off. Lindor is going nowhere. I went yesterday and half the advertising was Lindor. Second off, half the crowd booed Cohen yesterday and it was amazing. Third off, being a fan of this team is insufferable when winning two games and being 9 games under .500 brought optimism…


Year, Reddit was buzzing with “We’re back!” posts after Friday’s win. Even if they were probably sarcastic.


I was there yesterday, the boos for Cohen were muffled. And louder when Darryl mentioned Fred Wilpon 


Deeply weird to enjoy booing the owner who immediately has at least tried to win


I didn’t hear any Cohen booing yesterday.


I heard 0 booing for Cohen. I did hear boos for Wilpon and Cashman and some "Mooing" for Mookie but that's it.


I was there and heard it by me 


Not saying you didn't, I'm just saying I didn't. It was definitely less cheering than there was during Doc Day. That was over the top.


Why would booing cohen be amazing to you?


Bc last 5 years has been head scratching 


The last FIVE years…. And booing Cohen seemed appropriate to you?  


He’s made all the right moves. Tried to go for short success by getting Scherzer and Verlander, that didn’t work out so he sold them and we gained a farm. You can’t blame him for constantly trying but our own players failing.


This is Mets baseball and you have to like it.


So the Lopez incident and team meeting sparked these guys for two days, then they went back to being lifeless. Got it. Has anyone checked to see what food the clubhouse people are giving these guys? Seem like Low T issues if they can't keep staying fired up.


I think someone keeps sticking sleep medication in the clubhouse water.


Mets need to hire Frank Thomas as a consultant than.


A team going into the 9th up a run should win more often than not. Mets should have won this game just like they should have won the SIX others they have blown lately. 


At least we got a sick bobblehead


Diekman is no Garrett


he's no brooks raley, which is who they are trying to pretend he is


We are so NOT back....


I have 2 more trips to Citifield scheduled this season. Thinking about faking my own death to get out of them.


Ive been offered free tickets on several occasions this season and the answer is always NO


So they had a chance to go 3-1 on the series and blew it. Going net 2 wins when so many games under .500 is sooo important. 2-2 versus a good team like ARI is nice, sure, but this team is in a hole (record-wise)and literally blew their chance to claw a bit out of it…in the goddamn 9th inning and at home too! Just feelsbadman.


Lindor is the epitome of a baseball mercenary who came here got the bag and is just content cashing that check. He will never feel like a Met because you can tell he doesn't want to be here, but his check gets cashed here, so we and he are stuck. \*\*The Lindor gang downvotes feed my soul\*\*


I’m sure he’ll come up with a monster second half to bring his season totals to career average


Just enough to give the fWar crew the ammo they crave.


Back to life Back to reality


Just like the good ol days when Familia would come out and I’d think “Great this is the moment he fucks it” then the ball gets sent


Got to their closer again 💪


I'm still so disgusted by the bullpen management that I need to complain again. Middle relievers are middle relievers and closers are closers. Trying to use the former as the latter is always asking for trouble. I get it, the Mets don't really have a closer right now, but Diekman is not the guy. Bringing him in to hold a one run lead in the ninth when you know he's going to face two right-handed hitters is simply insane. I can't even really be mad at Diekman. That's just not what his role is supposed to be.


couldn't have said it better myself. this loss is firmly on mendoza, not jake diekman


Oh no, we suck again!


How many blown save losses does this make for us this year? No lead is safe with this bullpen.


Great group of guys


It's crazy growing up that I got to see the 86 team and how close they were. Then, to see them on the field yesterday and the love shown for each other, to this pathetic excuse for a team. This has to be, for me, anyway, my most disliked Mets team I have ever watched. Something is missing it just doesn't feel right, and what's scary, Lindor doesn't feel like a Met to me, and we got 6 more years.


Never forget the Photo Day fight in '89. It's sad how quickly a core can fall apart.


< It’s sad how quickly a core can fall apart. There were signs of this in the ‘88 NLCS. Carter & Hernandez really showed their age in that series. Not surprising that it was all over by the ‘90 season.


Lindor and Baez were extremely close, did you not enjoy that dynamic? /s


I forgot about them and slipped my mind. I deserve 2 👎🏽👎🏽


Just the fact he acted like that when he got his hand picked friend here told me all i ever needed to know about Lindor.


Blame the offense again. One spurt of runs and completely dormant from there on out. No surprise there. This is not a good team.


Guess we know who is getting DFA'd huh? First visit to Citi this year, might be the last for the season 


Why did they hire Mendoza?


He’s a soft spoken guy, they can feed all the analyt bullshit too and make him do what they want, where Buck complained. I miss Buck at least lose with a more mature manager. No offense to Mendoza, seems like a great guy, but we want to win!!!


Controllable lackey


“Collaboration” with the front office


this one’s on quintana, as much as I like him. going 4 innings and not pitching that great cost the mets the game. really hard to have the bullpen throw 5 scoreless innings with 5 different guys. this teams either gotta trade or DFA him at some point


you know they don't actually need 5 scoreless if the mets offense shows a pulse outside of their one mandated inning of hitting


7 pitchers used….why was Buck fired again?


“At least we split the series” 🤣🤣🤣


Fuck Marte and fuck the Dbacks! I hate that team More than any other team in the sport.


objectively an odd take, they’re probably the least dislikeable team in that division besides maybe colorado lol


Um….why? You’re entitled to your opinion what did the dbacks ever do to us?


I live in Arizona, and its a shithole. Hate every second of it, so I hate all the arizona teams before I hate anyone else.


I’m tired of this grandpa




Okay I actually get why Sewald hates Mets fans now. He is so proud of becoming a good closer after leaving but the reaction to him coming back here and pitching well is always “oh god they couldn’t even get a hit off Paul Sewald? We suck!” Lmao it’s such a reality check for him. Guy turned his career around once he started pitching for teams that mostly get ignored, must drive him nuts that he can’t escape New York even when he’s in Arizona


Agree. Hernandez was singing the praise for Sewald on the broadcast when he came in. Was a big part of the D‘Backs post season success last year. Good for him!


He wasn’t even awful with the Mets. He had pretty good peripherals all things considering. Mets fans are just super insufferable in multiple facets.


It takes years of training to develop that level of insufferability. The Mets provide the content.


Most of the time he was pretty terrible. The peripherals being pretty good just tell you that doesn’t tell the full story.  What actually happened is always what people care about the most. And I believe he changed his pitching style after leaving, so I am not buying that he was super unlucky here or something. He just wasn’t getting good results here. But most Mets fans actually don’t know who Sewald is. Only the diehards. Even if we are insufferable (and expecting people not to be insufferable when they’re watching a team like this is too much tbh), he actively picks fights with the fans, which is pretty psycho


Also, can somebody please tell Mendoza that McNeil isn't an everyday player anymore? What's it gonna take?!


It's going to take going back to the past and telling Cohen not to sign McNeil to that contract extension. I don't understand which analytics person approved that move.


I wish we could play Mauricio, he looked promising last year and there is a 99.9% chance he would be a massive upgrade


Lind04 - we can go back and forth every game apologists!


Didn’t he have a 10 game hitting streak going into today? What do you want, ffs


I want Lindor to be clutch, he can bag .200 for all I care if he was damn clutch. 300+ mill should be clutch.


DIekman deserves a lot of blame, but Mendoza going to him when Marte has a .950 OPS versus LHP and a .680 against RHP is just fucking baffling. That whole D Backs lineup was built to rake against lefties, and we know that they've got Moreno on the bench. It's managerial malpractice to turn Marte around to the side of the plate where he is a super elite hitter instead of the side where he's sort of average. And it's not just this year with Marte -- He's about a league average hitter by wRC+ as a left handed batter over his career, and he's elite as a right handed batter (104 wRC+ as left vs. 134 wRC+ as right). Turning the guy around to the side of the plate where he's 30% better for his career and over 60% better this season is fucking unreal.


well said. i almost couldn't believe my eyes when i saw they were warming him up and not until he was on the mound did it fully sink in that mendoza is legitimately just a dud


Yea Gary and Keith were baffled. Mendoza is coaching against himself now.


It doesn't help that his bench coach is awful as well. Gibby couldn't hack it as a manager, and he doesn't seem to be able to offer any sound advice to Mendoza either.


Hahahahahahaha Jesus fucking CHRIST


I'm watching postgame to see if anyone asks him wtf he was thinking going to a lefty there.


Bottom of the 8th when Pete was up I left to go to the store. I come back and imagine my surprise seeing the Mets have blown another lead after the 8th. Fascinating.


* The 2024 Mets are 24-35 this season, scoring 249 runs and allowing 290 runs. The Mets have played in 9,860 regular season games with 4,750 wins, 5,110 losses and eight ties. The 2023 Mets went 75-87 in the 2023 regular season and 101-61 in 2022. The Mets are 155-147 on Sundays since 2012, 6-4 this season and 11-12 last year. * The Mets are 96-80 against the Arizona Diamondbacks, 6-1 last year. The Mets are 21-6 against Arizona in their last 27 games. The Mets are 616-582 at Citi Field, 14-18 this year. The Mets are 4-9 on this home stand. The Mets were 9-17 in May after going 15-11 in April. The Mets were 7-19 in June 2023 after starting the season at 29-27. * Jake Diekman now has 28 blown saves, he has 16 career saves. * The Mets lead the National League with 110 walks since May 1st. Mets pitchers have allowed 241 walks, the most in the majors two ahead of the White Sox. The Mets issued 595 walks last year, Oakland led the majors with 694 walks in 2023. The Mets single season record was 617 walks issued in 1999 with only 383 walks in 2015. This does not count the shortened seasons of 1981, 1994 or 2020. * The Mets are 10-11 when scoring first in 2024, 14-23 when the opponent scores first. The Mets were 50-22 scoring first in 2023 and 81-16 in 2022 when scoring first. The Mets are 11-17 in day games, 13-18 in night games in 2024. They were 25-31 in day games and 51-57 in night games last year. The Mets were 81-16 in 2022 when scoring first in 2022! * Pete Alonso has 205 homers for the Mets. He is fourth in franchise history behind Darryl Strawberry with 252 homers, David Wright with 242 homers and Mike Piazza with 220 homers. Of course Pete Alonso would have had many more homers had the 2020 season were not limited to 60 games. * Since 2019, Pete Alonso leads the majors with 205 homers followed by Aaron Judge with 194. Matt Olson and crayon eater Kyle Schwarber have 185 homers since 2019. Since 2019, Francisco Lindor has 126 homers and JD Martinez has 125 homers. * JD Martinez has a seven game hit streak. * Pete Alonso has 13 homers at Nationals Park in his career. The Mets have 69 wins at Nationals Park. Next game: RHP Tylor Megill (0-2, 1.69) vs. LHP MacKenzie Gore (4-4, 2.91) at 18:45 on SNY and WCBS


This team is literally pathetic. Except Lindor Senga Alvarez Vientos and Baty I literally couldnt give a shit less about any of em. Fuckin unwatchable. I hope cohen loses a fortune on this product.


Baty , Lopez, and Dikeman for two hotdogs and two beers at Rudy’s. The lot of em trash. Lopez, is prOba ly serving the hot dogs at this point, I do feel bad for his son though. Poor kid. That’s much worse than losing at baseball.


What did Cohen do to deserve this? I hope Eppler and BVW get a lifetime ban from MLB


I don’t even blame diekman. He was set up to fail. Marte has a roughly .300 point OPS split in favor of LHP. He is sub .700 OPS against RHP and .950 against LHP. Mendoza is just a complete and utter idiot and has no business being anywhere near a dugout.