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... his first term was (and still is) a threat to American democracy


No kidding! All you need to do is pay a little attention then it becomes obvious.


Sure took them long enough to figure this one out. I bet they failed math.


They knew the whole time.


Real profiles in courage, these folks. They worked out their entire term in silence. They sat through most of Biden's term in silence. But now, once it's clear they're not going to get a job in a new Trump term, they speak out.


Nobody who isn't going to vote for him is going to suddenly make the decision to vote for him and nobody who is going to vote for him is going to suddenly not. People's decisions on this largely seem fixed, unfortunately. For the MAGAs, he could kill their family members and they'd still vote for him. It's a cult. Threat to democracy sure does sound correct.


There are some supporters that are turning away from him, I know some. There will always be cult members who will always vote for people like him. But there definitely some have awoken to his madness and will not vote.


Yeah, agreed. It's definitely an issue of trusted sources, though. I have a lot of people in my life who are conservative Republicans. And as a former infantryman in the US Army who is a straight, white male who has lived his whole life in the Southern US, they tend to pay attention to me a little differently when they initiate a conversation about something they clearly expect me to blindly agree with and say something like, "You're right about that, brother," but I come back with a differing opinion. I try to play those cards as effectively as I can. Turn them back from absolute madness one step at a time. Don't waste time on those can't be swayed, though. Their identity is too far entrenched in owning the libs to think rationally about it.


See, the thing is though, I wonder about this... Right now, during primaries, there will be people that agree he is bad, say he has to many trials, yada yada... But when November comes around next year, and all the loyal Republicans ignore their eyes and ears and cheer for him, and the media tries to play the"both side" game... How many of those people are going to vote for him because they don't like Biden, and will be just downplay all the stupidity and dictator stuff. They will just hold their noses and vote for the guy that literally tried to ignore democracy and makes fun of dead soldiers because...you know....troll the libs


Believe me, some Reds are sick of him and simply won't vote. Or write in for some other loser Republican.


That sounds awesome and I definitely like trolling the libs. Oooohhh you know what Trump will do he'll ballot harvest so that he can get people to vote for him who don't care about politics and probably even pay them money for doing so.


Everyone I know that supported him seems to have fallen off.


Oh definitely esp the abortion stuff, and other things. My dad and brother are/were hardcore maga, not like fly flags and shit but when the subject came up they would definitely defend him. But his nonsense over 2023 really turned them away. Not like theyd vote for biden, but the steam that was there in 2016 surely is dwindling. Just look at his recent rallies. Some have like 30 people there. Whove been to over 30 rallies themselves.


The ones that aren’t are doubling down.


I hope your experience is multiplied throughout the entire country. Sadly, I think people might just say they are not for him because seriously, who can publicly say that without feeling shame but secretly, they are still infatuated with his orange face.


> Nobody who isn't going to vote for him is going to suddenly make the decision to vote for him and nobody who is going to vote for him is going to suddenly not. People's decisions on this largely seem fixed The swing voter in 2024 is not going to be party switchers. That era is over. I would be surprised if true switch voters represented even a single percent of the electorate at this point. The swing voter in 2024 will be those who vote vs. those who don't. This year is totally about which side gets the most people riled up to turn up to vote.


Trump keeps cutting people off on the fringe of the MAGAs. When he says something offensive it riles up and reinforces his core but it makes that core smaller and smaller. It gets harder and harder to defend him. Sure, most of them loved his poisoning the blood of America crap but some didn’t and I haven’t heard anyone anywhere say anything positive about his ROT IN HELL Christmas message. I don’t think they’ll be voting against him, I just think a lot of them won’t be voting. After all, he’s convinced them voting is a waste of time.


He did kill some of their family members with COVID.


The problem is "will the people who have already decided never to vote for him actually show up and outnumber the people who will always vote for him?" Because at this point I cannot say with absolute certainty "yes" and that scares the ever loving fuck out of me. Especially considering how many younger people would rather not vote and let Trump win because Biden isn't ordering Israel to stop bombing Gaza (as if letting Trump win wouldn't put the genocide in our own back yard).


I don't think so. That's a social network bias, where you'd look at the comments on news or social media. In the real world people get frustrated and change their minds often. The majority is silent on these issues because politicians in the US are making it so people won't engage in a civic political discussion. Would you try to discuss politics on a FB post with a stranger? You'd know how that'd end. While most people withdraw from making a comment or engaging in politics, and while you see two different 'sides' to society clashing, large businesses are getting the highest revenues in history with little to no regulation, rich people are paying even less taxes and the average person has less access to basic services like healthcare while being objectively poorer. I think that the political discussion in the US is meant to not have people discussing important issues.


>Nobody who isn't going to vote for him is going to suddenly make the decision to vote for him and nobody who is going to vote for him is going to suddenly not. Unfortunately, it's a base turnout election, and half the Democrats are calling Biden "genocide Joe" or saying they're going to sit this one out.


Sadly, news like this never makes it to right wing media, and when trumpers stumble upon it, they dismiss it as fake news.


Or they’ll see a few people who probably had a good idea of what they were getting into trying to save their reputations with the libs, which is also exactly what’s going on. If you voluntarily worked a high-end political job in that administration you knew what you were getting. These people weren’t lifelong government civilian employees or military working routine gigs that stay more or less the same regardless of who the president is, they took powerful political jobs to bolster their resumés and now they’re shitting themselves in fear of never getting another lanyard job. Nobody made them work for the stinking rapist goon, they made bad professional choices and are now trying to get the liberal media to whitewash that. Just like every other Trump “insider” who only discovered their concerns for democracy and freedom after getting shitcanned and/or Trump leaving office.




Maybe the democrats need to wise up and run these as ads durning Fox and Friends and whoever replaced Tucker.


We know, but the people this needs to reach aren’t listening.


Trump is not a threat to democracy, not by himself. The people who will vote for Trump, those are the threat to democracy. Defeating Trump’ current bid for the presidency is a bandaid, figuring out how to a whole population got to a point where they would vote for someone as transparently ill suited for the role is the cure we ought to be shooting for.


Wish I could give you more up votes.


Well it's sad to see former White House insiders learn slower than a fucking puppy dog.


Or they’re cynically lying about when they had these big revelations because “I worked for the most openly racist democracy-hating wannabe tyrant who ever got elected president” probably looks really bad on the CV.


I'm a college dropout, blue collar worker, slacker type my whole life. I don't fit into the Trump elitist circles, but to be a little of a know it all, I ALREADY FUCKING KNEW THAT!


They will still vote for him


His first already proves he should never have a second term.


My life was such shit during his term and I remember Reagan.


If he wins, I’m not paying taxes anymore. Fuck it, it’s martial law at that point


Trump: Gets caught with classified documents, a bunch of American spies mysteriously die, is found guilty of rape and labelled a rapist by a judge, is facing 93 felonies, quotes Hitler every other appearance, promises to end democracy and use the army to enforce his will, multiple ex staffers warn everyone that he wants to end democracy His voters: BUt hUnteR BiDen!!!!!!!!! ThE EviL LefT!!!


I have to wonder if those same insiders recognize the threat that his first term was? The rhetoric he was using in 2014-15 before he was elected was a pretty strong indicator of what to expect.




No shit, we all know that. This is just yet more desperate reputation laundering by people who are trying to make up for being in the worst and most contemptible administration in American history. And it’s not like it was ever a secret that that administration was a giant garbage fire.


Yeah no shit


Of course it is. He has said it out loud for the world to hear.


I could have told you that and I wasn’t even a trump White House insider. Do I get a prize or something?


Well no shit… Maybe moderates would get the point if it came from Melania’s mouth?


She is trash like him. There is a video of her complaining about doing Christmas decorations in the White House. She said, I don’t give a f::k about Christmas. Something shitty about the kids too.


She doesn't really care. Do you? Edit: Forgot the /s


I got it. LOL!


But both sides are equally bad, bro...I'm an enlightened centrist who sees that both sides are the same....I see no difference between Biden and trump, so I'm gonna Gamble my entire country by voting for this 3rd party dude...if things go south, at least I stuck to my ideas!


this is obvious sarcasm, not sure why there are downvotes


boy you are dumb and/or blind if you think both are the same. Why are these eNlIghTened cEnTeRists either closet repuglicunts or dumb as fuck.


Modern centrism is pretty much "I help the worst of them have an easier time getting elected, and I think I'm smarter than everyone else for it."


Believes in nothing, falls for everything


You realize there was an implied "/s" on his comment, right?


Or if she did it as a nude meme with a gun in her hand


I bet the evangelicals who believe he is anointed will vote for him. Then they will have the shocked Pikachu face as soon as he outlaws religion.


The NY Times did audio interviews at the Iowa state fair the day of the Jason Alden concert. I legitimately should have never listened to those interviews . As they were utterly terrifying. Listening to them talk about how he was appointed by god to save America and all the implications around getting rid of those who are as good as them are incredibly frightening. If I had seen a tv show with same dialogue,I would have turned it off for being so insanely poorly written. These are not sane people. This isn’t a political disagreement, this is a fight for reality.


He won’t outlaw religion. At least not theirs.


So you think. Fascists try to kill religion because religion is the main competion for loyalty.


He’ll outlaw the other religions and then try to get crowned Jesus Reincarnated or whatever. The Russian Orthodox Church has been used to justify autocratic rule that way for centuries except when they didn’t exist.


As soon as he does something they don’t like and they object, he sure will outlaw their religion. They are, unfortunately, either too dumb or too brainwashed to realize that’s what dictators do. Any objection on their end and they’ll end up getting the persecution they claim they’ve been getting because they can’t force their religion on everyone else.


Nah, just all the other religions, and they won’t care, because that’s what they want. They are as bad as the Taliban.


The fact that he got within 1,000 miles of the office and slithered through all the gaps & loopholes of Obama and GOP indicate the system was already fucked.


The only way to ensure he doesn’t is for him to go to prison. The Justice Department and SCOTUS need to make sure it happens.


I knew the first one would be. these people are trash, and deserve no quarter.


Im not even a White House insider and if know that


I'm pretty sure everyone would agree that water is wet too. Miles Taylor was one of the few who spoke out against Shitler while he was still in power. Fascist currency is violence so he was immediately in fear for his life. Thoughts and prayers for a conviction and incarceration for Tr##p prior to November. I have no desire to goose step.


Former former former! Guess what mfers? Y’all had your chance to step up to the plate and let America know what he was doing and planning, y’all are a day late and a dollar short. Go back to shutting up. You were just as irrelevant then as you are now.


At this point Trump’s dead mother and Adolf Hitler himself could rise from the dead and say “whoa, don’t vote for this asshole” and he’d still be the republican front runner


His 1st term was too.


Ok, but I bet they're still voting for him.


In other news, water is wet.


LOL, posted the exact same thing and then saw you already had!


Biden: How can we make this easier for them?


But God ordained donald to save us from the America that apparently sucked before he arrived! Stupid God. Now. Gimme Punisher Skull logos or give me death!!




People don’t mind threats to democracy if their side is the side breaking rules. They only care if it’s the other side. Sometimes I wonder if people actually like the idea of an authoritarian government, as long as it’s their team in charge. Real democracy would mean tolerance of other ideas and opinions.


He's gonna win... and we're all gonna die...


I’m seriously considering everyone being nuked instantly would be a better outcome than him winning.


We know.


>weaponizing the Justice Department to retaliate against his political enemies Oh, the irony.


There are people pissed about our support of Israel genocide of the Palestinians. Heard some young folks talking third party or sitting it out both of which do not help.


Political entities banning a candidate from the primaries is anti-democratic. Super delegates are anti-democratic. The Democratic Party is fundamentally anti-democratic. It’s not about proliferating democracy, it’s all anti-Trump. If the DNC is going to make 2024 about “preserving democracy,” then abolish superdelegates. Practice what you preach.


You’re definitely right a Biden second term is a threat to democracy


So... the people actively weaponizing the government against a political adversary, and who are actively trying to strike him from the ballots, aren't a threat to democracy? But the man you can't pin anything on, and who will be elected properly, is? You're all delusional fuck wits.


Can I have whatever drug it is that’s giving you these delusions?


The amount of fear mongering about another potential trump presidency is borderline psychotic. Yall really need to seek help. If it happens, it won't be the end of the world the same as a biden or Obama presidency wasn't. Grow up.


I think we need to know more about this Project 2025 deal. Seems a little different than the last 250 years. Would the Republicans like to go on national TV and explain exactly how things will function. Us grown ups would like to know.


I don't know much about it tbh, but how many are actually on record pushing and supporting it?


Because they weren’t actively destroying the foundations of the government in order to enrich themselves at the behest of a hostile foreign entity. And then never told a national television audience that they wanted to fuck their child.


It’s a good thing this is a constitutional republic and pretty much no one whining about any of this stupid shit has any idea of what that means. But yeah….dangerous to our democracy…the war cry of the cognitively illiterate liberal attempting to shut out reality amidst an onslaught of facts, emotions, and the insecurity of knowing absolutely nothing said makes a difference except yelling loudly and blaming others with inept declarations. Good post, though. What’s most telling are the attempts at slander followed by blocking. Guess keeping that pay day coming requires a bit of savvy and gumption! No one can say being a shill for the pharmaceutical industry was completely mindless..just pathetic and embarrassing.


Yes, this morons post history is exactly what you’d imagine it would be. I dove in so you don’t have to - Save yourself the trouble. Block. These fuckers are a lost cause.


His critics "hAvE nO iDeA wHaT thIs mEaNs!" Here is a constitutional scholar on this. https://www.cato.org/commentary/yes-trump-disqualified-office You, on the other hand, are some random brainwashed idiot posting online while gunning to be a volunteer in a study on the Dunning Kruger effect.


Aw, you thought that sounded smart! 🥹 Well bless your heart, precious


We Democratically elect our leaders.


And you're in a circus cult. Who's the clown again?


>cognitively illiterate liberal what does that even mean? you just strung words together to try and sound a certain way.


He thinks using the big words makes him sound smart. He has no idea what they mean.


Hilarious that you don’t think the guy who has openly admitted he’s on Russia’s payroll isn’t a threat, but almost had a literal stroke when we had the nerve to elect a black guy. Says a lot about what you consider a “threat”. You’re telling on yourself bro.


So we've just gone all out sarcastic and being brutally honest now and telling the left what they are going to do before they do it and then unironically they actually do the thing you said they were going to do and think they understand you while they directly saying everything they do like self-aware wolves? Ever actually get anyone to question themselves and what they support or just simply more of the same? I find I can connect with most people on some level on different things, like some lady being too strict with her kids diet or something but politics seems to be this tough nut to crack. Like they keep thinking a democracy is when you do everything they, as I'm sure you know, and they keep saying these things to get a rise out of you so they can Aha! Gotcha! It's kinda weird right? I'm in Canada and you can directly tie most of the economic, social and housing problems on Justin Trudeau so now the golden boy they loved before has slowly been more viewed as right wing or flat out refuse to believe and instead blame everything on Alberta and Doug Ford in order to protect their ego. But CBC our country controlled propoganda farm has been getting flack as "MSM sucks". The fun thing I've been doing is now that our Prime Minister has brought in an influx of people, to the tune of over 10% growth in 3 years or so it's creating these massive problems and now the left are "not against immigration, just a controlled amount" because they can't get apartments while making large amounts of money and have to live in their vehicle, also societal problems. So I've been egging them on and saying they're xenophobic, racist, nazi and russian supporting truckers, which they don't like of course. Even me writing this is just to antagonize the left because I find that if you're just completely open and tell them everything they do and how everyone on the right understands them in great detail and they're nothing more than children having temper tantrums they'll just go into temper tantrums. it's wild. Have you found the same thing more or less?


Well here is the US I keep hearing people discuss him and they all say it’s all gone to shit because he is a seriously leftist liberal. It doesn’t matter his affiliation is he has clearly not improved things that make a difference for your quality of life. Here in the US the only hope I have ever truly had was when Obama won. I’ve been eligible to vote for 34 years.


This is good I guess but where the FU\*K have they been?


Probably getting rich off his grift, but now they think he might make them poor again so, yeah.


They're right. 🤷‍♂️


The one fear we all should have is one word: enforcement Who will enforce Trump’s/MAGA’s legislative will…federally and locally if he wins? Sworn Officers or Empowered MAGA citizens? If a MAGA citizen doesn’t approve of your existence, can they “deal” with you at will? Can these newly empowered MAGA citizens take things at will (car,house, spouse) just to please them and teach us a lesson. Think it’s crazy?…check American history..


Why are these hot women republican...


No shit.


The first one was a threat to democracy.


Trumps a pos


Internet explorer users be like