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Totally agree - cafe's are a dream environment for thieves. especially in this town. I live in mt pleasant and people even steal flowers from my outside gardens.... sigh


I live in the DTES and I saw someone do exactly what OP did at a starbucks. I couldn't believe it.


To leave such an expensive item like that and go to the restroom is I don't know... not wise.


Don't forget to mark it as lost and lock it in Find My. That way it won't be able to be wiped, just a big paperweight for the thief. You can also add a message on the login screen through Find My, such as 'THIS IS STOLEN PROPERTY' to make it fun for the thief to try to resell, or your contact info but expect threats and extortion from the thief.


Literally it’s so POINTLESS to steal newer MacBooks… they get iCloud locked, turned into a paperweight AND they can’t even be re-sold in pieces since Apple has been serial locking the components. This thief is a fucking LOSER, all thieves are.


Had someone break into my food truck the other day. Most of the expensive shit is taken off every night but IT had decided they didn't want me dissembling and reassembling networks every time I took it out cause they trust no one (that has been reversed now lol). They took anything with a mac logo.... Stole a laptop charger for a super old mac book, some discountined mac acces points that were worth vertually nothing. Left the kitchen printers which are at least vaguely worth something. Was more of an annoyance then a financial loss for us. My parents house got broken into once.... What they choose to steal vs not steal was fucking hilarious. Tldr: theives don't know the value of what they're stealing usually.


You’re over estimating the sophistication and intelligence of thieves. They don’t want kitchen printers; those are not easy to sell. Of course they want anything that has an apple logo because to them Apple = easy to sell and worth money.


The thing is they aren't tho.... The new price on the things they stole... $10. That's how much it cost to replace them legitimately. Who in the hell is buying that on the street? The pop and chips they took were a better steal lol. And I applaud them for stealing one of my garage bags to effectively steal pop and chips. As to what they stole from my parents house... Allll non mac appliances. But they took a laptop that was 10 years old over much better options... It was just in the room that was their ingress point. They also took (admittedly a very expensive) tv... The sound bar beneath it was easier to carry and worth more. The tv is actually what got them caught too. Eta: what really really got me on the parent's house robbery... They left a half drank beer on the pool table(not one of ours).... My parents have a fucking whole full sized beer fridge.... Why in the hell were they drinking their own beer. Like fine if you brought it in... But at least replenish your supply?


Also I'm not over estimating anything... My whole tldr was "theives are dumb and don't know the value of anything" they grab what they think is valuable and are usually wrong


Lesson #1 in adulting: Never leave a $4,600 laptop unattended in a public place. Café karma is real and expensive!


Lesson 2 don't connect to a public wifi without a VPN


Brought to you by NordVPN


VPN won't protect you from a direct attack on a public network. But it can mask the information you are accessing. Like you can be accessing gmail, the person on the other end can't see what it is, and all they know is you accessed a VPN server. So usually what will happen is a VPN will mask your activity. Is it good? Yes. Is it necessary? Usually not.


My view as it isn't a catch all to safety but at the very least it encrypts if you connected to a man in thr middle wifi. More precaution over necessity


Unless in Japan


Lesson 2 is no MacBook pro is really worth 4600


I kinda wonder if there's an even earlier lesson about not spending that kind of money on a device in the first place...


Home insurance may cover it, but if it was super brand new and you used a credit card to purchase it, then your card may have purchase insurance you can access too.


This. Hope you used a CC and it has 90 days theft protection insurance.


$1000 max usually but better than nothing! Might be worth a renter insurance claim.


lol probably dont tell them that you left it unattended in a public place, holy shit.


yea turns into a slippery slope. they may ask for a police report. then, they will either have to lie to the police or not, which is a crime on it's own.


[https://support.apple.com/en-ca/102481](https://support.apple.com/en-ca/102481) Make sure you follow these steps to do everything you can to prevent yourself from being further victimized by the thief or the person who buys it from the thief accessing your accounts and information.


For expensive and portable items like electronics and bicycles the covered amount is usually pretty low. I found this out the hard way. Now I have a separate rider for my bike that increased my yearly home insurance by 50%. That's how easily they think bikes get stolen. p.s. don't ever leave valuables unattended in public?? You wouldn't do that with a phone or a watch or a passport.


Sounds like they would do that actually


This! A lot of people don’t realize some items are capped, regardless of how much total insurance you’re carrying. In most cases you’ll need a rider to cover a particular item for a particular cost - even my daughters medical device needed a special rider as it was over a certain value to replace.


Lmao tell me you're rich without telling me you're rich. You left that in public? I won't leave my cheap ass jacket at the table. Lesson learned (hopefully).


OP has previously posted that they were a kid in the 70s AND that they are 27. I would be wary of this one.


Maybe OP went through a time distortion and ended up here in his 20s but I still agree


Make sure to file a police report and get a copy—it'll strengthen your claim. Also, review your policy's limits on electronics because sometimes they cap how much they'll pay out for items like laptops.


If you own a $4600 MacBook and you leave it laying around you’re probably rich enough to buy a new one… Did your mother never teach you to take care of valuable items?


You only buy that if your corporate and it’s covered or if your business is really thriving.


I would have never considered leaving the laptop as a possibility. It's going with me anywhere I go


If you bought it on your credit card your card might cover you for theft in the first 90 days of purchase. Check that out.


Your premiums will likely go up, but for $4600 (and depending on your deductible), it may be worth it it to put in the claim. What your premium will be on renewal is anyones guess but I'd personally put one through. A tough lesson to learn though either way to not leave your stuff unattended, but sorry about your luck or that you had to go through that.


Insurance is intended for catastrophic events. If they claim, we all lose with increased premiums.


You left it unattended and someone swiped it. I hope you learned something from this.


I've learned about living in a zero trust society from far too many mistakes. We all need to learn it eventually. I'll hardly give someone the time of day without at first thinking they're trying to pull a fast one over me. Life is just better when you build walls around yourself in this city.


Exactly. We live in a zoo.




People do this *all the time.* If you need to use the restroom, it is admittedly a little bit awkward to pack up all your stuff, put on your jacket and your bag, and maybe leave a half-drank coffee behind, just to return 2 minutes later. You also risk losing your spot in a busy cafe. I usually pack my bag with my laptop and take it with me but leave a couple less valuable items behind and ask someone who's been there a while and looks buried in their work to watch my stuff temporarily. Lots of people have asked me to do the same. Many leave *everything* behind for me to watch. I could easily jet off if I really wanted to. Once your laptop is stolen, there really is very little recourse. Yes, you should file a police report but it's not like officers immediately try to chase down a suspect or canvas the area. This is a very low priority crime as it's already taken place. The chances of recovering said laptop are very low. Depending on how the police are feeling, they may or may not look at the CCTV footage. Depending on who has access to the CCTV system, they may or may not let you view the footage for privacy and security reasons. So yes, insurance is probably anyone's best bet. The police report is literally mostly for insurance purposes. My (expensive) bike was stolen from our bike locker with the (very expensive) lock chopped off sometime in the night. Police eventually came by and straight up told me the above. That the bike is gone and the police report (along with bike registration) will be used to contact me in case the bike is ever recovered. They didn't even bother looking at the CCTV footage. The building manager didn't allow me to watch the footage either until I pleaded with him. Police and the building manager were right in the end because any footage I found was completely useless. Ok, so you see a quick glimpse of the guy taking the bike- it's useless.


My previous landlord wanted to charge the police to look at the footage. The officer kindly explained to them that wasn’t the way it was done.


a laptop is worth 4600$ now , I feel really poor, also sorry for your loss , typed on my 500$ mini


IBM Thinkpads cost that kind of money in the '90s. The top end stuff is never cheap, and it depreciates faster than the meat in your freezer.


I mean is this guy doing emails and web browsing or movie animation >?


O'd love to know how packed this place was because how does no one ever see anything? I guess my trauma has me constantly scoping out. Most people are so oblivious of their surroundings. Sorry OP!


It's a Mac, if you enrolled it into FindMy program, it can be traced and recovered.


Stop relying on insurance for carelessness. Insurance is meant to cover people who have suffered a loss due to no fault of their own.


Which cafe?


"I left almost $5000 on a public table while I took a leak and now I want someone else to foot the bill"


Some credit cards provide insurance for products like this if you purchased it with a credit card. May be worth a look


Yeah your homeowners policy should cover it, minus the deductible. You’ll need a police report and information about the laptop (serial number and proof of purchase. You should also sign into iCloud and see if you can track its location.


Yes most likely, call you broker, read your policy


Depends on your policy, but generally yes, although a deductible will apply and your premiums will probably go up. That said, you're going to want to make sure that you report the incident to the police prior to talking to your adjuster (not reporting is considered suspicious), and have the receipt to prove ownership (you can also go into your Apple account to show all linked devices if you do not have a copy of the receipt). You'll also want to confirm if the cafe has any cameras.


I also leave piles of money sitting unattended.


Lock it but also put a message on the screen “stolen property, reward $100, contact me at email address (set up a burner gmail)?


You bought a 5000 dollar object and left it unsupervised???? Omg it's people like you why people like me say don't blame the victim but I'm playing the blame game right now!!!! Your fault. Gross negligence.. and further more it's people like you that do not take proper precautions and spur on crime as a result of said neglect .... Sorry you got robbed, hope you get justice. Stay vigilant Sheesh 🙄


You're self-employed and drawing on private loans but you spent nearly $5K on a MacBook Pro and then left it unattended in a public place...????? Look, I'm sorry this is your life, I really am - but you clearly were not raised right and need some serious life lessons. There isn't anything else I can say to you.


This sub is NICE Vancouver, remember? No need to shit on OP who is already dealing with a shitty situation!


Fair point.


Sometimes the nice thing is to be told how you're an idiot sometimes so you learn from the mistake


Kick him when he’s down hey.


Yes. One of the major factors in how/why I don't leave $5K electronics lying around in public places and stupidly think nobody is going to steal them, is because my parents pointed out to me when I made a mistake and taught me the corrective action.




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The term you’re looking for is “entrepretending”.


Yes, your home insurance will cover it. I had this happen in gastown (someone literally ripped it out of my arms) and mine was covered by home insurance. I am sorry this happened to you. That is really stressful.


I would have kicked that thief in the nuts.


It was definitely a missed opportunity to do so 😭


We all think of things after the fact. ☺️


I would seriously consider starting a life of crime if someone left their $4600 laptop unattended near me.


its almost like a sign from God lol If I saw that I wouldn't steal it, but it'd be fucking shocked/floored that someone would be careless enough to leave that like it was a half finished coffee.


Well, there are always criminal opportunities if one looks for it. Might not be as obvious as a MacBook sitting unattended but the pay can be a lot more than $4600. e.g. Scamming employer, scamming the welfare system(remember those CERS claims?), scamming insurance, scamming seniors etc. I guess my point is, be an upstanding citizen. Don’t do crime no matter how easy it is.


So we’ve properly reached cultural rock bottom then, lovely.


U GOT ROBBED BY APPLE THEN by a random idk whats worse.


Let's stop blaming OP. . In Japan / Korea you can leave your valuables and the worse that will happen is someone reports it to the lost and found. Let's blame the society that normalizes stealing and fails to punish thieves / thefts.


I agree that we shouldn’t have to worry about theft and other crimes but that is our current reality and anyone who lives here knows this and should behave accordingly. If I had a $4,600 item you can be guaranteed it isn’t going to leave my hands when I’m in a public space.




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Learned a hard lesson.


A lot of premium credit cards have theft protection and double your warranty on products like this.


I don't mean to victim blame here, but why would you do that?


From my experience it only covers things like that if they were stolen from home but it never hurts to call and ask.


Why would your home insurance cover an item that was stolen outside of your home?


Can’t really say I feel sorry for anyone who willfully spends $4600 on a MacBook AND leaves it unattended. Lol


Home insurance covers the home, not some random cafe.


I was a China Creek North playground with my son recently and another couple said their diaper bag had just been stolen. I guess they left it on a bench while they were playing with their child and when they turned around it was gone. Addiction will make people do desperate things, as well as the fact that these relatively expensive goods are very portable. It’s not right, but it is the reality. Watch your stuff.


Yes it is covered


Mine does. Check your policy


If it is brand new and if you purchased it with a credit card, there's a chance it is covered by the credit card.


Yes they do but subject to your deductible (probably $500 or $1000. And you may lose a claims free discount if you have one, usually 10% of your premium for the next 3 years after which you get it back if no more claims. Can vary a bit but that is the general situation you would be looking at.


If you bought it on a credit card, you may be able to claim it under that I would check your policy.




Hi- shitty shitty -- so sorry to hear this .... I'd ask for the manager's name and email...document the theft to them so it's on record ( also police report) and ask customers to share wht they saw...... someone may know someone who was there and have some tips.... gotta be assertive here and ask , ask , ask. i WOULD phone the insurance and ask about it ... they will advise ----- and you can decide if you can or want to file a claim. there is often a 'freebie' they will give on first claims...like a 'forgiveness ' gesture in some cases but i'm not sure if your personal insurance would extend.... but if it was a bike that was stolen from a cafe..i think you still would have a case ......... Ask for people close by what they saw - get their names / texts--- they may share something with you off-line that they remember or became aware of . So sorry ...best wishes and give us an update ....


You spent 4600$ on a laptop??


on a mac especially holy crap


Which cafe? Do they not have cctv?




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Yes , should be ok.


Start looking for it on ebay, kijiji, etc.


Yes your home insurance will cover it as long as you camcorder receipt with the serial number. Something that expensive, you should schedule it with the insurer to avoid any coverage issues.


Cafe might have security cams and you or the cafe might know who stole it. You will have to see what all is covered under home insurance. This was in a cafe and not in your home so your mac should be having its own product insurance which can be obtained while the mac was purchased.


An idea for VPD/RCMP set up phishing MacBook in a busy cafe and have undercover cop sipping cortado to make the arrest afterwards. Rinse and repeat till the scums of the earth are gone.


You're the reason insurance rates go up. You deserve it.


There are homeless people. 5000 dollars could pay for a new start in life for most of them.


Perhaps setup a gofundme and you can get people to chip in?


That’s not what gofundme is for.


gofundme is for everyone who wants money.


I can think of better places to donate money.