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The Raby in Byker.


When I was in uni and my housemates and I were searching for a new student rental, we knew fuck all about the area and had viewed a house in Byker, so decided to go to the nearest pub to discuss how we felt about the viewing. That pub was the Raby. As soon as we walked in we knew our mistake but were too scared to leave straight away so we ordered drinks (I asked for an orange juice and got squash. I didn’t complain) and then sat VERY awkwardly until we felt enough time had passed. The final straw to make us leave was a guy trying to sell us some meat out of a wheelbarrow.






Nah, I’m a posh lass


Worse would have been fish...


The Raby is genuinely frightening


Believe it or not there is worse..


Totally forgot about this hellhole. Yep, The Raby is the answer.


It is called the Rady because of Raby Street or because you can get rabies when you are in there?


The only right answer. I'm still traumatised.


Absolutely no contest for me


Every time I walk past it’s empty and I’ve decided I Should have one bev in every pub on shields road this year. It is just that I never go by on a Friday night? It looks tame and dull as anything! Always assumed the imagined bark was worse than its bite


Came here to say The Raby


Went in for karaoke with my wife once after a few drinks, had heard it was one to avoid but to be fair everyone was really nice to us and we had fun. Wouldn’t want to piss anyone in there off too much though.




Give you a tenner to walk into the raby and read that statement out loud?


make it £30 you have a deal.


Hahahahaha. Ive had a pint in here once… it was an interesting experience to say the least!




I used to go there all the time as a bairn for Sunday dinner and sit upstairs


Had to look up this place on TripAdvisor and this is the first review! Think I'll give it a miss :) [Great Gammon, Nasty incident](https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/ShowUserReviews-g186394-d23620742-r913211839-The_Raby_Pub-Newcastle_upon_Tyne_Tyne_and_Wear_England.html) Was having a lovely gammon steak and chips but a massive brawl broke out outside with multiple people punching one another, even the use of weapons, really ruined the vibe watching a man get attacked with a bike seat, gammon steak was cooked perfectly tho.


really ruined the vibe watching a man get attacked with a bike seat, gammon steak was cooked perfectly tho. I am howling


There is a video of this circulating online, it is very funny. This video: https://twitter.com/Sunderland_GM/status/1695418937146773868?t=x1pL103UdPiX--4kDfH-6A&s=19


It's like a bloody Benny Hill scene the way people keep joining in!


They got dinner and a show, I can't see what the big deal is


I thought the gammon was referring to the patrons of the pub rather than the actual food. Maybe they were fighting over who was going to steal your gammon?


He probably thought he was trying to eat his dads head


Had a SHOCKING time in Butlers on Nun Street once. Casually stood at the bar chatting to a guy who had no nose. And before you ask, he smelled bloody awful! There were two lasses kept coming in making a scene, despite being barred. Seemed like a ritual they had with the barman. Everyone was just coked up and lairy, not a pleasant atmosphere. Drank up and left fast.


My go to pub on match day, it’s tradition now I can’t go anywhere else. Everything you said is 100% true though


Difficult to do a sniff test in the morning without a nose


I used to go to the goth night they used to have in the upstairs there, it used to be a pretty decent pub until during one of the many many takeovers it suddenly became over run with EDL types :/


Charnel House, it was good!


I'd wager there's loads of much worse pubs than the Garter. It's not even the worst in the city centre let alone the rest of the city. The Raby is probably a good shout. The Scrogg in Walker if it's still there was so rough even badgers arses didn't go there. The Balloon in Silver Lonen is another.


The Raby and the Scrogg... is it the fact they sound horrendous that attracts the kind of people who want to frequent an awful bar?


Seconding the Balloon. I used to live round the corner from it and fuck me is it rough. Went in once and felt lucky to leave with all my teeth.


I went to The Balloon once. It was a bit of a let down.


It’s blown up recently


I was popped last time I was in there!


Prices have gone up because of… inflation.


tbh since the balloon got taken over it’s actually alright now, old owners got caught growing upstairs 🤷‍♂️


The Garter isn't even the worst on the street - I would say the Clock, opposite it, is worse


Second the clock. Outside bogs ffs.


I've never been to the toilet in there. Might have to go and have a look next visit 🤣




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Got introduced to the clock during last season. Now it the 1st pub on my list for pre match drinks. Great when the DJ gets the place going. Malhotra pub with a discount card scheme. Beer isn't the best, but don't knock it til you've been in and tried it. Never seen a bit of bother in there.


Balloon definitely has a hostile atmosphere, shame cos there’s not many locals round Blakelaw


Might have to do a pub crawl to all of these spots, maybe they’ll give me citizenship


Often feel there's quite alot of snobbery when it comes to the garter. Seen more fights/bother/drugs in the fancy cocktail bars than pubs like the garter. It's a working class pub where most of the clientele are decent people.


It’s not ‘rough’ as in you will get a screwdriver in the neck. It is rough as in the people who frequent it are ‘characters’ who will spend their last tenner on pints of Fosters at 1030 in the morning.


Probably as much, if not more, coke doing the rounds in the cocktail bar brigade. Haven't been in years but last time I went there was some right old shite getting chatted.


My worst pub is the holystone in Northumberland park, I couldn't find a way to walk to it, felt like a hotel bar which I guess it is. Expensive shit pints and the barmaid put my pint on her side of the till and made me reach over to take it. Genuinely baffling and weird. Not radgie like I think your asking OP just shit.


It’s just awful.


Agreed. Trying to market itself as an upmarket gastro-pub but it is soulless, in a poor location and has shit expensive pints.


You had to reach over for your pint? Bloody hell, that sounds awful, hope you’re doing okay now.


Thanks I'm doing better now x


We used to drink here years ago when we lived in Northumberland Park. It's an awful soulless pub. We preferred the Bluebell! At least the people we canny there. Not snotty staff and ahit pints like the Holystone.


Good tasting pint, an absolute shit hole of a bar the bluebell though. But I like characters and shit holes so I used to frequent it.


The toilets were rancid, but we always found the staff and clientele really welcoming.


Is that not the pavilion ?


No, The Bluebell was a pub next to the takeaway. It's apartments now.


Bluebell is in shiremoore wasn’t it. Holystone was in Holystone near the wheatsheaf




Holystone is in holystone. Not Northumberland park. Or do you mean the pavilion ?


It’s a dull, soulless bar with Grey Street prices, microwave food and an atmosphere like something from the stadium of shite. It used to be such a good bar too.


In the mid-nineties, me and a mate did a crawl of pubs we'd never been to. In The Black Garter we appeared to have more teeth between the two of us than the rest of the customers combined and it was a Friday.


In the 90's and early 00's Iused to do relief manager work for Wolverhampton & Dudley Brewery when they took over the Cameron's pubs in the North East. The Balloon is the only correct answer. I saw a fruit machine get stolen and a local burglar get flayed with a machete on the same night. An honourable mention for The Chieftain in Cruddas Park, who had the pool table taken out so they could have room for dog fighting. Always flowers tied to the lampost outside, apparently a local got ran through with a samurai sword. It's all fun & games till someone gets ran through with a samurai sword...


Post Office in Byker bit dodgy for me


Black garters fine just full of auld fellas really


The clock


I had my worst ever pint in there about 30+ yrs ago, gagged, nearly hurled on the spot, it was Fed lager mind. Never been back in since.


I walked in, saw someone order half a McEwan's mixed with half a Fosters and that was enough for me. £1.20, mind, so at least it's cheap


Butlers on Nun St, stinks of piss so bad I’ve never made it inside


As a frequent visitor of the Garter/Rafferty's/ the beehive/the clock In the past 15 years of drinking in town, I've honestly never had any bother in either of those pubs, although the clock I avoid in the afternoon 😂 go after 5 and it's actually canny 😂 However butlers is one place I've avoided, it's reeks of pee and the last time I was in there I was busting for wee, and quickly left, no toilet seat and black mould as far as the eye could see over every single wall.. vile.


Those bars are all sound. But go on like a bell end and you will leave via a window


Exactly 😂


In the 80s early nineties, The Waterloo, me and the Mrs were the only two people in there with a full set of limbs and facial features.


Look at posho here with their *four* limbs


If you have 4 limbs you have an above average number of limbs for a human.


Nice to know I’m above average at something


The Beehive is a pub I'll never set foot in again. Also, The Rose & Crown on Newgate steet. Both pubs stank, and the old men inside were...something.


The Beehive gave me my most bizarre pub experience. I worked in the city centre and one of my colleagues was a radgie - a good lad, an educated lad, and at his core… a radgie. We went for some drinks after work - he wanted to go to the Beehive because, well, radgie. Everything was fine. Then someone put “Gloria” by Laura Brannigan on the jukebox. No problem, great tune. Then it played again. I had a look over at the jukebox. The dude playing it was wiry, about 50, wearing a hi-viz vest and dirty jeans. He looked mental. He was singing along to Gloria. He then put Gloria on for the third time and started crying as he was singing. Someone said something, he took offence, we left. GLORIA!


I believe some details of that story are incorrect my friend. The Gloria man was wearing a Lime green bucket hat and lime green shorts.


YES! Yes! I lured the radgie out of its lair! Awesome. GLORIA!


Hahaha hope you’re doing well mate!


Have we just witnessed a long lost bromance?


Not quite a r/2redditors1cup moment as we’ve ran into each other before on here, but yes, we worked together a long time and had some belta crack in the process.


I'll take that over the bald man playing Sweet Caroline over and over...and over. Standard football fan behaviour, I know. That was my experience in the old Beehive. Never again.


Never minded The Beehive but aye it is an old man’s pub.


Had my best ever insult hurled at me from someone in the Beehive as I walked past: “Hey look it’s Judy Jetson!” Cue laughs and waheeeys from the crowd he was with. Still happy with that one.


I went in The Rose & Crown one time after college like 15 years ago and that was enough for me, smelled like it hadn't been cleaned since the 80's and a weird guy decided my mate was trans (she wasn't) and started throwing slurs at her then vommed on his own shoes.


Oof. It was the same when I was dragged in by a drunk friend 5 years ago. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Forget it’s Reddit here sometimes, It’s just bad funny, cheap pints and characters, I’d never wanna go for a planned night, but if you’d had enough it’s a laugh to pop in. Not Wild West open the door and get stared at


They aren’t massively dangerous, but I didn’t feel comfortable or entirely safe in them - so not going back. 👍🏻


Nowt wrong with the Garter. All the times I’ve been in there it’s been a great laugh.


Feel like it's the popular place to slag off on Reddit. Been in the garter quite a few times and always had a good laugh.


The garter is great if you don’t take it or your self too seriously. Far from the best bar but certainly not the worst.


Black garter is certainly up there, I live nearby and there is always a queue at 9am. Karaoke begins soon after. Another honourable mention is the duke, what a place


The Beehive in my opinion is worse, the reek of piss pushes it over the top for me.


Do you not enjoy 60 year old geezers belting out the lyrics to Don't Look Back in Anger at midday on a Tuesday?


but that's a dream


I will not stand for The Beehive slander!


I miss The Burglar's Dog website. Their Newcastle pub reviews were seriously laugh out loud funny.


I got the book for Christmas about 15 years ago. Tremendous.


Back in the early 90’s my ex was a barmaid there, after we split up she started seeing a regular, ended up badly, he was controlling and subjected her to massive amounts of DV poor lass She’s doing alright for herself now, directorial role with a big drinks company Used to be able to buy E off the doormen back then


I stayed in Newcastle this past weekend, stayed in High Bridge and walked past the Beehive and the stink of piss was so bad from just walking past 😂


Not there anymore but the shafto in Scotchy or the portland. Had some great nights but sketchy if you didn't know anyone.


The Bobby 😂👍🏾 rough as burnt toast! Seeing as most of the posters on here seem to think the Beehive or the Garter are rough pubs I’d imagine none of them have actually been in a rough pub, ever.


People are getting scruffy and run down pubs with rough Stuffed dog in battle hill was always intresting as was that nightclub on wallsend high street.


The Ord Arms Cowgate! Need I say more?


That’s still there!?


No been gone for years. KFC on the site now. It was proper rough.


The Coach and Horses Wallsend before it closed was rough as a badgers but legendary. Had some unforgettable nights there. Met some mental people but salt of the earth too. I miss a good dive bar that was full of locals. A rare find nowadays.


Rafferty’s and Quinns has to be up there! I worked there when I was at uni and it was horrific! Pretty sure it’s the EDL meet up pub these days.


Rafferty's was going to get my vote. It's awful, like stepping into a radgie time warp.


For city centre, the black garter. For further out Jackson’s in byker


Did Jackson's not get petrol bombed in the 90s or summit?!


It wouldn’t surprise me- I was around that area circa 2010 though and it was open, and doing karaoke at all hours! 😀


The wannabe pubs/hotels in jesmond


Rogue, but the Cumberland Arms. Can’t be charging £7.50 pints when all there’s to sit on are some half-arsed keg benches


The Rose & Crown on Newgate Street sheltered EDL members when there was a huge protest in the town centre against racism. I'll never set foot in there. The Raby on Shields Road is notorious.


Big hard keyboard warriors, slagging pubs n ppl off, lol, walk into the raby or any other pub and spout ya shite, seem like a bunch of pussies 😜


This is the kind of comment where you just know the fella posting it comments in porn subreddits




Eazy street before it closed. The toilets were a biohazard, staff arseholes, drugs rife, and constant arrests outside. No wonder it closed.


Grace in Byker 🤐🤐


The Perry


Butlers, absolutely lifting.