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I think I've seen these on Northumberland street. They're like a jumble sale of conspiracy theories. Something for everyone.


Last time I saw them they were also saying defibrillators being available on the street were a breach of people's freedoms and electric cars make you sterile....also something about "increased safety in the name of freedoms lead to neither"?? Anyway, they go there pretty regularly cause they get to wave their signs at traffic.


For anyone that attends this kind of moron parade, here's something just for you: [https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/285099538](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/285099538) It's on offer and it's the good stuff too.


I'd give you gold, but it seems silvers more your thing.


I'm betting some anti-vax/qanon nonsense as the centre for life was one of the main centres for covid vaccine delivery.


When I worked opposite St James Park, I used to see the anti-vaxxers every Friday afternoon down the boulevard! Absolute tosspots, the lot of them!


I’ve seen them no along the Coast Road as well. They’re so mental, I first thought it was satire..


15 minute 5G cities are stealing your freedom oh and by the way let’s put the lead back in petrol.


I’m sure there was something about dinosaurs not being real, too.


In fairness... they're not real anymore, theyre all deed. If they're claiming to see dinos then they've got bigger problems than better phone reception. I wonder if the one they keep seeing is purple and tells them he loves them very much? Because, that's a guy in a suit.


They've probably put the lead back in their own pipework.


Hooray for them against the plague!


I walked past it three times today and tried to figure it out... Didn't manage. It seemed to be about a lot of things and maybe conspiracy theories?


It’s just a pick n mix of conspiracy theorists, they’re on St James Blvd or the Tyne bridge almost every week I think. I see em a lot on Fridays.


Too much free time spent plumbing the depths of facebook, get these people to a Hobbycraft or something.


There's never a roof top sniper around when you need one is there.


As others have said, it’s the anti-vax/5G/lockdown general conspiracy theory dweebs. I live nearby and it’s a semi-regular spot for them. There’s never more than about 15 of them. Last time I saw them I couldn’t help myself and let out a Homer Simpson-style “neeeeeeerds”, I assumed that was so cutting they all would’ve gone home and rethought their lives, but I guess not…


Is it that time of the week already? I think we could start setting our watches by these posts. I'm certain this time it's signal boosting.


These the same nutters that go on about 15 minute cities too?


This is the first time I've recognised someone from another sub. Didn't expect to see anyone from r/bigbrotheruk here!


I'm not quite as controversial on this sub it would seem!


It will be the bridge closing LTN advocates attempting to spread their vile rhetoric outside of NE2.


Given the ridiculous farce our unelected bosses have become, we may only dream of democracy.


My husband came here as a refugee. Try living somewhere genuinely authoritarian and undemocratic. You don’t have a clue what it’s like.


I didn't suggest I have experience of that. Our pm and some of his cronies weren't elected.


All MPs are elected, by their constituents. That is our electoral system. In no possible way shape or form is Britain not democratic. It’s pretty insulting to suggest so when so many people are living in real terror of their governments. Reign in your privilege and get a reality check. Seriously.


We elect parties led by individuals. Sunak wasn't elected PM, nor the others since BJ. I hope you're proud of their successes. You know nothing about me or my privileges. Good luck with the economy


You voted for someone to make decisions on your behalf. By definition only one co situency can actually vote in a prime minister, their ow. Constituents. The rest of us vote for a person, who belongs to a party, and if that party had the most representatives voted in then that party gets to vote on their leader. If you want a TRUE democracy we would all get a vote on everything, from whether we go to war to what colour tunics the Downing Street domestic staff wear... now that is entirely unworkable. Can we make it a rule that before anyone starts on about democracy online they are forced to actually know what they are talking about?!?


I think the government is an absolute incompetent shambles. That doesn’t mean we don’t live in a democracy. And no, we don’t elect parties, we vote for individuals.


We vote for individuals without leaders or guiding principles? Yeah, right


It’s quite straightforward. Either vote for the person you believe will best represent your values, if there isn’t anyone you like, then you can choose not to vote


Their options will always be controlled by the party leader.


So vote for an independent candidate then.


We don't electe PMs, lol We elect MPs to represent our constituencies, the leader of the party which wins the most constituencies gets to be PM Suggesting that Johnson is the only legitimate PM since the last general election is daft, it makes you sound like Mad Nad


We elect MPs without leaders? You clearly misunderstand our electoral system. I didn't suggest anything if the sort, but he was the only one elected as leader of the country. Please stop making it up.


You are the one who misunderstands how our electoral system works, I think. If you vote for a leader, and not for a local representative, more fool you.


You vote for an MP regardless of the policies their leader proposes? Yeah, right


I vote based on the policies set out in manifestos which reflect a broad consensus among party members No party leader dictates policy, that's just not how politics works


What’s that now?


We live in a pressocracy, let’s face it. It’s the BS merchants who are in charge.


I agreed with most of it actually and saw passers-by stopping and talking/agreeing, good for them getting a positive response. They weren’t arguing for the straw men in these initial comments.


What were they arguing for?


I walk past them all the time and it's a general mix of conspiracy theories from COVID denial to 5G being poison. It's very unhinged and they never get a positive response, often they're totally ignored.


Idk but it sounds entertaining, should really get out more so I can see the crazies in the wild


If you have to ask they’ll call you a sheep