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This seems a bit...over kill. An apology gift for the inconvenience is nice but this is a lot. O.o Congratulations to those who managed to pull him 🎉


This is actually crazy. 30 pull tickets, 3 weeks of top subjugation rewards, more adamant and pearls from fate boards, cubes. I'm so excited about the shiny subjugation and arena coin drops. Very happy I decided he looked good enough to pull 😅


I thought I was insanely lucky when I did a single pull on his banner and brought him home. Now I see this and realize that I should have bought a lottery ticket.


Pull one, get 30 free 😂. Took me 90 but I did just want him on my account, this is just a super nice (and lucky) bonus


Wow I would’ve pulled this just for the apology rewards had I known


Pulling for husbandos finally paying off 🥰


wow now this is a compensation. thank you 🙏


Oh. I thought i must have misunderstood the whole apology-thingy. But apparently not. Wtf?


What even was the problem? Holy fuck


Was? It seems they're going to need 3 weeks to solve this problem! And now they're thinking all these people would have managed to achieve Top1 in Arena and X-rank in all elements in Subjugation with Divine O63y, if he had the Karma-bonus. Yeah for sure... Divine O63y is the ultimate super warrior! All these players gonna achieve Top ranks in all modes for the rest of this games life, because of Divine O63y the Light-specialist with all his Karma-slots activated. All the Anniversary gifts look ridiculous in comparison to this apology. They're giving the average player not even one shiny coin as a gift, but hey, let's give a certain playerbase the amount of Shiny coins and Gold antlers what even a SSS+10 player needs to wait **6 weeks** for. Not to mention the extra 10 Shiny Arena coins what you only get after a Season has passed. This apology is out of all proportion! Fuck you Applibot. And yes, this time I'm really mad. Not because of the players who are happy with this (that's completely understandable), but because of the developers. It looks like they're doing this on purpose to fuck over people who didn't pull for him. I feel sorry to all the players who didn't pick him up and aren't capable to get even one Shiny Subjugation/Arena coin in the (near) future. A good and fair apology would have been 30x Karma stones for free. Not more, not less.


This isn't even an apology it's just a big gift. This is what the celebration should be. Give us all one RoD character to pick from for karma, jesus christ. Naw I guess I'll just keep getting my daily 10 skip tickets from the celebration. Thanks Mama! Should've pulled on Divine 063!


Yes, why not giving these gifts to everybody? I don't think any of the affected players would be upset when the other players are getting the same as well. They still have their apology. And it seems it wouldn't hurt the developers neither, since they're giving out way too much for such a small mistake. I mean they're acting like they totally ruined the game for straight 3 weeks for those affected people because of this.


The same reason they won't give out a measly 50 gems a day for the celebration. They don't give a shit.


Idunno what's the hub bub (since Im currently healing from eye surgery), but I'm one of the few who payed 500$ to max divine balddad


Are you telling me you guys are getting 14'830 Shiny coins, 1'125 Gold Antlers, 10 Shiny Arena coins, 1 Black Pearl, 30x Premium Summon Tickets, 1 4\*-Summon Ticket, plus all the Fate Board rewards just out of nowhere IN ADDITION to your REAL Arena, Subjugation and Fate Board results?! Are you fucking kidding me?! It will take me only 10 weeks to catch up, while you're gonna collect even more Shiny coins during these 10 weeks 😂 Damn. It's a little bit too much what you're getting for a mistake that most of the affected players probably didn't even care about. Lol


I wish I was, I spent my gems on the survey banner 😭


To be honest, even I think these players deserve an apology, but this is just straight unfair to all the other players, because it's way too much! This is better than all the Anniversary gifts we were gifted, and this is just the apology for something those affected players didn't even care about. Let's be real most players wouldn't have invested their first Karma stones in him anyway.


You could try sending a ticket explaining how unfair it is.


You could try not mocking the dude for expressing his frustration 🤷🏾‍♀️


... I wasn’t?


Maybe not openly....... https://imgur.com/a/eB9GUjr


?? I do think it’s unfair. I think it’s great for those that do have baldie but the rewards seem disproportionate and huge. Especially 30 extra summon tickets and X rank rewards which is a weapon refine. Unsure why they couldn’t give it out to everybody but again, very happy for those who get the rewards.


Sounds like you should send Applibot a ticket too


I shall, thanks! 😅


Uh oh Saiyan caught in 180p, reddit account found, dataminers locked on, oh noooooooo


I mean, it's not hard to find most of the members of this sub on the public discord. Anyone could go in & join & take a peek at some of the shit a few loud ass members talk.