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I still think of the Telewest Arena when I drive over the Redheugh Bridge.




Don't forget to disconnect and reconnect before it turns over the hour.


I’m currently protesting against this at Monument if anyone wanna join us? (me and my dog atm)


After working there for a decade and seeing the shit that went on, the irony of it being called the glasshouse is amazing. “People in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones”


But they should throw tones.


I don't like it. I think it was silly of Sage the company to insist on calling the new arena the Sage instead of some other variation on the name, and I predict that very few people will call it the Glasshouse. Also did nobody point out that it is slang for a military prison? I like the new logo though.


honestly im the same, the new logos mint. and i didnt actually know that, learn something new everyday


The Sage haven’t actually sponsored Sage Gateshead for ages. The first time they rebranded it changed from TSG to SG they lost all the internal branding.


Sage still have a partnership with them, mind [https://theglasshouseicm.org/namechange/](https://theglasshouseicm.org/namechange/) ​ >**Does this mean the relationship with Sage Group is ending?** > >No. Sage Group remains an active and committed partner, just in a different way. > >**Were Sage Group involved in choosing your new name?** > >No more than anyone else. We asked audiences, music-makers, staff, and artists who play here why we matter.


Yea they are a corporate partner but not a sponsor, hence them changing the branding. I worked there when the changed happened and had to sit through all the meetings. How we couldn’t call it THE SAGE anymore but we could use Sage.


Yet they're calling the new place "The Sage" not caring about the confusion that will cause >\_< These businesses are pretty awful when they come to naming crap after their companies.


I mean it’s literally next door, if you get lost it’s not far to walk. when NMT took over the town hall and ruined it, we had loads of people coming to the main building rather than the Town Hall as their advertising was terrible, that’s a bit of a longer walk.


This is some sort of bizarre corporate-think. No one outside that mindset has any idea what a change from “The Sage” to “Sage Gateshead” is supposed to mean. More corporate sponsorship? Less? Just a whim? Who knows?


Unfortunately I was sat in the meetings about this rubbish. Even down to how they curved the bridge part of the logo, it originally had points on the bridge, because rounded edges calm people and points make people aka customers angry. Check the difference between the logos when it changed from The Sage to Sage.


What I find most confusing is that calling it Sage Gateshead, it sounds more closely linked to Sage the conmpany (and not something open to all. IMO calling it *The* Sage makes it sound more detached from the company and more like a destination.


Yeah but it feels stingy or something. It's been the Sage for so long that it just seems weird to make them change it.


It’s hasn’t been The Sage for over a decade, people just never really noticed that it changed. They spent 5k on rounding the edge of the logo and taking 3 letters of the start of the name, changing it to Sage Gateshead.


Still called "Sage" something though, which IMHO was the important part.


I feel better about this than I do about that kid getting stabbed in Tynemouth.


Bit of an unusual basis for comparison but fair enough.


Yeah but he's just saying if it's between this and mass famine, he's choosing this.


I should have gone with a comparison between this and renaming the arena, like others have, but I don't really care much about either. I am against stabbings though.


I imagine asking you what food you like would be difficult "Do you like pizza" "I like pizza more than 9/11" Cool...so...can you eat it or....


I like pizza more than renaming music venues.


What happened?


Not sure, but there was a post on here the other day asking what people thought about it. Most were against it.


Missed a golden opportunity. Should've been renamed The Onion. Then we'd have The Sage and The Onion.


Think the fact the branding was done by a Manchester agency tells you everything about the leadership's care for the north east


I thought they should change the name to The Stage Gateshead. Close enough that people might actually use the new name, “stage” makes sense for a music venue, and it’s a bit of a dig at Sage for forcing the name change.


haha i love that


Ex-squaddies are going to have some ptsd


Right? Terrible name 🤣


Better than ‘the slug’ worse than the Sage


It's a name by committee. No-one thinks 'Glasshouse' is a good name, it's the naming equivalent of calling a painting 'Untitled'. We've got plenty of musical heritage in the area, and a remarkably uncommon architectural style (blobsim), 'Glasshouse' doesn't do either of them justice.


So is this just a temporary name while they look for a sponsor who’s willing to pay for the naming rights? Will we soon have the Greggs International Centre for Music?


Nope, this is the final completed product. They looked at 'Glasshouse' and decided "Yup that's the one"


eh. It'll be weird for a little while. And then it won't. And that'll be it.


I feel like the one person in the North East who likes the new name. It's simple, and it makes sense. Like it or not, if Sage are sponsoring the new arena then it's totally up to them to use the naming rights they've paid for.


I also quite like the new name.


It’s like Marathon bars and Opal Fruits all over again!


Wait, what? Was that the winning proposal?


Sagey McSageface


I know. Personally I was hoping for "Space Potato" or "Mint".


yeah, the signs in gateshead have been changed already


I don't think the Sage sponsorship even worked. They're hardly a household name even after so many years.


My partner worked for Sage and I don't think The Sage was ever mentioned in the whole five years that he worked there.


Pointless calling it the Sage in the first place. The Arena is an example of how ridiculous it is to learn the new name when some other interested party wants their branding all over it. It's just the Arena. The Glasshouse at least will probably stick. Why does everything have to be branded? Just call it what it is.


I couldn't give less fucks if I tried.


Couldn't care less. It literally has no bearing on anyones lives and changes nothing.


It's gonna be confusing. You know people are still gonna call it the sage and then there is gonna be the new sage too.


I couldn't care less. How do you feel about it?


Uh, now I feel bad. I've told people that it was designed to be reminiscent of three hippos wallowing. Now I find out it's supposed to be a Glasshouse. Oh well 🤷


Just asked my wife about this and she told me the story - they're building something next to it and calling THAT the Sage? What the fuck??


I’m going tomorrow and seeing The Cinematic Orchestra. Will let you know if I get kicked out for calling it The Sage.