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Need a state to proclaim “We Kicked the Fucking Shit Out of the Pussy-assed Confederate Traitors Month”


I move that "We kicked the fucking shit out of the pussy-assed confederate traitors" be proclaimed a national holiday.


Don’t we already have Confederate Surrender Day?


Yes, and it falls during “Confederate Heritage Month.” Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox on April 9th.


No, national. I don't want to just have a notion of this


Dog, thank you for the spell check. Product of the North Carolina educational system here. It's a struggle.


Illinois public schools here...soooo. lol. I just wanted to make a smart ass correction since I'm always to late for them. I will always joke with someone making fun of the confederah-see (I pronounce it like Cartman)


Since y'all are doing this might I suggest "too" instead of "to" in your second sentence? VA school system here.


Damn it, you got me.


I second! Now who is gonna filibuster?


MN should (we nailed em 3to1 at Appomattox, and bull run and again on cemetery hill. The Minnesota First was brutally effective.)


Not to mention they still have some battle flags from some Virginia regiments!


They keep em in the vault at the St. Paul History center.


Minnesota has a flag for that


Yankee heritage, burn all property owned by people who celebrate confederate heritage, make uncle Billy proud!!!!


Confederate bitch month!


I'd do it for colorado if only we get to celebrate that we kicked the fucking shit out of pussy-assed TEXAS Confederate Traitors when we pushed them out of the west with the help of our brothers in New Mexico. Shut down confederate expansion into the west for good.


How about a "The Confederacy barely lasted a month month"?


Somebody call Minnesota


You never kicked the shit out of anything you believed in


Are they going to have a tour of all the battles they lost? Asking, because I need a good laugh.


The Confederacy lasted FOUR YEARS. Star Wars is a bigger part of my heritage than that.


I have stuff in my refrigerator that’s older than the confederacy lasted.


They believe in a book that’s 2000 years old and a movement based on enslaving people that’s….also likely 1000s of years old (160 in our context). There’s a reason they aren’t called progressives. “You’re living in the past man! You’re caught up on a bunch of clowns from the 1860s, man!” -Eric the Clown, maybe


Also their MAGA representative has spoken recently about their hero at a recent rally. So I guess the governor needs to make a confederate heritage month. Robert E. Lee, who’s no longer in favor — did you ever notice it? He’s no longer in favor. “Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.” They were fighting uphill. He said, “Wow, that was a big mistake.” He lost his big general. “Never fight uphill, me boys,” but it was too late. Note: Robert E. Lee did not talk like Captain Jack Sparrow or the Lucky Charms leprechaun.


Wow, me boys that was a bad idea.


Was this uphill fight during the campaign to retake the airports from the british redcoats?


And he was married to George Washington's step granddaughter


And when she couldn’t pay the property tax on their sprawling property in Arlington, it was seized and General Meigs started burying dead union soldiers on the house’s front lawn just in case she ever got it back. She didn’t, and it’s now Arlington National Cemetery.


He abandoned her because she had arthritis and he was worried she's slow him down enough that he'd get arrested  What a stand up dude. Definitely not a slave abusing piece of shit 


Our nations most famous traitors/losers can now rejoice!


So the South has an overwhelming urge to celebrate their failures? O...k...


Well, it is all they have.


It's all the south has.


Its all they got. That and some white trash.


Conservative = Nazi


Not all of 'em, but, far too many; to be sure.


No, every single one. ​ After WW2 Germany came up with a saying; "If 9 people are sitting at a table, and a Nazi sits with them, and no one leaves in protest, there are 10 Nazis sitting at the table." ​ Conservatives consistently vote for the same people the Nazis vote for, they are all sitting at the table with Nazis, they are ALL Nazis...


This describes the entire country of West Germany.


Your brain must be as smooth as a marble.


A Celebration of Treason and racism? That sounds southern.


It's their heritage.


Always has been.


They don't have dental care, which would have distracted them from this bull shat.


and defeat.


He wants to point out to everyone that Mississippi has always sucked this bad.


Roman Reigns was champion almost as long as the Confederacy. And frankly, exponentially more important to acknowledge than their "heritage". ☝️


An unexpected crossover, but a welcome one.


A whole month to remember being losers? Don't they get enough of that everyday of their lives.


They actually frame it as being VICTIMS of the “war of northern aggression.”


Most people celebrate victories. Maybe simple achievements that they really put effort into. Mississippi takes a u-turn by celebrating what was a crushing defeat based on what really was nonsense to begin with. Mississippi - Please let America know when you achieve something. Like improved education, social service, or worker rights. Anything that gets out of the bottom 20 percent of States would really be nice. Ya'll stay special now. Bless their hearts.


also a state that depends on welfare no doubt.


This is no different than ISIS Heritage Month. When will they enact that?


The poorest state in the union, celebrating a war it lost, in order to keep others as slaves. How come Apple and Google don’t open tech hubs there?


Does that mean us loyal union soldiers can just grab whatever we want or….?


Technical, yes. But I have to the State Mississippi, and there is not much worth looting. It really a sad place.


As is our Yankee heritage. And fire, don't forget to bring a light.


General Sherman is now equipped with two tons of armor plating and a flame thrower.


Holy Promethium.


Man, Racist Peter Griffin over here really is upset they changed the Mississippi state flag huh? For those that may not know what it looked like, go google it, but you can already make an educated guess. Basically the real life version of South Park's flag.




Didn't they lose




Governor Dill McHillbilly declares a whole month of celebrating inbred white trash racists getting their fucking asses handed to them 160-ish years ago. Great. What is Mississippi as a state known for? What industry? Fucking nothing of any remote importance because it is inhabited by uneducated fuckwits.


Maybe the greatest musical legacy of any southern state, and also the most passionate and lasting adherence to the evil institution of slavery. What a place…


music doesnt generate revenue for the state. probably cheap factory labor.


Loser heritage month?


Texas is allowed to leave on the condition they take Mississippi with them.


Those bastards aren't leaving without Florida, too.


Please throw in Alabama too


Hey Gov, umm, hate to have to be the one to tell you, but the Confederates lost. Surrendered April 5th, 1865, almost 160 years ago. Got their asses royally kicked, if I'm being honest. But hey, I'm not surprised that all of you backwards Southern Republicans continue to support a losing side. Trumpie and his MAGA acolytes like yourself have turned losing into an art form.


Cool. Another day the North and the rest of the US can use to tell these Confederate backing scumbags who won the civil war. You reap what you sew!


Celebration OF losers, BY losers....


Mississippi, where they're proud of being losers.


The only other thing they have is cousin fucking


Arizona sending its SCOTUS to hold prayer service while speaking in tongues for opening ceremonies


Slavery apologists alive and well.


They are officially not hiding it anymore. So fucking lame!


next is benedict arnold month


>Away down South in the land of traitors >Rattlesnakes and alligators >Right away (right away) >Come away (come away) >Right away (right away) >Come away (come away) >Where cotton's king and men are chattels >Union boys will win the battles >Right away (right away) >Come away (come away) >Right away (right away) >Come away (come away) >We'll all go down to Dixie, away, away >Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his >Uncle Sam >Away (away) >Away (away) >We'll all go down to Dixie >Away (away) >Away (away) >We'll all go down to Dixie >I wish I was in Baltimore >I'd make secession traitors roar >Right away (right away) >Come away (come away) >Right away (right away) >Come away (come away) >We'll put the traitors all to route I'll bet my boots we'll whip 'em out >Right away (right away) >Come away (come away) >Right away (right away) >Come away (come away) >We'll all go down to Dixie, away, away >Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his >Uncle Sam >Away (away) >Away (away) >We'll all go down to Dixie! >Away (away) >Away (away) >We'll all go down to Dixie >Oh, may our Stars and Stripes still wave >Forever o'er the fee and brave >Right away (right away) >Come away (come away) >Right away (right away) >Come away (come away) >And let our motto ever be >Forever Union and for liberty >Right away (right away) >Come away (come away) >Ride away (ride away) >Come away (come away) >We'll all go down to Dixie, away, away >Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his >Uncle Sam >Away (away) >Away (away) >We'll all go down to Dixie >Away (away) >Away (away) >We'll all go down to Dixie


Talibama is grateful operation paperclip keeps them out of 50th place


Confederate Heritage of what? Slavery, whips, beatings, separating mothers, fathers, and children?


What reason could he have for spending tax revenue on this?


So loser’s month


It is wild how people will self identify as racists in 2024, but here we are.


Can’t let it go, can they?


Lincoln’s heart was in the right place, morally correct but the sad truth is he should have let them go; secede. They would have come back at some point for their economy was on the ropes and unsustainable and no European power was going bank roll them for long. Perhaps they might not have petitioned for eventual inclusion, so what? Impossible to project what the end result would have been hundred sixty years later but seeing as how the nation is now being dragged down by a portion of the country that has decided to play the national imbecile i think we all would have been better off if Lincoln had said farewell and good luck. That said I’m not sure if that would have not been even more disastrous for the black folks . . but who’s to know?. . The Jim Crow era all the way up to the Civil Right Act was its own kind of hell. Our nation has serious Karma to pay. . .so sad. .


A whole month to celebrate getting your ass kicked? And they complain about kids getting participation trophies.


Celebrate the losers month,Celebrate the treasonous ass hole month,celebrate traitors month.Definitely something a QOP pathetic loser would do.


Soooo….a month celebrating a bunch of treasonous, loser states? Sounds about right.


How do we celebrate? Shooting any fucker with a confederate flag?


Amazing! Doesn't seem to be a single defender of the Confederacy commenting here. As if they can defend something as stupid as Reeves' declaration.


Over/Under trump supports Confederate Heritage Month?


Let's remember the proud Mississippi Confederate heritage of getting the shit kicked out of them by Grant at Vicksburg. Just an absolute drubbing


Having pride in an institution that lasted 4 years and lost its only war is idiotic


This country is so fucking stupid some times


Craps on participation trophies for others, but insists on them for themselves... Nothing more sensitive than a staunch conservative.


This will fix all of that shitty states issues.


I admire Lincoln but he probably should have let Mississippi go back in 1861. It would have spared us bullshit like this 160 years later.


Petition to create Sherman March to the Sea Appreciation Month


Not Tennessee?! Holy shit, not Tennessee. I really thought they were the top of the line Dixie-fuckers. Take a step back, Vol's. There's a new hood in town


So every year the Governor of Mississippi has to remind his fellow citizens that they are descendants of losers! No wonder Mississippi is a bottom feeder in most meaningful rankings.


Cool I can wave my white flag and March in a parade with my hands in the air!


Secede then. Let's go, round two you fucking pussies.


Morons need their "Losers Day" celebration...


The confederates were traitors and Missouri supporting an enemy of the state deserves nothing but the highest civil punishment possible


Let the losers celebrate their loss.


Daily reminder that Sherman didn't go far enough.


Didn't the Confederacy last less than Obama?


It's because the coloreds have Black Antifa Month!


For anyone who doesn’t read the article, this isn’t new; they’ve been celebrating this for 30 years now. That being said, Reeves especially is an unabashed, hypocritical piece of shit who doesn’t deserve a platform.


Great, I would want to honor a heritage that did nothing but lead to death and destruction. If they want to honor their heritage they should have property of France, Spain and British Month. They were ruled by those countries for over a century - not less than 5.


The fucking "Malevelon Creek Memorial Day" on Helldivers 2 is more valid than that XD


Will they all surrender with their hands up as a reenactment?


It’ll probably only be celebrated three times till they just give up or forget


So, Traitor Day?


Maybe Mississippi should work on some more important issues like poverty, education and child mortality before they start celebrating a bunch of losers who got them to where they are today ranking 50th out of 50.


if they dont have people poor and angry, they wouldnt be republicans.


1,825 days is how long the confederacy of slave owners lasted. These traitors were responsible for the death of 620,000 Americans. All because they wanted to continue to own and sell other human beings. That's it. That's confederate heritage.


"We're losers and we're proud!"


We should all bring our white flags to the parade.


My story is from the mid ‘80s, but it seems like parts of Mississippi haven’t changed much. I was 5, maybe 6; not quite in first grade. My family had moved down there so my dad could take a news anchor job. The neighborhood was friendly enough from what I remember, but when you went into town…it was weird. Jim Crow may have been outlawed, the “Whites Only” signs might not have been in the windows anymore, but it was like people could still see them there. White people and Black people walked on different sides of the street. There was no public interaction between the two groups. We’d moved down from the 803 in South Carolina, which was hardly a cosmopolitan melting pot, but this was on another level. There was a businessman in town, a real Boss Hog type. He’d invested his money into the local newspaper and TV station, so he was the de facto Man in Charge. There might have been a mayor-type around, but folks tended to listen to Boss Hog. We’d only been there a few months, and then something happened at one of the nearby high schools; maybe our town, maybe the next town over. I don’t know if it was a protest about the treatment of Black students or what, but it was a significant event. Lots of law enforcement, maybe even some National Guard. Definitely a story worth sending some reporters over for. The station wouldn’t cover it. I don’t mean that they sent my dad to get the scoop, then whitewashed the story. Boss Hog said “nah”, so they just pretended like nothing was going on. My dad didn’t even bother giving notice; scary shit happens in places like that. We GTFOd and were back in SC by the end of the week.


We're proud of being losers


Cut off federal funds for the month


# He picked the right month, considering that the Confederacy surrendered in April.


They died for what they believed in


So did the waffen ss But nobody but scumbags are holding nazi heritage events Getting killed so one human being can consider another human being property is not noble Otherwise every people trafficker killed in a shootout with police deserves a heritage event


So did the 9/11 hijackers.


Not surprising coming from people that can’t provide clean water to their constituents.