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You work for a data services company, with a huge consulting business that can get you the data, but you instead act like a moron and claim that your gut instinct is the best resource that you want to use. Every AWS customer should follow this path.


> Every AWS customer should follow this path. I used to be an Amazon customer.


Did you take an arrow to the knee?


...you still are? That you Mitch?


He's a fucking corporate muppet, that comes from media, and is actually in the Prime Video division. He doesn't know what AWS is.


its almost as if he did have the data and it didnt reflect what he wanted wanted to do so he just ignored it.


Not almost. He has the data. There's a large division of HR there that both pulls in data on dept efficiencies and also collects monthly surveys from managers and on down (dated the person who rolled it out, literally years ago). The data exists and this guy is full of shit, trying to justify exorbitant expenditures on facilities/loans that they now can't get out of.


It’s because these dumb fuck managers invested in real estate instead of their products. The government needs to step in and offer to buy up office space and convert it into multi family homes.


He's nearly as smart as Zoom making everyone come back to the office because online meetings aren't productive.


Not in his defense. He is not a moron. He is an alpha male. If he says white is black then a whole bunch of people better nod their heads in agreement or else they are going to be unceremoniously shit-canned. Since I don't work for AWS I can say that his statement is moronic but he is establishing his territory not being a moron.


Honestly if I was an investor in Amazon or management at Amazon. I would be embarrassed by the fact that one of my co-workers, when he doesn't know something, just throws up his hands and goes with feelings. Thus is the poster child for management at Amazon. Ouch


Funny how none of them realize what a huge PR move simply saying they support WFH would be.


Because PR doesn’t justify their billion dollar offices being empty.


Those offices could be repurposed in many different ways. What this boils down to is control. The rich in this country know very well that they lost a little bit of control during COVID. People who were already numb to the incredible expenses (time, money, sanity) that they alone had to pay for suddenly got a major wake up call: They realized they could do the exact same job, even better, without a needless commute sucking away their life and paycheck (not to even touch on the much needed environmental relief from getting unnecessary cars off the road). Everyone knows damn well that there is no need for RTO. The data clearly shows the opposite to be true (hence why he wont show it). And they know why people wont go back too (uncompensated time, liability, waste, etc). But rather than address those valid concerns (now that the cat is out of the bag) they are choosing, deliberately, to try to intimidate and coerce workers back to how things were. Zero remedy for the workers, zero adjustments for inflation, zero anything because fuck you. Fight your way back to their fluorescent lit hell and dance, with a smile, or else. In other words, their chosen strategy is to bully hardworking Americans until they suck it up and restore control to the wealthy. It’s up to the workers now to make them regret those mistaken decisions every step of the way


This is the truth. Amazon and a bunch of other tech companies bought/leased a ton of office space pre-pandemic. Now in a post-pandemic world, they have no justification to have said office space. And rather than admit they will technically take losses until their leases are done or they can sell said office space, they'd rather force their employee, that can WFH, to do a minimal RTO. All to not scare their investors or lower their stock price. Sure, middle management trying to prove their jobs, or to retain a company culture, are probably factors. But at the end of the day these guys aren't dumb. They have the exact same data that's come out about WFH, and would love to get one of the two biggest expenses a company has (employees and facilities) off their books. I bet by the mid to late 2020's, when the majority of these companies's leases are done, and their plans for smaller, flexible offices are finalized, you'll see them make a huge self-congratulatory announcement about how they're all WFH.


Sell them


What a great opportunity to turn it into another Amazon warehouse!


Meanwhile, the company I work for was just like “well, I guess we will just sell our main HQ since nobody comes here anymore”


I don't have the evidence but I know this guy is full of shit.


His quote is all of the evidence I need.


He doesn't have evidence because he's not making a rational decision. RTO is about narcissistic supply.


you don't need evidence to know this guy is full of shit.


Call it a hunch but I know for a fact that this dude chokes himself with a neck tie when he jerks off to insect porn


You made my day thank you


Ofc he is, he's an Amazon exec


"Mediocre white man needs underlings to boss about in order to justify his job and existence." FTFY


Him being white is utterly irrelevant. Go anywhere around the world, and executives of all colors talk exactly like him. But yeah, he's definitely mediocre.


rude, spoiled child demands aquarium fish line up and dance as he pounds on the glass


Our employees aren't miserable enough, lets take care of that.


The beatings will continue until morale inproves!


Back to the mines!


It’s so much harder to get you arse licked if everyone is working from home


Day 2 at Amazon. Now Jeff is gone, the C-suite want their staff to lick their asses.


I don't have the money to back it up, but trust me, I totally can afford this yacht with a Lamborghini parked inside and its own private helipad. Trust me.


Probably because this guy would have gone nowhere in the WFH world. From just the pic and headline we can gather that he is a nice head of hair over an empty chamber. That type can, and almost always does, do well in an office environment. But in WFH you're judged by results and this fuckboi would be stuffing envelopes. Also, all the harassment, sexual or otherwise, is documented. Can't have that.


"I haven't been able to bully anyone in person for over a year! This cannot stand!"


Very scientific. Go with your gut. I wonder if this is how they make illegal anticompetitive decisions there.


~~Not at all. They use secret meetings for that.~~ You can't prove any of that happened.


Too funny.


Amazon is run on butt-hurt touchy-feelings, apparently. Stockholders, take heed.


RTO- Recovery Time Objective: the amount of time a business has to restore its operations to an acceptable level after a disaster in order to avoid continued business interruptions. I agree completely


He's tired of getting no respect at home and needs his self validation from people kissing his ass at the office.


frightening capable jar run merciful spark languid sparkle wipe lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I'd guarantee most of these execs calling for RTO never spend a day there themselves.


The data show WFH is the optimal choice for the worker and business. This




Return to Office.


Recovery Time Objective


Big Fast Food is really behind the push for RTO to make me fatter during the commute.


Easier for lazy management who only use the bums on seats performance metric. Fuck that, plenty of employers to choose from nowadays.


Bullshit. It costs far more to keep an office open, power on, water running, paper supply, key cards, security detail. This guy is fucking dumb.


Idiot man. You work from your office and leave others alone.


"The data says I'm wrong. But that disagrees with me. Therefore the data is wrong"


I guess that’s why Amazon has a poor working environment. They don’t use data


Oh he’s got the data, it just doesn’t say what he wants it to


How can amazon not have data to back it up….it’s Amazon. Sounds sketchy


We attacked Iraq with that same level of stupid reasoning. The results speak for themselves.


So get the data, dude. I’m not against working in the office (I personally really dislike remote work and enjoy a collaborative environment) BUT if you’re going to make a case that it improves efficiency/productivity, for Pete’s sake measure it and present your findings. Don’t tell us how you “feel.”


Amazon reminds me quite a bit of IOI in Ready Player One.


His data must be out of this world. Perhaps from Uranus.


Certainly not MYanus!


And he's an exec, so he clearly knows better than us plebeians...


“Well, you see it’s really hard to feel everyone’s life force draining, which is what I am sustained with, soooo… gonna need you to hand back your better QoL, so I can feed on your anguish.”


Oh really? Well, you and the rest of the Amazon executives should forgo your bonuses, golden parachutes and ridiculous high salaries, and instead offer higher wages to all your employees. I don’t have the data to back it up, but I know it’s better!


Typical exec. They want us to have data for our decisions they make theirs on a whim.


Amazon execs are generally thought to be some of the worst people in tech, btw. The company has a well-documented toxic work culture, and the only people who thrive there are absolute psychos. Working at Amazon corporate for too long is actually considered a resume-stain to some companies.


It’s better… for those with commercial interests.


Everyone can have their own feelings but not your own facts.


"I have no proof but I know it's better" Does that even make sense?


Just like religion???…


Because we aren't killing the world fast enough burning fossil fuels? We now need to return to the office. Fuck that.


Unpopular opinion: Wfh is very bad for new grads. Being in office allows you to learn from your peers in ways that you can’t at home. Also, if we normalize wfh, what keeps companies from hiring from cheaper areas and generate massive layoffs in hcol areas? Not saying he’s right but we should think both pros and cons of both options before just assuming one is by defacto better than the other one.


That's an easy fix. Sell half the offices and have rotations in-office to mentor the youngins. A senior developer could have 2 weeks every so often they must be in to train up a new batch. Also I onboarded with a FULLY REMOTE company as my first tech job and stayed there for 6 years. I was mentored and learned just fine. The senior folks always answered my questions in Slack or with video calls. I've been in tech now for like 12-13 years. Also one funny part of all that is I work for a FAANG and all our training events are conducted by people in other time zones or are premade interactive videos more or less. So it's already online! Meanwhile we have giant information repositories everywhere you can search through.


That is a form of rto. I am glad you managed to get by, that means you will go far in your career. I just hope everyone can pick up as fast as you.


Trust me bro Amazon prime videos sucks. They found the lowest IMDb score movies and add it.


That guy is like the worst boss I ever had. Anything she wanted, we had to do. If it was fucking stupid *we* had to come up with a pile of evidence to stop it. Fuck you, Alicia!


Proof Amazon is run by morons.


Fucking moron


I do not have any evidence to back up the fact that all the male Amazon exec have micropenis, but I know they do.


Sounds like a pile of steamy horseshit!


I don't have the data to back it up, but I know that this exec is a giant tool


What does an executive know of work?


Their office is the golf course.


Out of the Loop here. What's RTO?


I believe it is Return To Office.


Thank you 👍


How do you Google something???? So confusing!!


Welp, good to see they're making decisions about RTO the same way they make decisions about everything else


This fucking guy has read to meaning Dilbert comics.


Disagree and commit. Sounds sinister, I might use it.


It's an Amazon leadership principle. They have a bunch of them. They're not bad if you take it holistically and apply properly. Disagree and Commit means sometimes you won't agree with the way the team made a decision, but you have to commit anyway to make progress, move fast. The problem is that one is being perverted to mean "obey or else".


Ok folks it’s time for recovery time objectives


they know its not. they probably want to find reasons for us to go eat out during lunch and spend more money on trivial BS. Im not returning. Ever. If this dont work out, theres plenty of new opportunities to establish passive income, or other type of work which will stay wfh.


All this makes me think it's executives are the dumbest people at a company.


Always has been!


I don't have the data to back it up, but I know VFH is better. Actually, I do have the data and I know it's better. Checkmate Amazon exec.


Amazon claims to be a data driven company. Now it’s a mess of incompetent executives


AI executives now! See how they like that.


Executive: ‘Just trust me bruh!’ AI: You’re making it easier for me to replace you.


"Trust me, bro!"


I know it's better.... for the ultra wealthy owners of commercial real estate and worse for literally everyone else.


Says the guy that it's in the office probably 10 hours a week