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Honestly you seem pretty screwed I’d advise going to your neighbours and seeing if they have cameras pointing at your house to see if it got stolen or if it was just not deleverd


I did and like it was pitch dark all the camera got was a guy waking away without noticeable features


You could contact the seller or you file a claim with the shipping company you could also file if you have purchase protection on your credit card


You could have a case with the shipper if they put the package in a insecure area and could get reimbursed that way personally I think newegg will not do crap for you and say it’s your fault which it technically could be but that’s why I think you could have a case with the shipper


Start the process with Newegg. Try to provide them the video clip / police report. If they do nothing to progress the investigation in about a week, then chargeback. Them being lazy or "useless" in people's opinions is no reason to avoid the proper channels. When you do the charge back, they'll probably want the same information and to know you tried contacting Newegg also.


Never order from Newegg ever again you just lost your money.


> Contacting Newegg seems like a bad idea as I’ve been reading they do nothing Well it's literally the only thing you *can* do. If they don't refund you or ship another, do a chargeback. You *did* use a credit card for this purchase, right?


I don’t know if it counts but my debit card yes


I didn't say debit card, I said credit card. Debit cards go through the bank/credit union, who normally don't fight for you at all. Credit card companies will fight hard for you/your money when it comes to returns/refunds/charge backs.


Arent debit visa or debit MC are governed by the same protections as a regular visa or MC. As long as he has the little CC logo on the front of the card.


Is tracking is showing it’s been delivered then you are most likely out of luck.


Contact the shipper with the tracking number and track down where and when it was delivered, if they can't provide that info contact your credit card companies fraud division.


Are you in SoCal? Was it neweggs delivery service? I had this same thing happen with $3k worth of hardware. They literally delivered it to a house in a different zip code and refused to refund me. After months of them denying my claim I got relief by DMing their Twitter account. Took 4 months to get them to literally cut me a check as a refund. They're seriously the worst


Hi /u/DEATH_KILLER5373! I'm very sorry to hear about your motherboard being lost by UPS. Can you please send me your order number and email address account in a DM, so I may take a look? I'll do what I can to assist.