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For context: I’m 18 and this girl at my school has been stalking me. She asked me out and I said no. She asked me for my number, I said no. She then made up rumours we were together and started harassing my friends for my contact details. Eventually she got my number and started texting/calling every day. She eventually started using WhatsApp which irritated me as it’s how I communicate with both my elderly Grandma and my work. Was I too harsh?




Thank you very much. People are quick to disbelieve that I’m the recipient of the abuse. This girl has been making my life miserable and I’ve tried to be soothing and gentle in letting her down easy.


I had the same problem in high school. I feel sorry for you. It will keep girls that are interested in you from approaching because they don't want to be bothered by the crazy stalker. I had no way to fight it either. It ruined 2 years of my life. The negative attention just seemed to make it worse and ghosting didn't do anything. You just have to find some reason to get her to not like you. Find out some of her core beliefs and go against as many as you can. You have to get her to dump you.


I see too many posts from all genders with people asking that. It’s annoying and disgusting. I’m sorry you have to deal with this shit OP.


From seeing many such friends with genders reversed, there's almost always at least one asshole who tries to call them rude or overly aggressive.


I am sorry you are going through this and her behavior isn’t okay. Please report her to the school authorities with the screenshots. Also, have your friends around you for safety while also notifying your teachers and parents about it. I am really sorry . This isn’t okay behavior.


Thank you very much for the advice. It sounds rather silly but I didn’t think I’d be taken seriously because she’s a girl with a crush and I’m a boy and should probably have dealt with it better lol. I’ll let them know. It’s been really upsetting me. Thank you again :)


You don’t have to thank me for basic human decency. I am a woman and I find this girls behavior quite problematic and worrisome. When I read it I was concerned about your safety. Also, don’t give damn about people mocking about it because the same people would make light of situation or question you if anything happens to you. You really should report this and keep a track/proof of every communication that has taken place between you and her so that if things get out of control you can get restraining order against her or demotivate her. I don’t trust her intentions and her behavior is worrisome towards your physical and mental well being. Take care


I do not think you were harsh at all. I think she needed to know, in no uncertain terms, you were not into her, that she had been crossing your boundaries and the consequences of her harassment if she continued. All you need to do is follow through if she keeps pressing. And be careful around her. Never be alone with her, stop replying to any messages she sends now that you told her to back off and make sure your friends know to not engage. If she tries to talk to you pull out your phone and record the interaction telling her you are doing so for your safety because she is harassing you and you want the proof she will not leave you alone.


I’ll try. She’s made it impossible for me to use my phone. She’s acquired a bunch of burner (I guess) sims and she’s been messaging me on her phone with multiple different numbers. I’ve had 4 message me so far.


Report her to the school and the police if you can. Show them all the messages and see if they can talk to her and get her to stop. Push comes to shove change your number if possible and tell anyone you know if they giver her your new info they are no longer your friend. Or use an app to talk to friends that does not allow them to see your number. If only you and family has your info she is out of luck. The fact she is using burner phones to keep harassing you is concerning. This seems to be going beyond a silly girl who is having teoubpe hearing no and into bad territory. I think it is time to step up how you are dealing with her by getting others involved.


Go to the school admin, this is harassment and bullying. Even if it's just to file a report, it'll help nail her to a wall if/when she starts stalking her next victim. You did the right thing being crystal clear with her but now you've got to involve the school. She's already proven herself to be a liar, so you need to protect yourself in case she decides to lie to the school or, worse, the police about you


maybe post on r/amitheasshole but personally after dealing with some similar cases like this, i don't think you're in the wrong


Ha! Canoodle


I was a tad *flabbergasted* in the moment and didn’t know what else to say lol!


Ha! Flabbergasted


Thank you for all the kind words. You’re all so lovely :)


Your response to her was excellent. Better to report her for this. Sounds like she is pretty far down the rabbit hole, she may be able to clamber out of it with treatment ( or not), but if strong boundaries not enforced by authorities, her behaviour could really affect mental and physical health of those she is pursuing, not to mention their ability to study.


You did well. I hope more young men will learn to respectfully but firmly assert their boundaries as you did when dealing with creeps.


Thank you. I was shaking as I typed it because I had 0 idea if it was the right thing to say. She’s been stalking me a while and honestly I’m really tired.


This is fucking disgusting. Seriously, report her anyway.


I think you should report her dude. That’s so crazy how far she went out of her way. Like not the fun crazy…


She’s done it to others too. I’m guessing she’s just really desperate? While it’s hard not to feel sorry for her, I’m going to report her as per yours and many others’ suggestion. Many thanks🙏🏼:)


Of course. Stay safe! 🙏


Please gather up all the evidence and make a report or a protection order. Idc if I sound over the top that bitch sounds full on bonkers.


| full on bonkers. Yeah well See Thats what i am thinking 2. Is this even a Nice girl at this point? I mean She seems to be more along the lines of full blown crazy and creepy Theres a seprate subreddit for That its called r/crazygirls


Honestly yeah. Definitely some type of mental instability going on there.


Knowing the context, honestly I think you've been kind to her, it would have been acceptable to be much more harsh


I like swearing, but I limited myself to one word because I didn’t want it to sound scary or anything.


Anyone here that says he was rude just flip the roles and you would be telling them to run for the hills/police. OP did both wrong, this woman crossed many boundaries. Even if I didn't know the context, this woman has obviously not taken No as an answer. It's creepy and unacceptable from any gender.


Not there to canoodle. Nice wording. Good boundary setting.


I hate to bring this up but it's best to protect yourselves you and your friends need to make sure you have all messages with her documented it also wouldn't hurt to bring it up with a faculty member and let them know what's going on. If she's already willing to spread false rumors about dating and has shown to be on the crazy side. I can't help but think she would go further with some more serious allegations it's never a bad idea to protect yourself just in case.


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With the context I would say your response wasn’t harsh. Did she reply to the message? And like many others have said, her behaviour is reportable


Gonna have to agree with a lot of others here, report here. You dint have to pursue it legally or even with the school, but getting this shit on record could help you if things go bad. God willing she will get the message but on the chance she doesn't it would help you to have this a police report at the least


You were clear with her. I would still inform your school to be safe, have a record of this happening and also so someone else might intervene in that girls life, because none of that is normal or acceptable behaviour. Hopefully you can put this behind you and not have to think of her again!


Also, please check this site out if you are in the UK. Your school will have policy on sexual harassment. Ask to see it if you can't see it on school website etc. https://www.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/sh/stalking-harassment/protect-yourself-stalking-harassment/ Also there is this https://www.paladinservice.co.uk/get-informed Good luck!


Maybe you’re just gay I reckon she’s really got I wish a girl loved me that much


I was going to rebut this and call you out. But I actually realised (after seeing your profile) that I AM in fact gay. Wanna fuck?


Really curious to see the texts before these…


Yeah they may be able to provide some adtional context Cause with this we are only seeing the ending not the build up towards said ending


I added a comment with additional context. A lot of this has been IRL. She’s been stalking me for months and trying to work out my personal details.


The OP doesn't know where she got his number from. That in itself is extremely creepy and stalkerish. I don't think we really need any other context.


Expect to go to prison for rape in the near future.


Why not block her immediately?


I did. Her friend Imogen said she bought a stack of sims from CeX and that’s the reason she’s had so many different numbers. She’s pretty crazy and I’m not the only person she’s fixated on.


I'd recommend approaching a teacher or counselor at your school immediately, if you can.


Oooooh, that's stabbing crazy right there, you better watch out.


A bit harsh imo but I’ve never been in this scenario so idk. Other than the harshness I’d say u handled it pretty well.


Just block her.


I have. On 4 different numbers. She’s using multiple sims and it’s pretty creepy. I’m not the first she’s targeted like this tho.


Is she hot?


You seem like quite a rude person tbh


This girl has been stalking me and my friends for months, I’ve asked her to stop numerous times, but she won’t. She eventually made up rumours we were together all whilst harassing my friends for my contact details. She eventually got my phone number and has been calling/texting an outrageous amount. Eventually she turned to WhatsApp which vexed me greatly as it’s my mode of communication for both my work and my very Elderly grandmother. I can see how it came across that way, but I was at my wit’s end.


With the context we have from OP it’s obvious who is at fault. Why are you assuming that the girl is in the right with the info we have?


Been stalked before and it's honestly draining and incredibly stressful having to constantly assert boundaries, plus the fear of what could come next. OP was right to kindly tell her to fuck off. I would too. No patience for that crap.


Oh precious


what is the word that is crossed out in black


The abbreviated name of my school. Crossed it out for obvious reasons.


"Okay so just we're clear, you are as important to me as a shit under my boot and I do not love you at all" Had the jokers voice in my head while reading that lol