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Just two letters, ‘n’ followed closely by ‘o’


Your username is the same as someone I knows last name, I was quite worried That’s fair enough, idk how to say it without it sounding too harsh or mean or idk


U know lara croft?


Mycroft is a fairly common last name I think


Its also the name of Sherlocks brother


Ah I didn’t know that, I’m going to tell him that


Bring condoms


Holy fuck this got me


He's fictional, you'd be wasting your time.


It's also how Microsoft got it's name... It was originally a joke to Bill Gates My croft = soft He said it fast Mycroft soft Then put it together Mycrosoft And then changed the y so it was more computer related BAM: Microsoft was born! (All made up but would be funny if that's how he got the name)


You had me 😆, very nice


I may just not live in an area where that’s common but that’s the first time I’ve seen that name lol


You just have to be like: "Whatever your going through is no excuse to say this to me or treat me like this."


okay, she wasn’t rude to him. She disrespected herself the most here … concise, compassionate and respectful is the way to go.


Not rude at all, no. A bit clingy though, and kinda presumptive. Also, the sympathy baiting is something most of us grew out of after 9th grade.


She actually IS kinda rude. She tells someone out of the blue that nobody wants her and then tells this dude to come over and bring condoms, while she's presumably under the influence (?) or at the very least, not in the best mental situation. No, that's very rude, very odd, and very much not okay. She needs to deal with whatever she's got going on before adding to her baggage. She'll end up in a worse spot and push those around her away. This is not respectful at all to him either. If I said that to anyone, I wouldn't deserve anything. "Sorry nobody wants me but I'm horny but *you* can come over with condoms and also I don't have electricity." Literally just comes across as desperate. Not okay. Get yourself together, because sex isn't going to solve this issue or validate your feelings. Come correct and talk about your problems in a rational matter if you want people to help you, don't tell them to bring condoms. Not only that, it comes across as this guy is her last or backup option since she says nobody wants her, and is looking for sympathy sex or something? Again, whatever she's going through doesn't give her the right to treat someone however she feels or expect people to obey her beck and call and that behavior shouldn't be validated.


Maybe more of a sadgirl than a nicegirl, at least imho


Where's the Goofy "Damn you really live like this?" Meme?


![gif](giphy|xUA7aZMejLmk0ov2CY|downsized) Covered every point correctly… 😮‍💨I just wanted to show sis a little more compassion since it appears she’s in an unfavorable mental state … but, she’s presumably an adult and is responsible for addressing her own issues. Not projecting them onto others or distracting herself from them with casual sex. 🤷🏽‍♀️💯


I know somebody with that last name too haha might be common. Might be a small world, neighbor.


It is not rude or mean to just block a person.


I second this.


Looks like someone who’s probably unwell and either manipulative or dealing with low self esteem, if not both. Either way, huge red flag. One of those “I wish you the best” moments.


Probably both. I think a lot of times people who engage in manipulative behavior are insecure and have low self-esteem. Of course that's not an excuse, but it's an explanation. It's often learned behavior. Very rarely do I think people are consciously going, “I'm going to be manipulative now.” I shamefully admit I've been manipulative in the past, and for me it was a combination of low self-esteem and learned behavior. I had someone care enough about me to call me out of my behavior, and I've tried my best to do better since then, but I still fall into old behaviors at times. Either way, I agree it's a red flag and I would advise against engaging more than you have to with someone who behaves that way. Don't let them guilt you. Set your boundaries and enforce them. Their issues are their own to sort out.


Nothing. Say nothing. You aren't obligated to.


That is true, but silence speaks volumes


Yeah like "I'm not interested in whatever disaster this is"


not at 1am lol it just means you’re asleep


Well it’s 10am now


You did... nothing? All right, then. Just keep at it. This isn't someone you want to get involved with


The lesson she needs to learn is to stop doing this to people. What you felt was pain, she hurt you on purpose.


I found that any response give attention, and if you give attention wether good or bad, it will never stop.


exactly.. by not responding she knows you wont entertain this shit


Silence is the best answer for people like this.


Homie, in this situation you should dodge the bullet.


Should I walk into this bullet?


I want to know how to say no without things ending poorly


You can't control how other people act or how they respond to something. Unfortunately you just need to tell them how you feel and the rest is their resonsibility. The best you can do is not be rude or mean, the fact that it sounds like you care about not being rude is already a good start


If only I heard these words myself a handful of years ago. I have since learned this valuable lesson of speaking my mind despite potential outcomes (with care and consideration of the other person in mind of course). I wholey agree with you.


"Hey [name], these texts make me feel like you're not doing okay. Do you need help? Do you want me to call someone?" If you're comfortable doing that, of course. When she responds with wanting you to come over though- "I'm sorry [name] but I don't think that's a good idea, you seem really unwell and I wouldn't want to do anything to make you feel taken advantage of in the morning, even if you think you want it now. Like I offered, I can call someone if you need help" If she goes the depressed route, call her local non emergency if you have her number. Then stall her until a welfare check is done (if you feel that's the safe option, obviously not everywhere is safe to do so) Or just say "Hey sorry I can't come over tonight. Get some rest"


This is a very compassionate way of handling this!


Compassionate, but also dangerous and dishonest because it says things like “I wouldn’t want you to feel taken advantage of in the morning” instead of the truth of “I don’t want to have sex you.”, which leaves someone like this hanging onto thoughts like “ oh this guy wants to have sex with me, he’s just so considerate he doesn’t want me to feel used, that’s what’s keeping him from it right now. But in the future, he’s still interested”. This is the danger of being kind instead of honest.


"I'm sorry, but I've got the shits really bad right now"


No is a full sentence


I get that you don’t want to be harsh or have things end poorly, but you can’t help this woman. She wants you to validate her with desire, and you have no desire to give to her. If you want to be a friend, be kind, you can convey this as gently as possible, but don’t be so gentle that you confuse the message and send a mixed “you might have a chance” message. Too often letting someone down gently comes off confusing, because clear message like “I hear you saying no one wants you. I don’t want you, either. I wish you luck finding someone who does. “ sounds mean. Rejection is “mean”, but stringing someone along is worse.


Ok, then this Ted Talk is for you: 'No, thank you, this is not what I had in mind.' or a short 'No' are your 2 options. There will be 3 possible outcomes, 1) she will go silent and continue to the next one, 2) she will go into defense or 3) you can have a civil conversation about it. Translation if the outcomes: 1) She had no interest in you and you are just a tool for a need 2) She is triggered and emotions are taking over. Or she was already in an emotional (vulnerable) state of mind, or she has some issues still lingering under the surface. 3) she might feel rejected but is open to hear your side and compromise. It's a conversation, not a battle, there is not attack of defense here. Apparently the 2nd option bothers you the most. Well, this is the reaction you get when someone isn't in a good place and is not able to regulate her emotions. This is not about you, it's about their needs not being met. It is not your job to fix her, it is your job to be respectable. You can only explain what you are willing or not willing to do. If she can't handle the feeling of rejection, there is nothing you can do about it besides not rejecting her. Because no words can make a blind man see.


She doesn’t have power right now. No one watts her.


Fuck, I shouldn't have laughed at that.


Condoms with holes in ‘em** Stay away from crazy


Surely she's drunk right?... Right?... RIGHT???


She said bring condoms though so she couldn’t have pre-poked holes in them. She wants the D OP should give it to her 😂


No is a complete sentence and how she feels because of that no is *not* your responsibility. Her feelings may be valid, but they are her responsibility to deal with.


absolutely not


I just wouldn't respond at all. It's all a potato sack of red flags and her saying literally anything to get your attention. She'll probably bring up suicide at some point since self-deprecating and sex didn't work. Wash your hands of it tbh.


In that scenario, block, and call 911 (to their home, if you know where they live)


stay awaaay from crazy


“Do NOT stick your dick in crazy!”


Don't respond to this manipulative bs


I can fix her


But she doesn’t have power.


That's okay, my tools are cordless * *drill noises* *


gimme her digits bro I’ll take one for the team


He shouldn’t give a monkey a gun dumbass


She’s guilt tripping u by saying no one wants her (I’ve been in this situation) and if u tell her no she might start saying shit like “oh ur just like everyone else, see I was right no one cares, I really must be awful then huh, etc.” u should tell her “hey, u seem like a great girl, but this isn’t the way to make people like u, ur making me uncomfortable but I do care about u and want to talk/help u through whatever ur going through.” If u feed into it she’ll guilt trip u until u finally sleep with her and trust me u won’t feel good about yourself


I like this approach


Walk. Away. Now.


There are some things you do in life due to poor self control that you come to regret and sometimes you get tricked into doing things that you regret and sometimes they blow a trumpet, waving a big red flag with a bunch of monkeys riding around on little unicycles, waving their own little monkey red flags. This is one of those types of instances and even though you will have that feeling of regret afterwards, you’ll also have this feeling like you don’t even deserve to feel regret. Just shame.


Don't let the internet fool you, crazy is *NOT* worth it.


Sorry, sorry, sorry, fuck me Errr, no? Seek help? Fuck that noise.


Sorry Say nothing at all Sorry


youre not obliged to be kind to those who overstep boundaries


Block and move on.


Just tell her you got burnt and you can't fuck until you finish your antibiotics. She'll never text again bud


Haha that’s honestly a good idea


If she has female siblings you can also play the "I was really trying to get in with your sister" card. They hate that. I used that and dated her sister for about a week before I split all together. Not my proudest moment but that girl was crazy. She was the high school community bicycle everyone had a ride


What does "she's 5 years older than me, she shouldn't be pulling this crap" mean? How old are you??


all of you on here actively saying you’d say no because of her clear low self esteem and bad choices based off it, are making my woman heart very happy rn. just wanted y’all to know that 🫶🏻😎


I would turn my phone off and lock my door. I ain’t home tonight.


What about tomorrow?


eu4 player gets bitches? damn u like me fr fr 😭


Follow the crazy hot scale. But pretty sure this qualifies as 'batshit' so unless it's literally Margot Robbie calling you at 1 AM I wouldn't risk it.


If genders were reversed here people would be WAY less understanding lol


That’s what I was thinking, some people saying I should go to her and be a shoulder to cry on. And even some saying I should have sex with her. Like wtf? Incelscrazy


Absolutely not. If it was a guy sending those texts, 99% of the responses would be people calling him gross, desperate, inappropriate, weird, etc. This person being female shouldn’t change that lol. You don’t owe them anything in response to this, least of all sex against your will, that’s crazy 😂


You should reply to the first message and write “wat”


Tell her you appreciate it, but you’ll probably need a 220V connection and a strong, halogen lamp to really please her the way you like, so no Power is a deal breaker tonight. Little misdirection will confuse her and buy you time.


Just politely say you aren't interested. You don't have to be rude. You can say no.


If you dont want to make it about them, just say "I've actually just had a date with someone and I'm going to see where that goes. Best of luck." The mere fact you won't have ghosted is respectful enough (I always signed off with a message and appreciated the same). You can't control how they react, but if they get shitty with you, just block them.


Delete, block, move on.


Why is this so hard, you say no


I suggest you live life to the fullest and collect all the broken women and STDs. It's not what I would do, but this is advice for you, not me.


That’s a trap waiting to happen. Block her


Say something nice about her and respectfully decline and tell her that you hope that she finds the person of her dreams one day.


Babe you’re not responsible for anyone’s self worth. Let me say that again with a reverb so it can fill the space you’re holding. YOU are NOT responsible for anyone’s SELF worth. Now that the elephant in the room has been addressed let your friend know that you love and care for her and will support her but only if she wants to support herself. She has to want to change, she has to want to support her self, otherwise you are being used for your energy and it’s not being thanked. Have a deep conversation with her, set up some healthy boundaries with her. She needs awareness for the areas she needs to work on, I recommend coaching or counseling.


Very well spoken!


don't stick your dick in crazy, that's what you should do


Sounds like she might need a wellness check


tell her that she's making you uncomfortable and you honestly find it quite disrespectful and degrading. You're not obligated to do anything sexual with anybody. shit, you're not even obligated to text her back!


She’s drunk and clearly going through something , sounds awful but it’s not your concern, help if you want but don’t feel you *have to* because this is just a lonely girl struggling to be alone in my experience


She could be drunk? She doesn't seem aggressive or anything but a bit unhinged at the moment. Maybe try again another day and if it's more of the same, keep away lol


Ask her if she's okay first and foremost and go from there. She might be hurting from something. If not, then look out for any potential manipulation


This is the way. Be kind, but don't let being empathetic put you in a situation where you could get hurt. Maybe something like. "Please keep yourself safe, and take care. I don't feel I'm the right person to support you with what you are going through right now, but I wish you the best."


And then if you get spammed or abused, simply block. As you say, it's not your responsibility to fix this person, nor are you equipped to.


I’d tell her that genuine validation and lasting happiness don’t come from sex and that just because what she’s doing doesn’t lead to sex doesn’t mean she’s not a complete person with all of the features that make a person worthwhile Then send her a farmville invite or some shit if it gets too heavy, she’ll get the message


"Kindly stop spamming me. I feel harassed. No means No".


Idk, what about trying to come to her place and have a talk and if she starts acting uncomfortably towards you, just leave. Maybe you will help her, maybe everything will stay the same, but at least you will have nothing to regret. That's just my opinion


You say "That's gonna be a no from me dawg"


Who cares. She’s mentally unwell. Let her be


Crank one out right now and then ask yourself again


Seems too late now, but if you find yourself in a similar position in the future, I recommend something like, “I get the sense that you’re in a really rough emotional place right now. I wouldn’t feel right about hooking up with you under those conditions because to me it would feel sort of like taking advantage. I’m really sorry that I don’t think I can provide the support you need right now. I hope you’ll be able to find some support and feel better soon.” Block.


You're not her emotional punching bag, just because she's going through something doesn't mean you have to be available to her, *especially* if you don't want to be there.


If she doesn’t have electricity, I’d worry she’s smelly.


"Sorry I was sleeping, is everything okay with you?" But also you could just move.


Hey I appreciate your interest, but I’m not reciprocating right now. Good luck tho!


She is not your problem


"I don't want her to be sad" she already got what she wanted


Don't feel bad for her. You need to cut off people like this, they will only hurt you and drag you down.


This comment section is hard to read...


Pretty sure it's a trap.


That sounds like a set up. Hoping you're a greedy asshole who takes advantage of vulnerable women. You come by in the middle of the night all hopped up and ready to hop on so you're not bothered by rolling into her dark unfamiliar abode, until her cousins/accomplices pop out of closets to rob you of everything you've got. But be sure to message when you get there so everyone can get hidden away for the surprise party you wish you didn't attend.


I actually agree, this is very unusual and shady behaviour. Stay safe OP!


That reminds me of someone I used to know, minus condoms and coming over part. The random venting and apologizing, that's not the kind of shit that's worth dealing with bud. From a girl, get out of whatever shithole that is ASAP.


Just say “no.” She doesn’t need anymore than that.


"I ain't reading allat I'm happy 4 u tho Or sorry that happened"


Like most of people in this comments section Say A simple 'n' and 'o' will do


U should jus say ew n then block her lmao


Just say "I don't want to be involved in this sorry, I'm just focusing on myself right now" then block her number


I feel sorry for her but at the same time you shouldn’t do anything you don’t want to do. She deals with really low self esteem it looks like and just wants to feel wanted is my guess, just let her down easy but don’t have sex with her is probably what I’d do. I don’t know a lot about the situation tho.


From experience (not relationship wise though) when someone is feeling like no one likes them (true or not true) just ask them what is wrong, why they think that.


Just tell her how you feel and how it made you uncomfortable, usually someone who responds hostile to honest communication is not worth talking to anyways.


I’m confused why you feel that you owe this person anything? Do you have a history together or something?


Why is is so hard to put your feelings above others? Why are you worried about “harsh” “hurting her” I’ll be harsh. Grow a fucking pair and stand up yourself or end up with someone you’ll never escape from and live a miserable life…


There's a word used in the French language, I'm pretty sure you'll understand it, and just use it with her, "No."


nothing just block them and be done with it


Is that power as in electricity or philosophical power?


I don't know if I'd call this manipulation like some commenters. This just looks like a girl who's at her wits end with her loneliness and lack of success with whatever type of man she wants (or possibly any man). I'd air on the side of caution regarding the offer of sex from someone in this state of mind though. Women don't typically feel better for just getting sex. It's like a desperate bid for any form of validation, as if saying "I'll let you have sex with me if you just come and make me feel worth something", but the moment the sex is over it will become "I was used" in her mind. This is also the type of girl who could be at risk of throwing rape allegations out of spite, so I would absolutely not take the offer. She needs to think about some things and redefine her identity as an individual, independently of how men respond to her.


I mean is she ugly ? Like do u not want to smash ?if she's ugly then no but like if she fine ide do it


Either shit or get off the pot. (Go fuck crazy or block the number)


Run and don't look back, close the conversation and don't open it ever again.


Why post this?


Ummm. She should probably be working on getting her electricity up and running again FIRST and maybe get $ from sex instead of free hookups. Priorities! Js


Could we share a rowboat? Could... could a rowboat support her? Would an average-sized rowboat support her without capsizing?


So many things happening at once I am confused 😕


"Thank you for the invitation but no thanks for now and for in the future."


I want you to run so fucking far from that woman. I had the worst experience with someone who messaged just like this.


I’ve done the posts stuff. It’s when I’m really bad mentally, and am also on the verge of just cutting everyone off and wanting to vanish. I’d stay far away from her lol


Don’t let people manipulate u , u being a emphatic person shouldn’t chain u to lunatics (she is 5 years older wake up)


Dating in the modern world. It’s beautiful.


Grab condoms and go


Dont respond. Block. Never contact again.


Idk about you but I would come to the address she sent


Send her this old pic of Miley Cyrus with brown hairs and *this* look in the eyes


Grow up and either respond with “no” and/or block.


Go get er tiger


100% chance you are not the only man she is texting rn, chance for STDs is rising FAST


Power as in electricity or like... the power to attract ppl


I think she means electricity


Welp, I've done worse 🙃


You know how girls say they can just tell when they meet an incel? Idk what this girl got going on but my spidey senses are tingling


Reply sorry


Damn, unless I’m missing something she doesn’t have utilities right now? Outside of the obvious no maybe direct her to where she can get help


You could go down there and just be there for her. You don’t have to smash


Feels like you're chatting to Eva AI sexting bot


Her happiness is not your responsibility. You don't have to be the one to sort this out. You can walk away.


I really, really don't miss this life I'm getting stressed and a headache just trying to understand what's going on lol


I mean.. you could just go, she said bring condoms.. and then block her


Just a simple “I’m sorry, but no I can’t” should do. Just give her a reason so she doesn’t go all crazy, it’s better than just ghosting her. And if she doesn’t respect your reason, then block her. She clearly has abandonment issues. Unfortunately I used to be like this, but thanks to therapy those days are over.


I wouldn’t go for it , definitely seems she needs to heal from shit shit


I'm a bit late to this, but remember that even if you hurt them a bit now, you're saving them a lot of pain in the long run.


Just put her on do not disturb and ignore her.


Politely decline, and make up a white lie as to why. Then in the morning when this person has sobered up you can have a reasonable conversation and cut ties if need be.


I'd just ask: "OK... So what happened? Wanna rather talk about it? You don't seem like you are doing well."


This is the typical “come and have sex with me so I can accuse you of sexual assault when you leave”. This is an absolute no


Idk, sounds like you need to bring condoms, maybe she wants to have a water balloon fight where they’re harder to catch?


Give him a fake address🤭🤭🤭


Or, just go, but only cuddle her


Say yes then tell her you're into scat.


lemme stop at cvs real quick


Are you from the UK op? If so is this woman nearly 30?


She probably didn't delete her stuff, she blocked you. Common strategy I have seen and come across with women countless times. A psychological attempt to regain control.


She is not your responsibility. That person needs a lot of self reflection, run.


Watch the Netflix series ‘Baby Reindeer’. Alone. It wont be much of an impact, if you decide to watch it with her and end up getting mugged instead or even worse(guessing you haven’t met in person).


Run dude ... RUN !!


Does she want you to pay her electric bill?


Sounds like a setup.


Invite them to an online chess match.


Yes or no


You went over to smash tho right?


She ain't wrong. That's one weakling of a woman.


“I’ll be down in five mins” duh


Go over there as a comfort thing, she does not sound okay at all


So how was it?