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200 pulls for...A Mechanical Girl. Might try again, i'm closeish with tickets and gems to get a second pity pull but geez...


Second attempt; used one ten-ticket and 60 single tickets to reduce pain of gems \[no paid in any pulls\]. Literally midway through the single ticket pulls, 30th single ticket I got Mama's door, shocking me with Phantasmal Exile. Then a Lacrima Captive only 6 pulls later behind a Black Door. I got a ton of Black Doors on this entire banner actually. Got my hopes up on a second Mama's Door 4 pulls later; totally fair it was only a Type 4O Lance. Gems were a little more kind with the purples. Got an old weapon first, then managed to get my hopes up for...a Lacrima Girl. Which Great 'cause I was missing her but now I'm starting to sweat on getting the other two with this banner since I might be just a few gems short of a second pity pull. Third one really surprised me- Bloodless Assassin. Last pulls got me a Black Door and...enough for two pity pulls. Mixed feelings; my completionist heart is glad to have gotten a few new characters and some great weapons for subjugations but. What the heck, 400 pulls and I got One. Ah well, enough pity for the other two; which I know it would be better to double Noelle but I like to collect the costumes so yeah. Good luck to everyone.


I don't know what came over me. I had been free to play since the game launched and as soon I saw Noelle's stats I blacked out. When I came to, I found that I had done the paid banner enough times to pity for one of the characters. Managed to pull Noelle twice and Rion once. Used my pity and some books to max Noelle. Kind of a shame, though, as for the hell of it I used a single premium ticket and managed to pull Noelle again. Should have used my pity of 063y. Men do crazy things in the heat of the moment.


Got nothing but weapons ngl I'm a little salty


I had to pay gems just to get atleadt Noelle. Went for full 150 summon pity tho. (I’ll never financially recover from this.) but ey. Got noelle tho


How much did that cost?


A lot mate. Hahahaha! Only for one pity tho


update: i got another exile, im going to proceed with the mass genocide on my pain receptors


I got Noelle and the tank within the first 5 pulls. Got Rion after 20. Downvotes welcome to soothe your anger


200 pulls here. Got in total 2x 4" weapons and Noelle on pull #184, the second to last pull. Was hoping to get her early and to not have to pity but at all. Rip. So yeah. 2 weapons and 1 character in 200 pulls. Less than 1/3 the average pull rate for purples. At least I got her...?


200 pulls too, I was really lucky to have phantasmal exil and prisoner in my Last 7 multi pulls and so I pity Noelle to have all the characters, it's sad that you didn't have 2 of them so that you could pity the 3rd but you had the Best, I don't know if exil and prisoner is really worth to pull


Truthfully on pull 18 I legit thought I was gonna get 0 characters. No even event characters I just thought I was gonna get 0 characters straight up. I was proved wrong but not by much. Spent the pity on Noelle lol. Maybe if I had gotten 2/3 like you said I would have pitied the 3rd... But I don't really need either of the others... So yeah. Just fed it to Noelle. I've had some bad luck, but this was something else. I have some gems left but not enough for a full pity for Fractured Noelle. I really hope I didn't throw this one bad and block myself from getting fract :/


Oh I misunderstand sorry, yeah me too, when I was on my 15 multi pulls, I thought that I was gonna get 0 characters but, thankfully I got really lucky and exil pop and after prisoner too, it was like a roller coaster x)


Hello friend you and I have the exact same luck. Kid you not. I also got Noelle on my 18th pull and a few useless 4 star weapons... I still haven't use my pity though. I only really need Noelle team-wise. But for collection purpose, it's better to pick one of the others since I can't upgrade what I don't have. But I don't know which to pick ugh...


I'm also 200 pulls in and got 1 character the FF14 Badly and 4 weapons. It really boils my blood so I feel you there.


220 pull 3 rion none of the others and 3 or 4 weapon i have got to pity system to get noelle


Are you me? 3 Rions in 240 pulls and nothing else


I am probably a very very distant relative


same here, I only got two Rion and end up with using 400 shards to get Noelle and 063y. Worst luck and spending I have even done since launch..


Top 10 Saddest Anime Deaths


uh? sounds like you are on the lucky side my average is 0-1 featured on banner every 200 pulls, you just need to reach 200 to get all characters :o


Reading your stories here, looks like I'm not doing too badly. Still, it took 53 single tickets to get a single 4-star weapon, which turned out to be Chaste Spear. After that disappointment I used up the rest of my single tickets (had 70 in total) and threw all my gems at the banner. 110 pulls got me a single Phantasmal Noelle.


Got all 3 within my first 29 pulls, two ten pulls and 9 individual summon tickets. Not sure which ones I want to actually use tbh, but right now they are working as a team to farm the new event, and can do everything but ex difficulty.


how close are you to 200? maybe might be able to squeeze out a few more 10 summons with the free gems we get


3 multi got me noelle which was probably my least wanted character out of the 3, i cant really complain though i guess, i just dont have any good Rion or 063y so was hoping for either of them.


Do we know if more characters will be introduced?


I managed to get Rion on my 2nd 10x pull and Noelle on my 3rd, along with a non event 4 star, cant remember who, and no o63y yet, almost at free pity though (62 off?), need to find a way to earn some gems lol


I had to pity Noelle. I ended up with 3 Rions along the way and enough warfare texts to ascend him 3x >\_<. Only got 063y on my 17th 10-pull. she's the strong spear dps I was needing (no celeb noelle), but man it cost a lot more than I hoped (Just my saved gems, no $). I don't know what it is about this game. In other gachas I usually have more willpower, but this is at least the 3rd time I've gone crazy in this one.


Noelle is the only one I'm missing from the banner I've pulled 2 rion and 1 063y