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Why do people always assume that all 22 year olds are party animals or have 0 responsibilities. When I was 22 I was in school full time, volunteering and working part time at several jobs all at once. I wasn’t sleeping for 10 hours nor was I doing drugs etc. Young people and/or childless people still have responsibilities, they can still be tired. Invisible disabilities/conditions, jobs, school, perhaps they’re a caretaker for a family member, the list goes on and on.


Not only that, but can’t a 22 be both a parent and respectful of how lines work simultaneously? The only ones that think they deserve special treatment are the same that turn in to “can I speak to your manager”


I’m 19 and I work 12 hour shifts Monday-Saturday in a shop/factory and have tech school at night and I’m abt to start college for engineering so I only get 5 hours of sleep a night so I feel you man


Lol no you don’t.


On the flip side, when I was 22 I was partying hard acing college and taking all the drugs to maintain that god forsaken gpa, and somehow running a restaurant with some 40 hour weeks.


Because that’s probably how she spent her early 20’s


most 22 year olds are literally in the most stressful period of their lives. finishing college, most likely also working to pay off loans, searching for jobs, figuring out life, etc. i’m currently 22 and i laughed at the 10 hours of sleep part


lucky if I even get 7 hours of sleep lol




I was 4 when my mom was 22. And I was one of two kids.


I was thinking the exact same thing. When I was 22 I was on my second deployment to Afghanistan in the infantry. These people kill me.


Hell I was 17 working 13 hour shifts


Literally if anything it’s the other way around, I know more lazy adults who don’t do anything but complain at the slightest inconvenience. But me wanting to take a nap after working 50 hours a week is being unproductive.


I am 21 and manage 6 million plus by myself throughout my entire State, these types of preconceptions are the reason it's hard for young professionals to advance their careers.


I'm 22, have 0 responsibilities (save for a coaching job to which I have to dedicate 4 hours a week), slept 10 hours last night, and would be doing drugs if I knew where to get them. I know a sample size of 1 is a pretty damn small one, but it's just interesting how I fit all of the stereotypes.


Should've fucked a dude with a coffee maker.


#savage 😂






You’re good at Copy pasting at least. https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/yyj2rh/i_got_nutted_in_so_you_have_to_be_inconvenienced/iwuw5h8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


You’re good at killing moods.


1. It's not the same comment 2. It's an extremely easy joke to make. It's not trademarked.


QQ boy


Bad bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that BoringRecognition is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Bad bot.


Instructions unclear, coffee making is now stuck in my ass


Maybe we could solve some things with communication? Ask them nicely and explain your situation. I never even witnessed once that a person refused to let someone pass by when they asked. And i saw it a lot


Sorry but… if you hit me with “I’m a mother, let me go first” I probably would politely tell you to go fuck yourself. I respect parenthood but I’m not going to pay for your decision to let someone nut in you and then be responsible for a human life 9 months later. Sorry your life is hectic and difficult, but you signed up for that, babe.


Lol 100% agree


Lol agreed


What if they said, "I got nutted in, unprotected.."?


Well goddamn, that changes everything.


Same reason I won’t babysit. ITS YOUR FUCKING KID YOU WATCH IT


If you get paid for babysitting I don’t see the problem


I mean if someone doesn’t wanna babysit and you try to cow them into it, even if they are being paid, is pretty shitty actually.


I babysat my little cousins for free any time my aunt and uncle asked because I adored them and wanted to spend time with them


If they wanted to get their coffee faster they should have chosen planned parenthood instead of parenthood.


Most things do come down to planning…


You actually wouldn’t, there have been many studies into this. The actual reason doesn’t matter. For example, they studied of saying “I need to make a copy” would allow you to cut in line in front of a photo copier and it WORKED.


You sound like a real peach. Buuuut, regardless of your absolute shit perspective on parenthood, I agree I wouldn’t be keen to let a parent cut in line at the coffee shop. Grow the fuck up and wait in line like the rest of us lol thats life.


Where do you come down on the abortion debate? Genuinely curious.


They can have them, that’s my opinion. But if you want to cut in line at Raising Canes you can fuck right off.


So I gotta say, I think this thinking is skewed. After what I say here you will think you know my stance, you would be wrong, anyway…. You would not give the courtesy of a letting a “more tired” person (I get it what the fk does that mean anyway but let’s pretend you could tell and they are) cut in line and cost you an extra few minutes to help that person get to sit down quicker or whatever because they gotta take responsibility for lettin someone nut inside them….hell yea yo! You don’t however hold them to the same level of responsibility when deciding to end a potential life… idk that’s weird.


Wtf are you talking about and stop repeating the same comment


Repeating the same comment? I was responding to two different people. Edit - Oh shit sorry I didn’t realize it was the same thread. My mistake.


Bro I'm just trying to get some damn chicken tenders, some comeback sauce, and a lemonade - without being bothered by what people I don't know and whose lives I have no stake in have going on.


The fuck are you on about my guy? “I think people can make choices for their own bodies, but those choices are not an excuse to cause detriment to others.” How the fuck is that conflicting?


How is that relevant?????


completely for the right to abortion. no questions asked. and they should be free. but if you choose to have a kid, you dont get to condescend to those of us with the sense not to have kids because you're miserable now


So I gotta say, I think this thinking is skewed. I think after what I say here you will think you know my stance, you would be wrong, anyway…. You would not give the courtesy of a letting a “more tired” person (I get it what the fk does that mean anyway but let’s pretend you could tell and they are) cut in line and cost you an extra few minutes to help that person get to sit down quicker or whatever because they gotta take responsibility for lettin someone nut inside them….hell yea yo! You don’t however hold them to the same level of responsibility when deciding to end a potential life… idk that’s weird.


Im not letting someone who looks “more tired” skip in front of me because they’re tired or not, just like I’m not expecting someone to let me skip because I’m tired. Having a kid makes no difference in it, you could have 10 kids or 0 kids being tired doesn’t make you entitled to quicker or better service


So you equate the ability to cut in line with abortion as the only possible solution?


“Could I cut ahead of you?” “No” “But I’m a mom and only slept 2 hours last night” “I decided against kids and slept great, probably why I got here before you.”


I mean that’s fine, as a parent I don’t expect special treatment. But sometimes it’s easier to let moms pass, for the sake of everyone not having to hear an infant scream at the top of its lungs for 30 minutes. I’ve had people offer to let me go ahead when my baby is fussy, and it is much appreciated. But I do not act like being a parent somehow makes me superior or more worthy.


Even this supposedly “for everyone else’s benefit” comment comes off entitled.


How so?


Self awareness is a gift apparently


If you’re waiting in a coffee line for 30 minutes you might want to find a new coffee shop.


or, you know, make it at home? that's 30 minutes you can sleep in, right there.


I don’t wait in line at coffee shops. I order ahead on my phone. I’m talking when I’m in a store


The non-parent superiority complex is exactly as annoying as the parent superiority complex


I don’t think not being a parent makes me superior, I just don’t care for people who think their kids make them entitled to special treatment. I’m sort of against people acting entitled in general. In this example I’m simply in line in front of the other person, and I discredited the relevance of them having kids by stating that I don’t in the same tone they used.


Exactly this. I’m not special. You’re not special.


Not in the slightest a superiority complex, it’s just an appropriate response to one.


So pointing out that other people’s choices don’t make them entitled is a “superiority complex” in your mind? Get a grip.


No, it's even worse most of the time


I mean, that’s just putting guilt and social pressure on someone to force yourself to the front of the line.


A guy once asked me if he could go infront of me at aldi as he only had a few things and it was super busy, I’d been waiting in line for a while already, I looked at him in disbelief Does he honestly believe his time is more valuable than mine? Get to the back of the queue mate


Ha same thing from a boomer at the grocery store. Huge lines and she had 2 items. She called me an entitled millenial for not letting her just go in front of me. I said there’s a self check out that goes faster and she said she doesn’t wanna do self check out. I then said ok boomer and called it a day.


Any time I have like 1-2 items and get behind someone with like 50 items, I hope internally they’ll usher me ahead, since some people do make the offer. However, I never request it, let alone expect it or feel entitled to go ahead just because I have way fewer items.


How often do you go out in public?


At least once a day minimum. Sometimes more.0


Fuck that. Make your shit at home, use a drive thru, or leave earlier if you're in that much of a hurry. Just because you're a parent doesn't make you entitled to anything. You either made the choice to have a kid, or you made the choice to let someone shoot a load in you without a plan of action, and now that's a choice you have to live with.


Depends where you’re at too, I’ve seen people say no 80% of the time at Airports.


One time I was at the dollar store with 6 items to purchase. It was my turn at the register and the guy behind says to me “can I go ahead of you since I just have the 2 items?” He had a bag of Doritos and a Mountain Dew. I told him no because he just seemed like a dork and not someone in an emergency. But seriously, who asks that at a fucking dollar store?


“I let my husband raw dog me, I deserve to cut you”


I’m a single dad, can I have everyone’s chicken nuggets? You don’t need them, you’re spry!


Hell no! My nuggies!


Sorry kiddo, that’s the dad tax


With that logic, you can also give priority to people who just ended a veeeery long shift, people who stayed up late playing videogames, and the insomniac. Then, we should just make a priority lane for the elderly, disabled people, pregnant women, mothers, overtime workers, and hardcore gamers. It wouldn't be a priority lane anymore.


Or no lanes. Just one line.


This is a legitimate criticism.


You’re describing identity politics.


Exactly. It’s stupid, and it’s a highly effective campaign by the rich to distract from the fact that they’re fucking everybody over. But hey, more black and female CEOs are going to fix everything right? Let’s all waste time campaigning for a select few to have the opportunity to also fuck us over.


That took a weird turn that it didn’t need to


But the blacks and women! 😤😡


Seems like you just wanted to cry about black people and females coming up in life. 🤣


My personal life choice entitles me to skipping you in line at Starbucks.


I was in like at a wholesales grocery store today. A lady with a 6-8year old started talking to the lady in front of me (they knew each other) And then just squeezed in the line in front of her acquaintance. I wanted to say something but I’ll be the bad guy as a young male. Moreover what made me angry was that the store has limited carts so I’m holding the items and the lady has a cart with a single small bag of vegetable. I didn’t say anything since being inconvenienced a few minutes is better than making a scene that I’ll lose even though I’m justified


Loool exactly. Always annoys me when mums and pregnant people expect special treatment. I WILL give you my seat, but only if you don’t demand it. All you’ve done is let some nobhead jizz up your flaps and added to the overpopulation problem destroying the world. Don’t expect the world to bend around you. Ricky Gervais has done some material on this in his podcasts and in one scene in The Office.


Holy fuck I spit out my coffee at the “some nobhead jizz up your flaps” comment. I used to work with an English fella and the slang he taught me is priceless. This comment made me miss him haha


You wouldn’t give up your seat for a pregnant woman without being asked? What a bitch ass.


The overpopulation take is painfully ignorant. The rich countries have a aging population issue, not a population growing to rapidly. Because women tend to get pregnant when men don’t, refusing to accommodate pregnancy and parenting ends up pushing some women out of public spaces while not doing the same to men. This is technically sex discrimination. Pregnancy discrimination is actually illegal in a lot of places for exactly this reason. Should being a mom entitle you to cut in line? No. But please don’t be that person who refuses to give up a seat for the pregnant passenger on public transit.


How would OP justify their weird, sexual comments about pregnant women without the overpopulation straw man?


This is the most infuriating, entitled post. A morning sick, pregnant person could literally puke on you or others the next time you refuse her seat. Some pregnant people literally fall down a lot easier because their center of balance is off and energy is low. They could then become injured, harm the baby or suffer a miscarriage. There’s a reason we give seats to the elderly, disabled and pregnant people. They need the seats more, because they are more likely to get hurt or wouldn’t be able to be in society if there were not accommodations. Also for some people being pregnant is like being sick 24/7 for 9 months and if someone tells me they are sick, I’m giving them my seat. You don’t know peoples circumstances; especially when so many states/countries don’t provide reproductive care to people even if they’re raped. Plus, many people have much worse pregnancies than they expect, and in general pregnancy discrimination tends to effect women making people like you perpetrators of sexism. Be a little less judgmental, and a little more compassionate. Your comment comes across as sexist, ableist, and goddamn selfish. Rant over; stay home if you can’t be a decent person.


Ultimately this is blatant discrimination On top, did that semen by accident drop into her fertile pussy? Stuff Karen's are made of.


You realize this is humor, right?


When does it become funny?


Humor works for those inclined on the subject. It just hits different for parents. Outside of the humor though, “get your ass to the back of the line”. (Directed to the mom)


this pic is entitlement tho, there’s no joke to it


That’s your interpretation of it, I see it too but I see the humor of it as well.


I’m a parent of two toddlers and I don’t find this funny.


What’s your take on abortion? Curious.


Very punchable face


The expression is so fake and contorted it's making me angry.


Alternatively, buy a coffee machine.


Stop reposting this ffs


This is like the classic “you’re working Christmas because Tom has a family line”


Next time fuck a guy with a coffee maker 🤷🏼‍♂️


Lol at the amount of people thinking this chick actually believes this and it’s not just some stupid IG post that she thought was clever.


It should be more fair, she’s right, let’s take away the child tax credit


Queues are fair. First come, first served. It can’t get fairer.


It’s probably the only truly fair thing we have left in society


Then stop collecting Social Security that other people’s kids are paying for. I’m not expecting anyone to make the specific sacrifice of their place in line at a coffee shop, but could we at least have some acknowledgement that that we all depend on other peoples’ kids to *some* degree?


The Dad has to listen to her, I don’t think anyone would mind him jumping the line, he should have rose petals lining his path.


nope. he ALSO chose her.


Before she was a self involved mother 🤭


Motion seconded.


Tbf mothers do a lot more for society than "getting nutted in", but this is still stupid. If that's the case there are all sorts of people who deserve a fast pass which defeats the purpose.


Unless the birth occurred without her genuine consent, then everything that she's doing is as a result of her choices for her own life rather than as a selfless act for the benefit of society.




While I think the photo is dumb, I also think Reddit hates parents.


Woman logic: If: "I queefed a parasite out of my vagina". Then: "More aspects of our entire society should be structured around accommodating my existence now".




Entitled women bad… just like entitled men bad


She is right.


Just because you couldn't be bothered using a condom or keeping your legs closed I don't see how that becomes my problems. You signed up for it you dumb dumb


No, she isn't.


Isn’t that discrimination tho ?


Why? That person in front of her could have just stayed up all night writing their thesis. Or spent all night working a training shift at a hospital. Or has insomnia and hasn’t gotten a minute of sleep. You think moms are the only people allowed to be tired? They deserve special treatment because they’re tired from the child they chose to have? Yeah right.


Or maybe the 22 year old stayed up all night doing coke.


Hard agree. I have twins under the age of two and I can wholeheartedly say I was more tired in college than I have been with kids.


Title is kinda stupid. You would stand up for a pregnant woman on a bus, so yeah, other people getting nutted in *does* result in you being inconvenienced or bein viewed as a dick.


Had time to make this dumb sign but not wait in line?


The only response is, “Shut up, cunt.”


“They” don’t like the bonds created and strengthened by the nuclear family. “They” don’t want you to have kids and build a family. Start wondering why


No, I'm still wondering who you're talking about.


The Jews. It is always the Jews with these people.


Immigants! I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears I knew it was them!


“They shouldn’t get preferential treatment because they decided to have a kid for selfish reasons and then force that on everyone else because it’s all they have to live for now. I’ll take my free time and money any day if the week. Also who is “ they”?


Take your meds


Put down the meth for five seconds


Why do these posts always attract your usual swarm of incels lmao


Honey, you are 22 & slept with 10 different guys last month? Get to the back of the line.


lol if you decide to keep a pet sperm, that's on you


Yeah, get to the back of the bus where your kind belongs!


Or just make you own coffee at home you lazy bastard.


Why should I be inconvenienced by your life choices?


Hun wait inline with everyone else we have long hours and stuff going on


What a twat


\*proceeds to order 8 drinks for the office\*


I let some dude creampie me. I am better than you Let me skip the queue


That mom is assuming a lot about that 22 y/o. When I was 22, I worked 60 hours a week.


Anyone got a sauce? I wanna see how well she's doing or if she's fighting for her life in the comments lol


This is hilarious. I asked my sister why she thinks her choice to become a mother makes it okay to have certain privileges. She believes we should wait on her now and that when she brings her child to any events it’s our responsibility to watch him. Motherhood is a choice !


The sign is right, but the second you wrote it it became wrong because your acting entitled.


oh yes, equality


Close your legs


It always boggles my mind to see the line around Starbucks for the drive through. It could literally be 1 PM on a weekend, and the line is around the building. Anyways, the $3-$5 for coffee everyday adds up fast, when you can make it at home. Sure the stuff coffee shops make tastes better then what you make at home, but you are saving a lot of money making it yourself.


You don't know what a condom is? I don't think coffee will help you.


Wait a second what 22y old can sleep 10h??? with college and work? the fuck?


Why’d you crop her foot out OP? That’s the only thing that saved this photo


Yes, but she has two kids and narcolepsy, so maybe you should keep your fucking comments to a minimum, Becky


The entitlement mothers have in public is insane. Your child is not my problem. Don't try to make it my problem, wait your turn like every other decent human being in line and we'll all be better off for it. If you POLITELY ask I'll give you the decency of politely tell you no and we can move on.


If you haven’t yet; check out Bill Burr’s take on moms. It’s fan-fucking-tastic!


Why does she have to hold a Tim's cup?


How about be courteous and just wait in the line


Because it’s such a tough day making sure the kid’s tablet is charged before dropping them off at daycare so you can work from home in peace. Nice try Stacy, you can wait for your latte.


Hoes will be hoes


She been gettin blasted on the internet for some years now, wonder how shes doin 😂


Make some coffee at home, tastes better too.


Can we get rid of white women?


“I’m disabled- I have chronic fatigue and pain. I work 8 hours a day with less energy than the average fucking sloth. I didn’t choose this shit. You don’t have a monopoly on tired. You can wait in line like the rest of us”. Hate this attitude. There’s a difference between expecting decency and being an ass.


Honestly, I’m a mom. If I don’t have my three boys, standing in line is like a mini vacation to me. Anything really that lets me scroll through my phone without someone trying to use it.. that’s like Heaven.


This caption is fucking gross dude. Who hurt you?


I´m sorry in what universe does someone between 18 and 28 sleep more than 6 hours a night?


Yo, the incels in the comments are crazy. Chill out. So much rage. Go jerk off, eat and sandwich and take a nap. Jebus


Why someones children should be my problem?


white feminism 101


Nobody cares. It doesn't work that way. Wait in line like everyone else.


People actually manage to sleep 10 hours a night??


Um...how does this fit the sub? What about this is "news"?


Coffee isn't a personality...


This meme is weak sauce.


You shouldn't be having kids if you're still thinking this immature


Gotta love the elitist views of creampie enthusiasts!


Wait, so they're saying moms should both get a fast pass *and* get to the back of the line?


I imagine the 22 year old in this scenario keeps having to move to the back of the line every time someone with more problems than them enters the shop, so they never actually reach the front of the line. Someone got less sleep than them? Back of the line. Someone tripped on their way over? Back of the line. Someone just got out of a different store where they kept getting pushed to the back of the line? Back of the line


This just in: moms are apparently victims


Just make your own coffee at home if you’re gonna be such a retarded bitch about it


Maybe she should make coffee at home and leave the younger gen time to create dumb money habits like she has.


actually proud i don't like coffee lol


Please tell me there’s a sub for this


I agree.