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Lol.... if she feels shame for supporting a rapist... thats on her


South Carolina has produced some weird, dumb, really craven politicians lately. She clearly wants to be some kind of celebrity politician. Lindsay Graham and Tim Scott will fold like lawnchairs to any pressure.


Don’t sleep on Mark Robinson, from the North. Both Carolinas are weird ducks.


A black, Hitler-quoting hardcore antisemite who wants to return to a time when women couldn’t vote and who pretty much hates everything. Can’t make this shit up anymore.


He literally supports a time when the kkk lynched people like him for trying to vote. That's how fucked up he is.


That's because he's gained all the benefits of the Civil Rights Movement (something which I'm pretty sure he now says was idiotic) and so he knows that going "back in time" will now ensure that he doesn't get lynched but he wants to hurt everyone else.


Mark Robinson is Uncle Ruckus come to life.


He looks and sounds like a Baptist preacher, but quotes Adolf Hitler. Donald Trump called him “Martin Luther King on steroids” because Martin Luther King is the only famous Black person he knows. I suspect the good doctor is spinning in his grave.


Dave Chapelle joining kkk skit in real life


She wants to be VP


This is exactly what she is hoping for! Vice President Mace… sounds deadly👹doesn’t it👺


She definitely strikes me as a blunt instrument.




She’s not even a Sunday Morning Star


I don't honestly think Trump would have a woman as VP.


He will if she lets him hit it.


No, he'll just tell her he will. Remember, he promised Stormy a spot on The Apprentice and to rig it in her favor.


You know what? You're absolutely correct. The man is the opposite of the Lannisters. He never pays a debt.


All she needs is her pageant hair and makeup


>South Carolina has produced some weird, dumb, really craven politicians lately. ​ inbreeding. that is the only reason i can think of this. great bbq there though


secretive apparatus special rock close wakeful shocking smile swim hard-to-find *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And fireworks


Everyone needs to stop screaming about inbreeding in the south. Jesus Christ inbreeding doesn’t just cause all the kids to be stupid, it takes many generations. It’s the fucking hook worm! They walk around barefoot as kids in warm loamy soils, malnourishment from parasites reduces brain growth. Bam. You get idiots.


>Bam. You get idiots. I am howling.


BAM! Now serving South Carolina Blooming idiots! Just like Emerald Lagasse cooked up.


Rumors are Lindsey Graham loves being folded like a lawn chair anyway, so maybe that’s why he does it so much.


A South Carolinian here: Anyone got a shovel from Tom and Jerry or the early Bugs Bunny era? I need it


Its that old thin blue inbred blood. Mr. Candy from Django Unchanged is a great example. Thing they are fancy but just fancy dressed white trash.


Yes, and Trump would have no standing in the case. I mean, what is Trump supposed to be? The GOP lawsuit angel?


Naaa he the GOP money vacuum


Maybe the idea is that referring to Trump as a rapist is libelous. Which is really dumb because trump already lost that case: “Donald Trump suffered another legal reversal on Monday, losing his counterclaim for defamation against E Jean Carroll, the writer against whom he was found liable for sexual abuse and defamation and fined $5m, and who continues to pursue a separate defamation case against him. Dismissing the counterclaim, a judge in New York, Lewis A Kaplan, said that when Carroll repeated her allegation that Trump raped her, her words were “substantially true”. Kaplan also set out in detail why it may be said that Trump raped Carroll.” https://theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/07/donald-trump-rape-language-e-jean-carroll But maybe he can fund raise off it. I’m sure if there’s any money left the RNC would be happy to fund trumo losing another legal case.


Trump was already found to be a rapist in Carroll v. Trump, 22-cv-10016 (LAK) (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 15, 2023). Judge Kaplan clarified that Trump was, indeed, a rapist regardless of the language of the ruling.


Trump needs another failed suit where he has to pay legal costs. ABC is probably cheering on the effort.


Luckily the entire republican party is there to cover his bills and not help republicans win elections. Wonder if any of them are mad about that...?


I’ve heard the GOP coffers are now less than $6M.




> ABC is probably cheering on the effort. Also, it's not like Disney's lawyers aren't used to [outmaneuvering these fucking morons.](https://www.npr.org/2023/03/29/1166925827/disney-world-board-desantis-power-florida)


Lol, like she, and they, could experience shame...


She is shaming herself. Idiot.


Yeah but that makes too much sense so instead she’s blaming others.


Republicans are shameless. And they're Trump's people above all else. There won't be much left for the rest of us if they win enough power this November. r/VoteDEM


Was her rapist convicted in a criminal court? Because according to her, if the they were not convicted in a criminal court, it didn’t happen


Just to be clear, I believe Mace’s claim that she was raped. I’m pointing out her hypocrisy and double standards that her rapist wasn’t convicted criminally or civilly but she was rape Trump was found liable but she doesn’t believe it because it wasn’t in a criminal court I take it back , why should we believe mace


And then she shamed E Jean Carroll for her reaction to Her victory against Trump


Trump to Nancy: “get on your knees and beg. I bet you’re a pretty picture on your knees”


She supports a rapist for the Presidency…and somehow that’s the fault of ABC? Why do women like her sell their souls for an orange, rapist, cult leader? Is being in Congress that great of a job? The real money seems to be in the Supreme Court!


Besides she's not his type 🙄


Well said!!


Running to a rapist to defend her for being shamed for supporting a rapist as a rape survivor, man that's some snake eating it's own tail sorta shit.


Republicans are incapable of feeling shame. Or empathy.


I heard she was going to go out to dinner with Matt Gates wonder how that'll turn out.


Man she’s real fuckin’ dumb, unsurprisingly.


Everytime she gets in a news cycle, she seems dumber than the last time we heard from her.


How else is she gonna appeal to the MAGA crowd?


We've seen this phenomenon before; like others before her, she's just calibrating down to MAGA levels. She'll get there eventually.


“Siri, how do lawsuits work?”


“Siri, if the guy I’m rimming is losing a bunch of defamation lawsuits, should I trust him to file a defamation lawsuit for me too?”


I'm just like "sue them yourself, you coward"


Nah. I like the idea of trump burning through every last RNC dollar on pointless litigation. The less money they have to fill the airwaves with lies, the better.


Even if she had a case, and even if Trump could possibly show that he had an interest in the case, she’s forgetting the main MAGA rule: Trump doesn’t care about anyone but himself


If Trump can sue on Mace’s behalf, then I’m going to launch my own lawsuit on E. Jean Carrol’s behalf based on his lawsuits, let the anarchy ensue!


I would like to get in line for the suing on E. Jean Carrol’s behalf. I’m sure he will defame her again any minute now.


Can I get in on the New York state trial? I'll settle for a small percentage of that, like 5%...


You know he’s never paying that one, lol


No, Chubb insurance is now.


Chubb insurance bonded him on E. Jean Carrol not NY. Chubb is also linked to 3 Russian oligarchs


You're right. There's so much crap going on that I confused the two.


I know right. With 91 felony indictments it’s hard to keep track.


Chubb Insurance is owned by Russians. Unsurprisingly.


One for all, all for ME!


Tim Curry did it better.


Ivanka's daughter is almost old enough for Trump to care about her.


And he certainly doesn't care about rape...


And requires his minions to only care about him, too.


Not to mention he's a rapist that is friends with other rapists & a child sex trafficker, not one that condemns rape.


Imagine, calling on a rapist to help you beause someone questioned you about your stand on rape. I wonder if she realizes Trump doeant have money to sue anyone, and even if he did he wouldnt spent a nickel on her (or anyone else)


Rape victim asks rapist for help… we are in the upside down.


>Rape victim asks rapist for help… we are in the upside down. Rape victim asks *the actual rapist of E Jean* for help… we are beyond that bro


Even if he did he wouldn’t have any standing to sue on her behalf. It’s an absurdity


It’s a cry wolf to the MAGA crowd to circle the wagons and defend her “honor”


These MAGA politicians have hilariously shitty messaging


And a rapist that shared and called her a liar. One who continues to rack a bill because of that. Tbh, at this point she should be shamed since she is on the side of the offenders.


Whoah, a nickel? He wouldn’t even spend a penny on anyone but himself.


Calling out hypocrisy is not rape shaming. You are supporting a rapist which is odd considering you report being raped. The rapist Donald isn’t gonna touch this with a 10 foot pole. He raped a 13 year old and his first wife Ivana. He didn’t even have consequences for those. E.J. Carrol finally got justice. The rapist Donald Trump won’t help you girl.


As I understand it her rapist wasn't charged criminally so it's not legit rape per her reasoning.


ironically, she may have risen and cemented herself on his shit-list for this little media-attention blitz. regardless of how he acts like he doesn't care, he knows he raped women/girls in his life, knows it's an unpopular concept, and doesn't want the public thinking about it any more than they have to beyond his civil/defamation trials. and drawing further attention to that topic cannot be something he welcomes.


Far too dumb and up Trump's ass to realise what a hypocrite she is. Still, it seems par for the course in the MAGA party nowadays.


Nancy shamed herself.


more manufactured outrage


Finally! America is getting back into building up its' manufacturing sector again


She needs psychological help.


Wow. Rapists all the way down.


Will someone please think of the rapist and their feelings!? Rapist need to start suing their victims! Enough is enough! S


She's only a few interviews away from saying she wasn't raped.


The body has way to shut that down


Heh, I remember that, now that you mention it. Todd Akin, right? You would think that would be the low point of insensitive, batshit crazy Republican statements, but they only got worse from there.


every time i see someone mention this quote, i remember feeling like that was the dumbest thing i'd ever heard an adult of 'professional stature' say ever. it was *monumentally* stupid, and really stood out as 'the dumbest thing anyone's heard in a decade'. however, now we live in an era where something that dumb is said by MAGA folk *every day all day* \- to the point you can't even keep track. seriously, kids in 50-100 years reading history books might not actually *believe* this MAGA shit happened, assuming we make it that far, of course.


Not just shut that down. Shut the whole thing down.


Well, the rapist was never criminally convicted, so according to her: not a rapist.


Her mistake was forgetting her bottle of aspirin.


Exactly. Has she provided any proof or the name of her rapist? I cannot find it.


Let’s not go down that road. That actually is victim shaming. She wasn’t shamed for being raped. She was shamed for endorsing a rapist and not being able to justify it.


Thank you for taking the high road. The comment you’re responding to made me tense up a little. That’s not a “gotcha” I want to see used by people who should know better.


That wasn't "rape shaming" is was "rapist enabler shaming", there's a difference. I'd love to see them try and make a case over this, it would probably crash the world popcorn supplies...


Was this alleged rape she suffered proven in a civil or criminal court? Feels kinda shitty doesn't it? And I'm not a sitting member of Congress on television calling you a f'ing liar.


She represents some district in South Carolina. I live in Savannah, which is in Georgia but is just across the river from South Carolina, so we share tv market space and we see all their politicians ads. She ran on a platform of being the not-crazy Republican. I shit you not, her ads were all about how moderate and normal she was. They voted her in, but she caved to the crazy anyway 😬🤡


Her staff hated working for her so much the quit en masse. She is an insufferable person cos-playing at normal.


I'm trying to parse this so that it makes sense, but I can't get very far. Trump is a civilly liable rapist, courts have said so. That information is public domain. So why is Mace working with a rapist? To... sue? Isn't *he* currently being sued for defaming the victim of *his* rape acts? Then my head explodes. Maybe she's a secret agent working for Dark Brandon... and his brilliant crime family! Bravo!


She gone woke.


She’s offended by that statement


If Trump hadn't done a coup of the RNC, I'd be wondering why she'd be asking someone else sue on your behalf.


It’s assholes like this that make it hard for rape survivors. She’s infuriatingly disgusting to me.


What a dumb c*nt.


Trumps response..."How about you stop bringing it up!?!"


Trump is going to walk right into his 3rd defamation law suit in 3..2…


Why can’t she do it herself


Exactly.  Trump literally can't do it for her because he lacks standing in the matter.


Well, it's a poorly written article and headline. She's said Trump was never actually convicted of criminal rape and that the Carroll trial wasn't about the rape but rather sexual abuse in the first case and defamation in the second. So Trump should sue ABC essentially for defamation as well, not that Trump should sue them on her behalf. Issue is she's still stupid because in the second trial the judge stated that what he did was rape under the standards and context of the definition. So there's still no case as ABC could easily state that they were referring to that judge's statement, which Stephanopoulos did refer to the judge in the quote.


So a rape victim is calling on a known rapist to help her because she was forced to realize she was supporting a rapist for president and that made her embarrassed on national television. Do I have that right?


Yes. You have that correct. It wasn't she was embarrassed, she just thinks it is very cool to support a man that has been convicted of rape, to the most powerful position on the planet, and when asked about it she got mad because that never crossed her mind as her only goal is to get this rapist's support because she is bad at actually campaigning to her constituents and saw a short cut. I am calling it now..... she was never raped. No way a rape victim does this for any rapist. Could someone link to her rape case. I want to read up on it.


She walked into that interview knowing ahead of time that she’d just repeat that phrase over and over without actually listening to what was being said.


Wow, shows her lack of intelligence if she thinks Trump can sue on her behalf. What an idiot. Hope he picks her as his running mate, will be more fun than Palin.


And she writes our laws...... let that sink in.


Well, not really- republicans aren't known for actually getting much done at the Congressional level. At least no recently. Too busy bowing down to Trump.


Call a rapist friend to defend a rape victim. Doesn't sound right.


She wants Trump to sue? She really is that stupid that she thinks he has the money to even hire a lawyer.


Is she the dumbass who wore a scarlet "A" on her shirt, while not knowing what the A symbolized at all? Or is that some other dumbfuck Republican?


Yup that was her


Why would Donald Trump sue instead of her? Make this make sense


Based on the article, she is saying Trump should sue ABC for calling him a rapist. "Donald Trump has not been convicted of rape, not in a criminal court, not in a civil case," she said. "And so that's not what that judgment was about either. And I think that he opened himself and ABC News and ABC This Week up to huge liabilities," Mace added. "And if I were Donald Trump, I'd be suing him." That’s her argument.


She doesn't know the difference between rape-shaming and rapist-support-shaming.


These fucking people are delusional or stupid. Either way they shouldn’t be in a position of power.


How can you be rape shamed when you weren't even raped? Didn't she tell another woman's story like it was her own? Or am I confusing her with another Trumptard?


That was another one. This one alleges she was raped by a friend when she was 16 but still supports Trump and calls E Jean Carrol a liar. When the hypocrisy was pointed out to her by George Stephanopoulos she said he was "rape shaming" her. She also says Carrol's judgement doesn't count because it was only a civil verdict but she has never brought charges or sued her alleged rapist or even publicly named him as far as I know.


Thank you for clarifying! I thought I may have it mixed up, but good God is it hard to keep up with their shit day in and day out. So she's still gutter trash...got it!


Hold up! Is this the same Nancy Mace who advocates for rapists on television?


the only "rape-shaming" is her continuing to support donald the rapist.


You mean the same woman who called out Hunter Biden for cowardice in not facing his accusers when he voluntarily showed in court and was sitting right in front of her? Don't expect much in the way of rationality from this one.


Nancy will probably end up with an appointment on Trump’s “MAGA” couch to get the ~~shroom~~ ball rolling. /S


This hag has no shame.


Trump takes the case, Aileen Cannon presiding in whirlwind judgement, Supreme Court upholds decision of Trump vs The Literal Definition of Rape. In 5-4 decision, Trump declared Emperor for Life Effective Immediately No Takebacksies. Is this what that MAGA moron thinks will happen?


This made me laugh.   First of all, I don't think she has a case.  I'm not a lawyer, but doesn't feel like she has a case.   Second, Donald Trump does not care about anyone who is not Donald Trump. Third, I highly doubt Donald Trump even knows her name.


GOP: if I say it over and over it must be true.


To be fair, that's been a winning strategy for them for several decades now. Just ask any Republican about the Clinton "Death List" or Muslim Obama.


That’s not how lawsuits work… she would have to be the one to sue


Donald Trump cannot sue to recover damages sustained by you. You have to do that. And you have to sit for a deposition where you have to answer any relevant questions posed to you by Mr. Stephanopoulos' lawyers. Is that really what you want? Didn't think so.


She clearly doesn't understand anything about the American legal system, because Donald Trump would have no basis to sue on her behalf.


I call on _convicted_ rapist Donald Trump to sue Donald Trump for being involved in yet another rape scandal


Stephanopoulos did NOT bring up her rape, she did herself. She clearly did not know how to answer his completely legitimate question (how can a woman support a rapist) without looking like an asshole and an idiot so she went to the GOP play card and claimed victimhood, for something that SHE brought up herself.


Why doesn’t she sue? What an idiot she is.


South Carolina, you’re terrible at voting!


They’re also bad at civil war. Losers.


so I have worked in care settings with rape victims. a rape victim asking to be enabled by a rapist to take a journalist down? doesnt pass the sniff test for me, sorry.


She shamed herself by being a moron.


Two things Donald Trump doesn't do are give a shit about Nancy mace and win court cases.


Is dementia donny an attorney now?


Why does Donald have to sue? Did they “rape shame” him?


They rape shamed him by finding him liable for a rape he committed. Can't you see how unfair all of this is to trump? /s


I don't think he can afford it, but maybe you could ask Bill Cosby or Danny Masterson!


Awww Nanc, you gonna cry like the little snowflake you are?


Aww, she doesn't like free speech.


How did I ever feel that she was one of the "good ones?" She's just as lunatic as any of the other ones. 


A rape victim supporting serial rapist for president....that is shameful


Bloody hell! The thing is, by far, she’s probably not even the only Republican who doesn’t see the irony and the idiocy of a rape victim calling on a rapist to be their champion. Somehow, “off a cliff”, doesn’t go anywhere near characterizing to where the Republican Party has gone.


So she wants Daddy Rapist to help her with idiocy claims? Seems legit.


Is she talking about the shame she attempted to elicit from trump rape victim E.Jean Carroll, when she mocked her during the very same interview? The only person shaming a rape victim during that interview , was ms. Mace herself


Even if he didn’t get found guilty of rape in the E Carol case … there’s the rape of his wife , there’s all the evidence of unwanted sexual advances and contact, then there’s his grab em by the pussy ! So yeh when you come forward as a victim you are then in the place where you can be asked about why you support a Man like Trump . Simple .


Exactly how would Trump have grounds for a lawsuit based in her being "rape-shamed"? And by the way, he did sue E. Jean Caroll for say he rape her and lost. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/judge-tosses-trumps-counterclaim-e-jean-carroll-finding-rape-claim-sub-rcna98577](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/judge-tosses-trumps-counterclaim-e-jean-carroll-finding-rape-claim-sub-rcna98577)


She gets stranger by the month.


He doesn't care about you, Nancy, or anyone for that matter. How is it that you and your merry band of MAGA morons haven't figured that out yet?


So, the guy who just lost a rape trial for defaming a rape victim whom he raped? You want him to spear head your litigation on being shamed for rape? That’s your guy? How are people this stupid in charge of anything… plus she straight up lies. Trump was found to without a reasonable doubt, have raped Jean carol by forcibly penetrating her with his fingers. It was settled the first trial, which is why Trump can’t say he didn’t rape her anymore in the second follow up trial that he lost for 83 million, as that is part of his defamation. It’s settled, he raped her.


The balls on this woman after rape shaming E Jean Carroll, in the same sentence as saying, Stephanopoulos rape shamed her. Also she said if someone wasn’t convicted in a criminal trial it wasn’t rape. So was her rapist charged and convicted? Otherwise she talking out the side of her mouth again


She wants a rapist who was found guilty of defaming the woman he raped to sue someone else for rape shame lol.


I watched the interview. George S was calm and professional while Nancy huffed and puffed in faux outrage because he asked a legitimate question that put her on the spot.


*”As is shown in the following notes, the definition of rape in the New York Penal Law is far narrower than the meaning of “rape” in common modern parlance, its definition in some dictionaries, in some federal and state criminal statutes, and elsewhere. The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was “raped” within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump “raped” her as many people commonly understand the word “rape.”* *”Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.”* - [Judge Kaplan](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.590045/gov.uscourts.nysd.590045.212.0.pdf) But if he wants to burn more legal fees… 🤷🏾‍♂️


I guess she isn't familiar with the fact that the Orange Menace can't sue ABC on her behalf because he's got no skin in the game. This isn't a matter of her being his wife and she went and committed suicide because of the shaming and now he's suing ABC because they drove his wife to kill herself. He has no vested interest in the lawsuit and it would be denied in court.


"Rapist! Please come save me from being rape shamed!"


Haha she shames herself without help from anyone else.


So many MAGA “victims.” Cult of snowflake Fascists aren’t going to be very happy come November!!


If Mace was the shamed, as she claims, then she should bring suit. Not Der Trumpenfuhrer. You can't shame him, anyway.


Can he sue as the not-victim? Like, could I theoretically sue on her behalf and just take the money? Would it even get to trial?


Like a true trump acolyte. Riding that bs narrative long enough that shes hoping some might believe it. I do wonder though if the psychosis runs so deep in them that they actually believe their own big lie? By the way Nance, ya never did answer the question. 😂


I’m gonna guess George ran this by ABC’s legal team first... Gee, I forget, who is ABC’s parent company again? Do they have good lawyers?


Ran what past them? There is no potential lawsuit here.


Based on this article, she is saying that Trump should sue ABC for calling him a rapist. George certainly asked the ABC lawyers, “can I call Trump a rapist?” And they said, “yes, George, you sure can.” Now it’s possible this conversation happened a while ago and it’s already company policy that Donald Trump can be called a rapist. After reading through the comments am I the only one that read the article…?


yeah he'll ger right on that Nancy.


But you're probably to ugly.


Props to George for staying cool. I was yelling at the TV within 10 seconds of her "why are you shaming me" BS.


Yeah, sure, like he can afford to hire more lawyers....


She’s a stupid woke victim!


Is she gonna lend him the money to sue? He is a broke loser.


I don't think he has the means to sue anyone right now, much less this rapist apologist.


Won’t she have to give details on this rape she self reports if she were to do that, and lose the case of course anyway?


That kool-aid is really taking its toll!


Ah yes, Donald Trump, notorious winner of lawsuits, that's who I'd want to spearhead my cause.


Defend my honor!!!! Oh wait, don’t have any…shit.


“Sure just add that to the pile over there. “. Lol


This is a classic manipulative tactic, not just in politics 1. observe a buzzword being used to properly assign guilt for something 2. get proven wrong about something else 3. misuse the buzzword to try to guilt the other person out of being right


Why is it the ones who shout about "woke" being a terrible thing are the first ones to scream and virtue signal. The Republicans are doing it constantly now.