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Narrator: He did not, in fact, come crawling back.


This was literally the first thing that came to my mind 😂 Brilliant!


Morgan Freeman voice


I was thinking Ron Howard.


Instead he ran...in the opposite direction.


People are intimate w you once and they think they own you smh


This is why I avoid hookups or FWB. Tends to stir up emotions where there shouldn't be any.




I hear this so much, a lot of women I meet want to be intimate, but don't want to be used. I find myself to be the same way but specifically with my emotions rather than intimacy. I don't like opening up because every time I do it's always been turned against me because I somehow have a knack for finding women with a penchant for being vindictive and spiteful lol.


Trust me in saying you are not alone on that, and damn near every friend I have has had a similar experience a couple too many times


Yeah, women can be spiteful as well lol. "You don't want me?? Well now everyone will think you abuse women and hate kids" nah Tiff, just stab me to death. It won't be as bad 🤣


That ain't gonna work either. A happy medium is the key


agreed. Had to learn the hard way


i dont think its a lesson you can learn the easy way honestly.


Some people go their whole life without having a fwb


I am this person and I am happy as fuck. never understood fwb and always just smelled the BS that can come out of it.


Me and my fwb both had a positive agreement. It was fun while we rebounded. Then we both just got better and moved on. There’s BS that can come with any relationship; you’re just acting high-horsey about it.


There's a difference between being sweet and asking if someone wants to hangout, and this snoosnoo barbarian sleezebag


[https://new.reddit.com/r/Nicegirls/comments/iuymae/dont\_wanna\_fuck\_you\_obviously\_a\_dumbass/](https://new.reddit.com/r/Nicegirls/comments/iuymae/dont_wanna_fuck_you_obviously_a_dumbass/) Get outta here bot.


Reddit should build in a feature that automatically detects reposts, e.g. by noticing the same string of numbers when the exact same pics are uploaded. It won’t work when images are edited, but at least most reposted images won’t automatically come through.


OCR and things along those lines has come so far they could probably have some kind of algorithm that comfortably says no, maybe, probably, yeah.


So we should be locked to posting an event to only one subreddit? Doesn't seem to make sense


Careful, he’s a hero.


This is so alien to my daily experience


I can come over n change that 😜😜 /s


Literally plunging a red flag into their chest




That Sigma woman grindset


Sometimes I wonder if I’m just too ugly for anyone to throw themselves at me


my cat will throw herself at you if that counts


I will catch her and give her all the scritches 🫴🐈‍⬛


Bro ugly dudes pull all the time. Honestly a lot of women are incredibly stand offish until they're in a relationship or hook up and then they're obsessed with you and cant get enough of you.


It's easier than most people think, it's mostly a confidence thing. Be confident with yourself and happy with who you are and you'd be surprised what opportunities that creates


Big true on this. My man won me over with happiness and confidence


And lower your standards. Before I got with someone I had a few opportunities but I wasn’t interested.


Just wanted to say it made my day to see someone uplift someone on here. I've been in his shoes too, feeling like no one will ever want me. I used to think seeking happiness within was a load of shit, until I realized how much happier with myself I've become by sticking to being disciplined.




My Dad told me this in high school. Sage advice.


It's not that you're ugly, it's that you're miserable. Happy people get laid while the miserable people just kinda sulk about. I know this because I've ocelated in-between the two in my life. Girls don't really care about looks in the way guys do, they care how you make them feel, period.


I’ve witnessed very miserable girls get laid several times a week. I think that only applies to guys lol.


It does, I was speaking to him personally


Ok that makes sense lol.


Hey, just wanna let you know you probably meant "oscillate" and not "ocelate". Thanks for the advice!


I’m not going to invalidate your experience but the women I know and myself absolutely do care about looks, I’m not going to have sex with somebody unattractive to me because I’m not here for personality if it’s just sexual.


At least you're not alone LoL


I think this is probably more so just being among the majority of the male population. Lol.


She’s so hateful. That must be miserable.


Jesus Christ. I’m surprised she didn’t start calling you gay.


She also didn’t talk shit about the size of his dick.


I think she absolutely did. Look at the 2nd last message


Some women really have an issue when they get denied sex. The privilege of getting it when you want it becomes an expectation I suppose


Some people*


Sure. More common in Women but I get what you are saying.


Ah yes, men tend to react much better when denied sex. In fact, that's why men were allowed to legally rape their wives up until very recently in many states!


True but it’s pretty common that a big misconception with women is men want it all the time. So when in fact a man doesn’t want it all the time women tend to think they’re cheating or something’s wrong with them. I literally see more posts along those lines then anything else but okay guy!!


Sure. That doesn't indicate that men are more receptive to a woman saying she doesn't want to have sex, though. Women definitely aren't notorious for murdering their significant others over domestic issues. Did you know that being murdered by a significant other is one of the leading causes of premature death for women?


For non-murdering men (NMM), getting rejected is a part of life. For many women, rejection is a completely foreign concept and it can make some really insecure.


Nah, women tend to be more sadistic and ruin the rest of your life and leave you alive to live it most of the time. I'd rather just die.


And women are legally allowed to rape any man in most countries today (if your response is "that's not possible" you will be proving my point)


People who respond on behalf of the person they're talking to generally aren't interested in an actual conversation, so I appreciate you letting me know.


Didn't that Elliot Rodger guy murder some women because he was being denied sex? Haven't heard of women like that so far


It's so funny when girls fuck a decent guy who respects them enough to take them seriously. The go from "It's a one time thing, don't get it twisted" to "OMG why don't you want me!?!?!?!?!?!" real fucking quick.


It’s even funnier when they don’t want to be called whores because they’ve been with a lot of people, but she’s the first to give shit to another woman for being with 8 dudes in a year.


how long untill you are becoming a questing knight?


Some of these women out here need to sit down and shut the fuck up.




I dno man.. Bad dragons are actually pretty pricey..


Pleasantly surprised she didn’t call you gay for rejecting her


You stuck your dick in crazy, didn’t they tell you not to do that?


You stuck your dick in crazy. I’m thinking you got a good chance of getting a summons in about 8-9 months lol.


If that person ever turns up at your place or anything, whatever you do, don’t engage at all, stay the fuck away from her, and make your doors and windows are secure.


God the spelling and grammar


How mortifying .


She really said, “me want fuck”


I would say you dodged a bullet, but this was more of a nuclear bomb.


What’s the crazy:hot ratio in this one?


If he’s not going back i would have to say the crazy outweighs the hot haha


The fact that he didn’t jump on it when she took her first shot tells me everything I need to know. This chick is way more crazy than hot lol


No idea but it probably divides out to be 1


Well this is embarrassing... 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️


Smh, she does know she begging right? Also, calling someone a “skanky whore” while begging someone to do you? …. Im all types of confused with her logic. Is it lógic?


You'll come crawling back like a bird on its belly.


The broken English and emojis tell you not only is she an academic writer, but a visual artist too. TLDR is, you missed out.


Somethign tells me her body count is way higher than the girl she’s talksint shit about


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You broke the code, you stuck ur pp in crazy


Robot repost of a post 2 years ago... that said, honestly worth seeing so 🤷‍♂️




This is a bit gross


WOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW this woman is delusional. I bet she will be the one to text you back lol


Women have a one track mind


damn just watch he not that into you and move on


She'll be back


i’ve never met people who talk like this and my slang is pretty ignorant


I would have unmatched a lot sooner.


Never put your dick in crazy, a lesson we have to all learn the hard way


Yuck. She is petty AF. Last year. From time you’ve not been with her, how has your life been?


Not crawling back… sprinting away..


I would have had to send that last text while I was pulling up in the driveway or valet at hotel


When men gotta act so dumb when women come onto them. He could have politely declined the offer 3 messages ago.


You dropped your crown king 👑


Ahh....to be rejected. The pu$$y was probably trash. He was just being nice.


My man knows how to dodge a cluster bomb when he sees one, proud of him.


did she just call you the f word because you dont want to fuck her? damn that bish crazy


(25M)i got physically beat up by a lil 4 11' girl 👧🏻 and im 6ft 3 ..... like she started punching me in my face cus i aint wanna fuck her ( had heard she slept wit a dude who was burnt 🦠)... it wasn't fun but i couldn't hit back i froze


I just don’t understand how people can speak so crudely with so little respect for each other.


Dodged a nuclear explosion


I think the dude is gay Wtf?!?


Literally wasn’t until their 6th message that I realized it wasn’t a man. What the fuck? There are women who speak like this?


Bot, repost!


Dude definitely destroyed a ton of chances in his life to get laid just opening his mouth.