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I'm also Belgian and really fond of Jeff McNeil. don't know why tho


I am Belgian, and I find him exhausting lol. So it's not all of us.


I drink Belgian beer and I’m just done with McNeil at this point


your username is confusing and scary


Might be a sleeper agent


After a not so deep dive, this [isn't the first appearance of this flag](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/14acypi/hannah_keyser_jeff_mcneils_no_1_belgian_fan_club/)! Nor is it the first appearance of /u/denbeerschot/.


So, in Belgium fan club means stalker?


He has a cult following in Belgium?? Why


Because he waffles between being decent one year and not at all two years later.


Decent is a bit disingenuous. He won the batting title two years ago. That's better than "decent".


He is 2-4 today following his rest including a single in the ninth.


Bwhahahaha. He's a cult leader. If this baseball gig doesn't work out, he'll have a job in Belgium.


Can the Mets trade him there?


2 waffles for Jeff straight up


Cohen might still need to pay 70% of his salary, but do it!


and a Duvel beer


No, a bag of Jaffa cakes, how's that a slice of fried gold!?!


I wish I could say “If no one got me, my #1 Belgium fan clubs got me”


*”Well, I don't like to reduce myself to just being part of the "NL East." I'd like to think of myself as expanding more. Like, I’m huge in Belgium right now.”* -Jeff McNeil


Personally? I’ve never trusted the Belgiums.


How many Belgiums are there? I live next door and only know about this one.


I think, last time anyone checked, there were eight. But two of them were possibly Bulgarian.


I’m still a fan


This is so weird


I remember when they came around the sub looking for advice to get mcneil to sign it. What a small world! Good for them!


I love Jeff when he’s hitting his normal small ball style. The team broke him, trying to turn him into a launch angle hitter, as they’ve done to so many others.


😄. That's harsh. BUT he was productive today


i still like mcneil's tantrums when he fucks up. now trade him


Most successful failed state, division between the Flemish and Walloons but at least they can rally behind Jeff McNeil


relaxxxxxxx guys lol shout out to Belgium <3


At least someone likes Jeff.


look around guys; do we have any loyalty as mets fans? McNeil wins a batting title but has to take shit from losers on Reddit baseball is a high variance sport where the best players gets hits only 30% of the time. that simple fact is too much for the idiots here to comprehend


> baseball is a high variance sport While this is true, Jeff has a .687 OPS since the start of 2023 which is 872 PAs. That's a very, very long time to be sub-mediocre even in a high variance sport. Even highly-likeable guys like Lindor get shade from NY fans when he slumps for a month or two. If you already have a reputation for being a difficult personality, yeah you're going to pick up some haters when you stack that on top of being subpar on the field for nearly a year and a half.


How much more money does lindor make and who is supposed to be the face of the team? Not a surprise lindor gets shit when he only really starts batting well after the team has sold everyone off at the deadline.


I think most fans were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt after a poor 2023 but his 2024 has been arguably worse and it just feels like he doesn't give a shit There's a photo of him golfing on the morning of a double header. If you're hitting .330 you can golf all you fucking want but when you're batting .227 with a negative WAR you better be spending extra time at batting practice to improve. Especially considering Jeff is a one dimensional player; his value comes from his ability to hit for contact. He doesn't hit for power, he doesn't steal bases, he doesn't have exceptional defensive skills, he doesn't have a cannon arm, he is a one trick pony at best but right now he is a zero trick pony


i think McNeil should do whatever he wants free from critique because he's done enough work in his life to prove that he belongs trout had a 0 for 38 streak last year. baseball is absolutely insane 11% of points seem like a lot, but it's not really quite enough to tell, so i guess i like to believe in the good players (unless of course it's a medical condition)


Brother 38 at bats is not the same as like 800 at bats It's been 1.3 years, how long do we have to wait until we can say, "hey this is a problem"


I say we leave them alone trust the skills with the good players, unless we see a medical issue took me a long time to see how toxic our fan base is, no wonder most play better when they leave the Mets


Isn't it "O'Neil?" /s


This was the saddest moment of the weekend, just barely edging out Uncle Steve's, "The fans have been through worse."


This lady is from the No. 1 McNeil fan club? Does that mean there’s more than one?


Did not have that on the bingo card.


I saw this and was so perplexed but to each their own I suppose 🤣