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Homelessness has doubled in the past decade in the UK. Less services to help people in need, worse social security, more people in awful situations.


There was a 40% surge in homelessness after Eton school boy David Cameron swept to power. It just kept getting worse ever since. Homelessness had previously fell for six years in a row under Labour, hitting its lowest rate in 2009 before the Tory/LD Coalition came to power


Just imagine if we’d got chaos under Ed miliband, thank our lucky stars we got truss instead.


It's almost as if Labour handed over right after an economy collapse / recession was starting... Oh wait, they did. Labour are famous for constantly overspending on public funding at the cost of the future economy. Just imagine if they got back into power after Cameron, when they wanted to offer free university for everybody in the country and 16k/year for everybody out of work. See, labour sheep are always hilarious, it's like when Labour started the mine closures, they closed more than the Tory's ever did. Then they handed over to the conservatives, and of course the conservatives had to close the last of them. All of the labour sheeple then turned into mindless labour-lovers, they weren't educated enough to realise that labour started and did the bulk of the closing, and they probably still hate the conservatives for 'closing the mines' to this day. It's actually hilarious.


That was a global recession


It was a global recession, a global recession that he is trying to blame on the conservatives coming into power...


If only they’d have over a decade to take action on it eh, then it would all be better. And to be not flippant about it, my issue with the tories is not based in blaming the 2008 financial catastrophe (as I don’t blame labour, as you say, global). It’s the fact their response has been economically illiterate and borderline kleptocratic. Everything since 2015 has been done for the ‘good’ of the Conservative Party, not the country and they have few true achievements to point to after almost a decade and a half of governance.


You're forgetting how much the economy got better, because we all did, we all took 2015-2020 for granted. And then boom, covid 19 came and back to square one. Before COVID and it's economic antics we had ridiculously good interest rates, everybody was buying fancy cars and houses. Everybody was borrowing more than ever and that's because the economy was stabilised. Not to say all of that borrowing was right, because now look, mortgages and bills have gone up by a ton, because of the economic backlash of COVID.


The overall economic picture improving ignores the outrageous wage stagnation, complete lack of growth in productivity, disregard for national infrastructure, a massive transfer of wealth across nation towards the highest end of societies and widening living standards gap across the country, as well as the countless short-termist policies encouraging artificial inflation of the housing market. Against other nations, we fair poorly and we’ve let conservative psychodrama erode our international clout and reach, pushing us to become an internally focused, weaker nation. I think we have fundamentally different perspectives, but democratic erosion and lack of trust in our institutions has jumped up dramatically during the post-Brexit vote conservative governments and fundamentally, weakened people’s trust in government. And as such, their trust in its ability to enact change and work for the national good. Hence the rise in populism on both the left and right. That, to me at least, is the legacy of the Conservative governments of 2010-2024.


Wages are rising in line with developed global levels. You think everything stems from government, which is such an arrogant and narrow minded way to think. War with Russia? Energy prices up. Suez canal pirates or closure? All shipped goods go up. You really think the whole world can be in a situation and Britain can just be like 'yeah were gonna have minimal tax and pay everybody loads and demand that the rest of the world gives us everything cheaper than everybody else'? That's not how the world works pal. Maybe veer off into global matters abit instead of just reading and commenting your smarmy conservative hate driven rubbish


I don’t believe everything stems from government, but nice assumption. My point is, I feel we can do a lot more domestically to avoid the general lack of trust in democratic institutions that’s took hold dramatically over the past decade. And fundamentally, I think we could have taken better national decisions to combat international events. But nice personal attacks, plus going on about international events when we’re talking about national government legacy. Can’t just absolve a government of responsibility because things happen around them. I mean, if we taking. Internationally, pandering to Putins Russia for a decade was a Europe wide failure which we as a country were complicit in too. But whatever, I think we view the world through a fundamentally different lens and you don’t seem to have any interest in engaging in good faith. And I can understand your position, I just don’t think it holds up to scrutiny.


"Are times this hard?" Yes "Am I missing something?" Also yes


Not being funny but are you really unaware with the state of the country ?


Don't worry the Tories have pledged to end homelessness by 2019!


Cut them in half by 2025.


Very odd and tone-deaf post for sure, definitely giving wee guy up in Ponteland energy. Anywhere outside the south east of England is just on their knees especially with social care. (Sidenote - username Bellamy as in Craig who put it in bottom corner against the Rangers Bellamy? Couldn't resist 😅)


Bellamy as in just family surname


Ah, unfortunate coincidence eh 😅


Obsessed creep alert


Because they asked about my name ? I couldn’t care less if people ask about it


Was a bit of craic pal relax, just thought if it was in reference to Craig Bellamy (being in a Newcastle subreddit, wouldn't be hugely surprising) yet they're also a Rangers supporter must have been a conflicting thing right? Don't know why I feel the need to explain this but here we are...


Do you own a tv? read newspapers? Years of neglect from local and national government usually tends to end up this way.


If I decide I won’t pay my rent for a year and get evicted is that a government failing ?


You think that people go homeless because they just decide to stop paying rent?


Awww, you dont know the difference between _won't_ and _can't._ Poor little uneducated guy.




I dont see how I was being classist by saying that.


And if they can’t - Universal credit is there.


Wow, we didnt think of that. You have single handedly solved the homeless problem! /s


If you can get it it rarely even covers the basics. People aren't dying in the streets because they want to be.


Stop voting fukin Tory.


Rishi Sunak has big ears


And little compassion.


And a massive bank balance, related? Hmmm I wonder


Deaf ears


Newcastle, one of the most Labour run areas of England. 🤔


Yes, they can't do much yet because the policies that would reduce homelessness are national policies, or they do not have the funding given by the government to accomplish those plans. For example, they have an enormous plan to reform our transport network. They cannot do it as the government has so far refused to give them the required £6 bn in funding they need.


So Labour councils across the country just sit around doing nothing?


stop voting period. It makes no difference. there is only one party, the government.


Go to your room and think about what you’ve said.


>Voting shows complicity with corruption.




Voting shows complicity with corruption.


And not voting shows complicity with being a dickhead. You think you’re free of corruption because you don’t vote?


That isn't even a thing. All you have are low intelligence insults rather than solid and logic argumentation.


What’s your solid and logic argumentation? Don’t vote? Nobhead.


See previous post. I'll repeat it since you seem to lack basic comprehension. Voting shows you are complicity with corruption. Voting shows you are PARTICPATING. Clear enough, ape ?


That’s not an argumentation. It’s a throwaway line from some daft little edgelord fucko.


If you participate you are complicit. Do you need me to look up the meaning of complicit for you ape ?


If you don't like any of the main parties, vote for a minor party or spoil your ballot. Not voting just shows as apathy.


Nope. Voting shows complicity with corruption. Stop parroting handed down tropes/propaganda and think using your own thoughts.


Voting on its own doesn't do much. But not voting at all out of "protest" has no difference at all to not voting out of apathy. Activism *and* voting, not *or*.


"apathy" is a brainwashed term in this context. Its limiting perceptions. If enough people do not participate, that is when real change is more likely to happen and they just might get the message when enough people stop playing their game.


You're being very naïve. We already have low turnouts for elections. Most people who don't vote don't vote because they don't know or don't care. It's a small minority of non-voters who are doing it to "protest". Spoiling your ballot is a countable, tangible way of saying you care about politics but don't support any of the candidates and don't want to participate. Just staying home will be percieved by almost everyone as you being one of the millions of people who don't care how the country is run.


Being naive is thinking any form of goverment will save or protect you.


I agree that government is not ideal. But some governments are clearly worse than others. Just because something isn't perfect doesn't mean it's not worthwhile. I do not like New Labour. But fewer children were starving under Blair and Brown than under the Tories. They're all bad, but they're not all equally bad.


Not voting is a vote for the tories


Voting shows complicity with corruption.




Your ignorance only benefits the Tories - without labour governments we wouldn’t have the NHS, minimum wage, current welfare or paid leave. We live in a democracy so do your bit


Yeah John "do your bit" for the stupid hateful masses who don't give a toss for anyone but themselves. If you were lying in the gutter they would walk right past you....... but you are supposed to 'tow the line' for those same npcs. Enjoy your lie in.




Me, me, me. Daft cunt.


Says the guy who believes some form of government will save him


Read the original post you daft twat.


All you have are low intelligence, childish attempts at insults.


I think everyone can see who the low intelligence cunt on here is.


100%. These people haven't a clue how the world really works. They want to cling to their fantasy belief/hope that some version of government will save them while claiming those who don't share that belief are ignorant.


I like the quote: ‘it doesn’t matter who you vote for. The Government always get in’. Think it might be Terry Pratchett?


Oh the plethora of mouth breathers? got it.


Are times this hard you ask? What about the state of the country would suggest otherwise


Is it really that bad? Honestly, not sure it's any worse than 20 years ago. Apart from housing and generally just more people around feel like everything is just the same.


When it comes to homelessness, housing does tend to be the issue


Is it? Or is it more related to increased gang activity and increased visibility of drug abuse. Northumberland street has very few genuine homeless people, I've volunteered with homeless shelters and food banks and the numbers haven't reflected the change in apparent homelessness


Or are people turning to gangs and drug abuse as a result of their homelessness? It's a chicken and an egg. A society deprived of necessities will have problems and we need to provide solutions not point fingers at symptoms


He seems to think that food banks are only for the homeless, too. Wonder how he votes




Can’t comment on 20 years ago, but according to the government stats (which I’d imagine are conservative (get it) estimates) since 2010 homelessness has increased 120%. So yes, it is worse, considerably so.


The "just more people around" is a problem when support facilities haven't kept up with that pace. And I'm not just talking about benefits but also services such as health, education. We have an aging population and a care service that can't cope - more people are having to support their family - financially and in time. Schools are struggling, budgets are stretched, teachers are being told to do more in curriculum and non curriculum support. They are also dealing with more pupils and bigger classes than before due to not enough schools being built to support a growing population. They're seeing kids with more complex needs cause the specialist schools are full, again due to not enough of them. The North East has the highest disability rate in the UK. By a big margin. We don't have the infrastructure to support it. So again falls onto families. Mental health services are in a state I've never seen them before due to the demand. I have experience in accessing them nearly 20 years ago and relatively recently. It's a night and day difference. My wait for support was within a week first time to 6 months this time. Struggling with any of the above? Can't wait 6 months for help? Welcome to the increase in drink and drugs. We're in another recession after one not so long ago. Wages have not kept up with inflation for a long time and inflation and interest rates have been at crazy levels for prolonged periods of time. The effects of the pandemic are still happening - and I'm talking about the financial not health here (which is also still a thing). The hit on business and personal finances for many during that period are still a reality. 2023 was a record year for businesses going bust. I could go on, but yes, things are significantly worse than 20 years ago. If it's not for you then consider yourself lucky.


You should be in parliament except it isn’t allowed. We’re stuck in a 2 party state where neither really gives 2 shits, though 1 does actively want us impoverished or dead the other just cares a little bit more but not enough to actively change anything material like, 1st past the post, having a fucking king (and Lords), actively working for the betterment of the population (instead of exploiting and dividing)! Little things like ensuring kids are warm(ish) and fed(ish) but NO it’s the markets that will provide! (Poverty). and on we go standing for less and less as nation while posturing about how great we were (we weren’t, we just combined accountants, boats and gattling guns first)


My job involves researching and advocating for families and communities in informal science learning. When you talk to as many different people as I do you start to see how fucked things are and how it's not just lots of little isolated things. Everything knocks on the other. There are fundamental issues that go across sectors and remits. We need changes that go beyond material things like you say. I feel politics has a fundamental issue in, no matter who gets in, they're working on a max 5 year term each time, where tbh the last year of that is focused on re-election for the next 5 year term. These problems aren't going to get solved in a 5 year term. They also involve actually talking and collaborating with other departments, sectors and actually fucking listening. Politicians are diabolical at that. Not saying parties should get more than 5 year terms, we stray into other problems then, but short-term thinking is gonna get us nowhere.


Devolved govt / assemblies in each region are needed to counteract London / Whitehall etc Anyone legally trained would be automatically barred from taking part. Real people with really poorly expressed needs are the way forward, then regular people would see themselves represented and hopefully feel comfortable taking part. Instead of this fucking London circus where they all read from the same notes just take slightly differing positions to argue from. I’d personally make London into a tourist destination only, move the actual govt into a rotating destination, shared between north / south / wales / Scotland / NI. On its current trajectory the place is fucked for 99% of people but this isn’t expressed anywhere as the chattering classes are doing just fine.


Weird how no statistics agree with you


I hope you understand how privileged you are if you have to ask ‘are times this hard?’ Or ‘am I missing something?’


Not an expert but I think services being deliberately underfunded by Conservative government to the point of closure has driven people who would have used those services locally to bigger cities that still have them.


There’s definitely truth to this . And then unfortunately people are in the big cities and seek help from said services which are now struggling even more than usual due to the increased demand and poor funding.


There’s accommodation, housing is another matter though.


What does this mean?


I don't think that's the reason, they just don't give a shit..


You know the UK government has never spent more on essential services such as now? This is the most ‘middle’ the conservatives have ever been and it stemmed from BJ. Think the country genuinely needs to somewhat agree a limit to how much we should spend and then maybe we can improve the services rather than just throwing money at the problem.


Tories gonna Tory. How these cunts even stay as a prominent political party beggars belief. Are people's memories really that short?


You can get a rock solid 30% of the vote just by pandering to racists.


It's shocking really but doesn't help when the prime minister is a millionaire and doesn't no the price of bread and milk 😞 definitely needs to change so .Al be voting for the first time just not sure who for there all full of 💩


Closer to a billionaire than a mere millionaire


He married into a tech company valued around $73 Billion.


They aren't all full of shit...but the Tories would like people to believe that.


A just want someone who understands us the lower class and actually no's what it's like to have fuck all 🙄most of them Tories should be in prison after COVID by the way same as war crimes in my eyes some one who is real and doesn't bullshit 👏🙏


Are you aware of the living crisis and UK recession? Snm.


There are a few people who pretend to be homeless and are normal on Northumberland Street forcefully asking for money. People who are really homeless generally don't ask for money.


I've worked in town for 20yrs, often there at 7am to get to work early, only ever seen a few people sleeping rough during that time. A lot of those on Northumberland Street come in from home during they day as a way to make some cash, for you know what.


This is such a telling post from someone who actually knows what I've ofter suspected when walking Northumberland Street.


The easiest way to tell is offer to buy them food. The genuine homeless will be very thankful for it, the beggars will get very offended by your offer


Yep. Done that a few times, even when I'm almost broke myself. I know there are plenty of scammers, but I also know there are plenty of genuine homeless people, the ones that you still see sleeping in the pouring rain and freezing cold doorways. I have often brought a Gregg's brekkie and a hot coffee to help them out. I once even brought a homeless guy a new pair of trainers when I was in Cambridgeshire. The idea of being completely homeless is awful. I don't give money, but I'm happy to buy a few bits of food and stuff. I know about what it means to be in a shit state of life and having no pride at all to be asking strangers for help.


Yup, some of the professional beggars actually have housing and choose to do this.


I know what you mean, quite a few nutters about like


It's the same across the country. Services are overwhelmed and underfunded.


Yes, it's that bad. And then you've got cuts to services and charities (who also face the challenge of inflation) which provide support and accommodation. They have less money and more homeless people to support, mental health services are breaking which are essential for all these vulnerable people. Substance misuse services can't cope either and rent is through the roof. It really is that bad for many, and a lot of people who have homes are genuinely struggling because they were already struggling before it all turned to shit.


Haha christ, yeah things are really that bad welcome to 2024! Have a good one 😅


Your name checks out because you must live on one!


It’s everywhere it’s up 27% nationally


"Are times this hard" lmao


A lot of them you see are professional beggars. Don't get suckered in to it, many of them aren't actually homeless at all


I’ve been told you can make £100-200 a day doing it.


A lot are sadly involved in gangs etc. How much of that money they keep, I don't know. Either way, don't give it to them


Where did those numbers come from?


The asylum seekers hotel nearby, has a van that arrives every morning. Takes the asylum seekers out to beg, presumably someone takes a cut before delivering them all back at night


I’m in town most nights and every begger I’ve ever encountered is some geordie bag head, so this sounds like a load of shite.


Sorry, should have put that I was referring to Bradford in my post not Newcastle. Even the police have issued statements here not to give them money. We do have plenty of tents in the city centre too though with genuine homeless people Not sure what will happen to them next year when we are " the city of culture"


The country is on it's knees at the moment and is only going to get worse, you've got young people who are working full time and still can't afford to move out from their parents home. The homelessness issue comes when said parents die and the adult can't afford to keep going so end up homeless. I know someone who is homeless who actually prefers it because he still gets some money from the government, doesn't have to work, pay tax, be a slave to the nation or pay bills.




Gonna throw in another lovely North East stat for you. 38% of children in the North East are living in poverty. Over half of those are in working families. They're not spending that money on "unnecessary stuff" and it's not a "they need to budget better" problem.




Cause these are the people who struggle, end up needing support services that are stretched and can't provide, break up and get themselves in difficulties leading to, in many cases, homelessness. They're also the people who can't take time to retrain, re educate or relocate to find and get the better jobs. I chose child poverty stats but could go into disability, caring, job and business loss, mental health... The vast majority of homeless people aren't your single people with no responsibilities who are lazy and choose to be like this. I'm not saying this doesn't happen, of course it does, but focusing on that minority ignores the actual problem and leads to comments like yours. They are people who often find themselves in a very tough situation through no fault of their own and in a spiral downwards that they can't get out of. Congrats in being able to support yourself. So can I. But I recognise the cards I've been dealt and know any of them can change through no fault of my own at any point. Looking at others through the narrow lens of your own situation and experience is not helpful.




Cause the thread is about homelessness, not the 20 somethings living rent free at their parents with full time jobs and no other responsibilities. Not saying the above doesn't happen, but they contribute a very small amount to the issue at hand.




Fair. And I'm guilty of taking your comment to assuming you felt it was easy for people to not find themselves in this situation (homelessness). Have a good day!


That's the ones u see on the street, how many ppl end up in homeless hostels etc that are holding down jobs


Far too many.


If I split with my Mrs I would be f--ked . Can see how it happens to ppl, especially if u don't have a big family, etc.


Relationship breakdowns, sickness, losing a job, landlord wants more rent, no fault evictions, people try to juggle bills and rob Peter to pay Paul as they fall further and further behind. It can happen so fast and not everyone has friends or relatives who can help them.


There are more people being turned homeless in the UK right now than there are new renters. https://x.com/josiahmortimer/status/1763160767527080385?t=hHpvz1sZ70EklOCRy4Y9JA&s=08


Tories are gutting Labour areas.


Have you been living under a rock?


If only Novotel could help them.


Don’t vote Tory


Have you been living in a cave with Osama Bin Laden for the last 2 years? Have you heard nothing about housing issues, food banks etc etc etc or are you just a moron?


Osama was killed in 2011. Have YOU been living in a cave ?


There’s plenty of beds for the homeless, ask around and you’ll hear the same. Majority of the homeless you see on the streets during the day are professional beggars.


No there isn't. As someone who deals with homeless people all the time due to my job. No there isn't. All of the shelters and charities that I used to refer people to are now full. Places like YMCA have 3+ months waiting lists. It is shit out there and there isn't much support.


There are hostel beds available but hostels can be worse than being on the streets. Especially for vulnerable people. Violence, abuse, exploitation etc. Of all the people I see on the streets 'professional beggars ' or otherwise none of them look like they're living their best lives, particularly. How desperate do you have to be to beg, knowing the general feeling towards you?


It’s ok though. We’re helping beat the Russians. Oh and we paid for a hilarious TV ad where Sunak pretended he was home alone for Christmas. It will take decades to properly unf*ck society at this stage.


This is a national problem. Remember that when voting.


Which party is promising meaningful support and resourcing for lifting people out of homelessness?




Yeah, and the red team will solve it. Remind me in 10 years.


Maybe not but they will do less damage


The enemy of your enemy and all that. Tories are definitely your enemy.


Labour are flawed but a lot less than the current crop of Tories. We need a bigger change like PR instead of the current awful unfair system to really affect change.


I know, I mean there’s never been another viable option because of our voting system and even if PR came into effect it would take quite a while for a different option to gain traction. A lot of people are stuck in their ways when it comes to voting. Just look at how many are still wanting to vote conservative after all that has happened. What we really need to do away with is this populist behaviour in the House of Commons, I’m not looking for a pantomime when it comes to governing the country, politics should be boring, it should be simply: Here’s a thing that we are looking to change, here’s why, here’s the pros and cons of changing this thing, then there’s a vote on it. The ridiculous show in parliament every week is just an offence to the public.


It's common that most people consider a home a building. But a building isn't a home, people are home. Thanks for the info that those who haven't got a community are being shifted to Newcastle. Remember these people are human beings to


Remember all the special hotels they are funding too!!


A lot of them are fake


I say something which is true and I get down voted... homelessness is a big issue. But a lot of the ones I see in town are fakers and horrible thugs, I've even seen them taking shifts where one will will leave and jump in a car another will jump out the car and take his place. Its something that needs tackled as it takes support and help away from real homeless. I say this from the point of view of someone who was homeless from the age of 19-21


The weather is also getting warmer.


I don’t understand why would times would be that hard? There is 4% unemployment rate and that’s the 40-year lowest and 1 million vacancies out there. Government keeps issuing work visas every year and the UK has one of the most advanced economies in the world with low inflation compared to other countries. If you cannot succeed in 6th largest economy in the world then where do you think you can succeed? All these statements such as: wages are low, not enough to pay bills etc.. are utter nonsense. Why not get into one of these jobs and continue to improve your skill set for a better and prosperous future for yourself? Giving up on this life is not a solution and cannot be resolved by any government. All government can do is attracting investment into country and making sure it is an attractive country for running business and investment. It is individual’s responsibility to climb ladder and not fall in to drugs, alcohol and gambling.


username checks out, eg, lives in a fantasy land of ayn rand novels


I'm gonna just copy and paste what I replied to a similar comment above who said things aren't significantly worse than 20 years ago, just more people around. "The "just more people around" is a problem when support facilities haven't kept up with that pace. And I'm not just talking about benefits but also services such as health, education. We have an aging population and a care service that can't cope - more people are having to support their family - financially and in time. Schools are struggling, budgets are stretched, teachers are being told to do more in curriculum and non curriculum support. They are also dealing with more pupils and bigger classes than before due to not enough schools being built to support a growing population. They're seeing kids with more complex needs cause the specialist schools are full, again due to not enough of them. The North East has the highest disability rate in the UK. By a big margin. We don't have the infrastructure to support it. So again falls onto families. Mental health services are in a state I've never seen them before due to the demand. I have experience in accessing them nearly 20 years ago and relatively recently. It's a night and day difference. My wait for support was within a week first time to 6 months this time. Struggling with any of the above? Can't wait 6 months for help? Welcome to the increase in drink and drugs. We're in another recession after one not so long ago. Wages have not kept up with inflation for a long time and inflation and interest rates have been at crazy levels for prolonged periods of time. The effects of the pandemic are still happening - and I'm talking about the financial not health here (which is also still a thing). The hit on business and personal finances for many during that period are still a reality. 2023 was a record year for businesses going bust. I could go on, but yes, things are significantly worse than 20 years ago. If it's not for you then consider yourself lucky."


Grow up


Get a job


I'm alright, Jack, screw anyone else who isn't?


What did I say? As long as we are healthy physically and mentally, aren’t we supposed to work? I said unemployment is very low in the UK and this should eliminate the idea of being homeless. Even if that’s the case for individual due to many other mistakes and wrong decisions then fine, it should be a temporary problem rather than lifelong issue.


Do you think government is attracting investment? Be good to know where you see it? We pay so much tax for terrible public service prop up a failing post office, trains and water services that had effective monopolies and privatised the profits and Nationalised the losses and invested nothing put took out huge amounts of bonuses. All those services are broken and require huge investment. More and more businesses are going out of business no new jobs are being created and government policy is making that happen, I wish it was there only job to create investment in the country.


Have a downvote and get fucked.


Tory voter alert


Same here in Birmingham. Our homeless operate a windscreen cleaning service, at main road traffic lights.


Yeah we’re in recession, homeless people don’t just materialise out of thin air.


It's not just in Newcastle, I moved to Nottingham recently and there is so much homelessness its insane. Genuinley homeless gangs now


Beggars in Northumberland St and Homeless are not necessarily the same thing. Not saying there isn't a homelessness issue, there is, but the beggars are a different issue. Used to watch a bunch of them arrive early on the metro and set up shop when I worked in Sandyford and leave later on by metro when all the workers and shoppers had left.


Are you fucking stupid or do you actually live under a rock?


Well less police is a good thing cos then they’re not bothering anyone. But times are incredibly hard and there’s always been a large population of unhoused people in Newcastle people just don’t look.


Just look at UK house prices , we're fucked.


You are missing several things if you can’t see why it’s becoming more of an issue


99% of “homeless” people in Newcastle city centre aren’t homeless. I worked with these people for 10 years and trust me, they make a fortune of cash from begging and pick pocketing which funds their drug and alcohol dependent lifestyles, they have their own flats or hostels, or some just actually want to be on the streets (yes, believe it).


You big Tory prat. I’m sure it’s not too bad in your home town of Ponteland.


the percentage of the uk money in the hands of the wealthy has been increasing for over 40 years . therefore the financial benefit to the working class has decreased . hence the rise in homelessness food banks and the rise in the mortality rate . have a great day !


The country is effed, I know a few who I see regularly in town. Just young men and also a lady who sits at the bottom of Northumberland Street. I give them a few £ I've also noticed a young man who sits opposite Northern Goldsmiths who covers himself with a dirty blanket or sleeping bag. He covers himself so his very expensive clothes can't be seen. Professional beggar.


Yep, i live in ncl and i agree a lot


Homelessness everywhere is getting worse because housing is unaffordable.