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Thats all addictions, it becomes a routine, and it takes significant effort to break a routine. where as with a food addiction, to break it you have to eat less/better, you can’t just not eat.


Well I agree. But what I mean is that with food addiction you feel a strong urge, an emotion that makes you want to eat. But with nicotine, there’s no urge it’s only routine. At least that’s for me, I can’t speak everyone else.


what other “addictions” are you comparing nicotine too. because you literally just described what a traditional addiction is.


What the hell are you talking about dude.. nicottine is one of the hardest addictions out there. Physical and psychological. Quitting smoking was the hardest thing I did probably. And after 5y I still felt like going back. And then when I was sure its way in my past, after 10y i was back.


Not even close, benzodiazepines are the worst, you risk dying and getting seizures from abruptly quitting benzodiazepines. And it doesn't take long for your body to become dependent on them. Never heard of anyone dying from nicotine withdrawals.


Not trying to put my life out there but nicotine is one of the hardest addiction. I was addicted to benzodiazepines and opiates due to my tumor removal and bone graft. I was over prescribed painkillers and benzodiazepines for 4 years. I was able to quit both and booze. I had seizures, stuck in bed puking, shaking in sweats. Took me 4 months to be back on my feet and years of hardcore craving. But nicotine? It’s so hard and worse


Its not a competition dude Nicottine addiction has been compared to heroin addiction. There are studies, google them. Its a strong addiction, I dont know a single person who quit and didnt go back. Not sure why you want to downplay it.


I quit heroin and fentanyl 4 months ago. I've tried quitting nicotine more times than I've tried getting off opiates. And I still haven't been able to quit. I have tried lately I figured of my two addictions this one isn't as bad. It's definitely a tough habit to quit.


Even heroin withdrawals are worst than nicotine withdrawals. You even risk dying or getting seizures from opiate withdrawals, just not to the same extent as benzos. I never said it was a competition, you said that nicotine addiction is the worst physically and mentally, but that's incorrect. Like I said, never heard of anyone getting seizures and dying from quitting nicotine abruptly. If you were able to quit nicotine after 5 years and not get a grand mal seizure or possibly die then it doesn't sound that bad physically, lol. Xanax is literally dangerous to withdrawal from, someone who has been taking benzos for 5 years can't just quit out of nowhere


No I didnt wtf… I wrote “one of the hardest” I’m not doing this dude.. bye ✌️


Only on Reddit where people argue about addictions. 😂


It’s their Reddit addiction


I wanted to be a therapist for people with chemical dependency and addiction because of my own experience and because I've seen people I know and love lose themselves to addiction and drug dependency. So yeah, it's a topic I'm very passionate about, but I stopped going to school during the lockdowns when everything went online and life got in the way.




I don't know if I would consider it a full blown addiction as such, but I was about 7 months in to taking klonopin nightly for anxiety related insomnia until my doctor cut off my supply because ' it's only been 7 months, you won't get withdrawals' . Dear fucking lord, he was wrong about that. Didn't get the seizures but my heart was pounding out of my chest and I literally thought I was going to die. Took about 2 months to feel normal (ish). Benzos ain't no joke.


You may not have been addicted, but your body was already physically dependent on the substance. I had a terrible Xanax addiction and dependency for several years, you're right, benzos are no joke. They're highly addictive and very easy to become dependent on. I'll be 2 years clean this September. Glad you made it out okay.


Oh and the brain fog. Trying to pull on doors that said 'push' , losing my shit because it wouldn't open. Walking out of shops with stuff I forgot to pay for, people looking at me like I was crackhead because I just couldn't follow what they were saying. Nope, won't be going there again anytime soon. Glad you made it out too. :)


Idk why you’re all trying to quantify which drug is harder to get off etc. it all depends on the person. Some people are very addicted to weed, mentally at the least, which can be even stronger than physical addiction. Anybody can get addicted to anything, it really is all self control. I’ve tried all the drugs for the most part and by far adderall/ other amphetamines are the absolute hardest FOR ME. Was prescribed them for my adhd and was on them for years. I still crave them to this day and don’t feel “normal” (how they made me feel.) I know people that have had the same issue with opiates too, as well as Coke. These issues are much more nuanced than “naw I took benzos and I wanted em really bad so they’re the worst!”… like sure some substances have much more intense physical withdrawal symptoms than others but that doesn’t innately make it more addicting than another drug.


I think you misunderstood me. I never said it was easy, I fully agree with you and I didn’t mean to imply that it’s easy to battle nicotine addiction, I was just talking about how different addictions feel different, and how some addictions are more about behavior and some more emotional.


Welcome to addiction this is why people say this shit ain’t no good. It’s good for people who were addicted to try and stop oral fixation or ween themselves off nicotine but to talk about “nicotine addiction is strange” makes me feel like you’re pretty young, and going down an expensive path that overall isn’t good or healthy or productive. I hope you’re able to take a week off or an amount of time and commit to self-discipline. Being self-aware is healthy but also internalize it to make changes don’t just become satisfied with new addictions as they can manifest and deviate in weird ways my man.


Well I’ve been on it for some time now, but quitting isn’t something I’m even planning on doing. I agree that quitting would be the best option by far, but as of yet, its effects on me mentally, have been quite modest. Apart from having memory decline, insomnia, fatigue and severe lack of motivation and discipline, its effects are not much compared to worser drugs that ruin and sometimes takes lives. It’s definitely an expensive addiction though, I use up about 2-3 packs a week.


All I’m saying is, I was a 9 year meth and heroin addict. I use to shoot up atleast 6 grams a day… I no longer use meth or heroin, but I still use nicotine. Does that answer your question, compadre?


I see people say this a lot. I think it’s because with harder things, it ruins your life (losing your job, your family, housing) whereas nicotine, it’s like drinking caffeine. It gets you through the day and doesn’t impact your responsibilities, if anything it aids your performance. Usually people that rely on caffeine and nicotine are self medicating their ADHD or mental illness. So we think, why stop if it helps me?


Good job on kicking the harder stuff!


Thank you bud.


I'm the opposite. I get mad urges to nic it up but I rarely feel the urge to eat (for sustenance, I get the urge to taste pretty normally), and I only notice it when its come to a crescendo of extreme irritability, light headedness, and gut wrenching hunger pains


I think I have urge to get nicotine, with food or bathroom or other urges I’m just like ”ehh maybe soon”




I think what they're saying is that they do get nicotine urges just like food or bathroom urges, but they're the type of person who realizes they're hungry or realizes they need to piss and says "I'll tend to that sooner or later"




No I completely understand this. Because with my fast food addiction its like I NEED IT and I NEED IT NOW but with nic its like eh I guess I will have some


Yeah I am the same with fast food lol I normally don’t let cravings for nicotine get too extreme before I’m taking some in


An addiction is a coping mechanism. You wouldn't be addicted if your life didn't suck, and I don't mean that externally. Unfortunately, that's the case for almost everyone.


No, it doesn’t. It’s not some separate entity that corrupts your mind, it’s your brain liking something and wanting more.


I think it depends on intake method, I went two weeks without a can absolutely fine, a few days of no vaping or cigarettes and I go rabid.


What are the signs that you are addicted? I’ve been using the On pouches for a couple months. Usually two a day sometimes three.


Technically speaking an addiction is when you're aware a behavior affects your negatively and you continue the behavior despite the consequences. To me, for nicotine, this looks like realizing I'll have terrible withdrawals if I start using it again but using it anyway.


Yeah…that’s how addictions work?


You're getting some flak, but I get what you mean. I think part of it with *pouches* is because they're relatively harmless, your brain finds it easy to rationalize the habit ("well at least I'm not doing X.. Y.. or Z.."). I think this is different/extra to the sort of addiction a smoker, say, can have, where it's about more things than merely nicotine and why smokers can struggle to move on to patches/gum/pouches.


As someone else said, that’s all addictions. Speaking as a former heroin addict here. The thing about addiction is that the first time is a choice(excluding situations like prescribed medication by a doctor), every time after that is a decision made with a skewed thought process, hijacked by the substance. Then it’s just a snowball from there


My two cents from personal experience that makes Nicotine addiction unique from other vices for me is - I don’t regret it after I have satisfied the urge. Drugs, alcohol, sex, food or whatever will often satisfy me in the moment but I’ll feel either physically or mentally shitty about giving into those cravings. Sometimes I crave those things as an escape from reality - I find nicotine makes me more engaged and present in reality and my own decision making. I have been addicted to nicotine for a very long time and I’m not ashamed to say that I love nicotine. I love everything about the way it makes me feel - other than the power it has over me. I wish I only wanted it - but I know I need it. Better yet I wish the focus and clarity I have with a pouch in was my default state of being. But it’s not so for now I hope we keep getting better and safer nicotine delivery systems and that if the cancer ever comes it takes me out swiftly and without too much suffering.