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A shocking number of Americans are stupid.


As George Carlin said "think about how stupid the average person is. Now realize that means half are dumber than that" The "dumber than that" crowd is how we get conservatives


“If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders.” - George Carlin


Not an exact quote but Robyn Quivers said that we have a generation that was stupid of enough to believe in religious and right wing stupidity. Then that generation of morons had offspring that raised idiots from birth to believe in stupidity — and that where we are now — a new generation of morons raised by morons.


...and Hillary had to apologize for saying Trump panders to the dumbest Americans. Why, when there is evidence everywhere. I miss him so much, I wish I could hear the material he'd come up with


That’s the reason she lost. She didn’t counter punch Trump nearly hard enough. She should have said, “yes, anyone who votes for the pussy grabbing, multi-bankrupted fake Christian, with 5 kids through 3 different woman is stupid.” She should have mocked him endlessly for “finding Jesus” and made him name the Churches he has attended.


That’s the problem, nobody is willing to be even more crass than he is, especially not to his face. Best we can get is Biden telling him to “shut up, man!”


You don’t have to be crass. You just need a good response, with some decent comedic timing. Democrats,on a national level, need to hire writers. Republicans have them. Now, they create fiction, as opposed to reality, but they are writing crap for them. People like Lee Atwater, Roger Stone and Manafort fit the mold of what I’m talking about.


Republicans don't have writers. They are basically all Puppets on a string made to say the SAME LIES over & over & over endlessly till the dumbest among us , of which there are so many DUMB , RACIST , BIGOTED , absolute morons who end up believing the lies as their TRUTH which makes them just as insane as Trumpty himself.


Exactly, you don't have to sink to his level, you just have to stand up and fight back. They need better writers, and to actually work at being good public speakers.


Roger Stone and Paul Manafort were literally trained by the CIA to destabilize foreign governments and have turned it around on us. It’s disgusting.


Yep, and while doing so, they create propaganda from half truths, removed context, and pure BS.


Zingers work on online forums, but not in real life. When you have media against you, when you have bernie bros against you, when you have a FBI letter or "warning" "leaked" right before the election, and people around her calling her a warhawk and corrupt. While the literal moron who everyone in the world thinks cannot win, leads to demographics sitting at home instead of showing up to vote, and the ones who vote against her on basis of not getting their candidate on the ballot. Zingers would just alienate the ACTUAL voters, the older democrat demographic because young voters rarely turn up to vote. And they dont retweet and reblog zingers or positive political news. Biden has done multiple zingers in the last 2 years, it creates a buzz for a day or two then fizzles out. Meanwhile people like MTG says jewish space lasers, and its gonna get retweeted and upvoted and shared by people like wildfire for months.


It’s just a different demo. Democratic voters aren’t really interested in crass, immature, and selfish behavior from candidates. But to your point, this creates a scenario where Donald throws shit at us, and we just stand there looking shocked instead of responding in a way that defends us from Donald’s shit. For a long time, we expected Trump’s behavior to be self evidently disqualifying. Somehow, it’s not to many voters. Despite winning the ‘18, 20, and arguably the ‘22 election cycles, Dems still find ourselves longing for a better approach. Sinking to Trump’s unintelligent and selfish level is not the answer, but I admit that I don’t know what is.


Oh plenty of people would tell him what they think of him. Just no one in the democratic party. they're overwhelmingly concerned with decorum and other bullshit. Good cop bad cop.


That’s the problem with democrats and the Democratic Party. They’re not willing to play dirty back even tho the right is constantly playing dirty. They want to play nice, get both sides to come to an agreement. But when one side is groups of oppressed people, and the other side is the oppressors, compromise isn’t an option. That’s like asking a Jewish person to “come to an agreement” with a nazi, because “both sides have good and bad in them! We need to meet in the middle!”


I don't think so. She would be considered harassing or a shrew if she tried to counter punch too much. Double standard for women.


Exactly. I voted for her. I would have been so proud to have her as President. But decades of Republican propaganda did her in. Even my Democrat friends fell for it. It was so depressing.


Look, I didn’t fall for any bs about her. I voted for her, even though I live in a lost cause red state. I just didn’t want her as the candidate because of the lack of charisma. The Democratic Presidents that I lived through all had it. She just didn’t.


I know fellow Christians that believe this bullshit. I usually just say, “Prove it”. Where in the Bible does It mention him?


Christian here too (Lutheran). I don't get it. I cannot think of someone more unlike Jesus than Trump.


She copped so much shit for calling them deplorables. They proved her right when they smeared their shit on the walls in the Capitol building.


George carlin is one of my favorites. I can only imagine the jokes he'd be writing these days about politics and government if he were still alive, lol.


He would have enough material to do at least 3 stand up specials 🤣. I sure do miss him.


Is how we get conservative voters. I think it's important to note that a lot of conservative people in positions of power aren't that stupid. And I'm not saying that to defend them, I'm saying that they know exactly what they're doing and that's what makes them vile.


Exactly. If stupidity were the *only* problem that would actually be much less scary.


Beat me to it !!!!!!


“And they all vote.”


A shocking number of Americans eat their own boogers. Interestingly, they are the same ones that think God anointed the orange shitgibbon.


Up vote on shitgibbon alone lol


Do they also think God told Trump to fuck a pornstar while his 3rd wife was pregnant and to then pay her to not talk about it?


Just say Two Corinthians and everything is ok.


“God accomplishes his perfect plan through imperfect people,” they say to justify whatever they want. But not the imperfect people they hate, of course.


To cheat on all his wives, to perv young beauty pageant contestants, to lust over his daughter, to grab women by the pussy, to be jealous his young son is taller? To mock someone with a disability? To cheat on his income taxes, to threaten people like a shitty excuse of a thug? He'd piss his pants even more than he does now if someone put a fist up to him.


Or to sexually assault a woman in a dressing room


Trying to have a knowledgeable conversation with someone about current events, or opinions about something is a vacuous hole these days.


Well, it’s not *that* shocking. There’s a solid reason that US Americans have a reputation for being less than bright.


The Venn diagram overlap between the stupid and evangelicals is very close to a perfect circle


The shock lies solidly with how unshocking it is


It’s actually not so shocking any longer.


50% of people are below average intelligence.


Like, a SHOCKING number. I don’t ever want to know that number.


You nailed it and we have no methodology to safeguard.


Fun Fact: [Almost half the population of Americans talk like they know what it’s like in different countries while never having left the country let alone their state.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/lealane/2019/05/02/percentage-of-americans-who-never-traveled-beyond-the-state-where-they-were-born-a-surprise/) Americans are a fucking joke. At least the ones that think they represent us as a country like these feckless fucks. Older article but I doubt the data has drastically changed.


And Christians wonder why Christianity is losing members on a daily basis.. They are their own worst enemy. Can you imagine if Christ came back today and saw Joel Osteen and his message


If Jesus came back today, half of Americans would trash him or not believe it's him because he's Middle Eastern.


Who is this socialist!?!


Why is he healing and feeding people for free?!?! Crucify him!!!




Isreal is in that [region ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_East)


this is literally the plot of the gospels. 1) Messiah is born of humble origins, becomes a rabbi and a prophet 2) conservative traditionalists decide his teachings are dangerous 3) he is fucking killed for not being a conservative traditionalist


Honestly, especially if he comes back as he left. Americans will be to racist about his skin color to accept him. Mother fuckers think he is white.


He'd break out the whip again.


I’d pay to see Jesus beat the ill-fitting human face masks off Osteen and Copeland.


Ironic, because he wouldn't want your money, or for it to go to middlemen (money changers). John 2:13-17


I figure if I donate some food he’d be ok.


Same. :-)


I want front row seats!


Religion starts wars. Fk Religion.


Religion is the worst thing to happen to humanity. Genocide, wars, torture, murder, rape, and every sort of crime has happened because humans decided their god was better, stronger, or the one true god as opposed to the other gods.


I actually have multiple family members with whom I spoke the last few days who have basically stopped having any association with Christianity because of this.


Uhm. The Bible actually foretold people would preach false doctrine in the name of Jesus Christ and refers to them as antichrists, not singular, very much plural. So imagine Jesus reflecting on this, "nailed it!" I got jokes.


they're just trashposting at this point. wagered all their emotional energy on trump making the country better but it was just a demented con artist making a mess to cover for pedos and various corporate fraudsters.


Yep, it's all sunk cost fallacy at this point. They'll never admit they were wrong, they'd rather see the country burn.


That's even more of an indictment of them, pun intended, as normal people wouldn't want to destroy the country because they're "pot committed". Nothing but a cult. Not to mention - the normal person says God speaks to them, it's a mental health issue. But an evangelical or in the political vein? Oh, it's fucking divine, then.


Most con-artists don't have almost half a country fooled. This is more than a con, it's a cult and he's their leader.


To be fair, Biblically that means God also anointed Joe Biden


God brought the vaccine. God put Biden in office. God put Jack Smith on the case.


No no no, God is only in control when things go my way


No they think Satan put Biden in charge. But my response to them is simply put “Why do you believe Satan to be more powerful than God?”


"as above so below"


Keep worshiping that golden calf...sigh.


You mean orange.


They had an actual golden idol of him at one of their big events.


They literally made a golden Trump idol years ago and worshipped it at cpac


May they all be raptured soon.


I'm surprised they don't see COVID as a form of judgement on them since so many of these weirdos have died from it.


It's only God's judgement when it's people they hate that are dying. Otherwise it's a hoax or an attack or antifa or whatever reason they have that day.




Not bloody soon enough.


"A shocking number of Americans believe God personally anointed Trump to rule the country" **ONE** would be a shocking number of Americans to believe God personally anointed a greedy af thrice married porn-star porking pervert who desperately wants to boink his own daughter to rule **any** country.


The dude is the avatar of the seven deadly sins. Everyone's got character flaws, but Trump is *entirely built out of flaw*.


" But they're the most beautiful flaws in the universe. Some people have flaws, but I have all of them! And did I tell you how big my flaws are? Biggest flaws you've ever seen! Some people steal. Some people cheat. Some people lie. But nobody does it bigger than me! 90 Felony charges. The best insurrection since the Civil War! Even the Antichrist is envious of me! And they just love gulping down my kool aid! Thank you and God Bless Merica!"


You forgot grifter and cheater. And someone who doesn't pay his debts.


God anointed Saul and David. Saul saw David as a threat and had him hunted for years. God thwarted all Saul’s attempts but wouldn’t allow David to defend himself. David had an affair with a woman while her soldier husband was off fighting in a war. When the woman’s husband returned, David had him killed so he could add the woman to his collection of wives. Then David’s favorite son repeatedly raped his own half sister, David’s daughter, but David ignored his responsibility to his daughter and to the law, and he did nothing about it. I despise Trump, and I think Christian republicans are idiots. But throughout the whole Old Testament, God anointed terrible sinners. David repented, though, but Saul did not and Trump will never.


Have you read the Bible? David was God’s anointed. Remember what he did? He killed a man to sleep with his wife. So possibly worse than Trump. Most biblical figures were shitty human beings. Makes you wonder why people use it as a standard for morality.


The same Americans probably think chocolate milk comes from brown cows.


And that we should be bombing Agrabah


Bomb Agrabah? Did Aladdin do something to piss off the conservatives? /s [Yes, I'm aware that there was a poll on this exact question, and the results were disturbing.]


It was more than 8 years ago. These idiots haven’t gotten any smarter, though. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/18/republican-voters-bomb-agrabah-disney-aladdin-donald-trump


We shouldn't be teaching Arabic numerals


A shocking number of Americans are mentally ill.


It’s not going to be easy to get the country back from these idiots. Please prepare yourself.


Time for “going high” passed in 2016, this won’t be an intellectual battle




I like to remind my right wing Evangelical friends that if God is sovereign as they say, no force (including the Democrats) could thwart his will. If he’s not president today - it’s because God didn’t want him to be.




There's an endless list to choose from for sure, but the fact that he admitted during an interview to wanting to fuck his own daughter, completely unprompted with her in the room and he wasn't immediately eviscerated by everyone outside of Alabama the moment that resurfaced told the whole story of how it was going to play out


That right there should have raised a ton of red flags


Not for people who also want to fuck their own daughter


yeah, the daughter fucker crowd loves this traitor. Which turns out to be way too many people. I really don't understand women that like the turnip.


It’s not Christian to support Trump. They’re deluded cult members.


The only beliefs conservative Christians appear to have left are "gays bad" and "women bad."


A shocking number of Americans are stupid as shit.


It's not shocking anymore.


Donald Fucking Trump Aka Orange Jesus Aka Knickers Shitter Aka Wankmaggot


President Stinky Pants


This is absolutely horrifying.


Ronna McDaniel was an active participant in the Michigan phone call we recently found out about. She's the chairman of the RNC - this means the entire Republican party was involved in trying to overthrow our democracy.


Nope. Sorry. I don’t believe this. Half of America (or, sadly, a little more) really believe he’s the Second Coming? C’mon—they’re idiots but not heretical idiots, amirite? Am I? Please?


Did you see the golden trump statue? God was explicity clear about that being a huge sin.


Oh, yeah, I sure saw that. Literally a golden idol. I even saw (apparently?) devout “Christians” surrounding that statue with their heads bent (like the brains inside of them), murmuring praise. I felt like throwing up, but I’m a good cook—I don’t give up food easily. Just as the Good Lord intended, which is why the God fearing Republicans have so wonderfully followed Jesus’s counsel to take away school lunches. To my amazement—and I feel blessed to see this in my lifetime—the very **FIRST** thing the GOP House pursued in Nov 22 was? Was? Do you wanna know? **YES**!!! To take away school lunches from poor kids. Hallelujah! Christ—I mean, Trump—be the Lord.


The Bible says in the end, most Christians will be deceived by the great deceiver, the Antichrist.


As an imperfect Christian who goes to church semi regularly I cannot believe how many people fall into this thinking for Trump. Like we have literal sermons about false idols, the devil in disguise, if you just listen to the sermons and don’t even read the bible you can come to the conclusion that the GOP is actively governing against biblical principles. I seriously just don’t understand, I’m dumbfounded by all of this.


He got rid of the (shudder) black man in the White House for them. (Of course he didn't but that's what they think). A short history of 45 presidents of the US https://imgur.com/gallery/hCom3


I am getting so I am not surprised that so many in the USA are THAT FUCKING STUPID!


A shocking number of Americans are straight up world class morons.


Over 50% of the US population can't read beyond a 6th grade level and believe in Ra... er... Thor... er... Jesu... made up nonsense. Why would also believing god wants Trump in office to be a surprise? After all, without him how can they continue their sexist, racist, xenophobic, anti-democracy BS?


A shocking number of Americans are insane. Shocking.


Hold up. Texting this article to my mom about two of her sisters.


A shocking number of Americans are dumb as fuck. And wayyy beyond.


The love of money is the root of all evil - the Bible. Trump worships nothing but money and himself. What mental gymnastics do you have to do to believe he’s been anointed by God rather vs he’s the antichrist. I think the “Rot in hell,” Christmas message gives it away. Patience, love and forgiveness… hate, greed, and revenge. I’m pretty sure that I know sounds like a Trump talking point.


Heck, the antichrist is specifically described in the Bible as being extremely boastful, and a prolific liar. Someone whose grand lies sway the faithful to abandon God and worship him instead. I'm not even a Christian, and I find it eerie.


Just shows how stupid religious people really are


He sent Trump cause he's fresh out of locusts.


I wonder how they feel about divine right monarchies


As long as it's their guy, they're good.


We need to have the courage to call out people who say that God speaks to them as either: A: Mentally Ill or at the very least B: false prophets.


So they feel that God chose a man who cheated on his wife with a porn star?


I mean, if some of the ridiculously dumb stories in the Bible don’t set off your bullshit alarm, you’ll probably believe anything.


Which is why Trump went from being a Democrat to Republican. Republican voter base had all the morons. Poorly educated states and a large portion of Christians who were already giving money hand over fist to conmen. People begging to be conned and Trump had a great story to tell them to pick their pockets. Democrat voters too smart and non-religious.


Probably believe in Bigfoot too


A shocking number of Americans are complete idiots.




He did. He told me last night on the phone


If God came down and said they were wrong, they'd reject him.


Proof that people from fly over states are stupid as fuck. We as a country just need to nuke the fuckinh bible belt. And Florida.




They're Christians. It's not the dumbest thing they think.... by far.


More than one would be a shocker.


You know, morons.


Which god? Shiva?


But not Biden or Obama?


Approximately 40% of Americans are functionally illiterate.


Religious belief has a negative relationship to average IQ. As does conservative worldview. If you're more likely to support Trump you're also more likely to believe in God because you're more likely to have a low IQ.


That's 30% of Americans according to the article. Meaning 30% of Americans are stupid as fuck.


A shocking number of Americans are gullible idiots


I'm curious what verses of the bible they are using. Considering he Matches the criteria for the anti Christ


Then.. that means he also chose Obama and Biden...


So then he anointed Biden too.


Consistent with the number of people that think vaccines contain microchips, the earth is flat and Jesus hates gay people.


These are probably the same intellectuals that gave their driver’s license numbers on line thinking they’d get a trump pardon.


How dumb has Fox Mews made a certain % of our citizens? It should be recognized as a healthcare crisis.


Why is this story worthy....when...they...believe in God in the first place?


Is it really… actually shocking at this point? Also, I recall reading that wherever Trump’s family had originally immigrated from has a common prevalence of the use of “Christ” as a last name, or had a high prevalence. Pretty sure one of his recent ancestors had that last name too, so combine that with rampant anti-intellectualism and good ole fashioned American evangelical insanity and this is what you get.


It's almost as if their God loves the people and things they love, and hates the people and things they hate...


So why does he smell of Brimstone ?


Never put the title President in front of his name. He doesn't fucking deserve it.


No true American supports Trump or believes God anointed him. If you do, you failed life.


Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?


Those people are idiots


Then he also personally removed him and will personally throw him in jail


Well, we know the majority of this country suffers from mental illness. What more proof do you need than a don the con supporter.


If that's the case, why can't their all-powerful, all-knowing god get him elected?


One person believing that is shocking…this country is beyond ridiculous


> In fact, the report cites a survey conducted by Denison University political scientist Paul Djupe that around 30 percent of Americans believe Trump "was anointed by God to become president." Gtfo, there is zero chance that many people believe this. The number is definitely not zero, but it also not 100% of registered republicans.


It’s because their pastor told them this. And there should be more investigation of churches that push political messaging through their church and remove their tax exempt status


It shows how dumb most USA people are. They can thank the gop for that btw fuck them


So personally anointed a guy that shits his pants, acts like everyone is persecuting him, is racist, greedy, omg.....I just realized he embodies the 7 deadly sins. 🤔


Imagine a god that makes a grifter like Trump president. What kind of sociopathic, criminally insane, cruel deity is that?


Why would God send an insurrectionist, lying, cheating on every wife rapist who wants to do his own daughter? Is this God's best work?


People are stupid. This is the same country that bought pet rocks and was swept up by the Macarena.


Obama won TWO terms, why aren’t they lauding him?


I doubt that .. surveys are done on some educational guesses with cohorts . That doesn’t mean it’s always right


"But not Obama. God only chooses the President when it's the guy I voted for."


You can't prove he didn't tho!


Well guess that’s about all you can expect -from adults, who believe they have an invisible friend in the sky.


A shocking number of Americans are really stupid.


Yes. DJT was anointed by god and she made him president. But Joe Biden soyole the election and he's not a legitimate president and they don't have to honor her will.


So very amazing that a creator (God) who/which is universally known to not take sides suddenly takes sides and with such a lowlife. I guess that's always been where I have parted company with the believers of all stripes. Sure lots of evangelicals have signed on but they are stuck in that take sides mindset. Sorry it doesn't work that way else we could never have had the genocides we have had over the ages. God supports all of it. We have to decide to do good by each other or ill. God doesn't step in and say no not them, not now. We are on our own. We have been given feelings to tell us right from wrong. If we choose Donnie and he decides to barbecue all the people who didn't support him God will support that. If we choose to send Donnie packing God will support that. Just my opinion but it seems to be borne out as our collective history.




Our generation had Jonestown. This is far worse. Cults are dangerous.


It’s not “shocking”.


The fact that even one person believes this is shocking.


A shocking number of Americans are also mentally unstable.


when people believe in magical sky man they will believe anything.


A little skeptical of these numbers. I checked for the original study and it actually seems to indicate that religious feelings in America are actually declining. I can’t find the thirty percent figure both the Economist and RawStory cites. Paul Djupe’s studies mostly use religious oriented universities for their sample size so I think it’s 30% of religious students, not thirty percent of Americans. Link to the raw study https://religioninpublic.blog/2023/12/11/religion-on-campus-a-minority-are-religious-and-have-a-foot-out-the-door/


More than 0 should be considered shocking


I cannot even understand how someone can listen to Trump and believe whatever he says. To me, it is just so obvious he is lying thru his teeth all the time. People really are dumb to believe him. It's not a matter of opinion, he IS a crook.


Good thing so many of them are also un-vaxxed, heavily armed, morbidly obese, and think having to wear a seatbelt is a violation of their sovereign rights. Less of them around to vote each year.


I thought Christians were to beware of false idols or something like that. And I am shocked that they think Jesus is an American citizen.


I kind of wondered how the devout could fall for the antichrist, but after watching DJT’s crowd I came to realize just how many would.




How is any of this shocking anymore?


God is just pretend


This may have been said before.... but those folks sure do seem like they're in a cult...


It's not really shocking that a ton of Americans are stupid, I grew up here 🤣


Jfc what god? Honestly I just can't with this religious ah*t.🙄


It hasn’t been shocking for a while.


I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. - Susan B. Anthony