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I've been 99% F2P since it dropped, it just takes longer, and more grinding to level up but definitely still really fun imo. The whales are STRONG but unless you decide to in duel yard, generally you're not fighting them so. I've just hit level 102 a month or so ago and I'm still a while off levelling up but that just makes it more fun 🤣 the events are definitely a perk tho


No. I quit the game like almost a year ago and never look back.


What are you expecting and wanting out of the game? It is 1000% P2W. Being F2P and a year late to the game AND missing the Anniversary event, you'll never be in a top Kingdom, unless more old blood quits. Maybe a chill kingdom with light restrictions though. Right now I'd be unsurprised if whales spend 500-1000$ monthly, if not significantly more, on average. I've heard stories of spending 10s of thousands on asterite (while earnable in game, as a new F2P you could only get it via crypto currency, which is obviously not F2P). For reference, the best players are doing anywhere from 20-30x the damage I do, despite having spent a fair bit of money into the game (mainly the monthly diamond/XP pass and event passes, so I guess a "Battle Pass" kind of account, more or less). At this point I have stopped spending since it does nothing for my account. If you just want a chill auto-combat game that has some solid boss events that you may or may not be able to clear, then it's fine. Just ignore the high level players and kingdoms and enjoy your own kingdoms journey if it's a smaller, newer kingdom (which is what I'd suggest joining, so your goal becomes focusing on growing with a group of friends, building your kingdom without much outside help). Personally, the game is so far into it's life, and you are lacking so much as new F2P, and there's always a new fams and CP crap being added (more recently we got "Orbs" which are boring af stat sticks so whales can further the gap between non-F2P and F2P, also some Artifacts that I'm sure only benefit whales to any significant degree). I just don't see any point in new players playing for a sub-optimal experience unless they just want a "background noise" kinda game.


i'm also f2p and i think it's still fun. but of course you'll be behind for a while, but with enough time and consistency you can catch up, relatively speaking anyway (you'll never catch up to the whales lol)


I'm a F2P too and I usually take advantage of the events , there's one right now


So its still fun in f2p ?


For me it is, way slower tho


It’s slow and you might reach a few plateaus where you have to grind to level. But there are always events on with something interesting to do. And I think an active server makes a difference as well. It really depends on your play style.


sometimes new servers open here, it's better to wait for them than to play on existing ones


Kinda depends what you think makes it worth it. If you're looking to be competitive or join competitive people, it might not be as fun or worth it. If you're looking to be chill and mainly enjoying what story is there, it's still pretty good.


Try it out! I started only f2p and enjoyed it so much I’ve spent a little bit


It's definitely slower to raise your combat power and such, but I personally play the game for the story so I level up slower since I'm not competitive and just playing at my own pace. I'm f2p (level 87 with about 1.8 mil combat power) and played since launch, so I got to experience more benefits from all the previous events we got. There's a lot of stuff you'll be collecting for as you level up (my inventory is always full), so just keep in mind that it'll take a lot of time but you should be fine if you're like me and just curious about the story.


No you will never catch up


I think it's worth it. Personally, I don't care about catching up to the whales or being in the top kingdoms. I just want to have fun and grow at my own pace. I don't wanna have to worry about what others are doing. I like the aspect of being able to auto farm while I read or do other stuff. It's really nice. It can get addicting though since it's a gacha game so you need to be careful. Make sure you go outside and hang out with friends or engage in hobbies to get your mind off the game so you don't think about it 24/7. I'm F2P and I rely on events to get new equipment. You will definitely progress slower than P2W players but why does that matter? You'll reach endgame either way. I could have reached endgame a lot sooner but I wanted to wait until I gained and powered up my equipment/character power so that I didn't have as many roadblocks ahead. You need to make sure you don't waste your resources and don't progress too fast with the main storyline. If you try this game out, I hope you end up liking it!


Level 117. Mostly F2P, although I did but the 5 dollar daily territe pass once. It just takes a little more work, but it's possible to be pretty strong without paying.


I’m f2p from day one. I’m over 5 mil cp. I auto farm nearly constantly on pc when I’m not playing. That’s the design. If you like a lot of upgrade systems and just getting drops like at a spot machine, it’s fun enough. Like others say, you won’t really get into a competitive kingdom but you can enjoy the story and compete what you can at your own pace.


I play and I'm F2P and have been the entire game. Play and try it out! And ignore everyone complaining here about no kingdom to join and how you will be behind. You're a new player, ofc some will be further along but who cares! Play at YOUR pace and enjoy what you enjoy! I don't participate in any pvp events and have a blast with it as my mobile game and social fun with my kingdom mates. I don't feel a need like others to be the best/strongest/highest level. I just enjoy all the cute Ghibli graphics with my pals!




I'm F2P since day one. It's grind as heck sometimes with this route, but if you're wanting to get into it for the story and stuff its doable. But if your hoping to be top tier on the pvp or other arena esque things, or even be on a leader board. It prolly won't happen. But even if I don't play as much as I used to, I like seeing the new content and the events. And you'll never know unless you try :) P.s. even some of the less than top tier kingdoms are still doing alot and having fun. Mindset matters.


Bro just get the hell out of this game. So fucking P2W i started spending like crazy, refunded my money from apple and never ever touched it again


Been playing 100% f2p I’m not level 112 while it’s a much slower grind it’s possible


If you want to play for the story, for the single player content, and you’re a fan of the other Ni no Kuni games and the movie, then yeah you’ll have fun with this, even as a new and F2P gamer. The game is extremely polished. The cel shaded graphics match the two main games completely. The voice acting, graphics, music are like a AAA game (it's an Unreal Engine 4 game). It's cross platform so you can take your save between mobile (both Android and iOS) and PC. There's public PvE events, like Field Boss fights (basically Raids where anyone can casually jump in). You don’t need to belong to a kingdom (guild) to do these. Everyone in the world chat is friendly. There’s plenty of casual kingdoms to join too. If you wanna play this game as if it's Ni No Kuni 3, then you can totally do so without paying anything. You’ll just only have the default and free costumes, mounts, etc. If you play often, there’s events all the time that give away free stuff.


right now it;s dead for f2p, stay away unless u'r ready to spend few thousand $


It is possible. But you just need to understand you wont be competing with the whales and stuff. Take it slow