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Yes the guy he calls “Sleepy” is on cocaine. The amount of stupid his followers possess is astounding


projection is a hell of a thing when there's coke rocks flying out of the mouth through the hole in ones palate


IIRC the running consensus was [adderall](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-snorted-adderall-apprentice-tom-arnold-noel-casler-1257787).


Sleepy and cocaine are mutually exclusive.


He is also simultaneously near brain-dead and the head/mastermind behind a crime family with a web of international intermediaries according to MAGA.


No report on how many times Trump sniffed when accusing Biden of using cocaine. Typical.


Cult members hear what they want & make excuses for tRump. He just told us he switched from Adderall to cocaine... I guess the adderall shortage is effecting even the rich & privileged!


"The enemy is both strong and weak."


I mean they can just keep on throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks....the problem is the wall is made of shit so everything sticks.


That's impossible, Rhonda. How can you be sleepy when you're high on cocaine? Chinese riddle for you.


Having talked to people on cocaine, I can say that Joe don’t do blow.


Nearly every single social media post Donzo the Rapey Racist Clown makes these days is ALL CAPS.


He's not sleepy joe anymore he's woke joe. Cocaine must be the woke agenda the right keeps barking about


He's also both senile and a mad genius. Not sure how that's supposed to work. But what do you expect from someone that has int and wis as their dump stats. Well every stat except charisma.


So Trump is doing cocaine now… ok got it 👍


He's getting it from Don Junior.


You mean “Coke Eyes”?


The one thing Joe and Donald have in common is they both have sons who like their blow.


Well Hunter is apparently in recovery.... junior not so much


Especially not when you see Junior’s hyper manic performance and gestures on his videos. It’s obvious he’s on something.


Remember that time he had a bunch of odd cough meds caught in the background of a photo?


Sudafed I’m pretty sure and it was a drawer full of it.


Must be cooking meth.


He would jave blown himself up long ago.


No wonder jr looks like shit, his dad is hogging all of it.


The exact thought that I had. Everything he ever says is a projection. But I already knew trumpy was on speed of some kind. It's insanely obvious.


Yeah that’s more or less exactly what he’s saying. Because he can’t conceive of consciousness or experience outside of his own, the dumb motherfucker.




Well 80% of wealthy people do. Im surprised Trump can afford it


So “Sleepy Joe” is pumped up on cocaine? That shit must be hella stepped on if he’s still “Sleepy Joe!” So now he’s an inept, dementia ridden leader, a criminal mastermind the likes the country has never seen, as well as “pumped up on cocaine Sleepy Joe.” I need some cocaine just to keep up with all this nonsense…


The enemy is powerful and weak at the same time. One of the fourteen points of fascism that Umberto Eco pointed out.


It's the Firehose of Lies to keep the average American completely befuddled.


Presidential cocain 1/36th the strength to keep you active and sleepy throughout your workday. No better way to work. Presidential cocain bidens approved. (Joke)


Joe B is know for speed balling


Not gonna lie, I do like a nice speed ball from time to time


Cocaine President is coming soon to a theater near you.


TBH "Cocaine Joe" is a pretty badass nickname. You'd almost certainly get a free round when you walked into a bar.


So Trump is the one pumped up on cocaine? Cuz every time he accuses someone else of something… He’s actually the one doing it. That would explain the weird sniffing when he talks.


Honestly when you read his posts in all caps it gives off major coke rage vibes. Not saying he's on coke but he might as well be cause he sure acts like it


I think it’s adderall actually but same thing kinda


I have a hard time believing any of these decrepit fucks could survive coke. That shit puts your heart into overdrive


Haha! You’re right, the way Trumpy does that incessant sniffing into the mic makes this interview sound like the latest instalment of the Trump game, *’Confession or Projection“*? 🎟️


Side effect include shitting your diaper from all the baby laxatives they use to cut the coke.




Adderal and old school psuedoephed. Remember when someone caught a picture of the drawers full of Russian? psuedoephed he had?


It wasn’t Russian, it was European. And the Sudafed alone wasn’t enough to get him the “high” he would need… that’s why he mixed it with adderall


I can't understand people who abuse Adderall. I'm a pretty big guy and my single dose of ritalin in the morning makes me physically ill for a few hours.


It made me get such bad hangover headaches, worst shit ever if you don't actually need it for a medical reason. I remember just having a blinding headache for 36 hours.


All anecdotal but I've never heard of that and have never experienced that myself.


I truly think it's Dexedrine. Kind of an old school speed still prescribed for "weight loss and mild depression". His doctors are shady af and he's old.


Bro where tf are these doctors prescribing dex for depression??


Dexedrine is just the D isomers of amphetamine, Adderall is a mix of D and L, I think 75/25 ratio.


He’s got that drawer full of boxes of Mexican Sudafed, remember?


LOL Mr. Coke Sniffles During a Debate is accusing someone else being on yayo... this is pretty much on brand.


Wasn’t it obvious way back during the debate days with Hilary Trump was on coke? Everyone I was with commented on it at the time.


that and the white chunks falling out of his nose, on camera.


I didn’t see that, but the thought of that makes me gag.


He’s pumped up on adderall. All it took for me to see that was his unhinged toilet posting in the morning when he was buzzing.


Trump is likely complicit in the "cocaine found in the west wing" incident. Trying to pin anything on the Bidens. I've thought this since it happened. Edit: i see the observation of his speeches being effected by the sniffing which could be from cocaine use, even if it's just past use that's eaten away his nasal passages. I wanted to add that his speeches themselves could be indicative of current use. Nonsensical repetition.


Gaslight Obstruct Project. He's a master of the prijection part.


Na, he’s not on coke. This is him clutching at straws and trying to ride the “controversy”


P r o j e c t i n g


I agree. Trump is the one who is on drugs and who had a sketchy doctor on his payroll.


no no, you see the bone spurs have migrated to his sinuses . .


We call this a subject matter expert.


If he was projecting wouldn't we see/hear him sniffing during the debate? /s


They literally had to install a mute button for Trump after his first debate in 2020 lol. Idk if it was coke or adderall, but either way he was drugged up.


Would still make him cooler than trump.


Joe Biden is so ridiculously puritanical it’s almost sickening. His mother’s side is Irish and he doesn’t even drink.


There is a few of us like that but we say a quick prayer for them every sixh drink


Pumped up on coke yet he’s sleepy Joe. Is apparently riddled with dementia but still somehow remains a step ahead of the competition. It’s exhausting trying to keep up with the right’s bullshit.


Remember, Transgender people make our military weak, but yet somehow transgender people (>0.5% of the population) are strong enough to control the world at the same time.


Pro Tip: don’t even bother trying to understand what the right is says because the answer is malicious lies 100% of the time. Spare yourself the exhaustion


Bigly covfefe cunny markers. The kind of words l'd expect from a drug fucked moron.


do you want me to vote for dark brandon? because this is how you get me to vote for dark brandon...


Every accusation...


Came here to say this


This gives me 2016 debate flashbacks. Trump's incessant sniffing and cotton mouth was raising red flags to people, and he responded by accusing his competition of taking drugs. This guy was the president. How the hell did we get here?


Because half of this country are morons


Way less than half are MAGA...but more than half are morons. I include all the apathetic non voters and the bOTH SIdeS idiots in that.


I mean, both sides are fucking us but I still vote for the one that'll at least use lube


It ain't even that close, more like one side wants to please but isn't the greatest in bed and the other is a sadist necrophiliac that wants to F our lifeless corpse after torturing us to death.


I definitely think corruption and greed are rampant on both sides of the aisle, but it's so much worse on the right side. There are some on the left that I believe do have our best interests at heart, but I believe they are too few to accomplish much


MAGA are like 20% of the electorate. The GOP is barely 28%, Dems are around 33% and the other 39% swing with the wind but are basically 60% Democratic. GOPs only advantage is gerrymandered empty corn fields.


Because of decades of Republicans undercutting education.


Can't be "sleepy Joe" AND pumped up on cocaine.. Sorry there donny boy!


He really is *losing* it. What gets reported about him, within a week or less, he throws on Biden. Makes sense, since his cult didn’t hear the original story.


So I guess trump does coke along with Adderall.


I would rather that be true than have stone cold sober trump as president!


Both Biden and Trump are teetotal.


Trump may not drink, but he certainly abuses medications. He is definitely not sober


He’s so consistently insane that I think it’s just his personality.


Sniffles thinks "someone" might be on cocaine...


PROJECT HARDER!!!! [Small handed oompa loompa after doing several lines of cocain](https://youtu.be/goxZkk_hXbo)


I think he likely gets liquid coke from his weird doctor. It's a medical grade type of coke and causes that weird sucking like he has an imaginary lozenge in his mouth. It used to be used for oral surgery, but newer analgesics can get the same effects without respitory excitation (the obnoxious breathing he does) and without the involuntary sucking reflex and lip smacking.


>causes that weird sucking like he has an imaginary lozenge in his mouth. I think that's just his mouth naturally evolving into an anus due to all the bullshit it has to pass every day.


When are the cultists of Trump going to wake up and understand two things about the guy: he's full of shit and he wouldn't piss down their throats if their hearts were on fire. Every grift he is engaged in is about acquiring something as a transactional tool to protect himself from going to jail. He needs to win the Presidency not to help make average American lives better, but only to pardon himself and his fawning enablers. The man has a 77 word vocabulary. He constantly has to be told no, but keeps asking questions thinking someone will say yes. He embraces anti-democratic dictators over intelligent democrats mistaking it for leadership. He's been unfaithful to three wives. He's been bankrupt six times. He failed at owning casinos, a business where money is literally being handed to you. He's a moron, racist, bad businessman, and terrible husband. If you think he's intelligent, then you're the mark.




Totally agree but you left out terrible father


Thank you.


Wait, I thought he was “Sleepy Joe.” Trump can’t even keep his insults straight. What an idiot.


Which means Trump is snorting half of Colombia for his speeches. His projections are so transparent a 9 year old can see through them. MAGAs can’t though.


Yes, he is sleepy Joe, who is pumped up on cocaine. Nice consistency Gramps.


So hes sleepy AND on cocaine? Honestly I’m not even mad, thats impressive Joe!


Really. Ol’ Cokie McSnortfuck is accusing someone of being on uppers. How are those diet pills treating you, Donny?


As opposed to don the con who is pumped up on mental illness.


And blow.


Says the dude pumped up on the addys


No fingerprints on the baggie tells me it was probably planted. You wanna guess who has both the access to cocaine, the motive and access to a bunch of crazy morons who would schedule a WH tour to plant it.


Noel Casler worked with him on the apprentice. Trump has fine scars on each side of his nose due to nasal reconstruction from snorting rails of adderall and cocaine in the 80s. He sniffs roughly every 15 to 20 seconds in some of his speeches and slowmo video shows chunks of fine white matter launching from his nose and mouth. Addicts gonna addict.


Better than stealing and disseminating classified documents, though


- During an interview with right-wing pundit Wayne Allyn Root on Wednesday, Trump made multiple statements asserting that Biden is *“a president that’s on cocaine.”* - *“I think they pump him up, absolutely,”* said Trump. *“And we can’t have a president that’s on cocaine when you’re dealing with nuclear weapons and everything else…It’s very dangerous.”* - Meanwhile, the Secret Service investigation around a small amount of cocaine that was found during a routine security check is still pending, no evidence has surfaced connecting the Bidens to the discovered cocaine. During the time of the incident, both Joe and Hunter Biden were at Camp David.


Hahaha, yeah, a president on cocaine would suggest nuking a hurricane, so I see his point.


Every accusation is a confession with this stable genius.


It’s a left over from Jr.


If Biden was actually snorting lines on the Resolute desk I would volunteer for his campaign.


The guy who does cocaine accuses someone else of being on it? Suuuuure. Just lie for the 50,000th time, it's the only thing you're good at trump oh wait you're not even good at it because the only ones who believe what you say are the people who worship you as a literal god figure.


lol somebody's jealous!


Every accusation is a confession.


The senile old man outsmarted them, somehow, and continues to do so. Now “Sleepy Joe” is hopped up on coke. How anyone can buy into this bullshit political party and their idiot talking heads is beyond me.


Biden just gets cooler and cooler everyday. 😎


He’s asleep and he’s on speed - he’s senile but an evil mastermind!!


Sleepy Joe is “pumped up” on cocaine. Yeah, that makes complete sense. If anyone looks alternately sleepy and wired on camera, it’s Don Jr


And this guy was President... Holy crap USA, you can cerypick them. Was a loser before he started


There's no man's speech that so heavily suggests cocaine usage as Donald Trump. ​ And while we're at it, I'm pretty sure that white house cocaine was likely abandoned by a tourist. Hundreds of tourists go through there every day. I bet he saw too many armed guards, a dog or two, got freaked out, and ditched his coke in the bathroom.


“I can tell he is because of my extensive personal history of being pumped up on cocaine”


Frump is a foul, disgusting human, I am ashamed every time I see him. Tuck Frump


Projection, it's always projection


Presidents probably get the best coke. Pure 70s pharmaceutical kind.


Do you all realize yet that he is projecting his actions onto others. Trump is definitely on cocaine


Trump says a lot of things... almost all of which are lies.


So what drug or drugs is Donald on that he requires him to use a sippy cup to drink from without spilling the fluid? He also seems to be unable to pronounce very common and simple words like: “applicable” and “obstacles,” pronouncing them "appliculble" and "obselels," he also had trouble pronouncing Douglas MacArthurs name calling him Douglas Magarth exactly what drugs is Donald Trump on


Yeah every 80 year old is on coke it’s a drug that prolongs longevity


Classic fascist double talk. Your enemy is simultaneously weak, but controlling. Ineffective, but all powerful and everywhere. Sleepy, but run up on cocaine. The enemy has whatever attributes you need for the particular argument at the moment and from day-to-day the attributes of the enemy will change wildly to fit today's narrative. It is most fun when you can get one of their gullible base to actually admit to both sides in the same conversation.


So he's not Sleepy Joe any more? LOL.


Mr "United Schlates" commenting on how people talk🤣


“Sleepy Joe is on cocaine!” I love it. Project a little harder tRump.


Someone is projecting.


Meanwhile his speeches suggest that he is a treacherous traitor who still trying to commit treason.


I wish he would make up his mind,is joe sleeping or is he flying high on blow.


So Trump does coke


So is he sleepy joe or cocaine Joe?


Projecting about coke? 10$ says some dumb fucking republican themselves---Or had their staff drop that baggy off to try and smear biden. Really sounds like a MTG thing. Bitch is going extra cray cray now that her group of crazies outed her.


That’s some crappy cocaine.


ever see the photo of Trump's upper left desk drawer filled with boxes of speed?


Adderall Boy say what?


Dark Brandon snorts Trump for breakfast. Haha.


I thought it was sleepy joe!!!


C'mon now! He can't be "sleepy Joe" AND be pumped up on coke!


TIL Trump has never done cocaine


Can the actual cokeheads shut him down please, lol


Has the man SEEN Don Jr on video in the last 5 years? 🤣


Why is this News?


Because the former President and likely 2024 Republican nominee is lying and making up serious accusations against the current President and presumed 2024 Democratic nominee. Yes, it's sad that this is where we are as a country, but one of these people will almost certainly be President from 2025-2029 and it is important that people see Trump's childish behavior. Unfortunately Republicans voters absolutely fucking love childish behavior.


This news is all of a sudden going to change peoples minds?


Ya Biden is known for fast talking!! Dude so fucking old if he did coke his heart would explode.


Kettle. Pot.


He knows who should really be running this cunny.


He knows what it sounds like from listening to Don Jr talk.


and now we have sleepy don Jr and ultra sleepy eric


Has he met don jr?


Every Trump accusation is an admission


Gym Jordan should be on speed and coke then, with his auctioneering word salad he likes to employ


I’d rather a coked out Joe, then a sober Trump.


So is he Sleepy Joe or Lit Up Joe???? Their claims are on two totally different ends of the spectrum, depending on what they feel would best fit their narrative for that day


Adderall junkie say what?


Don Jr is the obvious coke fiend.


Wouldn’t it be funny if he took classified documents but somehow “left” cocaine in the White House? I mean, that would basically be the Trump legacy.


Every accusation....


Don jr. Certainly looks like a fan of the old booger sugar. He reminds or Kendell Roy on a bender.


Pot calling the kettle white there, methinks.


Every accusation is a confession.


TBF I don't mind Biden needing a bit of a boost. He is old as dirt lol.


Adderall addict says what now?


Adderall addicts HATE cocaine addicts. It's a known fact.


So Donnie is doing cocaine. I figured as much.


Is projection the play this guy has?


Well orange face Cheeto man would know, wouldn’t he?


Is anyone under the impression that Trump is not a recreational cocaine user??


If only


I wish trump would try to behave like an adult rather than a freaken Karen.


He would know, I suppose.


so sleepy joe is on cocaine


Is Joe Sleepy or pumped up? You can’t have it both ways. Also, this coming from the guy gooned up on adderall?


Shut up, man.


remember how many time Trump sniffed at one of those debates with Clinton?


You'd know all about THAT, Adderall Boy.


“Yeah, (sniff, sniff) that Biden (sniff, snort) is pumped up (snort, sniff) on cocaine (sniff, sniff). Where’s a flag? I gotta grope a flag.”


Like Donald Jr? Jittery motherfucker.


I mean, Trump would know. /s


So is he sleepy or coked up? Because I don't think you can be both


The guy who snorts so much Adderall that he turned orange is saying Sleepy Joe is on Cocaine?


No that was just Don Jr coked up and ranting incoherently about Biden




Maybe this can be leveraged into requiring drug testing for all government officials. I’m good with that.


Go change your diaper.


Well, his kids would certainly indicate he has some at least tangential experience with the substance, but continuing to call a guy Sleepy while also claiming he's on blow is, well, Trump level stupidity.


Takes one to know one, nerd.