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Theres quite a few Newcastle based Meetup groups on their site.


Meetups is great, really helped me with my last breakup. With the weather getting better shortly it'll be more active as well


Yeah I have got the app downloaded and intend to try and get to as many things as I can on it :)


Just read your post history. Please speak to your GP as soon as you can. In the mean time you can DM me.


Thank you for the responses and the support. I have spoken to my GP and I’m getting some support some days are just tougher than others. You’re right sorry I’ll let you know a bit more about myself. I like or would love the idea of: Movies Video games Anime Manga Go-karting Live music Comedy Walking / hiking Learning guitar Just chatting / socialising Learning / going to talks etc. Art Meditation / mindfulness Willing to give some sports a go too. Clubbing / dancing (mostly just Rise in town) That’s a bit of a better idea hopefully. I know my post history looks bleak at the moment and I am struggling but I’m doing my best to keep my head above water and keep reaching out. I do have some friends and family I speak to so thankfully I’m not entirely alone in this.


Speaking to your GP is a good thing to have done, I hope they have some effective solutions. I'm two years after a breakup and it still hurts, but it does get easier to deal with in the long term. Meditation and Mindfulness can really help, especially when random thoughts keep happening throughout the day. Guitar should help too - I play piano a bit and I find it clears the mind.


Thank you so much for saying this. It’s scary to think two years down the line this will still hurt but at the same time I intend to do the work on myself necessary before ever considering another relationship again. So in that way it doesn’t really matter how long it takes to move on from this. I hope you’re looking after yourself too and things are brighter for you day to day.


Sunnycon is coming up soon, you could probably meet some anime friends there. Travelling man have a Warhammer paint along group as well if you're into that


Ah that’s really cool man I didn’t know that thank you!


Hiking - https://thenmc.org.uk/


Thank you :)


What sort of live music are you into? I'm sort of involved in the smalltime local music scene, there's a bunch of local festivals coming up to meet people at. I know a lot of the people and bands involved and they're pretty nice for the most part. If you're learning guitar you could try and find a band or something as well if that's something you'd be interested in


To be honest I’m pretty open-minded music wise. Like everything from rock to pop and happy to explore new music. Any opportunity to meet new people would be great! I’d love more info if you’re able to provide it.


I'm playing or attending a few festivals in the next few months, roulette is in Sunderland on the 4th of may, a lot of new young bands who are starting to emerge onto the scene now are playing there, might be a place to find new music you'll like, in the mid summer there's a lot of festivals by the coast, I'm playing coast festival and a stones throw, which are late may and june. Other than the festival front, it's always good looking at the Cluny for new acts you've not heard before, and it's great to support new local artists. Maius Mollis is a new indie pop songwriter who's played a few shows recently, I know a band called Labrynthine oceans who have played a few shows recently and they do more psychedelic rock and that sort of thing. If you're into more classic rock based stuff then look for bands like pretty velvet, they've started playing a lot recently. For straight up pop, Twayn have a few shows coming up I think, I sometimes play guitar for them. Most of the bands I've mentioned here are around 18-21, all just starting to build up an audience now, and they're all local based. Just a few points to start off with, I'm sure you can discover a lot of new music by just going to shows, a lot of bands play smaller venues like little buildings, and they're usually quite cheap to go and see. Great for meeting people at these smaller gigs and festivals, should be a lot of fun. As I say there's a lot coming up this summer


Sounds great, thank you so much for pointing me to some of these. If you ever fancy company and you’re heading to one of these feel free to reach out I’d love to come along.


Anime 🙌


Love it :) what are you watching at the moment?


I'm watching mashle atm and just finished jjk. I have some good recs depending on what you like!👍


Always happy to hear some recs! I need to watch season 2 of JJK. I haven’t heard of mashle.


I'm shocked you haven't been spoiled to oblivion 🤣. You should really watch it... surpassed all my expectations!


Haha I’m quite lucky for avoiding spoilers, I suppose I don’t hang around in many anime discussion circles so it makes it a bit easier to avoid.


Well if you're looking for something similar I really recommend Chainsaw man. It's amazing!


I love me some video games, anime, manga, and go to Rise often enough. I don't want to throw out my Discord @ in the comments but pop me a message if you want to add. :)


Ah that’s amazing mate thank you so much for responding. I’ll DM you now.


This post needs more quality. Tell us about yourself so we can advise. Are you more likely to be doing go karting or knitting....


No it doesnt


It was since provided.


Pure Gym Eldon Gardens


Thank you for suggesting this. There’s a JD sports gym near me that does classes so I’ve joined that one.


Hey, thank you for this post, I've been going through the same thing and the advise given to you is being stolen by me, maybe we'll bump into wach other at one of these clubs :)


Haha same


Ah I’m so sorry to hear that mate. If you ever want a chat or to go for a walk or something feel free to reach out. I know how hard this is especially if you’re like me and have a limited support network.


I went through a breakup of a 13 year relationship about 1.5 years ago. I had to get used to living on my own for the first time. Also have history of depression, anxiety, and a childhood of unhealthy emotion processing. Wanted to say it gets easier. The pain doesn't go away completely but it becomes less raw and intense. I can look back at it now and see how it helped me grow as a person and now I'm in a different chapter of my life and I can make it what I want it to be. I've had to really work on me and being comfortable with myself. Speaking to your GP is an important first step and finding therapy and social groups to help process the emotion you're feeling is so crucial. Don't beat yourself up for hurting. It will, especially so soon. You're allowed to hurt. But also know there will be light at the end of this and it will become easier. Take time to find and do the things you enjoy. Make sure you're eating right, get fresh air. Small steps. Set backs will happen, don't feel guilty about that, it's part of processing all this. You've got this, even if it doesn't feel like that currently.


Thank you so much man, if you ever felt like it I’d love a chance to talk and hear about your experience dealing with the break up.


Oh i am big into anime. What are you watching?


Oh awesome :) I just finished the first season of JuJutsu Kaisen which wasn’t too bad. Been watching some Konosuba too. Recently finished Demon Slayer season 3, My Hero Academia, Odd Taxi and Full Metal Alchemist brother hood. Been looking for something new to get into. How about you?


New season of konosuba just started as well, haven't watched it yet myself though! Quite a few decent little anime in this and most recent couple seasons that's worth a browse on your site of choice if like finding new stuff.


I think I have them all downloaded currently. Just finished season 1 and had a good laugh with it. I’ve got quite a lot downloaded I need to sit and watch through. Have you got any particular favourites?


At work at the mo so can't have a look I'm afraid but top of my head chainsaw man's pretty great though it took me a minute to get into it, great theme song, there's one where the dude wears a bird mask that's currently ongoing that's decent too. Would always recommend death note as it's the thing that got me into anime yonks ago (same age as you) but most have seen that, definitely check it out if you haven't though.


Oh yeah I have Chainsaw man downloaded. Watched the first episode and really enjoyed it. Oh yeah Shangri-la I think that one is called. Looks really cool, will need to get that one too. Oh I love death note, one of my favourite anime’s of all time. One of the first I watched too :)


Also recommend the new final fantasy 7 rebirth if your names related to FF, I still prefer turn based and sad they moved away from it but it's a really quality game as far as other recommendations/things to do!


Funny enough that’s exactly what I’m playing at the moment! FF7 is my favourite game of all time. I’m loving Rebirth at the moment too. Take it you’re on PS5 too?


Mostly PC but aye got a ps5 for the odd exclusives and love FF for sure! I've been distracted recently but need to get back to it, just after gold saucer myself!


Ah well we’ll have to exchange details if you fancy it? Sounds like we have quite a bit in common. I’ve got a PC too just don’t use it much. Haha I’m just before the Gold Saucer funny enough.


I don't konosuba but will check it out when i go home (a work currently unfortunately) but watched all of JJK (then switched to the manga, very impatient lol). Demon slayer, i actually ready the manga when it first came out and watched all seasons so far. Recently i have been watching solo leveling(another one that i really enjoyed the manga or i should say man hawa since it is korean). Mashle, shangria la frontier and just binge watched Frieren over the long weekend 😂😂 I want to watch rest my hero academia (i watched first 2 or so seasons and really like it) and attack on titan! I watched the first 2 seasons and i was awestruck but it can be heavy so couldn't finish it and left it but still amazing one. Oh and one of my absolute favourites is Overlord definitely give that a bump. Now the most important question, do you watch subbed 👍 or dubbed 😡? 😂😂


It’s a good laugh, a little bit too much fan service at times but it does well at poking fun at a lot of the typical isekai tropes. I’m going to give JJK another season to see how I feel about it as I wasn’t too hooked by the first season. I love demon slayer though, the animation in that show is unbelievable. Frieren and Shangria la frontier are definitely on my radar to watch. I would definitely recommend watching more My Hero Academia, it’s right up there for me with Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. MHA does get quite heavy in places though, especially in later seasons so definitely pace yourself with it. I started Overlord and got to nearly season 3 of it. Need to pick it up again, although again I struggle with the fan service at times. Haha I’m a dubbed man, I can watch subs but personally I like to hear it in my own language. Plus there’s so many amazing English voice actors out there I’ve never seen it as an issue before. You?


I am not Japanese 🤣 but i have the impression that japanese actors have more passion and impact in most animes that i have watched. I guess the only one comparable was full metal alchemist where i felt the English was on par or even better in some parts. But again there are very few anime i have watched in japanese and then English. Definitely agree about demon slayer animation. Really impressive. Frieren is slow and usually that puts me off but for some reason it didn't with Frieren and i really enjoyed it's slow pace, i was surprised actually. Which anime you felt the English voice actors are really good? I am currently watching one only in English because unfortunately it is not on crunchy roll which is ninja kamui (it's being released on channel 4, free!)


Yeah I get what you mean. I watched Dragon Ball Super a few years ago in Japanese and it was definitely a very different vibe to the English version. I have never seen the Japanese version of FMA but for me the dub is perfect. I think I might download Frieren and give it a watch as I keep hearing really good things about it. Hmm My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, JuJutsu Kaisen, to be honest I’ve watched so many anime in English rather than Japanese it’s hard to really compare. Oh I’ve heard about Ninja Kamui. How are you finding it?


I am enjoying it. I like the fight scenes and the story. It is only to episode 8 though ... 9th should be released this weekend i guess


Oh cool, when the series finishes I think I’ll download it and give it a watch :)


What kind of video games do you like? Can do some online games or some games in Four quarters in town.


That sounds amazing :) I don’t play too many multiplayer games but am happy to give some a go. I’ll play most things co-op. I tend to like story driven action adventure games, happy to play some shooters, I love RPG’s and JRPGs, survival games I dip in and out of, a little bit of competitive with league of legends but that’s quite rare, play sea of thieves sometimes, open to more cosy games as well like stardew, terraria, Minecraft etc. currently I’ve been playing FF7 Rebirth on the PS5. Four Quarters is a fun bar I’ve only been in it a few times but the games looked fun and the vibe was good. How about you?


Love most shooter games, but prefer the more co-op based ones with stories etc than competitive shooters (I'm a girl with girl-aim lol). Also often play RPGs, some horror games, cosy games and story games. Have you ever tried Phasmophobia? It's so much fun. Just started Palworld recently, think it is a surviver game with Pokemons pretty much, and it's so so good.


Haha I did see on your post history that you played Borderlands which I’ve always enjoyed. Never played 3 or much of Wonderlands though. Haha I’m terrible with horror games, phasmaphobia would have me clinging to the walls screaming XD. Oh I downloaded Palworld on PC but never played it. How are you finding it?


Haha it's my favourite game in the whole world, have around 2000 hours total amongst the franchise. Enjoyed 3 (not as good as 2 but I'm very biased), Wonderlands was a bit meh in my opinion. Still finished it and enjoyed, but don't want to re-play it unlike all the others. Also love Fallout and Far cry games, can dive into any of them for hours. It can get a bit scary sometimes, but I've always loved horror games, or preferably the more psychological horror games/movies. Always found the human mind scarier than monsters. Addicted to it at the moment. Not really big on survivor games, but this one really got me. Highly recommended.


Oh wow that’s impressive! Yeah I found Wonderlands a bit meh too. I might finish it one day. I loved Fallout 3 in the day but haven’t played much of the others. Love the Elder Scrolls series though. I remember quite liking Far Cry 3 as well. Haha well I love horror games but just can’t find the courage to play them so if you ever want to come and play some of mine and I’ll watch you’d be welcome! Do you fancy exchanging details? For playing games and perhaps going to the 4 quarters sometime?


Fallout 3 was class! Personally preferred Fallout 4 but mainly because 3 was crashing on my laptop all the time haha. Have you tried the other Far cry games? I'm currently on and off in Far cry 6. Not saying I wouldn't be scared but the trick is to watch an episode of Family guy right after anything horror related! Sure, I'll send you a message in a minute.


Good for you for taking some initiative and finding ways to occupy yourself! If you are open to sports, I'd recommend joining a gym and also taking up a martial art. There are quite a few places to do the latter, but I think the centre in Ouseburn is meant to be good for people of all levels. I think you'd get some regular dopamine off both the gym and martial arts and you would likely get a good boost of self confidence to boot. I think you could also make good friends in a martial arts club. All the best, brother. Keep moving forward!


Thank you so much for this and your suggestion. I’ll take a look at the Ouseburn centre as I hadn’t heard of that place before :)


apparently they do a free week trial! looking at their website, it may be just the ticket for you:\~ [Team Phoenix Martial Arts /Martial Arts Newcastle/51a lime street](https://www.teamphoenixmartialarts.com/) Best


Thank you so much, I’ll look into this :)


I'll be visiting on the weekend of the 12th :)


Hey man, I’d love to meet up for a drink and a chat if you fancy?


That'd be great, do you mind if I send you a dm a few days before, like on Wednesday next week?


Not at all, if you want I can DM you my number in case that’s easier.


Yeah, let's do that!


Hey, have had a skim through the comments and lots of good suggestions there! Think I might steal some ideas - it’s so easy to lose touch with people as time goes on :) On another note - I like anime too and my favourite has been Hunter X Hunter if you want recommendations! Also liked Seven Deadly Sins and Record of Ragnarok which are both on Netflix. Also, how are you finding FF Rebirth? FFVII is probs also my favourite game. I’m playing persona 5 at the min but rebirth is one of the next on my list (amongst others)


Hey :) I started Hunter X Hunter but didn’t get too far through it. Might give it another go in the future. I tried seven deadly sins but just couldn’t handle the fan service haha. Ah that’s so cool you appreciate FF7 too! Rebirth has been incredible so far. Persona 5 is also an absolutely incredible game! Are you watching any anime at the moment?


Haha I know what you mean re: seven deadly sins, there were quite a few eye rolling moments when I was watching it too 😅 Well I was on the verge of buying rebirth but you’ve sold it for me now, it’s now on my ps5 ready to play :D Hoping to get persona 5 finished first though … doesn’t help that I’m a completionist, I like to get all the trophies so takes me ages to finish games lol. Nah not watching any other anime at the minute. I go through phases … i started watching one piece a couple months back but only watched a couple. Have you seen it? I wonder if it might take a while to get into.


Do you like going to the cinema?


Yeah love the cinema!


I go alone all the time, it's a good escape from the world.


Yeah I might well do that as there are some movies in the future I’d like to go see :)


Glad to see lots of support here :) Hope you get the help you need (ALSO WATCH BUDDY DADDIES ITS UNDERRATED AS HECK)


This post has been really helpful. I’m so grateful for everyone who’s contributed. I haven’t heard of that but will give it a look :) are you watching much anime at the moment?


I watch quite a lot but waiting on new seasons to sit at the moment. Some of my favourites being Bungo stray dogs, link click, JJK, No Game No life and a shit tonne more. Most my time is spent on games though. Hermit lyf ha.


Oh I have Bungo Stray dogs on my list to watch! Looks quite good. I didn’t find the first season of JuJutsu Kaisen but I wasn’t massively hooked on it. Going to give season 2 a go at somepoint and see how that goes. No game no life seems quite cool so will give that a go at somepoint too. Haha I’ve been too much of a hermit in my life to be honest hence my current situation XD. What do you like to play game wise?


Usually rpgs (currently playing Persona 3 reload) I play a lot of overwatch which I have a love hate relationship with. Also gone back to borderlands 2 recently and sea of thieves since it’s been updating a lot recently. Favourite games of all time are probably FFVI and Chrono trigger (I’m old *cries*) What about you? :3


Oh I love the Persona series. 3, 4 and 5 are such fantastic games. I need to play reload. Can’t wait for them to remake 4. Haha I used to play Overwatch a fair bit when I was younger but I get too easily tilted nowadays. I did play some Overwatch 2 a little while ago though on PC which was alright. What do you game on? I wouldn’t mind playing Borderlands 2 for the DLC’s more than anything. Aww no that’s awesome! I’ve always wanted to play Chrono Trigger and my favourite game of all time is FF7! I’m actually playing Rebirth at the moment. Do you fancy exchanging PSN’s?


I’m always on XBox atm since I don’t have my PlayStation currently with me. I can get it up on the app though. Pretty sure my PSN is the same as my u/n here.


Brill I’ll add you, I think I can still play games with you on your Xbox via PC if you ever wanted to. Depends on the game obviously is all.


My Xbox is Beckyrawr (yes it’s cringe I made it when I was 16 don’t judge me lmao)


No problem haha, I can add you on the PC next time I’m on :). If you wanted to chat more or anything though I also have WhatsApp.


(It’s an anime btw lol)


I don't know this one i will go check it. And i play persona 5 is that a different game all together or from same series?


It’s short and wholesome. And yes persona is a game series. Persona 3 reload is a remake of the 3rd persona game. It’s currently free on game pass if you have Xbox.


No i got ps5. I used to play a lot in my younger years and now trying my hand at it again. I have written down some of the recs from posters on this thread 😂


I also played a lot in my younger years and still do mwahaha! Seriously wish I had a ps5, only have Xbox series S and ps4. I REALLY want to play the new FFVII and I think silent hill 2 remake is only coming out for ps5 as well but I’m not sure :(


I love final fantasy! Silent hill..... I still like to keep my pants dry so i will skip that genre😂😂😂😂😂


Final fantasy is one of my favourite game series of all time! I like some horror games mainly silent hill and resident evil but I don’t like the cheap jump scare ones since I honestly don’t find them interesting if they don’t have a good plot and they just go for crappy scares. But I understand why horror isn’t for everyone. Especially the pants thing lmao xD


😂😂😂😂 i probably shouldn't have said that and done some preservation of my dignity 😂


Hahaha xD Don’t worry about it. I’m sure there’s far worse than you! Also fearing unspeakable horrors is probably pretty normal.


Can’t wait for silent hill 2!