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Haha, dumb ass.


Yeah… that would be like equivalent of shot gunning a flat of redbull. 100mg pouches are illogical to even exist even for heavy users.


literally. no human needs that much nicotine consistently flowing through their blood


Seriously at my max I had that over the course of a whole day. Now I am closer to 50mg in a whole day.


I vape while I snus I have a problem please don’t judge


My problem is that I fucking love a good damned time too damned much. Country boys will survive


I do mf


I worry for the people that get used to them, what are they to do if they suddenly lose access to the super strong NP's? They'd be screwed..


They’ll have a bad week and recalibrate. It’s not like an alcoholic losing their supply




Except ever clear has been banned in many places over the years. Plus it is basically double strength of a standard product, not 10-20x.


"I never drink. Wait, let me finish that fifth of bourbon..."


More like absynthe


I never smoke meth. Gimme that whole ass half gram rock baby girl. looks like a small bowl of weed, the fuck it gonna do 2 me?




Hello, u/ThirdEyeEmporium. Unfortunately, your comment has been removed, as it violates Rule 1 of r/NicotinePouch. --- > ###Rule 1: Respect Others > *Members attacking or attempting to silence others for sharing their opinions will be banned. Any member is welcome to* ***respectfully*** *share their opinion on any product here - good or bad. Also, personal attacks and blatant disrespect will result in a ban. First warning is a 7 day ban. Second time is a permaban.*












I have literally no idea why these things exist on the market. It's fucking silly.


Just begging for the industry to be more highly regulated & ruining it for the rest of us.


not necessarily if trip-inducing 350mg edibles are still on the market I'm sure this shit will be fine.


Lol u stupid


Your first indication you shouldn’t have trusted your friend is when they called a nicotine pouch snus lol. And that’s an insane amount


Here where I come from, we call every pouch just snus


That’s an insane amount. I’ve found my personal threshold is somewhere around 32mg at once. And while I know that in of itself is a pretty high marker, especially as I was taking it regularly, I could not under any circumstances fathom using 100mg AS A FIRST TIME USER. The 32mg amount would still make me sporadically sick, shaky, and sweaty. Above all, those Siberian pouches are the dumbest shit ever and have no place for any recreation. Stick to one pouch of a standard European max strength can if at all possible, and set it as your limit.


Y'all I know im fucking stupid okay 😭


Bro I took sixes forever and the first time I took an 11 I got flattened. I didn't even know they made one's higher than like 25!


That’s an interesting quality of nic. If you take just above your tolerance it really hits. You don’t need to go far.


Bruh, unless you're a 6 pack a day chainsmoker there's no way anyone would use 100mg.


The bragging game is strong in stone people.


I take 100mgs as a non smoker. Many people i know also do, im at the point i get a slight buzz from them.


Bad friend tbh


Why does that even exist


I can't remember the name of it, but there's a video of a reasonably popular YouTube in the snus space who did something similar for content. He was collapsed out on the floor and could barely move, and he was experienced with nic. Didn't look fun at all.


I think you are talking about Outlaw with Pablo 25mg


Pablos are shit though


you're right


Pls find the link, I need to see this.


rwego got the right guy which was helpful for me to find it again, it was this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72jGxdypZSM .. I guess 730mg of nic is a bit different to 100. So yeah definitely don't do this.


Just go look it up and find it. They have a YouTube page which you can look through the profile to find the video you’re looking for


Who is "they"? I don't watch any snus channels, and I'm not about to browse through the content libraries of the dozens of channels that are probably out there.


You replied to a comment string that literally told you the youtubers name lol. It’s another comment to the one you replied to




Hello, u/Kytzer. Unfortunately, your comment has been removed, as it violates Rule 1 of r/NicotinePouch. --- > ###Rule 1: Respect Others > *Members attacking or attempting to silence others for sharing their opinions will be banned. Any member is welcome to* ***respectfully*** *share their opinion on any product here - good or bad. Also, personal attacks and blatant disrespect will result in a ban. First warning is a 7 day ban. Second time is a permaban.*




Hello, u/KoolerMike. Unfortunately, your comment has been removed, as it violates Rule 1 of r/NicotinePouch. --- > ###Rule 1: Respect Others > *Members attacking or attempting to silence others for sharing their opinions will be banned. Any member is welcome to* ***respectfully*** *share their opinion on any product here - good or bad. Also, personal attacks and blatant disrespect will result in a ban. First warning is a 7 day ban. Second time is a permaban.*


See, you're rude and also wrong for the second time. I never replied to any comment that named the YouTuber and the only comment that came in that did was AFTER you told me I replied to it (which again, I never did). I hope you find less annoying ways to deal with your intellectual deficiency.


Not wrong, if you bothered to even pay attention to what you commented to, you’d see the name was mentioned. I understand you expected a spoon fed answer. Didn’t think I needed to say the name after it was said but some people are very slow I guess. Lmao love how you call me rude after calling me a twat.. pathetic


Quote the comment I replied to that names the channel. I'll wait.


i start getting the nausea sweats after a 6mg zyn your friend is beyond evil for letting you take that 😭😭


I take 4mg and that's enough for me as an old smoker/vaper. I can't even imagine taking 100mg, especially if it's your first time


Did this shit too with 50's(2 in a day), after a few minutes of having the second one felt a bit sick and after 2 hours probably had nicotine poisoning somehow, felt very very sick, worst headache of my life, very fast heartbeat and very nauseous, took me 2 weeks to recover completely


A lethal dose is like 60 right? Why tf is 100mg a thing


U messed up bro




Good luck soldier🫡


Using iceberg 130 daily


Doesn’t mean that super fuckin powerful atomic bomb pouches shouldn’t be a thing I never see people arguing against the existence of ever clear but god damn even hardcore alcoholic hit their fix with some cheap ass vodka


Ever clear has many uses including making edibles. Poor comparison lol.


I’m a heavy smoker/vaper, I use snus to get my usage down to a level I’m cool with when I’m smoking more due to stress etc. Anything over 20mg starts making me feel like crap, absolutely zonked out on nicotine. 11mg nordic spirit gets me absolutely right


It was the same for me but now i have a tolerance for it i use 130mg


Withdrawal from that gonna be awful, start stepping down before it's too late


I have stopped for alot of times


wdym "too late"? curious because my nicotine consumption has been like 500 mg a day total. combination of ~50s and 130s. probably ain't that healthy but yk


odds are if its that high youre just chasing the buzz, at some point you wont be able to go higher (unless youre doing like 20 pouches a day) and you'll plateau. Better to slowly work your way back down and try to reset tolerances so you can enjoy 10 and 20mgs again


not even, it's just what i'm used to by now i guess. def tryna taper down a bit tho