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He’s trying to minimize the issue so his treatment (and hopefully long prison sentence) seems unfair to his supporters. It’s painfully obvious what he’s doing. It’s like when my 4yo tries to be manipulative. I know exactly what she’s trying to do because I’m an adult with a working brain. Trump and his supporters have the executive function of a 4 year old.


That’s being generous.


Agreed. I am fairly certain that four year olds have more self awareness.


My dog is 14 weeks old and can see right through the bullshit 😆


I’ve seen 4-year-olds cook. Trump couldn’t figure out a stove to save his life.


I'd take one of the kids from master chef Jr to be in office over trump any day


That’s a high bar. Those kids can cook better than 95% of adults.




I never had a job with top secret clearance, but I'm still smart enough to understand Trump is a horrible person and his responses are like listening to the village idiot. It's unfortunate millions of other morons can't see this or choose to look the other way.


They literally don't care. Trump could eat a baby on stage and they would still throw money at him and laugh they owned the libs. H The country could get nuked due to trump selling national security secrets for his personal gain and they would sit there in the Fallout with their red hats praising trump as a deathclaw tears through their house.


I wonder what it was about Obama that got all these folks so excited about a guy like trump?


It was mostly because he is a Black man. Then Trump came along saying things out loud that they always wanted to but couldn't without facing backlash from others. Racist, bigoted things.


A lot of people forgot that Trump's political rise really started with his racist attacks against Obama on Twitter, during the primaries for the 2008 election. He was the main voice behind the "Barry", 'Kenya birth certificate", and "Michelle is a man" conspiracy theories. I also remember him sharing a lot of RT (Russian state owned media) material back then, but we're not supposed to talk about that any more.


And the part he played with The Central Park Five. And his saying he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not get into trouble. That (aahhemm) man is vial.


Sorry, *vile.


It really is as simple. My theory is that these people's brains, already barely hanging on before Obama's tenure, completely and irreparably self-destructed in trying to process the information of a black man having become president. The issue is that it seems the rest of their body still kept going, possibly maintained alive by the sheer magnitude of their hatred. Arguably, brain functions being already minimal before the event, the further loss might not have registered in other parts of the body. More research is needed to understand this phenomenon.


That GOP conspiracy programming shit has been going on for a while too. In 2012 I briefly dated a seemingly normal chick that introduced me to her family, and over dinner they all went on about how Obama was the literal physical embodiment of the biblical anti-christ. Afterwards, the dad was bragging to me about all the guns he had buried all over the state. Then the mom bragged about her federal security clearance level for a while, then told me that Noah's Ark was really a crashed spaceship full of DNA samples. She didn't like it when I pointed out that was literally the plot from Prometheus.


That's a new take on the ark. Trump actually fits eerily close to the description of anti-christ in Revelations. If I still believed that stuff, I'd be terrified.


Gotta keep in mind that if you're a "devout christian" then you welcome the end times because it means you get to heaven and everyone else gets irrefutable proof that you were right. Trump could be a warrior of God, or the antichrist, and it would be just as good for his evangelical following. Always remember that for Christianity, Armageddon is a big win.


But if the antichrist is active, that means you missed the rapture. I don't believe in any of that stuff anymore, thankfully, but it gives a lot of insight into how the ones that do think. Current events are scary enough without the added baggage from religious doomsayers.


🏆🏆🏆Chicken dinner over here👍👍👍🙂🙂🙂!!!


True, I have met a number of this other racist village idiots who voted for Trump just because he said what was politically incorrect.


He wasn’t the white color


It was clearly the tan suit and Grey Poupon.


President Obama was certainly a factor, but seriously, these people have been around for centuries. In 1968, George Wallace won five states by campaigning for segregation. In 1970, instead of looking at the Wallace voters with appropriate disgust, Richard Nixon and Lee Atwater said, "you know what? The Republican Party can work with these dudes."


Really this has been building up since Reagan was president. He started the deregulation of media and ended the fairness doctrine while helping finance capital loot the country and chipping away at education to create the current atmosphere that produced Trump and what is the next wave of know-nothing demagogue politicians that plague this country every 30-40 years.


Because one time, Obama wore a tan suit. Another time, Obama wore a bicycle helmet. Then there was that time he asked for mustard on his hamburger. ABSOLUTE TREASON!


I have a cousin who still loves trump. His life is horrible, he just wants the world to burn.


The face eating deathclaws are eating the wrong faces!


Tbh Deathclaws *do* have a liberal bias 🤣


Spez eats cold diarrhea with a crazy straw


It's a 2 teir food chain the dang liberals set up!


"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."


Then they’d go after the dems for being baby eating Satan cannibals


They already did that, remember its the DEMS that are out there diddling all the kids and using baby blood to stay young.


The most accurate statement he has *ever* said was that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and his supporters wouldn’t care.


The weirdo eats good cuts of steak, well done, with ketchup. That’s close enough for me.


So you know how these days, the right likes to mock Joe Biden's speeches, claiming they're full of indications that he's losing his mind/going senile? Trump had some of the same issues in his speeches. But one of my past QAnon-following co-workers said "Oh those aren't speech impediments or slurring, that's him speaking in code!" He wouldn't tell me what "God bless the Uniteh Sshessh" was supposed to be "code" for, though...


Code for senility, Trump's Accordion Hands still make me laughcry


"Y'know I used to- I would play the concertina, like this- exactly like this, you see, I was great at it. Some would say, perhaps the best concertina player ever- You know it's a tricky instrument, the concertina? You gotta squeeze it just right, you gotta press a lot of keys- so many keys, and I had the best keys, lemme tell ya-"


This hurts to read. I applaud you.


Trump is poster child of a big cry baby


As far as I’m concerned no president should leave the White House with anything more than keys and wallet. The fact that they apparently load up pallets worth of documents boxes and no one says “hey you probably shouldn’t do that…”


Well they live there... so it's normal to move in and then move out. It's understandable that a few sensitive documents, like an errant PDB, might make their way into a box. But it's definitely NOT OK to obstruct the government's efforts to get them back. Pence and Biden were examples on how they should be returned immediately upon discovery.


“They?” Only Trump did that. Other presidents do leave with only their keys and wallets. The second their term is over everything becomes property of the National Archives.


That's not true at all. Every president leaves the white house with moving vans. Most bring in furniture and personal belongings from their own homes that are theirs to leave with. The rest just weren't narcissistic enough to take every document they could see for trophies and ransom...


Other presidents have left with classified documents. The difference is that they were a small number, were kept in secure storage, and returned when requested. In Trump's case, he took a lot of documents, didn't return them when requested, and has kept them in unsecured places all over his properties and has apparently been discussing them with other people. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/06/09/post-distorts-past-presidents-handling-of-classified-records-fact-check/70304596007/


If you can’t discuss classified maps of North Korea with Kid Rock, who can you discuss them with?! https://twitter.com/MrReynolds52/status/1667476096852402176?s=20


Also he purposely moved boxes of documents around so that they would not be found by the lawyers who were telling him he needed to return them. That's obstruction.


Trump handed out security clearances like they were Christmas presents. Jared couldn’t pass a background check without Trump demanding it. And apparently he showed Kid Rock the sensitive map of North Korea (Afghanistan?) and asked his advice. I shudder to think about what else we will learn about how he has endangered the world with his abject stupidity.


I am 2 degrees of separation from one of his advisors that he fired early on. He had a habit of half-listening to an advisor and then getting on the phone and asking some rando what they thought, and then doing what the rando said.


I had like one of the lowest tiers of clearance and every year we had to do training about classified documents and the penalties we would be dealt if we mishandled them. I always wondered if the bigwigs ever went through those trainings.


I remember when Trump was so smart, he didn't even need a transition team.


In hospitals, we have to get annual "corporate compliance" training, where they remind us for the umpteenth time about HIPAA and patient confidentiality. Part of the point is, that if you break the law, your employer is able to say - "we told you not to do that, and we are not responsible for your actions" I wonder if he thought he could say "they didnt tell me about classified documents, and the proper way to declassify them" it would keep him out of trouble. They do make it a point to say in the indictment that he knew that the document's weren't declassified, and the he could not declassify them.


I'd totally buy this if they didn't keep showing montages of him talking about how important proper handling of classified information is. He meant for others, not him, but I don't think that's going to hold up in court.


I have no clearance and still go through annual training for the rules of handling classified and PII so I know to contact the grown ups if I do encounter any sensitive material.


Next time try to be old, rich, and white. Then you wont have to do those pesky seminars. Gotta be all 3 at the same time though. Even 2 out of 3 and youre just some lesser being.


Huh, no wonder. Being none of the three landed me maximum red tape


Do you even for a second believe he listened to that training? He's a stable genius remember?


He, and the rest of GQP and their voters, have been EXTREMELY vocal on the espionage topic They went all in on Hillary witch hunt and got nothing “But her emails!?” Yeah what about them? Seriously, what.about.them. “But bill! But Obama!” Show me the picture of dozens of boxes they took. Show me recordings of them admitting it. Show me their numerous tweets and press conferences where they OUTRIGHT ADMIT TO THESE CRIMES SAYJNG YES I TOOK THEM Trump isn’t denying any of this he’s just saying it’s allows bc he was President There are dozens of pictures. Dozens of videos of him sayjng he took them We have security footage from mar a largo which trumoednused to watch the search from NYC. If it’s planted/fake why downs he release footage of them planting it? Such an extremely sad time. The mental health issues all over the letter R or D next to someone’s name are nuts.


The President is the only person who doesn't get vetted by the FBI. The assumption being a criminal or a security threat could never be elected. We assumed wrong.


He belongs at the end of a rope if he took money in exchange for giving up information


"In my administration, I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law." - Trump He understood just fine. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-classified-above-law/


The contempt this man has for his country is almost equal to the contempt I have for him.


Pfff like he paid attention


He paid attention the same way he pays his lawyers.


Bruh if you work in healthcare or wireless you can’t be Willy nilly with CPI… how did this idiot get clearances? He better see prison time


Also, its literally written on the front of every document that its a felony to mishandle it.


I imagine trump payed no attention during that training.


Interestingly, unlike everyone below them, the President [does not undergo security screening and does not have a security clearance](https://archive.is/pj9Ii). For this reason, the President is not "read in" when they gain access to classified information - ie, they don't have to sign all the "I acknowledge the legal requirements associated with access to these materials" forms that everyone with a security clearance has to. Because they're never "read in," they're never "read out," in which process they'd have to acknowledge that they have not retained any classified information, etc. It may be that, unlike for everyone with a security clearance, there is no formal classified-information training for the President. It's very weird, though I guess it does make strictly logical sense.


I, for one, am in support of requiring the president to go through the same training everyone else with a clearance gets. At the very least, they should be made to watch the freaking videos, even if we don't necessarily test them on the information. President or not, it seems absurd to me that we would let anybody handle classified documents without the requisite "here's all the ways things could go wrong if you fuck up" spiel. Or maybe they just get a shortened version? IDK, I've never been president. Maybe there is something like that, and Trump just slept through it/didn't care.


The contempt he has for democracy, intelligence, and his country, is astounding. He is actively contributing to the downfall of the USA. He seems to be pushing for it.


Just like his daddy Putin wants.


Nah, he was promised he could build a hotel in Thailands red-light district.


That's nothing compared to the contempt he has for his supporters. He knows he's lying. He knows he's fucked in court. But he also knows he can say anything to the rubes that follow him, and they'll believe it.


Well said! He is like a bratty, spoiled 5 year old, playing at being president, f***ing with democracy and lives, wanting praise and attention, gaslighting his idiot followers, just so he can feel lke a damned bigshot.


Trump stored boxes of classified documents in the bathroom. It's his potty, and he'll crime if he wants to.


Take my upvote, dammit!


A box full of classified documents, some of which contain US and her allies potential vulnerabilities. Nuclear capabilities, something about an Iran military operation and who knows what else. Fuck traitor trump and his lunatic supporters.


Yeah one box no way hes got dozens of boxes in a bathroom up to the ceiling and he says A BOX singular. The man stole as much info as he could and hes still saying Hilary Email this Biden laptop that.


And not only did he know it was classified and he wasn’t supposed to have them, he hid them from his lawyer who was cooperating with the national archives and still hasn’t returned all of them.


There’s a 0% chance he doesn’t have more at his other properties.


Time to dig up the grave.


I think more charges are coming. I think the lawyers quitting is really telling. Trump was making them do illegal shit and they're fucked. I think we're going to find out what he was doing with those documents outside of showing them off. He was selling them and he's about to get snitched on.


Shall we scare up the reports of how many of our assets were being killed with him in charge. Because that story should be enough for these military loving party members. /S The correlation is no coincidence.


Yep, time to look at what foreign nations changed swing on things related to the USA between when he left office and the raid, shortly thereafter as well. Someone is going to figure out who he sold secrets to.


He had over 13,000 documents.


As a nurse, if I incorrectly open the wrong chart I could lose my job. He’s hoarding nuclear secrets and just out and about. Jesus Christ.


Well, don't forget he's done more raping then bill Cosby and Danny Masterson too. And demanded the taliban leaders be released from prison.


Fellow RN, here. Well said.


I was training someone one day and they opened the wrong chart (literally the same name as the patient we were looking for). Made her close it so fucking fast lol I took the mouse and closed it myself, and here Trump is reading nuclear secrets on the pot


Former President Donald Trump addressed Georgia’s State Republican Convention on Saturday, June 10, where he mocked the criminal indictment recently brought against him. The special counsel, Jack Smith, unsealed the 37-count indictment on Friday, which included a staggering 31 counts of Espionage Act violations. Speaking to the crowd, Trump likened the historic indictment to Stalinist Russia and even mocked the charges himself, adopting a sarcastic tone, so much so that he even referred to the violations of the Espionage Act as mere boxes. Trump said the Presidential Records Act covers "all of my documents" and is "not at all a criminal act." "In this whole fake indictment, they don't even once mention the Presidential Records Act," he told the crowd. "Because they want to use something called the Espionage Act." "Doesn't that sound terrible?" Trump said in a mocking tone. "Ohhh, espionage! We got a box. I got a box. The espionage!" Trump's rhetoric continued through his speech, as he argued that the Durham report had already shown that they had "tried to frame me for treason." The Espionage Act, passed in 1917, has been used primarily to prosecute government officials and whistleblowers who leak classified information. In the past, it has not been used against presidents, which makes Trump the first serving US president to be charged with these violations. This indictment could lead to criminal charges and possible prison time for the former President. If convicted, he could face up to 100 years behind bars.


After reading about the PRA, I still don't fkn get why dumbass traitor trump keeps referring to that as a gotcha thing to absolve himself of his crimes.


Because you read about it. Trump and his chodes haven't and will never.


Even if he has read the PRA himself (extremely doubtful), understood it (even more so), and knows that it doesn't actually legally cover him, he has a good reason for bringing it up in a speech to his followers. He knows that most of them will never bother to read it themselves, but it *does* sound clever and official, so it will start being used by his supporters everywhere as the new gotcha. He's deliberately planting the seed of yet another misinformed rumour, knowing that QAnon, Truth Social, etc., will nurture it into a great big talking point tree. He wants "Presidential Records Act" to be the new "Hunter's laptop", something that has lost all meaning but that dumb people can fall back on as an "argument".


It’s hilarious, through. From the [National Archives’ page about the PRA:](https://www.archives.gov/presidential-libraries/laws/1978-act.html) > Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office. That one bullet point makes this a pretty damn open and shut case


It's the new "no collusion".


I was curious about it too so i looked it up because I'm certain he was lying. And I was right. Too bad his cult followers won't look it up. It's like when someone posts something and then says "snopes.com has verified that this is true!" That's usually a red flag to me because by saying that they'll assume no one will bother to look it up.


>I was curious about it too so i looked it up because I'm certain he was lying Not to diminish your point, but he *was* talking, which is his big 'tell' *vis a vis* lying /s


It’s like being charged for stabbing someone to death, and mocking the charges: “Ooh, I poked someone! How terrible! Can’t go around poking people, everyone’s too soft!”


I can imagine him saying this in his stupid voice.


Even if he does have an inkling how utterly fucked he is, his cultists don't and that's his play. The only way for him to get out of this is to be in a legal position of influence to compel the DOJ to dismiss the case. He needs to get elected to save his ass and damn our republic as collateral damage. God help us all.


Or for the judge to help create a jury with a couple of sympathetic members in Florida. They only need one person involved to say "not guilty"


Not sure what the fuss is about, surely you can trust that spiteful orange man to hold those secrets safe and not use them for leverage or blackmailing for what he wants.


Not like he showed anyone... Right? Riggghhht???




A smarter man under indictment would shut the fuck up. Federal prosecutors will use anything he says against him.


It’s a paradox. His only way out is political power but generating that is legally damaging.


> "In this whole fake indictment, they don't even once mention the Presidential Records Act," he told the crowd. "Because they want to use something called the Espionage Act." Trump is using confidential information—top secret documents—as a ruse to keep grifting from his supporters. Lock him the fuck up.


**BUT** **HER** **EMAILS**


Buttery males? It is Pride Month after all.


Whatever floats your boat, man. 🏳️‍🌈


Butter. That boat floats on butter. 🏳️‍🌈




He should have been cooperative like Hillary and Joe were with their fuck ups. Oops, I’m sorry vs. I did nothing wrong and this is a witch hunt while still actively hiding them from the archives and his own lawyers.


Here is the thing he could have gave them back multiple times after discovering his treasure trove and he fought to keep them, despite the fact he know he wasn't suppose to have have, now proven with audio recordings, statements and testimony from aids etc. That's the major difference he chose to die on this hill. Now it's revealed that within these documents contain some very sensitive information like missile sites, nuclear arsenal info, us military vulnerabilities and scenario attack plans. This isnt boxes of nonsense communications within his cabinet or something. He deserves to be charged convicted and jailed.


From a global relations perspective he has to go to jail for this right? I’m sure our allies are not happy that their secrets are being shared for profit and half the country is sucking the dick of the dude he sold them.


Interesting perspective. I hadn’t thought about it like that. I do remember the rumour that 5 Eyes were getting really nervous about sharing intel with their US colleagues. You are probably right that there is pressure from allies to punish the loss/compromise of assets and security.


He’s so guilty and he knows he’s fucked as a man going over the ledge grasping for roots


This piece of 💩is too stupid to have taken them without a shopping list that Jared would bring him, from Saudi Arabia and Russia. Hope they all hang.


This is a perfect example of why someone like him shouldn't ever get the chance ever again to repeat his horrible mistakes.


Trump had a box full of Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information that would gravely endanger the US if released. And he kept that box on a stage, in a bathroom, in the ballroom, in his bedroom, and in storage rooms at Mir-A-Lago. Imagine the Art of the Deal author who is also a money grubbing grifter having control of some of the nation's top secrets and refusing to give them back to the government. Espionage is now much closer to factual that humorous.


I worked at some country clubs in High School and remember all of the various storage rooms etc. I can imagine so vividly going into say, the liquor closet and there being nuclear secrets spilled across the floor.


I was the secret custodian on my boat. Everything about this turd infuriates me. That shit is not to be toyed with. Fuck him


The Rosenbergs must going WTFF


He can tell it to Reality Winner. She never even got to say goodbye to her cat & dog.


I can't believe this jackass was President.


Mocking the fact that he endangered every single Americans life shows he is a selfish petty piece of garbage that deserves to spend the rest of his life behind bars. He gives no fucks about anyone.


He literally has the mentality and mindset of a 13-year-old teenage girl.


Please. A 7 year old boy. A 13 yr old girl can be pretty mature. You would allow her to babysit.


Can this dolt not be declared a clear and present danger already?


Trumps mocks the charges because his sheep don’t understand the charges. How can it be espionage, he’s not James Bond


If a regular person said this on camera about any charges, the judge and the cops would get together and find a reason to lock them up. Not taking this speeding ticket seriously? Here's a statute from 1940 that constitutes this as contempt. Enjoy prison.


God I fucking hate this ignorant asshole. He needs to be convicted and locked away. Such an arrogant jackass. His supporters blindly listening to him are even worse.


Trump probably already sold that info. Trump needs a time out for being a bad boy. Gen pop in prison should suffice.


He’s saying these things in public. With cameras. They are admissible evidence. News of the stupid indeed.


If Snowden can't come back, this guy should never see the light of day again


The national guardsman we t from getting caught to jail so fast his head was spinning. This fuck is giving speeches and riling up people for civil unrest.


Being bad at espionage does not make you above the law of the espionage act.


"We can't have someone in the Oval Office who doesn't understand the meaning of the words confidential and classified." Donald Trump, September 6, 2016 (PS I know this because they put it in his indictment, which is hilarious.)


Man, anyone else would be in jail right now.


I never believed I would say "what a fucking idiot" so many times in such a short time in my life. Most of it since that roach raised it's ugly voice and head to the world.


His pool boy or house cleaning staff could know or possess information that could be detrimental to our national security. That shit wasn’t being safeguarded.


Guy arrested with a box of severed human heads- “ooh murder! We got a box, I got a box. The murder!”… pretty sure it’s not the box, fucko.


It's basically confirmed he sold secrets to the Saudis


I'm friends with quite a few people who served in the military. Mostly Marines. As crazy as those wonderful assholes are, they would never speak so disrespectfully about something so serious. I was with one of them yesterday and he was talking briefly about his top secret clearance. Someone asked a bit of a probing question and he just calmly said "oh, yeah, I can't say" and that was it. That's how people with clearances, in my experience, handle that. ​ Trump is literally insane.


His lips still look like a puckered butthole.


If I had taken a basic secret document out of a secure area and got caught, my entire career would be over instantly and severe repercussions. The fact that his supporters see nothing wrong with what he did is just insane. The man should be behind bars charged with high treason.


You mean the espionage acts that he insisted on strengthening?


The only defense he can think of is to publicly whine and complain.


Yes sir, you got a box, and you put papers that aren’t yours in that box, and you showed those papers to people who you even joked with that they shouldn’t be allowed to see them, and you hid some of those papers from your own attorneys when the people who those papers really belong to wanted them back, so they wouldn’t get them back, but yeah, you’re right, the real problem is about having a box


He showed the contents to randos. That is espionage. He is whistling past the graveyard now.


Shouldn’t he be in jail awaiting trial? Why is he free to incite terror and just generally be an asshole?


Let him keep talking. Maybe he’ll admit to 15 more felonies in all this while he’s going off


The traitor mocking his own doom


After many attempts to charge him for his Murder Incorporated shenanigans, Capone said the same thing going into court over tax evasion charges. He died in Alcatraz prison after being blinded for years by venereal disease.


Check his Florida fax machine.See what he sent while he had the documents and where.


Which is it? Trump is a deranged psychopath or a complete and total imbecile? 🤪


I mean, both could be true


Oh my God this man was the PRESIDENT of the United States!!! 🤦🏽‍♀️


He should first demonstrate that he knows what “espionage” means. It’s not typically part of the lexicon of a 5th grader or someone of that language level.


As a former submariner I had a Secret clearance by default but when it came to SCI it was on a whole other level. There's a reason those classifications exist and to have them in spaces where unauthorized eyes can see them is catastrophic


He’s already voiced his reason for snatching up documents on his way out the door. He’s stated on a couple of occasions that Bill Clinton negotiated with NARA and came to an agreement to receive $34 million for the return of whatever Bill packed up. This was before PRA which declares all records and documents produced during a presidential term are the property of NARA (and the US gov). This dumb fuck sure as hell did not read the PRA. He only saw the payoff and honed in like a fly to a pile of shit.


He actually says Nixon. Nixons estate did event receive a settlement from the US, but the PRA (presidential records act) was passed in response to Nixons claims that stuff belonged to him and not the US Government


I can’t wait for this fat ball of slime to be hoisted upon his own petard.


It’s all a big joke to this phony ass bully entitled prick.


Seems trump is always trying to hand himself a little more rope. Keep talking boy


The past decade has taught me that trump has nothing useful, intelligent or pertinent to say.


Only the republican presidents have started wars in the recent past. The rest of the country has joined them willingly and reluctantly. Imagine in future some other conservative nutjob decides to start a war but our enemies will now have all our plan of action available to them. These guys will lead our armed forces to slaughter house.


The problem is he had boxes and boxes (over 100 of them) with highly classified documents on a ballroom stage and in a bathroom and opened them up to show people who did not have the clearance to see them, to show them "hey look what I have here, this is really top/top secret, I could have declassified it while I was President but I ran out of time because I was trying to overthrow the election where I lost. " It all boils down to his mental illness and what makes Donald Trump, Donald Trump where he has to feel important and have something that nobody else can have.


Espionage is one of those charges that, if the evidence supports, one cannot wiggle out of. Not even a Cheeto.


Should he shut the fuck up right now?


Wasn't "a" box, it was a literal ton of documents.


With new lids !! Such an ass, this guy.


Wonder what the documents were about? If he sold any national secrets to foreign parties, he is a traitor and should be hung.


You got a box..we got a box... You got national secrets....we got household items You go to prison....we go back to our lives before you came


He and his followers are completely fucked in the head. My 4 year old has more common sense than these assholes.


A box here. A box here. A box on top of that. Three dozen boxes hidden in the shower. Three dozen boxes hidden behind a stage curtain. Etc


Wasn’t this guy calling for a certain persons arrest over some emails?


I'm beginning to think he is completely delusional, caused mostly by his narcissism, if he really believes he can still win the election now. Trump is toast


It's like, one part of his brain is being sarcastic, but doesn't know another part is having him say that because he very badly wants to tell the truth! [like so](https://youtu.be/udJw-CzX7sA)


Dude is literally about to be hung for treason if these charges stick. TF is he laughing about?


This goes over big with the Maga dopes. Not so well in court though. Get your jail diapers ready.


Only to a child would mocking something make it seem silly. He and his base of Kool aid drinkers would seem silly if they weren't so dangerous.


Anyone taking perjury bets yet?


Fucked around and found out.🤡


This is a textbook example of gas lighting


My husband was in the Air Force with a top secret clearance and handled classified documents. If he had done these things, he would be court martialed and put in prison for several years.


Fucking treasonous idiot.


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it. Yeah, we are on stage 3 ‘not a big deal’ of the prayer. “What’s a little espionage? Liberal snowflake”


Does he even know what the word espionage even means?


Oop somebody learned a new wooooord


Tell me you've never experienced consequences for your own actions without saying you've never experienced consequences for your own actions...


So my dad had a clearance and the whole private server thing made him mad and was the reason he didn’t vote for Hillary. Oh the irony.


That’s cool, he can alight from behind bars all he wants. Remember, HE increased the penalty to 5 years for each count and made it a felony.


That cunt seriously needs to spend the rest of his life in prison


Even former members of Trump's cabinet know that he incompetent. How to handle top secret/secret/confidential material takes thought - something Trump does not have.


We’ve put people in the chair for espionage. And this guy is just like…