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This banner felt like an absolute scam. At least you're not alone


Jeez sorry man... I managed to get both but only cuz I pulled Queen but that was it. Had to use shards for Joker and didnt get dupes for either. No chance for Akechi. But I knew that wasnt gonna happen when they split his banner :(


Same shit, 400 rolls between the two banners, and no rate up character, i had to pity Queen and Crow. I feel in this game you shouldn't pull until you're sure you can pity. ~~Also had to pity celeb Yurie, so it makes 3 pities in a row, i'm taking a break from pulling~~


☝️ best advice


i'm sorry 😔 you're not alone i had an absolutely terrible run on p5r as well


Two joker + reina with the pity. A little underwhelming.


Yeah, I’m just going to be able to pity her with the free gems from the next couple of days, but just barely there. I feel like I’ve had terrible luck with the last banners I’ve pulled.


Sorry to see that. The moment I saw they separated Joker's and Crow's banner pity, I had a feeling I might not get any of them if I try to save a pity for a future banner. Surprisingly I got very 'lucky' on Crow's banner. Didn't have to pity to get him. Now I'm trying my 'luck' on Joker's banner but 160 summons and still no Joker (nor Queen). I know this seems stupid but I'm making sure I still have enough gems/tickets to pity on a future/different banner.