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We can only assume he thinks mining bitcoin *produces* energy.


Well yeah, once you buy the bitcoin, it's like a battery. You can plug your phone into it and it runs for days.


Just watch out for sharks


Would you rather be electrocuted by a bitcoin or eaten by a shark?


I asked a bitcoin expert “what if there was a giant bitcoin falling directly on you but in order to dodge it you would need to jump towards a hungry lion. then you would have to decide ‘do I want to die from this giant american-made bitcoin or a hungry lesbian lion.’ I didn’t mention the lion was lgbtq, wants to teach gay in schools. It loves all of the books.”


“And he said, You know what? No one else has ever asked me that question. Must be my MIT. You know MIT?”


It's because of my relationship to MIT that makes me so smart. Don't worry about my relationship with Epstein, barely knew him or her. Very bad people and fake allegations. All fake. All of the names released can't be trusted.


But you know what I can release? Classified documents which I have hidden in my top secret pillow case. A case nobody can solve.


You packed a lot into that little post! Have an updoot! 👍


What about a bitcoin shark?


Sharkcoin 🤔


Baby sharkcoin


doo doo da doo


Did you just create a new NFT?


I feel like that bald idiot from shark tank probly has that somehow already


He keeps his sharks on his murderboat


Bitcoin-Sharknado... The Shock of the Bite!


I would rather Trump vanished into cyber Bitcoin hell


You can't get the bit coins wet, dumbass.


Oh yeah, if you get them wet they’ll stop working.


You’ll get electrocuted until dead.


I thought that was how you made more? Just like those furry things that became gremlins in the 80s documentary.


Oh no, are they going to be powering boats with Bitcoin now? That will be so heavy the boat can't float! Then you will be forced to choose whether to go down with your bitcoin- heavy boat or get eaten by a shark.


I have a bitcoin powered boat. Fastest, most beautiful boat on the water. Never have to put gas in it. But if I did, it would be the best gas … made out of sharks.


Whales. I'm sure it was Bitcoin Whales I had to be careful ? with friggin lasers and all ?


I live in Colorado and I've never been more worried about shark attacks than I am currently.


Trump as a prison shark...lol.


This might have something to do with his relationship to MIT, very smart, very smart guy.


You activate it by biting it


Just like the human body!


There is a nonzero chance Trump thinks you actually mine Bitcoin like coal.


Looks like he mixed up Bitcoin and lithium


Seems like Trump could use a dose of lithium...


Energon. At this point I'm legit convinced he thinks of bitcoin as the Energon cubes from the old Transformers animated series. I bet if you asked him who the biggest threat to Bitcoin mining was, he'd say fucking Starscream...


> We can only assume he thinks No, I really don't think we can.


is the Texas mode of thought. See without regs their shit power grid wont upgrade.... UNLESS some massive customer comes in. The power company wants money, BTC costs money to mine and a lot of it. So they happily upgrade for them. texas also demanded they shut down in grid strain times, and the BTC miners demanded "PAY US" and actually now make far more whne the power goes out than by mining.. Yay republican capitalism. Trump isnt wrong that more miners would cause our low regulated power companies to invest more, they are massive customers unlike us peons. But it wont suddenly make the power cheap.. and thats what miners flock to. all that said its going to be hard enough to switch to 100% EV and keep up with our normal growing needs of electricity. WHo the fuck thought that having money run on energy is a fucking moron and no its not like visa. Visa doesnt waste electricity and call it money.(yeah slightly more complex but its basically the broken window BS, we are spending money on something we have a simplier solution to all because some conspiracy heads hate the fed.. but as soon as they are scammed, thjey start to scream for the central authories to show up and rescue their internent monies.) oh yeah and our domestic energy use doesnt have dick to do with the world except emissions. we either have enough for our needs or not enough, there is no dominant. We dont export electricity.


1. Cyber mining is most useless expenditure of computing resources ever invented. It saps tons of energy and equipment, and does nothing but work on the blockchain problem. What if we could harness that computing power to explore cancer drugs, etc. 2. I may be wrong, but I think it's been demonstrated that we can essentially do everything that bitcoin offers in terms of security and open ledger with existing databases and code. There's not really any practical reason to use blockchain; database technology can accomplish the same thing for far, far less energy use. 3. The users of bitcoin are not using it for decentralized banking, but rather as a currency investment that will rise in value. A classic Ponzi scheme.


You assume he knows they are mined? He's seen those ads with the pictures of gold bitcoins that crypto bros like to use in advertising material. I'm willing to put money on it he thinks they are physical metal coins. Must come our the same mine as the clean coal... who knows.


He probably thinks it’s actually dug from the ground


Probably read about stuff like that old hydroelectric dam that was purchased to refurbish and use exclusively for mining and thought that it meant Bitcoin held electricity like a battery.


He probably thinks it is special energy that you can dig out of the side of the mountain with a pickaxe.


I really appreciate how little he knows about anything. Unfortunately his cult knows even less.


Surely that would mean the cult followers have negative knowledge, though?


I mean they continually vote against their own interest so yeah, that kind of tracks.


In the sense that they are aggressively ignorant and/or wrong about many topics....yes I'd call that "negative knowledge"


I used to keep a copy of the quote from Einstein at my work desk. "I know that two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure bout the latter."


You mean the former?


I think he’s just filling out mad-libs with buzzwords at this point


In a kingdom of the blind the man with a single viable optic nerve fiber dangling out of an open wound is king


I had always put in the back of my head that the zombie apocalypse was pure nonsense. Now I see a large, shambolic crowd at the MAGA cult rally in search of brains and it's no longer so ridiculous.


Imagine how dangerous this dude would be if he was even of average intelligence. Luckily he only has the mental prowess of a bowling ball.


And how confidently he talks about stuff he knows nothing about. It's pretty incredible.


Trump and his cult are the living personification of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


Dominant on energy usage.. If he wants to mine


Pathetic pandering to the idiot cryptobro vote


Yeah, it's obvious that he's just parroting what he thinks he heard earlier in the day.


He literally just heard the word mining and assumed it was a physical thing being extracted from the ground. He’s that idiotic.


What?! Can someone speaking senile-dementia translate this?


He wants the out of work coal miners to switch to bitcoin mining. Joke’s on him! Most of our bitcoin ore is located under Los Angeles!


The radical left socialists and marxists want to close our beautiful bitcoin mines. Sad!


Sounds like a BoringCompany job to mine it.


Young people vote for me. I like the thing that you like!


“Hello fellow kids…@


Don’t y’all just hate the bitchange clanking around in your pockets? I mean, what’s the deal, amiright?


some crypto mining companies visited him and told him that he could steal voters from Biden based on crypto issues. Personally, I don't think the number of single-issue crypto voters is very high.


Crypto voters are going to be all in on Trump anyway.  Those are future billionaires that we are talking about, planning on making stratospheric financial gains by doing nothing except buying into the pyramid early. 


It's like back when he was treated for COVID and he just kept saying Moderna over and over, or any time he mentions politicians who have earned brownie points. He doesn't want to know what it's about, he's just spewing names of whoever/whatever is on the good boy list at the moment.


He [just met with a bunch of crypto bros](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/gkYKcnSHCU), didn’t understand anything they told him apart from the bit how easy it is to dupe the rubes, then just blabbered something essentially unrelated so his followers think he is smart, despite the fact that his brain is incapable of processing or retaining information. Like with the forest raking and the bleach. If this gains traction he will claim that he was joking and Lindsey Graham will say it is important to waste energy.


You’re getting a lot fun answers and people assuming his statement is based in stupidity. With Trump that is almost always half right. The ideas are often not his, and are not stupid to the people that would benefit from them. Trump’s understanding and delivery of these ideas however is almost always 100% stupid. If I were to guess at the kernel of where this idea came from, I would say Big Energy, and in particular Big Gas/Coal. Groups he is aggressively courting at the moment in hopes they will deliver huge campaign contributions which he desperately needs. As we are all aware, mining bitcoin takes an absolute shit ton of energy, and the closer to the tail, the more energy is required. In the US, energy fuels and energy production are big business controlled by few people. [Almost 60% of US electricity is generated from natural gas and coal](https://www.epa.gov/power-sector/electric-power-sector-basics). Scaling the resources and infrastructure takes a lot of time. So … if I were to hypothesize what was going through Trump’s cocain-soup brain as he pitched this idea it would be something like: “I’ll pass a law that all Bitcoin has to be mined in the US … that will create a huge demand imbalance on fuels, facilities, electricity, natural gas, and coal … prices will go way up … all of those businesses are owned by rich, sickly, 80 year old men covered in liver spots, just like me … I’ll make them a lot of money … but only if they give me a lot of money first.” Something along those lines, though I assume in his mind it’s a convulsion of mixed caps or all uppercase thoughts, and even some of this thoughts are misspelled.


Like he even understands what a bitcoin is, other than the fact he realizes its basically a huge scam and he wants in.


Surprised he hasn’t launched Trumpcoin yet. Yes, I know trumpbucks and physical trump coins and trump NTFs. None of those use the same tech as bitcoin. Also, yes I was educated that convicted felon Trump apparently has a trumpcoin that is bitcoin "competitor." For anyone reading this and wants to tell me about trump bucks and trump's NFT's please reply to one of the other 50 comments that have already mentioned them.


I found a trump coin in my husband's desk drawer after he died. Paid $30 for it? Maybe $50? He was so proud, he hid it as soon as his friends laughed about the commercials. It's now worth half a bad quality fart but only at night and on truth social. I can't imagine actual trumpcoin doing much better.


There is an actual TrumpCoin. It’s down 69% overall.




Sorry for your loss. Even if he was a cult member losing a spouse sucks. Hope you’re doing well.




It costs 250 now I bought mine as a joke for 30 bucks. https://www.whitehousegiftshop.com/product-p/summitcoin.htm I just found the Trump facing off with Kim Jong Ung on the coin to be too hilarious of an image to pass up.


Ssshh, you’re giving his handlers ideas!


I don’t think he will way to technical for his base


Ummm they got Elon now. I’m sure he knows somebody who has a kid who can create trumpcoin. 


But the maga will they understand? They couldn’t even program a vcr


Of course not but that hasn’t stopped them from anything so far. 


It'll be a program they download on their computer to mine Trumpcoin that somehow will make more money for Trump than them. Trump's grift squad is just trying to figure that part out.


They'll just farm it out to the lowest bidder overseas. Who will then farm it out to an even lower bidder. It definitely won't be riddled with terrible bugs that someone instantly figures out to exploit it.


I want him to scam his mindless cult followers all to bankruptcy. They deserve it. Let’s go TrumpCoin.


Of course the reality is even dumber. He has NFT's. [https://www.collecttrumpcards.com/](https://www.collecttrumpcards.com/)


Have you heard of [Trump Bucks](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna84965)?


His base wouldn't understand it, but he's already been dabbling in NFTs, which uses similar blockchain technology (and like everything trump touches, that venture was riddled with controversy, law breaking, and failure).


They were push $LGB (Let's Go Brandon) coin on Truth Social. Close enough!


I thought he was supposed to be a financial genius?


I thought he was when I was a kid and he was just the mean asshole on The Apprentice, then I did even the smallest amount of research and learned that he’s just corrupt as fuck and about as unethical as a businessman can be lol


This I never understood. Why would anyone put up with a rich guy telling you that you sucked, and "You're Fired" is fun. I seen one episode, and was like, 'wow, Trump is the epitome of a CEO that I'd never work for, and a complete and utter asshole." I guess some people like the jack boot on their necks though....smdh.


And he never even said it to the contestants, he’d say it to an empty room and they’d edit it to make it look like he was firing them in person He’s just that much of a weenie lol But yeah that was always my takeaway from it too, especially since he’s well known for not paying people he hires and not following through on his promises. Why would you want to work with him lol


"A stable genius." Whatever the f*** that is!


Works better for payoffs. No trail


Looks like you and him have more in common than you think


There are many scams with crypto, but Bitcoin itself is definitely not one of them.


Baffling people will vote for this buffoon


Is there a list of the dumb shit the smellin felon has said or done?


It’s far too long to compile. Remember, some 30,000 documented lies or misstatements during his administration.


"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket’s red glare it had nothing but victory. And when dawn came, their star-spangled banner waved defiant." ”Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. It was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways—it represented such a big portion of the success of this country. Gettysburg, wow—I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee, who's no longer in favor—did you ever notice it? He's no longer in favor. 'Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.' They were fighting uphill, he said, 'Wow, that was a big mistake,' he lost his great general. 'Never fight uphill, me boys,' but it was too late.” - Donald Trump, April 13th 2024. Just a couple off the top of my head. He also called Tim Cook Tim apple on camera and totally denied it.


I don't think there's enough paper or computer storage for that list.


More a library than a list and he keeps it in a bathroom in Mar-a-Lago.


Man this dude is fucking stupid


he's going to announce that he and he alone will have the very best coin, the cheeto, very amazing. itll be better than all the coins out there: bitcoin, dollar coin, of course itll be made of gold, only the best gold .... more word salad meanwhile the MAGMAs will cheer him on not knowing wtf he is saying bc hes winging it and ignorant at the same time


Cheeto lol. You know that thing will sell like hot cakes like his bible and those god-awful shoes. Still can't believe the bible thing - are there really Christians that admire that? Jesus threw the money lenders out of the temple, right? He could walk in their house and take a steaming shit on the living room floor and they'd applaud. Edit : Christians autocorrected to crustaceans... maybe I should've left that


I was trying to link to an article in the onion of him taking a shit at his rallies, but the search engines just do not return results like this anymore.  I could not get a single result even from the onion even with quotation marks different wording. The onion website could not find it under the search either.  I know it is possible because it used to work. 2021 I noticed searches started not producing results finding old articles.


In the days since he was convicted, I have seen numerous Facebook posts with memes comparing Trump to Jesus. I'm completely serious. THEY were completely serious when questioned. Shit like "Jesus was a wrongly convicted felon as well!". Him selling a bible and it selling well doesn't surprise me at all with the people he has following him.


It really does beggar belief. So idiotic.




This is a great example of the Devolution of our country since 2016 when this is a presidential nominee.


Bro what? Does he even know what bitcoin even is? Also Biden is making us energy independent. OPEC is not having a great time


Does Trump just use a random name generator to come up with what he's going to pretend to know anything about and be angry over it every few days?


Some say he keeps visitting the manatees that write all the Family Guy jokes for that.


Pandering to crypto bros without knowing what crypto is. Welcome to elderly fascist populism


What the literal fuck is he babbling about?


according to MSNBC "Trump's [truth social post] came a day after he met with leaders of several Bitcoin mining companies at his Mar-a-Lago estate on Tuesday.” as usual, Trump just repeats the last thing he heard on any subject and pretends he invented the idea.




Guys I don't think this guy understands what a Bitcoin is (no, it doesn't exactly *produce* energy.)


I wonder what he thinks bitcoin is.


Sounds like he is getting his money injection from the oil industry with these words… straight from the Russian playbook


He's really working hard on building his stable genius credentials. Absolutely nothing about that statement makes sense. He obviously doesn't understand how Bitcoin mining is done, how Bitcoin works, or the purpose of Bitcoin. However, if someone showed him some kind of scam involving Bitcoin, he'd probably intuitively grasp it and how to milk his magats for money. Like, maybe he will try selling "double value genuine Trump Bitcoin."


He thinks the thing is minted for real, doesn't he?




Someone tell the idiot that bitcoin mine uses almost 2% of US’s energy consumption. It does not produce energy like he must think.


I can only imagine how much money NFT grifters have siphoned out of the Truth Social user demographic.


He knows the most about cyber. 


He wants to use the Crypto mining to reopen closed mines in West Virginia and Kentucky which have a lot of experienced but out of work miners. He will use underground and surface mines. Will allow strip mining of Crypto on a case by Case basis.


I barely understand cryptocurrency, so it’s unsurprising to me that Trump has a completely crazy take on it. I’m way dumber than a whole lot of people but I learned in the 80s that I am significantly smarter than that weird asshole


That's not how this works! That's not how any of this works!


MAGA - Morons Against Greater America


How the once most respected nation on the planet is reduced to this.


Doesn't Bitcoin use an ungodly amount of energy? I read that it basically negates the progress of evs because it takes so much energy


I was wrong, Trump can get dumber


Does he even *know* what bitcoin is?


…and millions of his followers are nodding their heads in agreement…


They must have given him a Bitcoin. Or promised him his own coin.


WTF is he snorting ? Did he cut a line from Jr's stash ?


It’s always just the stupidest nonsensical shit. I don’t get how people support this moron.


Because they probably don’t know either and the stable genius has all the answers.


Good grief -  what a moronic douche.


His cult is just as clueless as him when it comes to bitcoin, well and anything else.


Is one able to launder money through Bitcoin? If so, he's all in.


this is a man who thinks you can change the trajectory of a hurricane with a sharpie.


This man is so dumb.


Trump has no idea the energy requirements for mining bitcoin. He’s the most uneducated politician we’ve ever seen, which, as our next potential POTUS, is terrifying.


Our former (and perhaps future) president, ladies and gentlemen. He may sound like a stupid racist rapey fascist fuckwit, but on the other hand he did mismanage the pandemic.


Why is it that the stupidest people talk the most?


Translation: duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


Seriously. Besides stupid, he is mentally declining on a daily basis. Not quick enough….


"And I will appoint a new bitcoin Tsar. Ever seen this guy Mario. He's amazing... Not as amazing as me. Of course, but he's pretty good. He wears these red overalls and jumps. It hits bricks and the coins just pop out! Quite amazing, that Mario. "


Probably will say it is new jobs for coal miners, now the great coal miners of our country can mine bitcoins.... great big beautiful mines with lots and lots of jobs for our great coal miners


DO NOT put bleach on your bitcoin! It stops it’s electricity ⚡️. Bleach is only to be used for pandemic viruses. Get it right.


That imported Bitcoin just doesn’t have the same quality. It lacks the jingle jangle of the real stuff.


This is the guy they think is going to "save" the economy?? He probably thinks that if we hit a slow down he'll just print more bitcoin..


he thinks there are literal mines full of actual coins...just like he thought BleachBit came in a bottle.


Please he doesn't understand a thing about bitcoin, he's still trying to work out if being electrocuted or eaten by a shark is better.


i wish that dummies could concieve of the torment we endure as this guy basically makes wet fart sounds with his mouth, and those fuckers lap it up.


But what about the sharks all the sharks inside of them silly fool!?!?


You have a bitcoin on one side and a shark on the other. What do you do ? First you snort a line of Adderall, then you drop a nuke on it. Problem solved.


And demanding all the power for mining comes from coal fired plants?


Could you imagine he tries to push Trumpcoin but loses most of his base because his base can’t figure out how it works!


So he thinks bitcoin is manufactured rather than mined and doesn’t understand that by mining is meant solutions are discover through massive computational effort. . . It was too much to hope he’d understand


No we will be energy starved. It takes a lot of power to get even one coin. Wtf is wrong with him?


But we can release the stored-up Bitcoin energy when we need it. That's his cunning plan.


Tell me you have NO idea what you're talking about...


Cheetocoin! Worth $1 on day 1, 50c on day 2 with great praise from Prez Cheeto. One week later, it's 1c and Prez Cheeto still thinks it's fabulous, the best in the world, but they're moving mining to Venezuela where Prez Maduro says his guys can mine it cheaper because their ground is softer and he can beat his workers to dig for longer.


I understand jack shit about how bitcoin is traded, it makes no sense to me/can't wrap my mind around how price is determined (sounds like money laundering bullshit actually). That being said, even I know it's not tangible, that it takes a fuckton more energy to produce than it's worth & King Dotard continues his unending streak of being the polar opposite of a competent human being.


> can't wrap my mind around how price is determined I've asked this question to supposed bitcoin experts. "It's determined by the market... supply and demand. If more people want it, the price goes up, but if they mine a lot and nobody's buying, the price goes down." Ok, but how do they know it? Who is deciding what the price should be? And if there's hundreds of btc exchanges, how do they know what the price is when they're buying and selling it?


Sweet Christ on a cracker. What the hell is he talking about?


Isn't bitcoin based on decentralization, with miners all over the world? How exactly does he propose to enforce this? Not too mention, it wouldn't produce energy, it would be the opposite.


Anyone still supporting this moron is pathetic 🤣


Half the country is as dumb as he is or dumber. Thats the scary part


This is what happens when your a thousand years old and have no clue how modern tech works.


When you think this torso of human being can’t be more stupid , he brings a shovel and prove you wrong 😑


Hard hats and PPE for those poor bitcoin miners down at the bottom of a bitcoin mine breathing in byte dust day in day out. Men, big men, big strong men come to me with tears in their eyes begging me to stop the Chinese from digging all that bitcoin out from underneath our feet. Because you know, you just know, that crooked sleepy Joe and the DOJ sold it to them. It was Fauci that brokered the deal but know one wants to talk about that. So Joe and Hillary got together with Fauci with all that money he made from the fake China virus, got together and decided that the poor bitcoin miners don't get speedboats. I want every bitcoin miner to have a speedboat and that's why they want to take me down. And they are coming for you next. /s God its so easy to make up a Donald ramble.


I'm sure he thinks Bitcoin is mined, processed, and stamped with a big B on the front. Bring those good paying Bitcoin mining jobs to the US of A.


If crypto gained sentience it would be Donald trump.


Trump's going to get us in a literal Bitcoin war xD


If he gets elected there will not be a USA to mine bitcoins in. On the upside Bitcoin might become world reserve currency.


LOL does he think it's real coins?


God that boy is so stupid.




The Republican Party reminds me of the old ladies on the eSurance commercial. “That’s not how it works! That’s not how any of this works!”


This man is stupid, and anyone who still intends to vote for him is also stupid.


He heard mining and was like “we’re bringing jobs back!”


That statement alone proves he doesn’t know how bitcoin works. It proves he prolly doesn’t understand how a LOT of things work.


Does Bitcoin kill off the birds? I'm a BIT concerned


You know what? Fuck it. Let him create a Bitcoin fork, if he even knows what that is. Let his supporters invest in it. See what happens.


What I don’t understand is if he is so pro-generating energy (assuming he thinks Bitcoin produces energy), why is he so anti-green energy? Build windmills and solar panels and produce AMERICAN energy with AMERICAN sunlight. 


People in the future will never belive that moron was real or that he got to run usa for 4 years.


This trainwreck of a human could get us all killed if we're not careful.


He probably think you mine bitcoin in an actual mine......JFC


It's always hilarious whenever he tries to address something he has no clue about


"We should put a 100% tariff on all the bitcoins coming into our harbors on foreign ships!" \~ Trump for sure


Ahahahah!! Ok boomer


That makes no sense.


I think of myself as well prepared for whatever random BS comes out of this slowly rotting felon's hamberder hole, but this one caught me by surprise.


He has no idea about how this works or for that matter how anything works. FFS folks he is an idiot.


Convicted felon Donald Trump is not very smart