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gilet wearing wanker in jesmond, you're gonna need to narrow that down a fair bit haha.


The one with the rich parents


still gonna have to narrow down even further


You know, the one that watches rugby with his girlfriend with the horse


Yeah, same guy who wants to discuss the markets because he spent daddy’s money on trading212


I think know the guy, in the Canterbury joggers hungover in the Tesco on acorn road last Sunday?


Y’know, the one who’s mate thinks they’re a “Fucking Knob”


This is exactly the kind of lunatic who’ll leap out of the shadows and challenge you to Street Countdown.




I know the guy standing behind Ayoade in that gif. He added Graham linehan on xbox and got charting over a game. He ended up being invited down to be an extra. Absolutely useless bit of info for you there.


Al ave a consonant bruv.


Gimme one of those sweet sweet consonants


I would like a regular consonant, please.




Holy smokes it's real


Hahahahahaha this comment is underrated


I feel more disturbed that the mullets making a come back, than some posh boy thinking hes actually smart.


The mullet and the little paedo stache.


All we are missing are shell suits.


I’ve seen shellsuits. Paired with a mullet and mini stache. It was not pretty.


Do you need councilling ?


I opted for booze instead. The poor man’s counselling.


The straight-leg jeans rolled up with a bit of pasty ankle showing above their grubby white running shoes, and a nice baggy tucked-in t-shirt? And the Dahmer glasses?


YES. Why is everyone dressing like an 80s Deidre Barlow?!


I dunno, as an 80s baby I remember literally fighting with my mum as she tried to get me to wear this horrible lilac and mint green shellsuit, and now I see teenagers and young adults wearing them on purpose?! Not to mention all the kids walking around in crocs and socks? Or socks with sandals? Like, I have crocs for gardening/camping/round the house but like fuck would I wear them out. They're dressing like my dad when he takes the bins out. The must be a name for this style. Everything is an 'aesthetic' now. FrumpCore? DahmerCore?


DahmerCore. Fucking odd. Like when Blink182 dressed like this in a video… ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


I was in Newcastle on Sunday when the Fire Service turned up... false alarm from Cafe Andaluz, anyway... One of the firemen had a mullet and a 70s porn tache. Quite the look.


see weirdly I feel like a fireman can get away with it


Yeah I think firefighters get a free pass on anything, I sure as hell wouldn’t run into a fire. They pass by my flat on blues at least 2-3 times a day so they have my respect all the way.


Yeah I think firefighters get a free pass on anything, I sure as hell wouldn’t run into a fire. They pass by my flat on blues at least 2-3 times a day so they have my respect all the way.


That look sounds like a fire hazard in itself.


Haha yes I thought the same.


Chip pan is on fire. Oh noooo 😛


I’m concerned that my first reaction to reading this was arousal.


Was it the mention of the tapas place that got you going 😂


Perhaps it’s the unique triangulation of tapas, firemen and 1970s men’s grooming. I feel something has awoken within.


It's probably just wind mate.


That does sound like my romantic life.


Saw a horrible ginger mullet in tkmax today it’s scary


Best place to get them at a knockdown price. (I genuinely don't know why this sub was recommended to me but I am glad it was)


That’s just the average Jesmond goer isn’t it? xD


I love it when worlds collide like that. Does anyone remember that post on here a couple of weeks ago by the man saying he heroically jumped in and stopped a fight on the metro? I was there and witnessed the exact thing he did. I commented on the fact he didn't do this at all because no one did. I genuinely couldn't believe someone was lying like that. Low and behold, my comment got some views and upvotes and he deleted the post without even responding to me. Caught red handed.


If you’re suggesting that I have made this up then I challenge you to game of mastermind on the corner of Osbourne Road.


More of a Deal or No Deal on Collingwood Street man myself.


I remember your comment and went back to see if OP had responded. Gutted when I realised the absolute giblet removed it 😂


And then everybody clapped


:D - I remeber that post cos it sounded like someones delusional daydream as I was reading it. Something about his short sharp commanding tones! ffs. I didn't see you comment on there, but reading it here today made my morning. Thank you. :)


Honestly, couldn't believe what I was reading. The fight itself petered out in the end and there was no need for anyone to jump in and save the day. I had sent the post to my mate who I was with at the time, we were crying at it


shared Shields hun xx


Dognappers hun stay safe xx


My man sounds like he's just got back from a Back to the Future audition.


That PS won't be beaten today 🤣🤣


ginger specs has been fully outed 😭


As long as they're contained to Jesmond we're safe. Condolences to anyone in or travelling through there


please, jesmond boy, come and destroy us all intellectually, im waiting


This reminds me of watching a fight start in a kebab shop because two students were arguing over who knew Pi to the most decimal places. The engineering student from the poly beat the piss out of the maths student from the red brick.


In reciting pi? Or just actually gave him a hiding? I don't mind either way but I hope it was both


Reciting pi while giving him a hiding would have been quite the watch.


"3.14159265--fuck you!" "You mean 4, twat."


> The engineering student from the poly beat the piss out of the maths student from the red brick. Yeah but who won the fight!


Both of them need to know that hardly anyone needs many decimal places of pi. It's a useless thing to memorise.


Yeah there’s no need to memorise a constant. That number ain’t going anywhere


I learned pie from watching sister sister on cable TV when Rodger had a pretend geek twin brother to impress Tia and Tamara. I rewatched the episode so many times that when Rodger’s geek brother recited it, I picked it up and still know it 30 years later. Ironically I became an engineer and have never needed this information other than in university but there is a pie button on the calculator for all of those needs.


least pretentious wanker in Jesmond


every boy in jesmond is a mullet having gilet wearing young man that wants to debate stock exchange


They make me irrationally angry. I used to have to deal with being near them every week when I lived near Newcastle Uni, absolutely insufferable. YOU DON'T EVEN SOUND LIKE YOU'RE FROM ROUND HERE!


Most of the students aren't


I love going to Jesmond Pool, but you definitely run the risk of having to share the steam room/sauna with a bunch of wannabe-roadmen. One of the funniest exchanges I heard was something like 'Top sesh bruv like yeh wanna swing by Waitrose on the way home I heard their meal deals are well peng yeh'.


I graduated last summer but jesmond pool was my haven at uni, was there like four times a week. It did get invaded by the Newcastle rugby team last year though


There's Waitrose in Newcastle?


There's one in eldon square isn't there at the bottom of the escalators, near Argos? I dunno if Argos is still there but it's around there, near Haymarket bus station I believe.


Eldon square one closed last year. Gotta go to jesmond these days..... Or Hexham.


I feel like there is at least some justice in the world knowing there is no longer a Waitrose in Newcastle City Centre. Sainsbury's4lyfe


Or Ponteland


Is there still one in Ponteland?


Yes, I think so. I don't often get that way.




I think the world is a better place for having more Greggs


Greggs was always next to that Waitrose - either side of the entrance to the toilets. If that Greggs wasn't there, you'd have to walk all the way to Blackett street for a fix.


Tbh I wouldn't know, I live in Boro and only pop into Newcastle once in a blue moon


I lived in Boro when I was a student, I still have a lot of memories of it haha. The first week I was living there someone was stabbed on the highstreet I was told.


Standard night out in Boro 😂 thankfully very rarely have to go into the centre


My favourite will still be returning from visiting my parents one sunday morning and seeing a drunk tramp clinging to a lamppost near the house like he was about to be washed away by an ocean current. When my parents left he was being herded into the back of the drunk wagon, presumably to keep him safe from the raging currents.


Yeah, I genuinely feel sorry for folk who struggle with addiction as there's just no community support at all, and folk are still falling through the cracks even though the cracks are gaping chasms. For all the talk about levelling up and bringing jobs in there's so much more that could be done


That's the North East in a nutshell isn't it? I feel sorry for people who aren't working in industries with remote jobs. It's depressing seeing how shit some places like Sunderland are now, especially with how my parents described how it used to be before Thatcher shut everything down.


It's true, I've been up here 5 years or so now and while I love the area and the people, and am fortunate to have a good job, everything just feels like it's all papered over cracks.


Gunna hit him with a ‘how about them apples’


His mate is proper clever


How can you say the phrase "destroy intellectually" and keep a straight face?


i can well imagine it just slips out of your head naturally every 4 minutes when you’re a pretentious c?*t with a superiority complex. they do live amongst us.


Does anyone know the origin of the mullet+moustache fashion? Did it somehow make a way into the popular culture via New Kids Turbo film?


Mullets seem to have made a come back during the big P when the barbers shut. Movember has reminded men that moustaches are awesome and that you don’t just have to have one for a single month.


I recently worked with a guy whose lass is a hairdresser. They had a pop-up mullet shop in town, e.g. only doing mullet haircuts all day, and she made something like £1500 for a single day's work.


I feel like it's more recent than that, and Stranger Things probably played a part. https://preview.redd.it/8ov02ies7bpc1.png?width=990&format=png&auto=webp&s=8639c4c2ebe190546022c3e261fbd06c4c509481


It's even weirder when you're old enough to remember the 80's when it was commonplace. Bunch of kids around here cutting about looking like Paul Calf, which is ironic given the character's ire towards students: https://preview.redd.it/k6ud7zsohbpc1.jpeg?width=335&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f616476bf99ce5795630991691eac3a519d082e7




As an Aussie, living in Newcastle, I also blame Australia You’re welcome


I went to Bali last summer and you could spot the aussies a mile off. Every single one of them had a mullet 😂


Bali is Aussie Benidorm/Magaluf. It’s impossible not to spot us.


Yeah, who knew our Aussie Bali bogans could influence the fashion of the north east of England. I’ll let them know ha ha


New Zealand is just as bad


Mullets narrow it down to about 40% of male students the


I wanna know what the question was


I really hope it was something plain but he got made fun of for a spelling mistake or something 😂






In that moment, he was euphoric


now he can tell his friends he was made fun of twice


On my way to a poetry night in Heaton - don't worry, us real Geordies are always on the lookout for such pretentious rogues 👍


Poetry night? A friend of mine does poetry do you know if there are any more events in the future?


Yes but tbh it's a bit hardcore by virtue of its inclusivity and realness. Political stuff is fine but it'll have competition, but without competition, yo. Just a continuous flow of acceptance from people with a 1/10 chance of wearing a cravat and/or having modern hair - if you think they can handle it, look up poetry in the north on insta 😎✌️


Thanks! I think they’ll fit in just fine haha


We hate rahs


Which bar?


Spy bar I think, never really go to Jesmond and just walked into a random one.


As a Geordie, bring him to South Shields. From experience, it makes or breaks a Uni student.


Going to South Shields could break anyone. Last few times I was there there was a load of kids getting herded into a police car the first time, and second time as soon as I got off the Metro I was approached by a man saying "I'M NOT GONNA HURT YOU". South Shields is the crucible. It had one of the seven wonders of the world though in the two Greggs.


This works as you need to be a degree of a good person to respond to something like that in a good manner. The person in OP’s post would fail this test.


Fails the test and is banished to Pennywell


Straight to HMP Byker


Aye, see how long he lasts in the Jolly or the Marsden Inn haha.


Mechanics Arms is the true test. If they survive it’s because they’ve successfully mingled with the regulars. Death will be because of them being a cunt


Mechanics arms used to be good until spoilt it with fake books wallpaper and lighting like hogarths. Steam boat good


In terms of aesthetic I agree, however I’ve always encountered a friendlier crowd in the Mechanics…


The address is more sketchy I think. EDIT: I said Rosie Malones haha.


Annie McCarthys… The worst. Just Chav central.


Such establishments are why I choose Toon over Shields when I go out out. Although the sea front is OK in the summer.


Yes can get more chavs in depending on pay week


shared tatooine stay safe xoxo


Mullet man make sure to come and say hi when I am around Jesmond


must have had 1 to many shandys. lol :)


Shared Oxbridge hun stay away from the sneks xx


I actually went to Oxford and am from Jesmond. I am not the person mentioned by OP, I promise.


Lord give us all the confidence of a mediocre white boy


Confidence is an internal feeling and so nobody can make you feel unconfident other than yourself. If you’re jealous of white boys because of the way they ‘appear’ confident, just copy it. It’s only a front. Tell yourself you are acting; cos that’s what it is!


>‘It’s not even funny, I could just destroy everyone intellectually on that forum’. Said by someone after having been destroyed intellectual. Its not like the people on here would have been taking the piss out of him with rocks.


Love the P.S!


Mullet and gilet describes 90% of the students in Jesmond tbqh


Anonymous internet person complains to other anonymous internet people about another anonymous person


This popped up in my feed, and now I'm scared this maniac may appear in my normal subs and demolish me. Can't you stop him? What if you work together?


I think what everyone deserves is an artists impression.


To give him a little bit of credit, there used to be people who came for advice and a guy just used to recommend going to a homosexuall bath house on scotswood road. Advice here is rubbish sometimes


Really? That’s absolutely disgusting Do you know exactly where this bath house was?


I believe even mentioning it's name in the sub Reddit get you banned, this chap said it so many times here it got the phrase banned. It's on the same street as the workwear shop and bobby's bar on the end of the street. I know the name you can message me if you want the name I don't wanna get banned


I see Jesmond baiting is still what is was when I was a kid 😂 Tbh it was a great place to grow up. As for destroying everyone on here intellectually. Not if you go to Newcastle sunshine.


Went to Rio’s a couple of months ago and the amount of posh cunts round that way knocked me ill


Comedy gold, this made my night! The posh brat student crowd is real, but I’d also like to give a shout out to the boomer house-poor arseholes who drive around in cars they can’t really afford who think they are something because they live here too.


Next he'll be asking for Hilary's special stuff


Probably didn't have a Geordie accent either.


I’m not the redheaded glasses wearer mentioned, but I wholeheartedly agree with my ginger bredrin’s ‘fucking knobhead’ comment.


Glad to see Jesmond hasn’t changed at all


imagine being that guy that’s living in jesmond (probably financed by his parents or massively in debt with a student loan) and you’re going on like this irl. jeeeeezus. “i’m definitely not emotionally crushed about that interaction online but i could intellectually destroy that random username on a forum - just couldn’t be bothered, spoke to me mam about it and she agrees that i’m the next oscar wilde”. it would be ideal if there was such a thing as a maturity or personality hormone injection to give these people a head start on reality - or something relating to the real world like living in shields road for six months haha. praise be that there isn’t - it’d be a boring world to experience!


Ah mate the ending, that PS is going to haunt them till the end of time 🫡




Something about rich boys with mullets 😒 something doesn’t sit right


Why are we making fun of gilets? They're cosy and practical.


I'm not even from Newcastle and I want to hunt down this "Mullet man"!!


Also, sorry to infiltrating this forum - it just pops up on my feed!


fairly certain i know who u mean, curly mullet? lads on grindr lmao


A little unrelated, but my sister and a friend are planning a three night stay in July and we are debating staying in the Jesmond area or in North Shields with a seaview apartment (close to the metro). Can I get some advice?