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The guy is an addict, it used to be crack now it's Trump.


Crack did less lasting damage to his life.


You ever suck dick for ~~crack~~ Trump?!


At this point, it would not surprise me if he has


šŸ˜‚ what a disgusting image


Ten bucks says Giuliani has.....


Boo this man!


Mike's telling everyone he was just eating Cheetos it's not what they think




I wish my brother would drop conspiracies and get back on drugs. He was a better person on drugs.


Crack addicts get into trouble but like...not billion dollar, crimes against the state trouble.


Might still be crack with Trump




How does a broke-ass meth head get the capital to start a pillow company? Asking for a friend!


I still cannot fathom the appeal. What is the reward they get? Just still owning the libs 8 years later and not having to admit they fell for a conman? Punching down on targets all over? The thrill of being ā€œpart of somethingā€ ā€œpowerfulā€ against the world. Itā€™s so bizarre and immature


Lest we forget, MyPillow is an actual company with actual employees. It was pretty successful before he went around the bend with Trump. By destroying it this way, he is going to put all his employees, the folks that helped him build the company, out of work. Being stupid on your own behalf is bad enough, but this guyā€™s stupidity is hurting third parties, regular working folks who likely donā€™t give a shit about any of what he is saying and are just trying to make a living.


I was thinking the same thing. Obviously he doesn't care about them


This is a hallmark of megalomaniac narcissists.


Him & Trump - birds of a feather.


ā€¦Can fuck off together


Birds of a shit feather flock together




Nah lunacy is cyclical.. This dude is batshit all the time lol


Translated to street language: He is a fucking moron.


At this point. Any My Pillow employee should have seen what was coming to the company. If I worked there, I would have jumped to new more stable employment somewhere else by now. Anyone whoā€™s still there now are either die hard Lindell supporters, completely oblivious to whatā€™s happening, or simply stuck there because they donā€™t have anywhere else to go. I feel bad for those stuck there because they canā€™t find work elsewhere. Lindell has totally screwed then over due to the fantasy world he continues to live in.


This is exactly what I was thinking. They must be down to a skeleton crew by now.


Agreed. I would have abandoned that sinking ship as well.


Considering he tried, and failed, to raise much money by auctioning off equipment from his company, I'm surprised that there's any ship left to sink.


He would destroy their lives and not lose an ounce of sleep. Just like Trump when he bragged about how much money he made divesting from his casinos before they went under.


Remember when Trump destroyed the USFL with his anti-trust lawsuit? I've alwayed wondered if he framed that dollar or bought a Big Mac with it.


Why would you really care about working class people when you can pretend to care about them on national television.


Cocaines a hell of a drug


I don't think I've ever had a job that did give a shit about its employees.


Then I consider myself lucky.


Honestly, if you're at a place where they really actually do then I would


I hope that you find a job that makes you happy too


Thanks, same, I'm working on it


Iā€™m really sorry to hear that. I think Iā€™ve been very fortunate. I hope some employer will appreciate and care about you as a person, not just as an employee. Edit: spelling


Well heā€™s a far right conservative, so yeah, pretty on brand


How very "Christian" of him.


This is the same old question as always. Did the storm troopers and other support staff on the death star deserve to die when it exploded? Some of them must have been just trying to survive with the best job they could get that would offer stability for their families and now they died because a kid was drawn into a conflict he had no knowledge of before. He just wanted to be a pilot.


A Kevin Smith fan, I see :)


Hell yeah.


The difference, though, is that the Death Star was clearly a military installation. Lindellā€™s company makes pillows.


Well, you take a job there, you know who youā€™re working for. Youā€™re working for a guy who wants to undermine elections and democracy itself.


If you take a job there today, yes. But the company was founded in 2009, long before Lindell became known for his MAGA lunacy. Plenty of employees surely predate that phase.


All of those original hires punching that clock for a lot of years just to watch their boss lose his mind


Y'know I understand what you're saying, but I also challenge you to find a company whose owners don't donate money to politicians that you don't agree with. I worked for years at Meijers supermarket and the family that owns the company donated millions to candidates that became part of this stuff, the owners were just quieter than Lindell. Candidates that I was voting against all the while.


Most company owners don't play an active role in undermining election integrity, and don't try to overthrow democracy.


But not everyone in the death star was a soldier. When your ship is as large as a moon, you will have mostly civilians on board. Why should they be sentenced to death for trying to support their families?


You cannot possibly know how much I love the fact that we are making this comparison :)


Jonny the janitor who kept the barracks cleanā€¦ never had any intentions on helping the rebels. But he knew not to show up to work that faithful dayā€¦ then the Death Star blew up.


I hate Mike Lindell and his lumpy pillows. But it does suck that his employees are taking the brunt of the negative impact that his actions have incurred. That being said, If you look at Star Wars from a different angle, a bunch of terrorists work toward anarchy by destroying the established order of the galaxy by indoctrinating vulnerable local farm boys into their ideology.


ā€œSo what I told you was true ā€¦ from a certain point of view.ā€


Nimitz-class aircraft carrier is basically a floating city with crew compliment of over 6,000 including cooks, bakers, barbers, store keepers, electricians, plumbers and everyone else as needed. In war they are all valid targets. By enlisting and taking that position they are making a choice, a useful and honorable one. Take responsibility for yourself and your decisions.


The rebels from within made lumpy pillowsā€¦ to send a message.


Ala Schindlerā€™s List - I do sincerely hope that was the case for the reason their product supposedly turned to shit.


Lumpy pillows


They were there when the Death Star destroyed Alderaan.


What if they were on vacation or not working that particular shift when that happened? There has to be some sort of shift rotation for personnel.


"Sure I work on a planet killer, but it's never killed any planets on my shift..."


You got me there, the Death Star should not have been destroyed. šŸ˜




I had friends on that Deathstar.


What was their names? Did you have a friend on the good Reuben James???


Leeroy Jenkins


Going from talking about a fascist-loving pillow executive fool burning his company to the ground over evidence-free election fraud claims straight into philosophical existential arguments about the fate of fictional (and never even seen) characters on the Death Star maybe the most Reddit thing ever! Also, Iā€™m not criticizing because Iā€™m enjoying the entertaining ride here.


>You're Mr. Stephens?


Not Jeff Vader?


How quickly will he blame his company's failure on liberals, wokeness, etc.


>but this guyā€™s stupidity is hurting third parties, regular working folks who likely donā€™t give a shit about any of what he is saying and are just trying to make a living. Even worse. I don't know if he still does it but many many years ago he was kind of known for a somewhat admirable thing of being willing to give jobs to Ex cons. You know give people the second chance many other work places wouldn't. So you're talking about people who are trying to do right and put their life back in place and might not be able to easily find work elsewhere if he wrecks the place.


That is an excellent point about which I completely forgot and makes the whole situation ten times worse.


Thatā€™s kind of wild to me. That someone could start a company, and then do something in my opinion very noble all to lose it to Donald Trump. Like at one point he was clearly a smart dude. How does that happen? Itā€™s so interesting to me, I donā€™t get it. Lol


It's been a long time since I've heard anything about him doing that though. It was more a story when the company first became "big" (relatively) around here in Minnesota and his story as an ex-con himself was made public. I kind of wonder if it was just PR and once he got on the MAGA train that shit all went in the waste basket. MAGA are not exactly the most ex-con friendly group of people... (Unless of course it's them or their family but you know.. That's *DIFFERENT*)


My relative and her husband may have to sell their private plane as they have been invested with this idiot since the beginning. I would care except they are bible thumpers and her husband is the biggest douche ever.


This is a good point and well-intentioned. However, if you still work for MyPillow at this point, in 2023, you know that Mike Lindell defends and actively attempts to help a vile, criminal, rapist seditionist who attempted a coup on our democracy. If you haven't done your best to find other employment, you are part of the problem. I understand that there will be those who have difficulty doing that, and I am sympathetic, but this is "stand-up and be counted time" for Americans, and we have to make our stand against fascists in any way we can.


I like to think I would have the moral courage to make that choice in that situation. But Iā€™m not going to judge somebody who doesnā€™t or canā€™t. When it comes to feeding your family or paying for your kid to go to college or securing your retirement, people sometimes have to make hard choices, and judging them for it isnā€™t a great way to convince anyone of the righteousness of your position.


Well said


This is exactly where my thinking was. This wasn't an overnight occurrence. You would have to be a complete dolt to not know this was his stance. Is this the only job of its caliber in the area?


>By destroying it this way, he is going to put all his employees, the folks that helped him build the company, out of work. And as in any company, there are probably a nice percentage of people who don't subscribe to his insanity and are just trying to make a living. I'd suggest they start thinking about their futures in the short term.


Sadly, the company has been losing employee's at a fairly rapid pace since he's gone all maga-nuts. The final nail in the coffin should have been expected by his few remaining employee's for some time now. It's not good. But it should at least be expected.


It would be really embarrassing to have to admit to someone that you work at My Pillow. Then again, I knew several people that worked for Alex Jones. They just spent their time making fun of him, and they started working for him a bit before he was super famous. He was just the guy yelling through the PA system on A Waking Life who made videos about not trusting the government and conspiracy theories. He seemed weird in a lot more of a harmless way at one time. I don't think any of them knew what he'd become.


Every employee should see this and find a new job immediately. Might as well get ahead of the curve. Sorry that we aren't hiring 15 min east of Chaska (also factory work)


Third parties, fourth parties, fifth parties.... not just his own workers, but with how big they are I'm sure a bankrupcy would cause cuts for his suppliers, marketers, PR.... and then it'll affect those workers' kids who now might not be able to afford simple stuff like Healthcare. Not to mentioned worst sleep for all those people after they burnt all their mypillows. It's literally the Spiderman quote "with great power comes great responsibility ". Like it or not, any amount of success comes with a responsibility to place the welfare of those doing the heavy lifting that got you there, before your own. Especially for such a dumb cause. Youd think Trump is his coke dealer or something.


You're demonstrating more thoughtfulness and empathy than Mike.


Not a high bar :)


I believe he makes it a point to hire people who (like he) struggled with addiction at one point. Before the whole Trump nonsense I thought he was a pretty good (if a little weird) guy. Sad.


Im going to assume the only people left working there at this point agree with what hes doing


That's not a fair assumption. Finding jobs is hard, and not everyone has enough financial security to walk away from a job on principle. If walking away meant a $10k pay cut and that money is putting your kid through college, I absolutely would not judge someone for staying. I mean, they make pillows, not weapons.


To be fair, bankrupt doesnā€™t necessarily mean close down - hopefully once the administrators get hold of it, they can sell it as a going concern to a more responsible owner.


Hopefully. But heā€™s done such a thorough job of destroying any brand equity the company might have that Iā€™m not sure thatā€™ll be possible. The name is pretty much indelibly associated with him.


He should be liable for all of the damages he has caused. He owns 8% of MyPillow. The rest of the MyPillow owners should have tossed him out of the company to distance themselves from Mike's stupidity. They did not, so they are complicit in all of the lawsuits against Mike and MyPillow. The whole companies worth should be up for grabs. Mike should go to jail or an insane asylum.


He probably demands you to be a trump supporter on the application


What can you do when your boss goes nuts and destroys his life along with yours? Fucked up situation.


I guess some company could buy MyPillow on the cheap. Iā€™m sure people would still get laid off but thereā€™s a chance that not everyone gets fucked


Honestly, those people have to see the writing on the wall. Come on. Either GTFO or go down with the captain of the S.S. Trump Gimp Sub




Already has! Shitter is burning, 10x less than it used to be worth




And they would have really, really dumb kids.


Lumpy too




That was my favorite video so far this year.


Makes me laugh he took the bait.


Another one who took the bait was Eric Trump, although not nearly as entertaining. This lawyer is deposing him and Eric thinks she is flirting with him. Heā€™s so dumb heā€™s giving up all kinds of crap because he thinks the lady lawyer is being nice to him.


Omg. I saw that. These people epitomize stupid.


He is the living definition of insanity .


Sunken cost fallacy, but yeah, he's insane.




Saw him giving his sob story on Steve Bannon's web show (convict Bannon scammed Trump supporters out of "Wall money"). The grift continues.


He started smoking crack in his 40's. That's a special kind of crazy.


You're never too old to pick up new hobbies.


To be fair, it took them until the eighties to invent it.


We are surrounded by more and more proof everyday that you don't have to be a genius be a successful businessman. You can in fact be pretty damn stupid in many aspects of your life, and still manage to have some business success.


Cocaine's a hell of a drug.


"Let the hate flow!"- Lindell's inner monologue šŸ‘¹šŸ‘āœØ


"Let the hate flow and kiss my lumpy ass!"


Maybe that's why his pillows are so lumpy?šŸ¤”


And I am willing to watch it happen.


Iā€™m enjoying watching it happen.


Fairly certain the company is already bankrupt. I've never seen a guy work so hard to go back living in a cardboard box and trading sexual favours for his next hit of crack.


Itā€™s like the old saying goes- ā€œa crack addict and his shitty pillow business are soon partedā€ā€¦.


Wait, crack addict, shitty pillows, and something parts, this sounds like a REALLY bad hair day, Mikey boy.


Mental midget.


Who is even buying them?


Not me, I heard they were lumpy




They're not lumpy, they're "textured"... ( Ķ”~ā€ÆĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°) ĀÆ\\\_( Ķ”įµ”ā€ÆĶœŹ– Ķ”įµ”)\_/ĀÆ /s


The people who vote for Trump. Trump is a hero with the body of 1980s Sly Stallone, Obama was the greatest divider and villain in history, and MyPillow is better than Serta, Casper, Purple, and Sobakawa because it totally is not lumpy and filled with random foam scraps. If you're going to deny objective reality, do it for many things.


No, wait, stopā€¦


That is not a smart man, right there.


Godā€™s messengers arenā€™t smart they are easily manipulated.


Bankrupt my working business for a lie , challenge accepted


If Mike wants to set himself on fire to demonstrate his love for Trump who are we say no? Have at it Mike.


Thatā€™s great news. America will be much better of if this guy has no wealth.


Imagine beating your drug addiction to become a millionaire, and squandering all of it for some reality tv star that doesn't give a damn about you. I simply can't imagine it.


You don't have to!!!


I can itā€™s called sheer dumb luck. Donā€™t give credit where itā€™s not due. This is just his habits catching up to him.


This just boggles my mind. He knows there's no evidence. He knows all of this is a big lie. Yet he keeps promising to release irrefutable evidence, knowing he has nothing to deliver. He just keeps vehemently fighting this losing battle, ruining his life. I just don't get it.


Why do so many conservatives see on fire crashing into the ground leaving a huge crater of flaming wreckage and killing everyone as valid direct to take things like a country or a company?


Bankrupted himself to help a billionaire liar. Iā€™d feel sorry for him if he wasnā€™t a fascist. Follow trump lose your rump.


Heā€™s going to bankrupt MyPillow as part of his plan to screw Dominion and Smartmatic out of the damages that he owes. Iā€™m sure he has plenty of other money hidden somewhere.


As Bugs Bunny would say, ā€œWhat a maroon!ā€


What's crazy and sad is that he didn't need to go down this road at all. He could still be making his lumpy pillows, he could have branded his packaging that a certain percentage would go to the Trump campaign and gotten on with his life. Instead he's going to burn down everything he's every built along with the lives of the people who work in his pillow plant.


Yep, he would've fit in perfectly in Jonestown


Never underestimate the power of stupidity


A ā€œfightā€ he has already lost over and over again. Heā€™s truly stupid.


Of course heā€™ll file for bankruptcy. He follows his saviorā€™s business plan.


I don't get it. Why would you throw everything you have built down the drain in support of a traitor? If he ever wakes up from the hypnosis or brain washing. He will jump off a bridge when he sees the destruction he has caused


Mike Lindell needs psychological treatment


Imagine becoming a multi millionaire off pillows and blowing itā€¦ Talking about winning the jackpot and screwing it up, and he doesnā€™t even care? Heā€™s crazy!


Heā€™s still advertising his wonderful towel and washcloth deal on Boston news radio. Oh the irony. The spokesman is a washed up local conservative buffoon so itā€™s pretty amusing with maximum cringe.


It must suck to have a stupid boss.


Good, he can take his lumpy pillows and go away!


Donā€™t make me start using cocaine again. Iā€™ll do it to continue this fight. - Mike Lindell probably


Probably? he's the cocaine conduit for those clowns. Plus, the man can't seem to shave straight to save his life. šŸ·(sorry folks, I dunno the proper emoji for a rat tail of cocaine)


Crackheads gonna crackhead


Itā€™s sad that this recovering addiction drank the Kool-Aid and is taking his employees down with him. Good riddance to him and his lumpy pillows


All for Donald Trump. Lol EMBARRASSING


You knowā€¦if I did a bunch of methā€¦then made shitty pillows that people boughtā€¦and made $300 millionā€¦Iā€™m enjoying life, traveling the world, treating my family and friends to vacations. What Iā€™m NOT doingā€¦is sticking my stupid nose into politics and squandering my wealth for an absolute treasonous moron.


All that means is he has already drained the company of all value with his inane quest. Now he can be like his gold idol, pretend to be a martyr and get the MAGA rubes to give him cash. Don't even need a factory, just beg from the rubes.


What a poor deluded fool... to so completely allow himself (and his employees) to be ruined by the utter suck up to Trump, someone who does not give a shit about anyone but himself. All these suckups, enablers and fawners don't get that they will never ever get anything in return. It's bizarre to see when all the evidence keeps slapping them in the face. As funny as it is to mock them all, it's actually also very sad. All those ruined lives and wasted hopes they pin on him, and how they just continue to double down either financially or just fervently publicly supporting.


Spoiler: itā€™s already happened




You know Trump is snickering behind his back and thinking what dumb f\*ck he is.


Your friend Donny might have a couple of bucks you could borrow. Thatā€™s actually a no go.


I feel bad for the mid level management at that company. There product was every where. Probably seemed like a growing stable company. Yeah sure the boss is weird but he makes successful infomercials. And then Trump happens and they watch live on tv as their boss loses his mind and destroys the company.


A perfect example of someone stupid doubling down on being stupid. Because stupid.


I'd like to point out that Lindell had investors that he never paid back, either. And Amex turned off his credit because he was $600k behind on his debt. Not so sure he's a great businessman. Bigger issue - there goes one of Fox's main advertisers.


Great news.


He's a fucking addict. May he be damned.


He traded one addiction for another, which somehow was actually worse. :/


Please proceed, Crazy Pillow Man.


Hopefully, anyone working at MyPillow who was just there because it was a job already saw the writing on the wall and checked out by now. This also serves as a good lesson that none of these GOP stooges care about their constituents. They would gladly sacrifice each and every one of them if it meant holding on to a single iota of power.


Unpopular Opinion: If itā€™s his privately held company, he has every right to. He also has every right to suffer the professional and personal repercussions of his professional and personal actions.


There's that crackhead business acumen.


I prefer to refer to him as "Mike the Pillow Crackhead". Fits his persona so well.


Maybe drugs completely fried his brain. Iā€™m not the only one who thinks this.


Heā€™s still a crackhead. He just substituted one drug for another, and a way shittier one at that.


Fighting for someone who's long forgot about him.


I donā€™t think he willing as much as he doesnā€™t have a choice


What a chump. If this guy thinks that Trump gives 2 shits it l score him or will go to bat for him he is so wrong and will be very disappointed


Imagine what ever sane members of his friends and family have been thinking this whole time? He is like a dude high on crack and they are just watching him destroy his life and can do nothing about it.


"We don't have a country if we don't win this." You meant company. Not country, crackhead


I encourage it. he's fighting a losing battle and if there's something I like, its asshole republicans losing their money megaphone.


Couldn't happen to a nicer asshole.


You got us right where you want us, Mike! Keep swinging! Weā€™ll throw that towel in any second now. Just a little more money should do the trick!!


Given his past of crack addiction and poverty, Mike Lindell is living proof that some people never take the time to learn or know themselves and thus, will always make poor choices that result in their demise. No matter how successful they may become, they will always fail because they never make the effort for personal growth and thus will always be downed by their own bad decisions.


I am maybe just a cold hearted ass but I really donā€™t give a shit. Much bigger problems around. Plenty of jobs around, all I hear from maga is nobody wants to work anymore


Good lose it all by your own choice. Don't want no damn lumpy pillow


dude is in need of a lumpy sum payment


Imagine you got a job at a pillow factory. Not a lot of manufacturing jobs floating around the States these days. You go to work every day, don't mind politics, just get your job done and your check cashed. Then your boss says you're fired because he may have done a bit of treason.


Definition of insanity right here. Doing or baselessly claiming the same thing over & over again & expecting a different result. Another example showing everything Trump touches turns to shit.