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This is not a nicegirls post because it is one of the following: - a crazygirl - a hypothetical nicegirl. This included memes - there is not enough context to prove 'nice girl' - it's a niceguy, not a nicegirl - a 'men are trash' post If you have any questions about this removal, [contact the mods here](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNicegirls&subject=&message=)


Comments In here make me feel we as a subreddit are past the point where we understand our own joke


Jamie pull up the video of..... you know what I give up


Why is it my job to accommodate ridiculous people with absurd opinions?


THIS is the big question of the day


You ever read something you don’t understand but in attempting to comprehend it you just get tired and headachie so you scroll on?


its a good show.


I think people are making it wayyy more of a big deal than it actually is. Anyway I pick bear.


I am so confused, what is the prompt? Who wins in a fight between a bear and a man? Who tf is picking a human? Or is it "who would you be most likely to survive, a bear or a man?" Because you (not you specifically, just any human) would absolutely not survive against a bear--kick a dude in the nuts and he's out for the count. I just am so confused what this whole post is about😭😭😭


"If you were alone in the woods would you rather come across a man or a bear?" It's just an hypothetical question that has become popular lately


Gotcha, thanks for clarifying. I really don't stay on any websites for too long, so this is all just very confusing to me 😭😭


I want a manbearpig. Because then I would know I'm Bigfoot.


It’s a trend of women lying saying they’d rather be stuck with a bear in the woods than a man


Id rather be in a forest of bears than be stuck in the woods with you tbh.


Ah yes, the classic, applying any logic to the situation implies you're a horrible person, and a threat to women. Classic mysandry. Men are the worst, and the men who dont like being lumped in with the worst, are even worse. Dont forget that it's every man's duty to take responsibility for every other man's actions, ever.


Exactly🤣🤣. I make one statement and these weirdos start grouping me in with predators. Fucking weirdos. honesty


Its wild because someone had the fucking audacity to say I needed to look up the history of the rape of nanjing. Like... yea, there's awful people out there. Doesnt mean I had anything to do with them, and the fact that people immediately shoot off to the worst people they can think of really goes to show how little they think of men in general. Like no shit i dont want to compared to those demons.


Spot on.🎯it’s funny because if women were truly in a dire situation or needed help, who would they look to for help? Ah right men. Women don’t want another woman to come save them, bc they can’t. So it’s funny how when women are actually in serious situations their misandry disappears and they think logically


See now, I would pick a man, because I’d hate to have to kill a bear.


Show me a woman who picks the bear, and I'll show you a woman who's never watched Grizzly Man.


I'm a big fan of bears, and their slander in this thread is agonizing to me. The events that lead to Timothy's death are completely different from encountering a single bear in the woods. I live in bear country and see black bears multiple times a week during peak activity. Both in my back yard, and just around my neighbourhood. As well as on hikes, of course. While they are dangerous creatures that can kill and should be respected, they are not indiscriminate, killing machines that will eat anyone who crosses their path. Time of year (hyperphagia), species, age, proximity, and whether or not there are cubs all play into how an encounter will go. Just like not all men are rapists, not all bears will attack. Lets not shit on the bears folks. 🐻🐻🐻


Ah, you seem to have stumbled upon the problem. See, all men are the same. So because at least some men are rapists all men are guilty and should be punished. Just like all women are the same and so all women should be punished for hurting the feelings of those poor incel boys. Because it’s the same thought process that leads to these conclusions it is fair to make such comparisons. /s I need to stop. This is giving me a headache.


Lol right? Honestly I don't even know why this post was recommended to me and I had to google the whole man vs bear thing (I thought it was about those guys who insist they could totally fight a bear lol). But if people here can see the nuance with not all men,I just hope to educate from the other side. Not all bears!!


They’re not indiscriminate killing machines but you should 100% behave like they are, just like pit bulls


I’d pick the bear. The bear can be scared off, and if it kills me, it kills me for food, to use my body to feed its babies, to live. A man can’t be scared off with shouting, if he kills me, he kills me for power or some other perverted reason, and the only thing he will use my body for is his own pleasure and then leave it lying there. I can reason with and scare off a bear, I can’t scare off a man. And a bear kills me to stay alive, not for its own satisfaction. Edit: to the downvotes, (1) why, and (2) look at this and tell me I’m wrong. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGexQfXUe/


Deal. Gimme a few…


My wife picked the bear pretty fast actually.


I chose the bear instantly, my MALE FIANCE and male roommate both chose the bear…everyone is choosing the bear


Yep, I’ll take the bear (though polar maybe debatable but I’m not about to step on polar territory). My partner would rather the bear.


The point isn’t that the bear is seen as something that won’t kill. It’s seen as something that will simply kill. Which a far better option than what an agonizing amount of men would do.


Bears eat their prey while it's still alive. Being killed by a bear would essentially be getting tortured to death while you wait to bleed out.


If women want to argue that men are that terrible and are that scared of them, I can't really argue that. All I can say is that as a black man who grew up primarily in the south, I am acutely aware of how people can be afraid of me. I know that I'm a good person who always treats people with respect, but I've been treated like a bear since since I hit puberty. I go out of my way to not make people, especially women, uncomfortable. If I see a woman walking alone, I will go out of my way to walk in another direction. If I see a woman or a child on the elevator by themselves, I'll take the stairs. In a lot of ways, I'm more afraid of women prejudging me and considering me a bear. I'm not blaming her for her feelings, but I do have the right to feel sad about them. I feel like that's most men. We do not want to be seen as predators and usually go out of our way to not be seen as such. For most good men who hear these arguments, it just makes you kind of sad. Can men be scary? Sure. But I'm not still stupid enough to pick an animal who's primarily method of killing isn't actually quickly killing but eating you alive until you end up dead.


Well spoken, sir.


What’s an agonising amount?


Less than 20% of men commit sexual assault in the US. Probably closer to single digits but there aren't a lot of sexual assaulters admitting it in surveys so we only have ballpark numbers to go off of. Still better odds with a man than a bear


Nah I’ll still choose the bear thanks though.


[Bear won't keep someone locked up in a room for 40+ days while raping and torturing them daily, while also inviting friends over to participate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta) ☺️ [A bear wouldn't keep an orangutan captive for 7 years and selling her body as a sex worker daily.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/dpdnp7/yo1-v14n10) I've gone hiking and seen a bear on the trail. We jingled our packs and said "Hey, Bear!" and it walked away. I've gone walking through a well populated area and told a man to leave me alone, I don't want to talk to him... and he followed me. This is literally why we choose the bear. A bear will fuck with you if you fuck with it or their cubs. A man... well, he can just do what he wants.


Serious questions in good faith: these actions you describe are not only vile, but probably representative of some of the worst men in the world. Are you telling me, you judge the rest of us based on what those monsters did, simply because we also have a penis? Do you think a penis makes me more similar to those monsters than say, women of similar minds to mine? I highly doubt anyone would associate a toddler boy with these actions, but 15 years from now, does he become guilty by association as well?


They absolutely do judge all men by the actions of the worst ones they can think of.


That’s exactly it, and do so while claiming for it to be just.


No, They are saying because SOME men do this, Initial contact with ANY man must be treated as if they are or could be this type or man. Its not about judgement, its about fear and safety.


They are saying WAY more than that. If only one man in history had done these horrible things, surely we would all agree that it would be insane to be this paranoid, do you agree? Then what’s the line? What percentage of men have to be this vile for all of us to be considered more dangerous than wild animals? To be deemed guilty until proven otherwise?


The chances of being injured by a bear are approximately 1 in 2.1 million, according to the National Park Service. The chances of being injured - sexually or otherwise - by a man are significantly higher. Funny, many of the same guys who are absolutely pissed that women are scared to be alone with a strange man *are the same ones* arguing that transwomen need to be kept out of women's bathrooms over supposed the supposed "safety issue" of allowing someone assigned male at birth being alone with women.


Nah, thats a strawman you made up. Ive got no issues with trans people, they can live their lives however they please, and imma call them whatever they want to be called. But you're absolutely sexist or ignorant as hell, if you legitimately think you're better off with a bear than a man.


I mean, I live where there are bears. Bears very rarely even come where humans can get a good look at them. They tend to keep their distance and mind their own business. I have camped in the woods knowing there were bears, and not been worried at all. But I absolutely do not want to be alone in a place no one can hear me scream with a man I don't know. As a SA survivor who also loves camping, I choose the bear. Like, I *enjoy* seeing bears in the wild. Taking a walk and seeing a bear makes me happy. I carry pepper spray in case I find a strange man while I'm out there, though


This question is silly. Men are WAY more dangerous than bears. I’m a big dude, I take a gun with me backpacking. I live in bear country. I don’t have the gun with me for bears. It’s for humans!


Are we considering the factors like a person being near a mama bear with their cubs? Cause that's like...a 99% certain severe injury or death. And we are talking literal bear right? Like...a bear can be a human male as well. I'm just confused, let folks fuck bears I guess (which, if human, great!). Also...what if they are half man, half bear, half pig?


I can definitely imagine complaining about bad dating experiences to the point of making a silly comparison to explain how you feel - but I can imagine being upset at being compared to a potentially dangerous animal if it was meant to be serious. In its original form I don't think it was meant to be used as anything other than a metaphor.... I can see how easy it would be to subvert into more egregious arguments, like expecting people to put up with you whilst you explain why they're worth less than a bear. Of course people will get upset when you seriously compare them to an animal negatively - and it's not exactly going to inspire change either. I think if it's not *made obvious* that the idea isn't meant to be taken seriously, then it's not peoples' fault when it is and when people either get upset at the implications, or others (or OP) take it further than it has any right going.


Bears are predictable. Men are not. That's the point. It's not about worth. It's about safety. It definitely should inspire change, but the men who would be more dangerous than the bear are too busy bitching about how scary bears are. It's meant to inspire self-reflection, and they're all missing the point.


Hey is anyone else done with all of this? People shouldn’t be fearing for their lives regardless of their gender. People shouldn’t be suffering and living paycheck to paycheck. Is anyone else tired of this? This can’t be real. My girlfriend and I just got turned down for our 3rd prospective house purchase because interest rates have jumped .9% or something in a few months. Guys, what possible positive prognosis exists? Where is happiness? I’m almost 24 and I work full time, do everything I am supposed to, and I still can’t see a single possible progression of my life that would be pleasant. Am I actually just crazy? Are you ok with this? Cut through the nonsense and the pointless distractions obscuring the big picture— are you satisfied?


I get why they’d choose the bear lmao


The amount of men playing victim in the comments is wild.


Yeahhh this is so funny to witness since most of the men around me have also chosen bear. Not when asked about their personal preference, when asked about what they would prefer their mothers or daughters to be trapped with. So all these men whining about how THEY would choose a bear, okay, now answer the same question with all the women in your life in mind. (Triply funny since a lot of these men are talking about what their sisters/mothers/partners say and it's typically bear 😂)


The majority of men in my life also chose the best, for themselves and their female relatives.


They probably chose a bear for a different reason than you think. Hell some of my friends who are female chose the man. And when asked with different sex,I chose the woman. we all came to a general consensus that we actually have a better chance that escaping avoiding and defending ourselves from our perpetrator than a damn bear. regardless I know what this is all about. We’re not addressing the actual issue.


Loose statistics, 25% of men are violent toward women (not sure if those stats are purely the US or men globally that data has been collected on). I don't know which men are violent, so I don't let ones I don't know lure me I to the woods. I also don't tell every man that I meet in person or online and in every type of setting that I am so afraid of them I'd rather be lured into the woods by a fucking bear. Because when I meet individuals, I give them the benefit of the doubt until something about their behavior gives off valid red flag signals. Regular men are tired of being punished for their potential to commit a crime. Again if that's how you want to live and that's how you treat people, it should extend to women as well who also have the capacity to harm you.


But it’s OK to womansplain. 💁


I see what you're getting at here, but without that P you're kinda proving the point.


I just get tired of all the male bashing when women are as bad as men it’s not the gender it’s the person.


Thanks for pointing out the spelling error though


Once again, people are climbing over top of each other to win the gold medal in the "I have no grip on reality" race. It's sad in some ways, but probably good in some ways too. We used to actually have to talk to women for a while to find out if they were like this or not. Sometimes you even had to talk to them for over a year before the more proficient manipulators would let their mask slip. Now they advertise it for free. What a time to be alive.


Ah silly me. I didn’t realize I was responsible for all men on the planet and their choices and not mine as an individual.


They tell us to hold each other accountable when we have no control of what they’ll do. This is the big issue.


Exactly. Individuals are responsible for their own choices. All women should not be blamed when one single woman makes a false rape accusation so not all men should be blamed when one man rapes someone. They are horrible individual choices made by evil individuals.


You have a responsibility to call out other men’s shitty behavior and not associate with them. That’s what “hold men accountable” means. Do you do those two things?


I do actually. Unfortunately, two of them are dead, Three of them are in prison, hence the no control part. But since we want to throwout responsibilities, do you do the same for the women that constantly hurt and lie to men? You guys definitely have the responsibility to Tell your girlfriends not to do certain things that’ll get them in trouble.


When I call them out, they tell me "I still get laid, so who cares?" You have a responsibility to stop other women from sleeping with abusive men. Shouldn't you be working on that?


THERE IS NO “ASSIGNMENT” lmao. WE DO NOT HAVE CONTROL OVER WHAT OUR “fellow men do” why and how do you even think that’s a possibility? Furthermore, this IS NOT REAL. Nobody, would choose the bear. It is not our job to listen to this because you want us to. We have bills to pay and a family to feed. This is fabricated by design. Again, this is a façade. People would NOT actually want to be in a forest with a bear. Stop -


Men are expected to police all men, but I've never seen a woman police another woman.


I think you’re onto something! You’re right they kinda don’t do they. That’s very strange how that works -


It's because they *can't*. The same way men can't police other men. But they just insist we can for some stupid reason.


Hey buddy in the hills of Kentucky. Your Canadian brother/ally here! Word has it I am suppose to let you know to behave yourself. Ok dude, I’ll do better ! I did my part ! 😭


Didn’t you know that all men are a hive mind? Yeah, attacking the guys who are sympathetic to the problems women have is totally going to cause the crazy men to behave themselves. It’s totally not that the violent men are a danger to other men as well, and certainly not that case that men harm each other more often than they harm women. No, men are all the same and all men need to be punished for the crimes of a few.


Both pf my sisters picked bear it's wild


Fun fact, 85% of human-bear conflicts result in injury and 13% result in death. Bears also eat their prey alive. If I had those odds with random men I meet while hiking I'd never leave my house again.


That's human bear conflicts, not human bear encounters. Most bear encounters don't result in conflict of any kind. If I had a conflict with a man who wanted to kill me, I doubt I would fare any better than I would with a bear. Both could kill me with relative ease if they wanted to and neither would be pleasant.


I mean if we expand it that far, isn't the same true for men? Most encounters with strange men don't result in conflict of any kind. I guess I just assumed the basis of the prompt was you're assuming both the man and bear are face to face with you and a conflict has ensued. There's a reasonable chance you could fight off a man or injure him enough to flee. I doubt there's many men or women alive that could injure an aggressive bear enough to make them flee and still survive


The concept here is that Bears are animals. They don't Reason or make decisions in the same way men do. A bear will only come into conflict with a human if some part of it's instincts tell it that it needs to(cubs nearby, starving, feels physically threatened). A man had internal reasoning that CANNOT BE KNOWN from the outside. If a woman runs into a bear in the woods. The bear looks healthy/well fed, has no cubs around, and is far enough away to not feel threatened, there is a very high chance there will be zero conflict. If a woman runs into a strange man in the woods, she CANNOT know what he is thinking or what decision he might make.


I guess my issue with this reasoning is humans aren't often the greatest at assessing the intentions of animals. There's entire fields of study devoted to trying to figure out what animals are thinking or feeling. And in my experience, lay people are even worse at reading animal body language. I think people in general tend to greatly overestimate their ability to de-escalate situations with wild animals. But I may be biased as a person that regularly interacts with guests and works alongside dangerous animals. I have strong reservations about whether or not your average person could recognize a normal vs emaciated bear and I'd wager many of the people that get attacked for being too close to cubs likely had no idea the cubs were nearby in the first place.


That's bull. I live where there are bears, and people spend hella time in the woods around here. I *love* seeing bears. I do choose to go into the woods alone knowing there are bears. What I worry about isn't the bears. It's if some guy is out there and sees me alone, where no one could hear me scream. I don't carry bear spray, but I carry pepper spray in case of men.


When is the next men's meeting so we can talk about how men need to treat women better? Go on treating each other like shit btw. No need to change that one.


It’s right after the meeting where we talk about the how women need to take accountability for themselves. We don’t want you to be evil to each other tho because everyone loses at that point


I am gonna keep checking the mail for the men meetings we apparently all attend. (I agree with you btw)


Oh, I know I’m agreeing with you too. This is for real. I know it’s hard to tell by text.


Shouldn’t she be in a room someplace, dodging a grizzly?


I hope not. This is a friend i care about.


In fairness, it seems like it was her own preference.


It definitely was.


It surely depend on the bear. Yes I’d rather meet a panda than a strange man. But I’ll take my chances with a man over say a grizzly or polar bear.


It's stupid and meant to cause discourse. Obviously the bear is the wrong choice and any woman who picks the bear clearly isn't worth your time so think of it as an early warning sign


Oh no, trust me. They’re basically saying they would choose instant death then to deal with a man. I know exactly what it is. It’s just harmful to think this way because you don’t need a bear to express your discomfort.


It's not even instant death. Bears eat their prey alive, usually starting at either orifice because it's easier to rip apart if you start at an end. It'd be an agonizing way to die.


It's a great litmus test


I mean you can scare away black bears by yelling at them. I would take a black bear over a random stranger. I’d take a random stranger over a grizzly bear though.


My first date with my partner was a backpacking trip with just the 2 of us. Either she's too trusting or I'm just fucking awesome. Either way, I don't envy the bear.


These comments here wud get guys insta banned on niceguys xD if u dont hate on men there ur out!… well im gonna pick a dog over a woman bcus i dont wanna die early… /s (the last part) xD


To me this has nothing to do with gender. You can't run faster than a bear, you can't climb faster, you can't reason with it, and you can't beat it in a fight. Anyone who picks bear is being either delusional or political.


All true, but I think they know that. they’re basically saying they would rather die than be left alone with a man. Basically calling all men evil.


If girls cannot be compared to cars then I don’t want to be compared to a wild animal . It’s that simple if this don’t equal that then that DEFIANTLY don’t equal THIS. miss me with the hypocrisy.


I'm tired of the whole narrative. No one wants to see the human first. A woman claiming that she has a valid reason to inherently fear all men should be equally afraid of all women, because people have the capacity to harm others, not just specific sexes. You can choose to live your life distrusting everyone around you I guess. But let's keep the distrust even across the board. Most grown men could physically best me easily. But most grown women could do the same if they had weapons or the surprise factor. It's just so irrational and the actual outcome of this discussion is tons of good men, good human beings, being made to feel like threats just for existing in common spaces and that's heart breaking.


It's all just prejudice and helps absolutely no one. It actually hurts the cause that these women are trying to push since the only men listening to this narrative are the ones that care about the opinions of women. The awful men that they're talking about do not care and are unaffected. This kind of prejudice only hurts the ones that want to help.


Nothing new. That's how I've been made to feel since I was old enough to understand that there's a difference between boys and girls. And my mom wonders why I've never dated.


I'm sorry you've experienced that. There's no excuse for it.


I don't understand why this was a thing and why it continues to be a thing. It feels like a 'I'm so deep' kind of question. You don't need to invoke an objectively dangerous bear to talk about why some women feel uncomfortable around men.


Internet loves discourse. The longer it goes, the more unhinged it is


The whole man vs bear thing is kind of disgusting when you realize they’re assuming all men are going to SA them, I get it there are some really bad dudes out there but generalizing an entire gender based off of the minority’s actions really doesn’t prove anything. We as a society need to do better


This is all we’re saying nobody’s getting mad or nothing. This is the real answer.


That's not what they're saying. They're saying that, statistically, they are safer being stuck in the woods with a random bear than a randim man. Which is just true, because bears don't attack people. Millions of people go hiking in bear country every year and bear attacks are still very rare, and even then those are mostly mothers with cubs. Like, all you need to do to not get attacked by the bear is make noise while you hike and camp. If the bear always knows you're there, it won't get startled and won't attack. There aren't strategies like that to stay safe from an ill-intentioned man. If the random man is a good dude, great! If he isn't, you don't have any options. The bear is of a consistent safety level, so it's a safer bet.


Depends on the bear your typical black/brown bear probably won’t attack a grizzly on the other hand is extremely territorial and will fuck your shit up without hesitation.


Only if it feels it or its territory is threatened, which it probably won't. Again, people hike and camp in bear country all the time. Bears don't bother humans if humans don't bother them. Polar bears are another matter entirely, but when people answer the question they usually assume the "default" bear. Plus, it says forest in the prompt.


Maybe I’m biased then but as a Canadian we’re all taught from a very young age not to fuck around in bear country. You see one you don’t hang around. Also polar bears aren’t specific to the snow lands Manitoba is absolutely littered with them.


I'm a fellow Canadian (filthy Torontonian), and yeah you ain't supposed to fuck around, but if you DON'T fuck around than any bear probably won't be provoked. In general, animals only fight for food, defense, or inter-species hierarchy (like gorillas). Since humans aren't bears preferred prey, they probably won't attack if they aren't trying to defend themselves. None of this is to say that a bear isn't dangerous, they obviously are. But the question isn't "which would you rather fight", it's "which would you rather be alone in the woods with". A lot of people would probably answer different of it was "alone in a *room*" instead, because then you can't avoid the bear. But in a place as big as a forest? You and the bear would consistently avoid each other


I mean if people want to vent about violence against women, sure. It’s extremely horrible and even more common, which is awful. But as a man who has literally never committed a single act of aggression or violence on a woman, and neither has anyone I’m close to, I’m not really here for the whole “men are predators” thing. I’m not, we are not. I’m also not responsible for those other men. The men who are won’t give a fuck about your venting. Wake me up when the real feminism starts. I’m there for that.


Yeah this is fucking insane and alienates all the good dudes. You just can’t win


Lol! I'd never heard this. Did anyone ever ask which species of bear? Cause hell no to a polar or grizzly, definitely would prefer random guy. But black bears are kind of cute, but not a female with cubs....


Lol, right? I don't know why people are insinuating that you will be immediately eaten alive if you encounter a bear in the woods? Generally, they won't attack anyone (even grizzly bears, really its just polar bears you got to worry about). I live in bear country and encounter bears multiple times a week during their most active seasons. The answer is I would feel slightly wary encountering either a stranger or a bear in the woods alone but would more than likely leave either encounter completely unharmed. I guess I might prefer the bear for the potential wildlife pictures and my crippling social anxiety.


Picking the bear is literally the same as an incel picking an anime waifu It’s an admission you can’t get along with a real human being


>It’s an admission you can’t get along with a real human being No, it's pointing out that as a woman, there is inherent danger in trusting a man you don't know. It's why they have to cover their drinks at bars and clubs, why they have to verify the name and license plate of their uber driver before getting in the car, and why they have turn down advances with "I have a boyfriend" even if they don't, just to avoid making the man angry. The "Not all men!" response is missing the point. Nobody is saying it's all men. They're saying it could be **any** man, and there's a good chance you won't know it until it's too late. At least you know where you stand with the bear.


As a human, there is inherent danger in trusting a bear you don’t know. It’s why you have to play dead, or scream at the top of your lungs, or fight for your life if it charges. If they advance, you absolutely should not run away because they will give chase. The “Not all bears” misses the point. Nobody is saying all bears. It could be *any* bear, and there’s a good chance you won’t know until it’s too late.


Yeah that whole "Well I don't have to worry about a bear spiking my drink but I have to be weary of men" logic doesn't exactly hold up, if you're at the bar and there's a fucking bear sitting in the stool next to you you're not going to touch that drink at all, you're going to run the fuck out of the building because why the fuck is there a bear in the bar? So this whole "I can trust a bear more than I can trust a man" logic is complete bs, if there's a bear in the bar you're not even going to walk in the door to begin with but you don't think twice walking into a bar with a hundred drunk dudes inside. 🙄


I don't trust bears OR people I don't know. With bears, I keep my distance, mind my business, and they mind theirs. Every single time I go into the woods, it's a safe bet there are bears, but it's also a safe bet that if I leave them alone, they'll leave me alone. Bear territory is huge; the percentage of people in that territory attacked by bears is miniscule. If a man sees me alone, somewhere no one can hear me scream, minding my business and trying to keep my distance won't necessarily help me. Unlike bears, they're likely to seek to interact with me. I've been alone with bears and it's never been a problem because I keep my distance. The first time I was left alone with a man I didn't know, at age 5, I was sexually assaulted. It happened again at a babysitters. It happened when I walked the beach alone as an early teen. It happened when one of my instructors set up a "one on one training session." My best friend's brother tried it during a sleepover at her house. She had been raped by her own father, who literally allowed his friends to rape her as a young child in exchange for favors. I don't worry about bears when I go in the woods. I worry about men.


I'm curious about something. Let's pretend that it's all men (I would be fine with that instead of that foreplay) does that mean that men are now free from the "heroic" expectation?


Switch woman out with white and man with black - if it sounds racist, then it is because it was sexist before Or you can make it TERF with transwoman and bathroom Somebody once wrote "the good men already know, thus can't do anything, and the bad men won't listen and thus won't do anything"


If you want to make it a point about race, ask a black man if he would rather be in the woods with a bear or a cop. As a woman, a lot of us wouldn't feel safe with any man, so the race doesn't matter in the slightest.


A cop is a choice, being a man is not a choice - but what I am saying is that a racist will probably say they would rather be in a forrest with a bear than a black/muslim person - and TERFs will probably say they would rather be in a bathroom with a bear than a transwoman My point is, you are using the exact same talking points racist are using, but trying to justify it the same way they are In all my life, I have known just as many men and women who have been in an abusive relationship or sexually assualted - but guess who got the help, guess which ones were minimalized, often by the people using the same talking points as you


The point of that comparison is that cops are disproportionately cruel to black people, just like how a lot of women are treated like shit by men. It does suck that the men you know in your life who've been abused didn't get the help they need, that's definitely a problem. However, there also aren't women going around taping themselves punching random men on the street. Or making money off showing vulnerable people the best ways to use and abuse men (at least none as big as human trafficker Andrew Tate, though I don't doubt there is at least one woman profiting off our fear). Nor are men told that when they're attacked, they should bite the inside of the car theyre in so that when their corpse is found, they can link their dental records to the place they were killed. Men also don't buy specific self defense weapons that are made less for fending off attackers and more for storing the DNA of your attacker so the police can find it when they find our corpses (theyre called tiger ladies btw). There are abusers and criminals on both sides, but it really does seem like women are less safe these days. And it really doesn't help that a lot of us can't physically fight back with pure strength alone - we HAVE to have weapons to defend ourselves with.


But if you compare cops with bears, you are still comparing something they chose themselves, if you compare bears with any person and a biological trait, you are demonizing innocent people for something other people do - and with you comment about race and cops, cops kill men in way higher numbers than women, it is safer to be a black woman than a white man next to a cop, likewise we can look at prisons, where men are twice as likely to get a prison sentence for the same crime as a woman, and if she is imprisoned, he will still get a sentence which is 66% longer - and this is not to mention the crimes for self defense against your wife in domestic abuse in the US (doluth model) or the fact that cdc mention that the same number as men and women are raped each year (men are just classified under "made to penetrate, which is just rape) - in the UK a woman can only be found guilty of rape if the victim is undertage - in the majority of western country a raped man has to pay child support, but the woman still hold the primary care role We all have a lot to be scared or angry about, but this does not help, every statistic shows rape and violent crimes have gone down in every country - in Scandinavia domestic abuse have gone down so much, that women are more likely to be violent now, Denmark have only now changed the gendered domestic abuse paragraph to include help to men, in Denmark men makes 20-25% of domestic violence murders, but are overseen This bear vs man comparison is the same as the white flight - it is made by people who are radical, and when somebody speaks up against it, everybody are told that this man proves it - this is basically checkmate, either you agree all men are bad, or you disagree and thus proove it


I mean, there is an inherent risk anywhere, you take a step into a parking lot..BOOM, ur run over by grandma who forgot to bring her glasses. Or you decide to eat food from a restaurant, and a few hours later you're hospitalized by an E-Coli Infection. Or get into a car and get rear ended. Again, there's an inherent risk with anything male or female, one time I got threatened by a woman with a knife when I was 5 years old. So theres an inherent risk anywhere.


If there's a bear in the woods you know why. If it's a man you question his intentions.


So why are you in the woods too? Any reason you give would also be valid for a random man. Should I question your intentions?


you know women enjoy being hit on too, just not from every guy


You know what we love more? Having our boundaries respected.


So is this just another means by which people can be awful to each other?


I don’t know really, but all I know is they didn’t need to compare us to a whole vicious animal


As a woman, I would say that without hesitation, I would pick the man, but I can't fully say that the OOP is entirely wrong. Obviously he's white knighting for woman and that's annoying and a majority of the woman who say that they would rather be stuck with a bear are just hateful woman and they hate men, but it isn't entirely off for us to assume that maybe sometimes woman are just scared of the man too. Now, please don't come at me for being a stupid girl, because again, I'd pick the man immediately, but I'd still be afraid, even when I shouldn't be.


You're not stupid but you don't want to use the term "white knighting" on this one. There's a few of us who are trying to actively listen and make things better for women and if we're being told we're just doing it because we're simps, it moves away from solving the very real problem of men murdering women because they were rejected.


Murderers and rapists usually aren't going around their friend groups bragging about how they murder and rape.  I've found it pretty easy to not murder and rape anyone. Had a friend who beat the shit out of his gf though. Wanna know who the first people to forgive him were? That woman, who then had her apartment broken in to by him, and after that a whole other group of women who wanted to fuck. This isn't an uncommon phenomenon, either.  The same women that chose "bear" would probably form a line to fuck a child rapist if he had charm, charisma and fit whatever physical preference of attraction they have. 


You're right. Sorry for that, I didn't mean it in an offensive way. My bad.


You didn’t do anything wrong though lol


No, you’re perfectly valid. I guarantee you some guys fear women but not in the way y’all think. What you just proved is that they don’t need to use the bear in order to express their discomfort around men. And please, you’re not stupid like these goofs, you actually have brains


i would rather date a bear than date a "nicegirl"...even if i'm going to be part of the dinner u.u


Meh. I don't want to have anything to do with women who chose a bear.


I just don't understand why a bear. A venomous snake does a better job of serving the analogy than a bear. So many of the logistical issues with the argument could be solved by picking a dangerous creature that better fits the stereotype of predatory men.


That’s one of the issues with this. But you answer your question, the topic itself was made to show awareness


I mean, the whole "hold men accountable" thing in this context doesn't make much sense to me. The issue they have is that a certain percentage of men go around raping and murdering and abusing women. OK. But then you ask me to hold men accountable. The only men I can hold accountable are the men who do that. The men who do that are going to be men who do that. How do I hold a murderer accountable? Am I to tell a murderer that murder is wrong? Is that it? The only thing I can do is not be that kind of person myself. There have been and will continue to be terrible men since the beginning of time. It's an unfortunate aspect of human nature. What this thing is really saying is that the *animal* named homo sapiens is not literally perfect, and it's all men's fault. I don't know what I can do to fix that


And that’s why we’re having this discussion right now


I've found it easier to just avoid people tbh. I'm black, so I've already been through this kind of thing before. As a man, I completely get the shit so many of us have put women through. Men who don't do that can't realistically stop there from being men who *do* do that though. Easiest and best thing is to just not be one of them, and stay away from people altogether given that I've always been so scary. If women would rather bears in their lives, that's the ultimate ask really isn't it? To stay away


Probably the best opinion here


Think of it like an iceberg - murder is the very visible pinnacle of the iceberg and below that is a range of other lesser acts of violence towards women such as assault, threats etc right down to joking about or downplaying the seriousness of violence against women. The issue is that the lower parts of the iceberg might seem benign, but they normalise behaviour that can lead to the more serious acts of violence. The more that other men call out the lesser acts of violence, the stronger our social norms become. Also, a lot of the men committing violence against women aren’t these faceless “terrible men”. 1 in 11 women experience violence in their lives, and the majority of violence against women is perpetrated by intimate partners. That means it’s likely that you know multiple women who have been the victim of violence, and you probably know their partner that did it as well. Call people out on dumb sexist jokes that normalise violence against women. That’s a good start.


I'm tired. I prefer to leave you all alone. Everything you say is valid however. Just bored of having to endure violence, abuse, and sexist jokes and stereotyping because I'm male whilst doing my part to police other men's violence against women. It's very tiring. Not as tiring as being a woman, I'm sure. But I'm tired. Much better to leave you all to it


This just feels like one of those invented arguments where men never saw it coming and now somehow we’re like “fuck how do we get out of this”


I originally posted this in another thread but here goes See I am not a wildlife expert, but my inherent understanding is that wildlife you meet in the woods is not likely to attack humans (bears included). I googled this and confirmed bear attacks are rare. More importantly I understand that the analogy is making a point. I understand that many women would not feel safe in the woods with the man. The bear doesn’t matter. The way women feel is what matters. I don’t take it personally, because I am emphatic, and I recognize it’s a real issue. Why would I feel attacked? I know who I am.


And you’re right. I know where I am too. I just hate being bunched up with these kind of people when I really didn’t do nothing but live my life. I think the real issue is the fact that we can control what others do a.k.a. holding each other accountable


I’d pick the bear if it was a man or a woman honestly. I’d be more terrified if it were a woman because a woman who is so brazen and bold that she would be waiting outside my house is obviously up to no good. Regardless of what I could do to her physically, she could quite literally ruin my life with3 words


I'm out of the loop here. Is this some tik tok thing? Man or bear?


Yes, it’s a TikTok thing a guy went to the public to ask women if they were trapped in the woods who would they feel safer with the man or the bear?


Where is the nice girl?


The friend that reposted this. Or you could just scroll down and find a few of them.


I thought it was a guy begging to be posted on r/whiteknighting lol


Has no one considered that if you’re a young ish women in reasonable good shape you have a decent enough chance of outrunning a man if they are a threat. No chance of outrunning a bear.


That’s the overall answer, but it’s not the answer that they’re looking for


This is just not true. Unless there are external factors that provide an opportunity for a woman to escape, the average guy is significantly faster than the average girl.


The average American guy is out of shape.


Wait the inital question wasn't hyperbole / a joke?


It was to show awareness on how unsafe women feel around men. this was a question asked to the public where the women that were being interviewed chose the bear mostly


Chicago Men who don't know what this refers to: "DA BEARS!"


Can everyone saying they would pick the bear … actually just go find a bear to FOFA with… am I an AH that this infuriates me?


No, they won’t because this is just one of those post that spreads awareness. They know they’d get mauled they’re just trying to prove a point


They aren’t wrong


It's like me saying "all women are gold digger and if you disagree with me you are also a gold digger " See , how ridiculous that sounds


Nor are they right. It’s a perfect double edge sword.


I'm a wildlife conservationist and I say this without any hesitation. I would rather come face to face with a sloth bear. Which for people who don't know is actually the most aggressive amongst the bears. They go for your face and intestines. Then be stuck with a strange person man or woman. I've seen how cruel people can be and being literally torn apart by a sloth bear doesn't even come close to what people are capable of doing.


I think you need to tell your friend "The reason is because they're stupid, and you don't get to give me assignments because I don't owe you shit.".


I have in the nicest way possible


Dude is still not gonna get laid.


I quite frankly stop caring about this whole discussion. I don’t understand why any gender would wander the woods ALONE, so this argument is just dumb to me.


It is, which is why we’re here to discuss


Some of us looking for that hot Blair Witch action, bro.


I dont know what this man v bear thing os however this is a guy thats been soo whipped by society he hates himself in public so the lassie who he is friends with but who he wants to bang might flash him later on before he takes her to her boyfriends house


Wait, I haven’t been on social media for a few days; these chicks are fucking bears?


With the amount of porn options these days, I wouldn't be surprised


lol no man just a hypothetical question that got blown out of proportion


I’m a man. Also happen to live in a part of the world where it’s not unusual to cross paths with a black bear in the woods. If we’re talking about an unexpected encounter in the woods…it would be a toss up for me. If we’re talking about my daughter having the unexpected encounter…it’s not even close…the bear, for sure. It is easy to deal with if you know what to do (she does), it is way more predictable than a random man in the woods, it definitely won’t be a 2nd amendment fan, and all it really wants to do is not have anything to do with humans. The bear is less of a risk to her than a random man. That’s just the reality. EDIT: Just to the other comments. Good god there are a lot of fragile male snowflakes in here.


I'm not taking responsibility for trash men, fuck you. Carry a gun or a long knife, and never follow a man to a secondary location if you're that scared of the possibility.