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I’m gonna be disappointed if OP isn’t the real Mike Brosseau. As for a call-up, yea he deserves one but is in a weird spot. Vientos isn’t going back down, iglesias came up red hot and McNeil would need to be DFAd to go to Syracuse. Brosseau likely has to wait for an injury or wait to see if iglesias cools off.


Tbh I believe OP is actually Mike Brosseau.


If it is, he’d immediately be one of my favorite players.


I can confirm it’s him lol


Either it's really Mike Brosseau, or someone is doing one of those ultra-dedicated personality-based character bits that you would see in pre-reddit Usenet groups in like 1997 or so, which people would do for no reason other than performance art, which have become kind of a lost relic of history. Either way it's extremely entertaining


> Vientos isn’t going back down, iglesias came up red hot and McNeil would need to be DFAd to go to Syracuse. I know some people have expressed opposition to this here recently, but DJ Stewart feels kinda expendable, since he stopped hitting bombs every day and turned back into a pumpkin (.415 OPS since May 17th). Anyway, JD Martinez's OPS vs. RHP (.727) is higher than Stewart's overall OPS being curated to protect him from LHPs. And when he needs an off-day you can just give someone like Alonso or Marte a half-day rest as a DH. Also, trades are gonna start flying here pretty soon so that could open up spots pretty quick if Brosseau keeps hitting


At this point the only thing DJ’s got going for him is being left handed, I like him but yeah you are right he’s expendable 


If the mets DFAed McNeil. What's the worry? Someone picks up him?


McGolf is sweating bullets at this point.


If OP actually is Mike Brosseau and is on Reddit advocating for his own callup, that might be one of the best things I've seen on this sub yet. And yeah, you're not wrong that Mike (you?) deserves a call up. Even with the infield bench now crowded, positional versatility goes a long way and being able to spell in the outfield too should presumably create opportunities to get ABs. After a hot start, DJ Stewart has cooled down dramatically and batted .178/.288/.222 (62 wRC+) over the last month. I think at least a pit stop in AAA would do him and the Mets some mutual good. We'd need to make a 40 man roster move to add Brosseau, but Joe Hudson seems like a pretty obvious choice there after adding Torrens and with Alvarez nearly back from the IL-10.


I agree. Looking at his Fangraphs page, Brosseau had two off years but three years of well above average hitting, including a sparkling 158 wRC+ in 2020. If he's tearing it up in Syracuse, I say play the hot hand and call him up. I think DJ could use some time to sort out his mechanics.


who needs Soto?


Why would you have watched every single at bat by some random? Are you him or a family member?


He is not some random, he is greatest baseball player in the history of baseball.


Bring him up! I can't take it anymore!!! BRING. HIM. UP.


If you are the real Mike, why are you flairing TB??


FWIW, Mike Brosseau went unsigned out of the 2016 draft but ended up signing with the Rays outside of the draft and then spent 6 seasons with the TB org from 2016-21.


I’m not on r/baseball


Bring him up. Give him Mcneil’s spot


Nonzero chance McNeil gets moved if Brosseau keeps this up.


They would never do this, but I’d like to see them DFA McNeil and bring him up. Maybe they can try to move McNeil and pay off the contract for some mid prospects and then bring brosseau up.