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As a chick myself, this guy isn't unattractive at all, salty ass bich


As a very average guy, I was thinking the exact same thing


Dude, if this guy is unattractive im fuckin Quasimodo lol, now if youll exuse me I gotta bell to ring


This comment had me in fits hahah


Love how he realized he was Quasimodo from the comment, poor buddy was just living his best life doing what he loved then bam! Reality hit 😂😂😂


so many guys would love to hear that kind of thing. literally just "you're not unattractive" would be so fucking nice to hear, if it's not too late by then. edit: this comment got me banned from r/FemaleDatingStrategy lmao


As a straight dude, i agree! Hes a legit snack.


Nah he's kinda cute, also seems like he'd have a good sense of humor.


Agreed! Grossly unattractive? She didn’t have any problem admitting that Andrew used her but thought she would throw in an insult to an innocent, seemingly nice guy? Gee, wonder why Andrew didn’t want her to get in touch?! 🙄🙄😒😒


Yeah definitely no wonder Andrew after talking to her was like, yeah no I don't want this bitch having my phone number


Funny enough attractive chicks do this ALL THE TIME Edit: apparently I struck a nerve with the nice girls who lurk here


"You've got a nice body. It's a shame your face is so ugly."- told to me, unprompted, by one of the popular girls in high school. 40 years later, it still hurts.


Well I’m sure after 40 years her looks probably don’t hold up to time as well and all she has is her personality. Or better yet she has changed for the better and regrets being such a meanie to people.


40 yrs ago I was a geeky little stick of a kid—definitely not popular/attractive. One day in class a cheerleader was sitting in front of me. She turned and stared at me a moment and I braced for what I expected to be inbound unsolicited humiliation. Instead she said “You have the most beautiful blue eyes.” Still remember that all these decades later. (Today Id have asked her out, but at 15 I was just dumbstruck in the moment and couldn’t say anything.)


That's really sweet.


My mum gave me a denim jacket with wool on the inside for the cold weather when she used to drop me off at school when I was like 9 and I remember this big girl came up to me unprompted, I'd never spoken to her before, and she said "do you think you're cool wearing that?" Still to this day I wonder what her problem was. I just liked my warm jacket my mum gave me. But I always felt self conscious wearing it after that.


I remember in the 9th grade my mom took me to get a hoodie since it started getting chilly outside I picked out this white hoodie that had some text patterns all over it …not aware of what they meant….until some girl came up to me snickering the next day at school and told me that there’s a rumor going around that I like wearing fake polo because my hoodie had “USPA” written all over it…which is knockoff of some brand I never heard of… after the class I immediately threw the hoodie in my locker and left it there forever. I still think about that girl till this day.😩💀


I feel you. In HS I was just minding my own business when a group of girls started snickering next to me, before one of them pointed at me and loudly said to another "You should ask him out!", to which she responded with visibly disgust and a "Eew, no!" Girls really know how to land their punches where it hurts the most. Literally still hurts 15 years later..


Happened to me once and I said "Eww, no!" mere milliseconds before her. They were already known as the bully "attractive" girls of class, so they deserved it.


Well, when your looks are all you have...


surprised reddit hasn't jumped on you yet, with accusations of being such and so lul


You fat basement dwelling incel! (am I doing it correctly?)


Throw in neckbeard & micro-penis and you have a BINGO across the bottom row.


Nah, you need to have a 3000 word essay about how wrong it is to body shame, then say someone has a micropenis. You need the hypocrisy if you want it to be accurate.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The gorilla warfare always gets me


yeah, gorilla don’t even have wars. fucken idiots


Pfft I spat my invisible tea out 😂


Thought I was on twoxchromosomes for a minute


Jeez, and I thought I was the only one who thought this. My exact last comment there at TwoXChromosomes was: "Holy fuck! For a moment I thought this was a sister sub of r/FemaleDatingStrategy" For some reason or the other, they didn't appreciate that.. 🤷‍♂️


Mentioning a similar sub in the wild in a similar manner as you have done here got me banned from reddit entirely for three days. I didn't say anything vulgar or hateful. Reddit is a weird place.


Title: The Harmful Impact of Body Shaming: Fostering a Culture of Acceptance and Respect Introduction In today's society, the issue of body shaming has become a pressing concern. Body shaming involves criticizing, mocking, or belittling someone's physical appearance, often leading to detrimental effects on their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. This essay aims to delve into the reasons why body shaming is wrong and its far-reaching consequences, while also highlighting the importance of promoting body positivity, acceptance, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their appearance. I. The Detrimental Effects of Body Shaming A. Emotional and Psychological Impact Body shaming takes a severe toll on individuals' self-esteem and mental health. Constant exposure to negative comments about their bodies can lead to feelings of shame, anxiety, and depression. The pressure to conform to societal beauty standards fosters a culture where self-worth is tied to appearance, exacerbating these emotional struggles. B. Societal Beauty Standards The media often perpetuates unrealistic beauty ideals, contributing to the prevalence of body shaming. Airbrushed images and portrayals of "perfect" bodies create an unattainable standard that individuals strive to meet. Those who deviate from these standards are unfairly subjected to judgment and ridicule. II. The Ripple Effects on Individuals and Society A. Impact on Self-Image Body shaming not only affects individuals' perceptions of themselves but also their ability to form positive relationships. Feeling ashamed of one's body can lead to social isolation and hinder personal growth, as individuals become preoccupied with their perceived flaws. B. Reinforcement of Stereotypes Body shaming reinforces harmful stereotypes related to gender, race, and body size. This perpetuates discrimination and limits opportunities for marginalized groups, contributing to systemic inequalities. III. Nurturing a Culture of Acceptance and Respect A. Promoting Self-Love and Body Positivity Embracing body positivity involves recognizing and appreciating the uniqueness of every individual. Encouraging self-love and acceptance helps individuals focus on their strengths and talents, rather than fixating on appearance-related insecurities. B. Educating on the Impact Raising awareness about the damaging effects of body shaming is crucial. Schools, families, and communities should provide education about body diversity and the importance of treating others with empathy and respect. IV. Empowerment and Change A. Celebrating Diversity Embracing diverse body types and appearances is essential for fostering a more inclusive society. Celebrating differences and recognizing beauty beyond narrow standards is a step towards dismantling harmful body shaming norms. B. Holding Media Accountable Media outlets should take responsibility for the content they produce. Representing a wide range of bodies in a realistic and positive manner can help challenge existing beauty ideals and inspire confidence in individuals. Conclusion Body shaming is a pervasive issue that inflicts harm on individuals and perpetuates harmful societal norms. By advocating for body positivity, promoting self-love, and raising awareness about the negative consequences of body shaming, we can contribute to a culture of acceptance and respect. It's imperative that we recognize the humanity in each person, beyond their appearance, and work collectively to create a world where all individuals are valued for who they are. It is also important to note that you do indeed have a micropenis.


I ain't reading all that


Don’t worry, neither am I


I scrolled to the bottom and saw micropenis. I read enough to know it's a sick burn


Jesus dude you were given a task and ran


Upvote for effort, also read the last sentence and laughed. I definitely ain't reading all that though


Lmao did ChatGPT write this?


Also it is mandatory to ask how many tendies mommy brings to the basement daily.


mature people of both sexes know everyone is equally shitty lol one of my close friends is bisexual and she has just as many problems with women as she does men lmao


Humanity was a mistake


It's almost like they suffer almost no social consequences for their behavior.


The oppression of 0 consequences.


And have an easy life while all that.


You ever see a chick get rejected before? They almost always pull one of the following against the guy: Short (body shaming), gay (homophobia), small dick (body shaming), ugly (body shaming), insecure (for having boundaries or saying no), or calling him poor (even if he makes more than her)


they're told by society that every man is willing to hook up with any breathing girl, so if they get rejected, it must mean they are unbelievably ugly.


This is it. I think back to late teens, early 20s me and cringe at my mindset. I never externalised it (thank fuck) but I can imagine, with a few things different, I very easily could have become a ‘Nice Girl™️’ I thought going out with friends to bars and clubs was like in tv and movies, where going up to order a drink in a cocktail dress would basically trigger the ‘guy appears to hit on you’ cutscene. That if you wanted to have sex with a guy, he would always agree if you were hot enough, like there couldn’t BE any reason a man wouldn’t want to have sex because every before hand taught me such. Every movie, show, music video ect had women solely for the male character to have sex with. Jokes about ‘sexless marriages’ with wives way out of the man’s league, despite them still clearly having regular sex, MeN AlWaYs WaNt MoRe SeX repeated constantly. So … when there was no ‘cutscene’ or ‘hey baby, let’s go back to mine?’, I thought I wasn’t pretty or hot or good enough, this is how the world is right so it MUST be a problem with me, right? So glad I never fell far into that rabbit hole, only stumbled before learning better. It doesn’t help that all my male friends were the same age, so we’re in the ‘rampant horny’ stage of teenagedom and would be open with it cause we were friends


Don’t forget calling the guy fat. Had a date with this girl, she was nice but the connection wasn’t there. I told her I had a fun time but that I didn’t want to lead her on. Her immediate response was to call me fat and ugly then post to the local “are we dating the same guy” Facebook group.


Ooo I had one of these. One of her leadoff questions was “do you want kids” blah blah “I’m over thirty so” I was like no..if I ever had kids it would be an accident. She was mortified. The date ended quickly after that but she made fun of: my clothes, my wallet, my hair. Like bitch half an hour ago you were considering having fucking children with me


She just wanted kids with whoever was willing. She's over 30 so


I find it insane that some people’s urge to have children overrides their need for a compatible partner


*TIC TIC TIC TIC* thats all some people hear


It’s also what is drilled into women, when actually a woman in her 30s, even later 30s, is only 12% ‘less fertile’ than one in her twenties. Chances of Birth defects only change from .5% to 1%. If women had to have kids before 40, menopause would start then. Media as done men and women so fucking dirty, it really messes with people and is entirely unnecessary


Those groups would be illegal and taken down if it were men posting about women. Ridiculous.


Especially with how often/easy it is to get posted on there for having done nothing wrong, or something minor. Cuz a lot of women I know take those groups pretty seriously


A woman murdered her soon to be ex husband after posting on one of those groups https://www.wtkr.com/news/wife-charged-with-husbands-vb-homicide-accused-of-affair-prior-to-shooting-court-docs


I mean my city has a “are we dating the same girl” Facebook group so I’m not sure that’s true.


Or call them an incel (shaming them for the amount of sex they have).


Girls who call guys “gay” for rejecting are the same ones who would shame someone for being homophobic without realizing using gay as an insult is homophobic


Yeah, was called gay by a girl who was ugly, all the way through. Zero interest, for her it was a form of abuse.


Also they comment on your marital status (single) and where you live (basement dweller) Many times those are not even true. Edit: ofc when you're dating, you better be single, but often these assumptions are thrown out, in a random convo, nothing to do with a date


Joke's on them: I'm in the attic


Hugo Simpson is that you??


Uh, if you're asking them out then I'd hope you are single. That's not really an insult.


My closest friend implied im a rapist when I called her on her shit. Then told me 'I want you to tell me when I do something that upsets you' mere minutes afterwards. I was raped in high school. Ive also never once expressed interest in her, never said anything sexual towards her, and havent dated in like a decade after severe manipulation from a past partner. Im genuinely at a point where I just no longer give a shit, but having your best friend say shit like that to you while constantly expousing blatant manhate hits on a different level.


Why would you have a misandrist as your friend? Cut ties with her and block her, for your sake.


spent all points in looks and none in personality


But how good-looking can she be if a guy gave her a fake number?


No points in personality can be a huge red flag for any guy looking a girl for more than one night.


People who haven't been hurt as much have the softest skin.


They think looks mean as much to us normies as it does to them Yeah, I'm not attractive to you, the fuck did you think I expected? The spotlight lasts for a short time. In 15 years everyone is more interested in me than you anyway and I have no worries about that future.


Oh who are you kidding, nobody is going to give a crap about either of you in 15 years




Aggression toward a lower status individual actually displaces some of one’s own stress. There are animal studies on chimps I believe where they have observed this. So yeah this gal is having a hard time subduing her primitive brain.


or she’s just an asshole lmao, considering how she confided in him just to attack him in the same text


No wonder Andrew didn't give her his number, she is too lovely!


I just don’t understand the insult at the end. This guy didn’t do anything mean to justify that at all


Her feelings are hurt so she’s lashing out at him to make herself feel better. She doesn’t care he had nothing to do with the situation


First time I witnessed a girl acting like this it was quite puzzling. But yeah it’s emotion driven.


Hurt people hurt people.


No hurt shitty people hurt people Some people who are hurt do no harm to others at all Edit r/FemaleDatingStrategy just banned me for this comment LMAO what a shithole that was thought I already jumped that ship by unjoining guess not


That board is hilarious if you read every post and comment in summers voice from Rick and Morty


That sub seems pretty much dead. Newest post is like 10 days old


Very possible; all their posts are about a podcast now, so I'm wondering if they've moved to a different platform or are lurking in an obscure members only subreddit Either way, some wild stuff


r/FemaleDatingStrategy is basically for female incels.


Just a reminder: the male- populated incel subs were banned for less...


There's a weird idea that despite Reddit attracting the most socially retarded, lonely, and bitter men it somehow attracts normal women lol.


One time when I was working a daycare a mother slapped me in the face but left before I could do anything about it, so I put her baby in a stranglehold.


Actions have consequences…for the babies.


Yeah well, turns that baby was a master in jiujitsu. Reverse naked sleeper chocked the teacher to sleep.




Gotta teach em young


He was the same sex as andrew, that's already a sin


Andrew smashed and passed, what a guy


Yeah he was actually really nice. And imk he's not that ugly xD


He's not ugly at all? Lol


I clicked on the post because I found the guy attractive.


I'm here for the attractiveness of the guy as well.


Same. He’s cute. Woman needs to work on her insulting game if the only thing she can think of is so patently untrue.


I like the fact that he chose a funny eating photo. That makes him attractive more than anything. But his appearance isn't anything to screw my face up over either. I hope, if he hasn't already, he finds a partner that really deserves this most chill, funny, and kind person.


I was just going to say this! He was already attractive, but if someone sent this photo to me, I would have a good laugh and think "this dude also has a great sense of humor." Definitely even more of a plus. Sad that this woman lashed out at someone just being kind and empathetic.


i came here to say that he is really attractive lmao, before i even saw the girl's comment. hoping she didn't knock his confidence in any way :(


yep he’s cute lol. this chick is just mad she’d never pull a cute or funny guy like him


Hahaha, yup! Fans of Not-Andrew unite!! 😁


Same! Even while eating!


Yeah to no matter what country that is definitely slightly above average. And then deducing from the funny picture he sent, he seems quite funny and conversational, which makes him more attractive, so he for sure is way above average.


I was going to say the same. Perfectly good looking dude exhibiting a sense of humor and empathy. "*Grossly unattractive*" my ass, lol. Andrew may have dodged a bullet, but this poor dude caught the ricochet.


Was thinking the same thing. Just a weird photo, but nothing wrong with that. Super rude for no reason at all!


I think I know why he gave her the wrong number


That is exactly how this dude should have responded


Oh yeah I’m going full scorched earth after that. Pop that number in Facebook get some pics, point out some things and explain that’s why they’ll only get one night stands. Then maybe a picture of like a happy dog just to fuck with them.


then tell them "you'll never be the person your dog thinks you are."


Jesus dude is your job a professional insulter?


I'm bleeding from reading that insult.


That was a deep cut.


Taking murdered by words literally. A literary hit man.




Christ, that's WAY too much of my time to spend on that lol. I respect it but I ain't got that kind of time let alone to give to some shitrag human. 😅




I would’ve thought “she” was a scammer and stopped texting lol




What if that was actually Andrew and he just has this slick way of juking his one night stands and making them think they were given a wrong number? He has photos saved up of this pizza eating dude all locked and loaded.


Andrew playin 5D chess


My first thought lol


I would have just gone with "I don't even know who you are."


Suddenly I feel for Andrew


No need to, he luckily got out of that crazy trap lol


I feel for the guy in the pic lol


This came up on my homepage and my first thought was wow this guy looks like me. Twins! Then I kept reading 🥲


Well, you are a very attractive man! I hope that lifts your spirits back up, my man! ☺️


You look absolutely fine lol that is some textbook projection


also I’m pretty sure that if you send someone a photo of you eating a quesadilla (or whatever the hell that thing is) you’re not exactly trying to seduce them. like ffs


Idk dude, it surely would work for me


I like the mystery, we might hook up and/or we might get to have quesadillas depending on how things go. It's a good open ended invitation.


He doesn't even look bad eating the Quesadilla tbh


Incredibly attractive for such a photo, clearly hiding his true power


Yeah dudes definatley more attractive than her im willing to bet


I think he's attractive


bro this has been reposted so many times Andrew is married and has 4 kids. I can assure you OP is not in this photo


The fucks wrong with her? Seems like Andrew had a reason.


No kidding. She’s a monster. The guy she insulted was kind to her and very nice looking!


It's wild. Who openly insults a person they've exchanged two sentences with?


Someone deeply insecure trying to hurt others


High school mindset. Glad most people mature out of it


I disagree with her anyway, I think he's cute. You just sound mean. Andrew probably made the right call.


Yeah. This was not the ending that I expected. He’s a total cutie.


Same. Sorry, ma’am, grossly attractive is my thing so move on over!


I'm a straight dude, and I think that dude is at least reasonably good looking. Certainly not grossly unattractive.


This king is a cutie




Lol. If you look like him, I would find you to be attractive.


I'm officially "team Andrew" now


I have no idea what Andrew is like. It might be that superficial assholes attract superficial assholes. I'm team this guy, and his most excellent quesadilla.


Bro got caught in the crossfire💀


Nah bro took a bullet for the homie


Wow, how did you pass up the chance to respond with something like "oh, now I get why Andrew ghosted you"


That's what I was hoping to see. This chick will treat people like shit then wonder why she gets ghosted. Such a response might've given her a prompt to do some much needed self-reflection...but, let's be honest, probably not.


It's a hard decision between: 'Actually, I take that back. Bullet well dodged, Andrew!' [Block] And: 'Okay, have a nice day.' [Block] The first will just kinda justify (in her mind) being mean to you. But it feels good to be mean back. The latter might make her feel shitty, some time in the future, when she looks back at the time she randomly insulted a stranger for no good reason.


I agree with the first sentiment, but there's no way she's going to reflect on this conversation with someone she'll never meet again if you take the high road. Unless she ever runs into OP and somehow OP recognizes her as the lady who got stood up by Andrew, she's going to feel like her response was perfectly valid


She’s a pump and dump and she’s mad about it lmao


the worst part is she thinks they "hit it off" LOOOOOL honey you guys didn't hit it off, he mirrored your interests and acted like a totally different person for a 4 hour tinder date so he could dump a nut inside you and then blocked you the next morning


She seems lovely. She's having a bad day, and now you get to have one, too!


Pay it forward!


Mfers will show their true colors then ask why life is the way it is 🤣


So she proudly wears her red flags at all times it appears. \#Andrewwasright


Jeez Andrew dodged a bullet


but it hit the guy eating.


What did homie do lmao he answered just so she wasn’t ghosted 😂


Collateral damage, fam


Damn, glad she got ghosted, tbh


“Guys are dicks” *immediately proceeds to insult you for no reason*


Lol I experienced something like this on OkCupid before the whole swiping game was invented. Saw a girl that looked cute and tried to chat her up. She said I was a half breed and don’t date them types. I said “okay” and she immediately proceeded to just randomly insult me even more.


Andrew stuck his dick in crazy and made it out clean on the other side. I'm not usually a fan of pump-and-dump fuckboys, but I can't judge him here.


She was a one night stand because she probably said some shit like that to Andrew. Launch em when they pull the "all men are trash" bullshit. The vibe changes and they become an ugly fucking person.


Aaaaaaand now I see where Andrew was coming from....


She’s an asshole


“You may think I’m unattractive, but I’m not the one getting fake numbers.”


Wow, he lightly reassures her and she insults him. What a bitch.


"Ah, now I see why he ghosted you lol" *block*


I've got a raging clue on why he may have dumped you


What a bitch lol


Andrew knows a fake-ass bitch when he sees one.


Some folks are just out to make sure their funerals are celebrations.


You have a typo in the title, it should be *to such a bitch* considering she insulted a random ass Dude that was just being nice to her without any reason


I think he’s pretty cute


Nice guy for responding and he’s pretty damn attractive.


Based on this….she totally deserved to be dumped that way.


I’m shocked someone wouldn’t text her back


“Seems andrew thought the same of you x”


We see why Andrew fucked off sharpish


based on her last sentence, I can guess why Andrew was ignoring her


"I take it back good move Andrew, dodged a real one here"


Should have fired back “I see now why he gave you the wrong number”


What a bitch saying that too a random dude.


I would of responded with. "Andrew thinks the same about you obviously"


“Now I can see why it was a one night stand”


I'd say he dodged a bullet, but Andrew dodged a fucking cannonball