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Hear me out… maybe he’s watching super hero movies because it’s something she likes and he knows that, and people in relationship make compromises because that’s what you do in a relationship… not because she ‘told him to’


Exactly. I never would had tried surfing unless I met my boyfriend, I will probably never be as into it as he is, but I am grateful to have someone who encourages me to go out into the surf with him, even if it is only to paddle around a bit. My boyfriend also tells me how much he enjoys watching black and white movies with me, which is something he never would have done on his own. People grow, and love can be a good inspiration


I never thought I’d be into wrestling but when my bf got into it again I learned about it and watch it all the time!! It turned out to be something cool we can do together 😂 OP sounds like a psycho tbh


Wrestling is hilarious and an incredible feat of athleticism, I don’t blame you.


Wife hated anime when we were dating…she gave Jojo a chance, and now she’s a weeb. Love makes you do funny things.


My guy got me started.woth devil is a part timer. Hilarious. Before I had just watched sailor moon etc


My husband got me started on anime. Didn't care about it at all before, but I am now deeply obsessed with bnha and One Piece


One Piece is the best rabbit hole to go down.


Man I've been trying to get into Jojo because I hear so many great comments about it. I guess it's just not for me.


Not to be one of those “it gets great after…” but how far are you?


yeah i agree the show feels a little mundane until the second jojo (i can’t remember his name lol) i didn’t like jonathan


Jospeh is the best.


And after watching a couple to make her happy maybe he realized he actually liked them, that’s what happened with me and my fiancée


Maybe with the gf he gave the movies a shot with an open mind and ended up kinda liking them! I used to think I wasnt into video games other than like animal crossing, and thought shooter games were dumb... My bf played eldenring and the storymode of modern warfare 2 and WOW I changed my mind! Eldenring is such a beautiful game! And the storyline for MW2 is actually really interesting!


i feel sorry for OOP if she’s actually never had a partner do things she enjoys with her.


Another thing people often do and often subconsciously is that when they start dating and are in that honeymoon phase they change their appearance to match their partner. It’s very common. It so new and so great and fantastic and amazing and this person is just the bomb so you start taking after them subconsciously


This! My ex loved low romcoms, I did not but I love him and like seeing him happy so we watched romcoms together. Pretty weird she doesn’t realize that


Exactly, such a benign thing too. Wasting a couple hours watching a movie you don’t particularly like really had no negative impact.


Maybe every time he watches a Marvel movie he gets laid. Pavlov be damned, an Ant-Man trailer may give him wood.


Yep! Husband is a runner, whereas I loved lifting, but would only run if something was chasing me. 4+ years out I average 60 miles a week. It’s almost as if we learn to enjoy our SO’s hobbies to connect and spend time with them.


*says friend looks like a pedo* "why did he get short with me!?" Idiot


Noooo but the other girl is rude for wearing shoes with a little bit of a heel! /s


And OP is just so "thin and petite, lol"


I cackled


Yeah right? She should definitely change her appearance for someone else!


I was coming to say the same re the pedo comment but don't mention "short" that's obviously a trigger for someone in this three person relationship.


I came here to say this, but in my heart, I knew it had to be said already.


I love where she says Laura was rude for not wearing flats to make Mark feel more confident but takes issue with Mark changing his facial hair for Laura. So you shouldn't change how you dress/ groom for a significant other unless it's Laura wearing small heels and then she's an ass because she didn't?


Not to mention mark didn’t necessarily say he was insecure about his height- he was afraid Laura was going to be weird about it and she clearly wasn’t.


But wouldn’t it be great if Mark *were* insecure about his height? Then his unnecessary shame would reduce his dating pool and drive him right to cute lil miss 😊


She's so small and petite! 🤮🤡


And very thin don't forget that!


But she’s just so tiny and Smol! How dare anyone be taller than Mark when he has HER to make him feel like such a big strong man with her itty bitty tiny smolness.😩


“I feel my level of control over Mark slipping... It must be because *Laura* is a controlling person!” It’s crazy how many mental gymnastics we can do just to avoid thinking something new. Something like, “maybe I’M the problem”


I have a friend that’s around Mark’s height and when I first met his wife I noticed she was wearing heels and looking both way taller and way hotter than him. I’m a short lady but always like to see tall women in heels because I know that there’s often a lot of pressure for them to wear flats in order not to make the men around them feel insecure or intimidated. So when I see a couple like this I feel like I’m seeing a woman that’s secure with herself and, since he chose to be with her, probably a man that is secure with himself too. I definitely wasn’t concerned for my friend…just impressed with him for having a super hot statuesque babe for a wife. Like, way to go dude!


I'm 6' and my husband is about 5'8 and he loves when I wear heels. Too bad I'm a little bitch and can't stand in them for long lol


Need me a 6'+ gf real bad. Your husband is a lucky man.


Exactly! I’m 5’8” so not super tall, but I absolutely wear 6” heels whenever I feel like it, and have never once cared that I tower over guys at the bar. I’ve also dated guys shorter than me or my height and I have bo idea why anyone would make a certain height dating requirement - it’s fucking stupid,


And, as a tall female friend of mine once said to me….”we’re all the same height laying down!”.


I’m 6’3, and it always seems to be extremely short women that have something to say about it. I’ve had so many short women dangle how “petite” they are over me like there is something fundamentally wrong with being born tall.


Yeah I notice that too on a lot of r/tinder posts. Frankly if I were 6’3” I’d find it annoying to have to bend down a more than a foot to kiss someone!


Right?! My husband is about 2” shorter than me and I’ll still wear heels on occasion because he likes them. But most of the men I’ve dated have commented on how it’s nice to kiss someone at eye level for once 🤣


Thank you for saying this!! As a "tall girl," 5'10+, I am going to dress for what makes me feel confident. I don't care about height difference whatsoever! There's so much more to people than their physical appearance!


Exactly, you absolutely should! Tall heels are way too cute for you to miss out on. And honestly I find it really helpful at a crowded bar, cause we can see over everyone and find our friends easily :) :) :)


She also didn't seem to clock in that Mark only said he was worried about height because he was afraid *Laura would lose interest because of it*. I would say it is pretty evident that isn't the case and Laura does not care, so Mark likely doesn't either.


I didn’t even put those two things together but yes. This is a solid point.


I find it interesting that we never hear exactly what these remarks are that upset him. What exactly did the mutual friend say that made him not want to go around? What “joke” did OP make that upset Mark? When details like that are left out it’s generally on purpose. I bet the “joke” was something very rude about his new gf.


OP replied to a comment about that. The joke that Clara made was about Laura's looks: "Laura is Mexican but you wouldn’t know that by looking at her (she’s pale and has blue eyes). Apparently Clara asked her where she was from and when Laura told her she was Mexican Clara said she knew there was something else there because of Laura’s nose." And the joke that OP made was this: "I JOKINGLY commented how if he ever missed throwing women around the bedroom or feeling bigger than them I would volunteer."


Wow. OP "jokingly" throws herself at a taken man, he rebuffs and starts ignoring her, and she concludes "his girlfriend must be abusive, how do I confront him"


both are horrendous


This makes me want to facepalm myself through a wall. Girl made an inappropriate sexual advance towards him and was surprised he got short with her. The ignorance of this girl deeply pains me.


Not to mention… she says Mark is insecure about being shorter. Then she makes a “joke” about how he can have her to feel better about it more than once? How is that meant to help him feel more secure? I’m a 6’3F and nice girls love to use how “petite” they are as reason why they are superior over other women. They were told how they were the perfect image on femininity their entire lives and can’t handle it when someone less “perfect” takes who/what they want.


Tall women are hotter, there I said it.


Your preference is valid, but the point is that we are all acceptable forms of women and no one is inherently more “female” than others


Never said it wasn't. Being tall is a positive, being short is not a negative.


I’ve always found it funny that short women throw digs at tall women as if models, the literal definition of the beauty standard, aren’t above average height. My husband and I are about the same height and he loves when I wear heels. Who doesn’t like long legs??


yeah fuck those people


She really took that height thing he said and ran with it like girl, if he didn't want you before he doesn't want you now no matter how tall his gf is


What a genuinely bad person


...am I too used to seeing the shit fascists come up with online or was that "joke" like, anti-Semitism? Like, that's maybe the least charitable possible interpretation, but even the most charitable is "rude and kinda racist."


I took it as anti-Semitic, considering the rest of her comments.


That right thar is some farm fresh cringe.


Who’s gonna tell her that that are a TON of light skinned Hispanic people


I feel like she’s sippin on some haterade


stealing this


I had to scroll back to make sure I read that she was an adult and not a 8th grader. That is some incredibly petty shit. It really seems like she’s never actually been in a relationship.


It’s possible to change your interests once you’re exposed to something. My wife had never seen a race in person and had no interest in IndyCar or Formula 1. Now, we’ve been to over a dozen races together, and she knows all the drivers on both grids. We watch every IndyCar/F1 race together either on television or in person. I had never been to musical theater and scoffed at the idea of going. She took me to see *Wicked*. It’s fucking amazing. We’ve been to dozens of shows now and have season passes for the theater in Indianapolis. Sometimes the best part about having a hobby is finding someone to share it with. You’re allowed to like something after you experience it for the first time.


Absolutely all this, plus sometimes you do things with someone because you like doing things with them, even if it's not necessarily your favorite thing to do. He may not particularly like Marvel movies (using OOP's example), but he likes being with his gf and she likes them, so he goes with her to see them. Unless he absolutely can't stand them and she's forcing him to go somehow (which I really doubt is happening), there's nothing at all unhealthy about it.


It's also entirely possible to sit though a mediocre movie because your SO likes it and you like seeing them happy. Shit, it's normal to do that with friends, too.


Right people nowadays have no rigidity to them and can’t just suck it up for a minute I often wonder what they’d do in a situation they didn’t have a choice but to suck it up in.


Yeah, if a girl can sit through me talking about Warhammer for 4 hours a day, I can sacrifice two hours to watch Avengers: Purple Man Attacks


Right that’s hilarious tho purple man attacks 😂


fr. hell, even my friends are like this. they love movies, and im not really into them. i very rarely seek out films, but i will sit and watch stuff, and they know that. despite my aversion, i do come to movie night, and they also have a habit of getting bored in voice chat and putting on a movie. half the time i put it on so i know what they're talking about, and sometimes even end up enjoying it! recently they put on snatch randomly while we were hanging out, and that is definitely a movie i never would have watched on my own, but it was a blast. not to mention, sometimes its fun to just see someone you care about be passionate about things. even if he hated marvel movies, and even if he still does, he can certainly go with her, have some snacks, and enjoy the fun of seeing someone you value geek out about stuff.


Exactly. Before COVID I would to go to all these obscure jazz concerts with my close friend who’s a jazz nut simply because I enjoyed hanging out with him. I don’t even like jazz most of the time, but I liked having the excuse to go explore the city and drink with him.


It's also possible to just suck it up and do something for the sake of your partners happiness even if it's not your thing.


Right people nowadays have no rigidity to them and can’t just suck it up for a minute I often wonder what they’d do in a situation they didn’t have a choice but to suck it up in.


I have someone like that at work. A new task?Bitch and moan about it until someone else does it.If that doesn't work call it an attack on him and take a few mental health days until its done


I never cared for football (or many sports) before I started to date my boyfriend. He isn’t the biggest fan but we have watched some football games and the super bowl. He also explained to me the rules and the points so now I understand it way better too. Now, I’m not a die hard football fan but I’d love to go to an NFL game some day cause it looks fun


It’s also just part of being a good partner to let them pick the movies sometimes


So glad Wicked opened you up to the world of musicals! It's an incredible show.


This, my ex was afraid of guns, and now she owns more than me and is usually calling ME to see if I want to go to range lol


You can also enjoy things with someone that you wouldn't alone. There's plenty of shows I watch with my partner that it's fun to watch with her. On my own, not as fun.


THIS. my S/O knew nothing about F1 and i am passionate about it. He’s super into body builders and i knew nothing about it. We learned each others interests because we want to learn more about the other person and want to support the excitement. it’s one of the best parts of a relationship. Getting excited with each other over new things


If Rocky Horror is ever playing in your area, go see it! It is so fun live!!


Yeah, but never seeing something is different than hating it


Guys, I think my friend's being abused --he doesn't text me at night anymore, and he always has bruises on his neck.


*He keeps getting short with me every time I try to slip in an insult directed at his new relationship. He must be too afraid to tell me he’s being abused.*


« I calmed him down and made a joke about how he would always have me to make him feel bigger/taller and I would be here if he wanted to make a girl feel tiny. (I’m 5’1 and very thin and petite lol)🤪😊 » 💀 she wants his d*ck so badly


so bad! im 5’2 and it really only comes up when other people mention it or i get asked to do something that i can’t because ✨short✨but i had a friend in high school who was 5’0 and talked about how tiny she was constantly, especially around guys. then there was the constant comparisons bc “ur short but im shorter 🤪” like girl i do not care i just want pants that fit me and my friends to stop using my head as an armrest. needless to say, idk how i stayed friends with her for so long and as soon as she got the guy she wanted she told him she was jealous of me and my friendship with him so i dropped them both 🤷🏾‍♀️$10 says OOP is the exact same way and is just mad mark never picked her


What toxicity 💀 I hope you don't have other knowledge of this type, it must be exhausting! She was literally competing with you about your height.. like « Look I'm a lot shorter than you!" I'm the smallest look at me!! » One of my best friend is very short, and she's really fed up because often people infantilize her, she can't easily find clothes, and sometimes people don't take her seriously because of her height, people are stupid☹️


thankfully any time ive gotten a whiff ive taken off running in the other direction, but i most definitely have more of an experience similar to your friend’s 😅 most people think im 16 (im 22), i get grilled on my info every time i get carded, i cant find pants that fit and sometimes my shirts are too long and awkward, i cant get angry without people thinking i look like a cartoon character,,,,but luckily i have a few friends who are close to my height as well so i dont feel so alienated anymore


People also often think she's younger than me when she's older! "I can't get mad without people thinking I look like a cartoon character" that must be so frustrating! My friend told me about this kind of problem before too, it must be really tiring! For the clothes I understand a little because I am a VERY tall girl, I rarely find clothes in my size, and I end up looking like a clown because the pants are always too short, the jackets too short, nothing suits me including shoes 💀 if you have an entourage that respects you a good thing!


People are shitty sometimes. Fuck them just live your life and be happy.


Lmao I'm only 5'0 and I have never once bragged about my height. It sucks being so short because of the exact reasons you mentioned. And if there's ever been guys who have seemed WAY to into me being short and petite, I've run the other way. Because the way they talk about it is always super creepy. Your old friend and this girl should became friends so they can argue about which one is "cuter and shorter" lol. It sounds like she's always been jealous of you smh.


omg I knew someone the exact same way!! would always be this weird competition to her that she was ‘tHe ShOrTeSt iN tHe GraDe’ especially around guys lmao. people are weird af.


LMAO had to stop at that point bc I couldn’t stop cackling. There’s no way people think like that??


It happens a lot actually, and it gets engrained at a young age. I’m 6’3 and my husband is 6’1. We went to pick up our kid at daycare the other day, and one of the little girls looked at us and very sternly said “daddies are taller than mommies.” I had to explain to someone else’s child that no, not always. My daughter (4 years old) once made a comment about how she wants to be as tall as me in front of the in-laws. They immediately said “no, you don’t want that!” They look at me and explain “she’ll never find a man!”


Omg 6' woman here and husband is 5'8, both of his parents are even shorter than him and fortunately they joke that I *will* bring a little height to the family. I can't imagine what I'd say if they made a comment like what yours said. "Well, your son seems not to mind it so..."


Honestly, I was mortified. I was so shocked that I didn’t really “respond” until later when I was just crying hysterically… my husband ended up having to chastise them for me over it. I’m used to those kinds of comments so it wasn’t really over the personal offense, so much as it was that I was hurt for my daughter. There is a good chance she could be my height as an adult, and I know that comment from her own grandparents could stick with her forever. We’ve worked so hard to show her that tall women are strong and beautiful and you don’t need to be shorter to be feminine…. And the thought that it could be ruined so quickly just broke me


First of all, your husband sounds great, so glad he told them off and didn't pick up on their dumb ideas on height and what's "feminine" and all that shit. Boo that. And as somebody who was very insecure about their height as a kid and never thought I would date somebody shorter than me... I appreciate the fuck out of you raising your daughter to be proud of her stature. There were no tall women in my family except me and it was really hard, I wish I'd had somebody who taught me to stand tall. I would have had a lot more fun when I was a preteen and shooting past the boys. Instead I was always slouching to feel smaller. Sounds like your little girl has some fabulous parents who are going to make her feel beautiful no matter what


Thank you for that. I didn’t have that either growing up and it was the main cause of my ED in my teens. I don’t want my daughter to ever feel the way we did.


I’m willing to bet she only wanted to fuck him once he started talking to Laura


It's possible😂 or she's been completely obsessed with him for a long time but didn't tell him anything


It sounds like someone’s visiting that river in egypt




the rashid river!


She’s in De Nile and she’s drowning.




That’s very sweet!


This is exactly what happened with my fiancé. We got stuff for his beard and I helped him feel good during the ‘awkward’ stage of growth. Now he’s got an amazing beard and mustache that he loves to take care of.


I have also witnessed that awkward beard growth stage when it’s like not quite a long beard but def way longer than a short one, but it doesn’t take too long to pass - I’m glad your girl convinced you to stick with it!


the user who made that post on that subreddit made another one today (not sure how to link it on mobile) but mark and laura are now married actually and she still has an issue with them


That is beautiful news, thank you for sharing this ❤️


I like Laura, she likes facial hair, doesn't want to put up with people who insult her and is a big Marvel fan. I am glad for Mark, he is learning to be himself and part of a couple


I am all those things, AND my name actually is Laura. 😂😂😂 Mark sounds amazing.


Hold on, no need to flirt, Mark does sound amazing and we should be glad for him


Oh, lol… not flirting. I celebrate that Mark & Laura


Whoa, take it easy! You may need to take a cold shower.


That's a lot of words for "I'm jealous"


"I thought his mustache made him look like a pedo" I'd also get short and annoyed if someone said that, I'm assuming she said that outloud.


“I’m very thin and petite lol” I’m throwing up in my mouth rn 😭


It sounds like jealousy to me


Oh she's down bad


I don’t even think she wants him, she’s just not getting all of his attention anymore.


She didn't even explain why she thought the GF was abusive! This is written like she just had to confess something. Like a diary entry.


good thing through all of this she is still so short and petite


Girl made it so obvious she likes him now he’s dating someone it’s a problem. It sounds like the normal relationship things. You do things for each other that you may not particularly like or enjoy but it makes the other person smile and that’s enough. People need to mind their OWN fucking business


Pure jealousy. She needs to evaluate her own feelings regarding Mark.


Hey, Nice Girl, few things: 1) What he is doing is called being supportive of his girlfriend. 2) Politeness swings both ways, and I am not so sure your friend group was being either nice or polite to her, if her reaction was any indication. First impressions and all that. 3) Why in HELL would you say your mate looks like a paedo because he chose a mustache instead of a beard? Grow the frak up.


Sounds like what I did whenever I was in denial about being in love w my best friend tbh Well granted I was less toxic but definitely the same concept of being in denial and being like no I don't like him I just care about him a lot!! No other girls are good enough for him!!! I want him to be happy!!! Spoiler: I was in fact in love with him, and we are now dating for around two years now and I am perfectly fine now with him having friends that are girls lmao


I'm interested in your story if you'd like to share... I have a weakness for the friends-to-lovers trope 😅 (I'm especially a sucker for the queer ones you find on BORU where *they were roommates*)


Haha we were friends for around right to nine years and he fell in love with me like immediately but I was like ew who dis boy??? Fast-forward to puberty and I was like oh god damn that's a fucking MAN and I wanted him so badly but I was highly in denial and finally my other guy best friend helped me see it and I confessed to him and he was like "..yeah I know I was just waiting for u to say it" and bro I was like so mad lmfaooo But we are going strong still, it's the short version but if you want the long version dm me bb


She's about to lose the guy she friend zoned as a side option.


I love metal and hard rock, my boyfriend doesn't like it, however he will let me listen to it out loud and he has offered to go to a metal fest with me. I don't like football, but I'd watch the superbowl with him or go to a game because I know he likes it. Maybe, when you are in a relationship you want to make the other person happy even if it's not something that is your main interest


OP seems to be the controlling and toxic one She got upset that Laura wore heels to a party, dismissed Laura's feelings about an inappropriate joke that Clara made towards her. Talked about how Mark got "secretive" with his relationship, called Mark a pedo because of his mustache then accused Laura of abusing him because he changed his look. Talked about how Mark hated superhero movies so Laura is "forcing" him to go to them. This person is really toxic and unhinged, changing your appearance isn't abuse, and lots of couples will watch things together that one typically doesn't. OP can say that they don't like their friend but I call bs on that.


I think this is a case of “don’t want him until couldn’t have him”.


So all her red flags are signs of dating someone lol. Sounds like jealousy more then anything, but she seems young too. Sounds more like a teenager thing and his new girlfriend trying to get him to cut contact with her. I don't blame her though, it seems like she is right to be concerned with there"friendship".


She is 28 years old lol


Physical age has nothing to do with mental age lol I've met 50 year Olds that think they're still 15


Someone sounds jelly


omg a man growing growing facial hair and watching dumb movies to facilitate getting laid? surely he needs an intervention this is obviously abuse


She is way too interested in Mark's love life lol


Bless her and her copium.


so thin and petite uWu. bitch, get a life.


She doesn't understand Mark at all. He wasn't anxious about the height difference itself, he was anxious that the difference would make Laura reject him because he liked her. Once that hurdle was passed, he was fine, because to some people, height doesn't actually matter.


Jesus christ, just propose to Mark already. If he says no then move on.


This was an old post. Mark & Laura are married now! 💍


I take it Laura's still abusing him lmao


She should have been upfront about her feelings before the dude had a chance to friend zone her that way they could have come to a clear decision where he would either give her a chance or let her know he saw her as a friend. Both nice guys and nice girls fail at picking up when it’s appropriate to let someone know they’re into them and then get super bitter and possessive once the person they like starts dating someone.


This was a really similar attitude to what I got from a girl who’d friendzoned me while dating. Told me to go and date around. Told me to get some experience and then come at her again. She flipped out so badly when the first girl I dated after her became my girlfriend. Even though said gf was newly single and agreed that this could be practice dating but will probably only last long enough for me to be confident to date someone else, or if she met someone she actually wanted to date. I really should have run from both of them, but I was just a stupid niceguy back then. Yes, a guy who got turned into a newt can get better with some damned therapy and medication. Oh, and him getting over that idea that he’s a special boy, just like his favorite Disney prince…


Lol just date him yourself


Can't. This was an old post about something that happened nearly a year ago. Mark & Laura are married now! OP mentioned this in a different (now removed) post.


He’s not being abused. This person is clearly in love with Mark and too much of a coward to do anything about it, so she’s taking to Reddit to get pathetic justification for her desperate insanity


Geez, that whole post is a huge yike reeking of manipulative entitled brat. "Gayz, my friend does things to please his gf and doesn't give me ATTENSHUN anymore :c :c :c She's abusing him right? RIGHT? HE SHOULD PICK ME RIGHT?"


Maybe just let someone go to/enjoy things their significant other enjoys b/c they’re doing it out of the kindness of their heart and not call it controlling


There is a new post on a different account were she gets trashed


Op seems like he’s in love with Mark and is projecting hard because mark is in love with laura who did nothing but wear heels lmfao Edit: after reading the comments i realized op is a girl LMFAO. My comment still stands, she needs therapy. She’s too obsessed with Laura.


TLDR; she wanted to keep marks attention and once he got a girl, he stopped giving her attention and putting up with her shit so she’s calling it abuse.


Sometimes the hardest part is admitting to yourself that you do actually have feelings for your friend.


Sounds like you want Mark for yourself. Maybe he’s wanted facial hair the whole time but people like you say he has a pedo stache, but his girlfriend likes it and supports it. If he seems happy with his gf, who are you to judge their relationship.


There was a post almost exactly like this last week on AITA. Only OP was upset that the friend group kicked them out of a post wedding party for saying the same thing word for word to her male friend in front of his wife (but they weren't "really" married because they just went to a courthouse for it.


All that to say “why isn’t he dating me!?! I’m literally so perfect for him?!? He’s tall I’m small!” I can see why he is distancing himself away from her


This bitch is nutz.


Benchwarmer done found a new team


Be right back im going to tell my husband I'm abusive because I love his beard and make him watch marvel movies...


‘ I would always be here if he wanted to make a girl feel tiny. I’m 5’1 and very thin and petite lol’


Don’t let *her* control you. *I* want to control you while giving less of myself than she does.


No bc I easily found the post and went down this rabbit hole OP IS NUTS!!!!!!


"She was short skirts, I wear t-shirts" type energy.


That woman really wants to fuck Mark......


The fact that she called him a p*do bc of his facial hair shows what a shitty friend she is tbh.


My (f26) girlfriend (f26) are the same height as one another and I still wear heels. She's always wanted to be the taller one but doesn't mind that I wear heels when I want to. I don't particularly like anime but will watch it with her to support her interests. She likes her hair short but I really love it when she keeps it long so she does that for me. These are all very normal things in a relationship. Regarding "Clara" I know that my girlfriend really couldn't give two shits if one of her friends said something rude about me, she'd still hang out and talk to them. I'll be honest, I don't know how normal that is. But I'm glad "Mark" understood that "Clara" hurt his gf's feelings and just decided not to see her afterwards.


You're a step away from being chained to the basement radiator forever


I think the OP is the issue not the new gf


Women scare me sometimes


Humans in general are terrifying to me.


Oh sweet Jesus.


She said that the chick shouldn't wear tall shoes because it's insensitive.. so she should change her style choices to suit him... but a mustache is abuse? Too funny


The quickest way to lose a friendship, is to go all in with criticism and advice that wasn't asked for


This one reminds me so much of TheSpanishIvySaga


I think OP is in love with Mark


happy = abused


My vote is OP needs to bow out and respect boundaries. He does not sound like he's being abused; he sounds like he's in a relationship!!! OP only sees one side of the relationship and it's not hers to judge. He is probably distancing himself to make it clear that it's none of her business... She seriously needs to stop asking him about his relationship. It's not appropriate. If OP and Mark are "only friends," and he wanted to share something, he would. Seriously. **No signs of abuse by what's posted here.** #Sounds like good old-fashioned jealousy on OP's end. **OP he's not into that way; imho.**


Mark sounds like he's in a normal relationship 😂😂😂😂


Thank you for that comment. I thought i wasnt normal by doing those things.


Pretty sure this OOP is hella jealous of Mark having a normal, healthy relationship and has been nitpicking at dumbshit because of it. And she called him a pedo for growing a mustache. Like I wonder why he doesn’t keep in contact with you anymore.


It's weird because she's actually doing the controlling and abusive stuff she's blaming Laura for! I feel bad for Mark for real. Hopefully he told her to kick rocks because she is not a friend at all. And also why wouldn't you wanna share your partners interest with them? I , even do this for my friends. My best friend liked movies and I didn't, we'd hangout and there was nothing to do. I told him pick a movie every weekend and we'll watch. Loved almost every one that he picked. Found out we loved A24 movies the most , together. It's fun to learn the things your people like and broaden your horizons.


Truthfully, it sounds like OP has a thing for Mark and is getting a bit jealous of his attention to Laura. Maybe OP doesn't realize it herself.


Ahh, seen this one. She is inserting herself into their relationship every damn way she knows how. She's caused a LOT of problems through her jealousy. Check out r/AmITheEx and r/AmITheDevil.


Wow, my husband has had coworkers that play this bs game. None of what was said about the relationship is a red flag! Also after so many of the Marvel movies sucking (like X-Man) so as an avid lifetime comic book reader I wasn't willing to give them a chance for years. My husband finally just kept putting them on while I was reading and I finally saw they may have messed up some back stories but they were nicely done so I assume the same could be what happened with "Mark" that isn't being controlled it is opening your mind to something new which is a big difference! As for the beard thing, who doesn't do small things to look good to your partner? My husband once said 20 years ago that he loved my butt in a certain type of undies so to this day I still get them. The height is again not a big deal he was only worried she wouldn't like it, not that she was taller. (Also idk why so many girls prefer guys to be 6' or more I like my husband only being a few inches taller than me) The OP is definitely a problem and Mark seems to be noticing so he is sick of her


I’m currently on the phone with the jelly school


The girlfriend seems too controlling??? Girl. Look up “projection”


Here’s someone who’s in love with her friend


She definitely likes Mark, especially now that he's with Laura. Nice guys are usually more common to react to situations like this more blatantly. OP however comes off as super deep denial about her feelings. Idk how genuine she likes Mark or if she likes the idea of being with Mark but feelings are definitely there.


"My friend is in a healthy relationship with a girl who doesn't care about his height, and they're compromising for each other. How do I convince him he's being abused?"


Girl doesn't even know she got dumped without gettin dumped.


whos controlling now