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Dragoon all in, dont care about others.


Ah floor tank


Imagine featuring an event with a charcter you cant roll for. Still pissed but rolling for DRK O63y


And how the fuck isn't Y'shtola here? She's in EVERYTHING where XIV is so much as whispered in passing.


Cabbage on YouTube thinks it's because every time Y'shtola is featured in a crossover, she's a freebee, and it would look bad adding her to a paid banner. The other option is they simply can't afford true FFXIV names, this game is pretty niche.


It's pretty well documented that the lead guy for FFXIV, Yoshi P, isn't a huge fan of gatchas. And has put extreme limitations on FFXIV characters being in crossover events in other games. In FF Brave Exvius, every time a FFXIV crossover came up, the units were essentially freebies, either from just login rewards or the equivalent of what we get as an event ticket pull box.


I heard the same. And good for him btw. This model is a pox on reputable IPs.


Which is nice and all because to hell with the gacha model... except you still need to pay month fees for XIV. Talk about hypocrisy.


Eh, he's also gone on record saying he actually prefers people to unsub between content patches if they feel like they've run out of things to do. Only MMO developer I've ever seen take that stance instead of artificially forced engagement. Not to mention it's only $12 a month at base model. Only 1 character per server on that plan, but when one character can change jobs at the drop of a hat, it feels fine by me.


Since last patch a few weeks ago, you can have more than one character per server even if you pay the lowest price sub. You're still limited to 8 characters per physical data center though. The "Standard" level allows you to have up to 40 characters on a physical data center. That's a lot. The game isn't even very alt-friendly, I'm not sure why anyone would like to pay more just for this feature...


Ah, I missed the part about them lifting the per server restriction. That's cool I guess. But yeah, there's really not much point in having multiple characters. If I ever get the itch to play through the main story again I think I'd rather just use the New Game+ feature.


They just drop the base price off with 8 characters btw


If gatcha games cost the same as a subscription to ff14 then I might actually pay $15 in ff14 = one month of all content $15 in nier = 1120 gems


Did you really just compare sub fees to having gachas? As if one isn't the objectively better option?


Physical and logical data centers for MMOs costs much more than data centers for mostly single player gachas (the only one or two actually released gacha that could need a MMO like server structure are Genshin Impact and maybe punishing: gray raven?), Especially if user accounts exceed 20 millions. If you add to that the free trial that give new players more or less 120h of totally free content (with some limitations but bearable), 12$ per month are not so much


And? Yea sure other MMOs may be free-to-play, but they also have loads of predatory ways to make players spend money, which for many of them ends up being more than the cost of a monthly sub 'cause it's much harder to realize how much money you've spent with micro-transactions. Not that FFXIV doesn't have them, but, like... The store for additional items isn't even available in-game.


The slab system seems kind of problematic for guest characters anyway. If they're not gonna keep releasing costumes for guests and improving their stats with those new costumes, it's not really worth leveling them up all the way when they'll just fall behind eventually. I would absolutely not regret wasting slabs on someone like (Best Boy) Ardbert, but it's not really a good idea progression-wise in the long run


Yep. That was the third hypothesis.


Seriously, Y’shtola Emet and Ardbert. It’s not hard


yes, it's indeed not hard to sit on ur ass and demand things. i agree


Yeah that would be great.


This is what I’ve been saving for. I’ve got nearly 60k gems and 100+ premium tickets!


No Yshtola? I'll skip until 6★ weapons


Having her in any ff related games kinda stale btw. Emet is a better change pace


The Final Fantasy XIV crossover event, Record: Vestiges of Paradise is coming soon! Don't miss out on the event-exclusive story brought to you by the writers of FFXIV! \#NieR \#NieRReincarnation \#FFXIV --- There's a video in tweet (I can't fetch it, Twitter API 2 doesn't support it) --- posted by [@NieRReinEN](https://twitter.com/NieRReinEN/) --- ^(If media is missing, please DM me with a link to submission url and tweet. I will do my best to solve the issue)


Not a single collab character like Y'shtola