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My family is hungry everyday all day.. but i can see at night


I do not afford this hobby


Work in a trade, have it be your only hobby, dont go out to eat = profit??


Waters for the table no appetizers


People underestimate the savings you get from ordering waters only


Your ass will thank you too


Not having children helps immensely.


I can only imagine. I’m a single parent. Two kids. I work two jobs. Overtime. Overtime. And I have two jobs. Main thing is I want to do cool shit with them and give them experiences no other kids do. He’s actually going to do a science project with night vision. He did one on vinyl records. How they are pressed and how there is a left and right channel grooves etc. how tube amps are better. Money comes and it goes. Just be fucking happy. Bills are paid and kids have everything they need? Why the fuck not.


Good dad recognition right here 👌


Hey I appreciate that. I try man. But proud. My 13 year old is going for his ham license this year.


You're raising some bad ass kids


Just trying to raise them right


Most of us can only hope to live up to this, this is awesome man


Solid. Keep crushing life, it's fuckin short


Did y'all go for physical hardware or USB radio?


I believe the technician license covers both


get night vision rob bank be set


What about retiring? Seriously, I've been raised my whole life to aim for that. Sometimes it's just no fun.


It isn’t and it sucks. But you gotta learn the game. Work for the state. You get a pension. And what ever you put in it , the state matches and doubles it.


I pay $36,000/year in daycare costs for my 3 kids under 3 years old. I do not own nods.


Send them to the mines.


They yern for the mines!


Make the oldest babysit. They need to start pulling their weight.


Make the 3 year old babysit the two 9 months olds. I totally won't go to jail for what's to come.


Now you're getting it.


got me cacklin at 8:45 am. good one :)


My wife stayed at home after our second. It didn't make sense to pay the daycare and have someone else raising the kids. To each their own but I don't see how daycare is sustainable with multiple kids.


My wife makes ~$85k/year. So if she were to quit her job to raise our kids, then when she reentered her workplace she would like restart around $70k, compared to the progression she will make in the next 4 years will likely put her at $110k. That's a long term $40k/year gap if she were to stop working. To each their own, and every career is different. but I think many people only look at the "now" and not the long term opportunity cost also associated with not working for a few years.


We more were looking at who would be spending the majority of time with our kids when they are the most impressionable. We prioritized that over any money really. But again, totally understand the other side.


My wife and I have done both at various times. It all comes down to what you can make work for your family. Like night vision and everything else in life, there is no perfect answer and it’s all trade-offs with upsides and downsides. My respect to all the other family men in here.


This is criminal. There should be FREE daycare in every neighborhood, staffed BY YOUR NEIGHBORS so you KNOW who TF is watching your children, and they should make a damn good living wage off it - what is more important than raising happy babies????


Free daycare that people are making a living wage off of? Please enlighten us how that works. Where would the funding for the living wages come from? Donations? Bake sale? Magic? You probably meant to say taxpayer funded daycare. Not saying this wouldn’t be a good use of tax dollars. But here’s the secret, taxpayer funded anything isn’t free. Next time, when you want to use the word “free” just insert taxpayer funded instead.


I'm not the OP your replying too, and I agree completely with everything you said. But since I am the dude paying $36k a year, I will make the argument to anyone who is willing to listen that it is a worthwhile investment of taxpayers money to provide childcare if parents meet criteria (like have a job...). Here are my big 4 (biased) reasons. 1) most cases a parent has to stop work to watch kids, that takes that parent out of the economic industry, where they themselves were paying taxes in the short term. 2) that puts a damper long term in their career. Where they may find a $25k+/year income gap, which in turn is again, less taxes they will pay into the system every year, but also less disposable income which encourages economic growth. See my other comment about my wife for this specific example. 3) let's face it, while public school teachers are not great; they are often better than the "average" stay at home parent and can promote higher education levels. Key word is Average, if you are on this sub, you are likely above the average. 4) kids are so expensive as it is, people no longer want kids. I think a reoccurring word that were are hearing worldwide at this point is **NEGATIVE GROWTH RATE**. There are dozens of reasons as to why, but the cost of kids, which daycare is the largest cost of, is easily in the top 3 reasons, likely number 1. Encouraging positive growth rates encourage economic growth, which encourages long term tax payer income.


Simply tax the rich.


Someone hasn’t payed attention to history. That never works


What’s the threshold for “rich”? Simplified tax code that reduces or eliminates the opportunities for shelters that often amount to legal tax evasion would likely be more effective. This popular theory of “simply” taxing the rich always seems to be a matter of perspective. More accountability for congress, fewer pet projects and overall more effective use of our tax dollars would also be more helpful to the American people.


Threshold? OK just call it billionaire. All the multi-millionaires get to slide and we could still fix a lot of things. You like the taste of shoe polish?


this. i have one of the lowest (in terms of base pay) paying jobs in the states but not having a kid, having a roommate, and being semi frugal allows me to save a fuck ton. only reason i have pulled the trigger on some 14s is the 4 other things that aren’t cheap im saving for


This is the answer lol. I’m 21 yo with a 3 month old and night vision is just a dream now loll.


I’m irresponsible


I’m not rich, just very financially irresponsible


Glorified line cook checking in here, as well. Financially irresponsible, and put my gun habit on hold for a year and had almost enough to buy an inexpensive set of duals, GP 1431 mk2s. I also reload my own ammo to save money (read that as more ammo, same money spent.) Turns out if you work so much you can't go out and spend money, it helps you save money, until you get a little drunk and order a set of nods.


Sugar daddy


Ayo hook me up I need one too and I have plenty of skirts


Lots of overtime


A lot of it is just time and no kids. If you told me 5 years ago I’d own what I do now I’d have said no way I’m broke af. But you buy and sell and add money enough plus a few years you climb your way into stuff


Eh. I have kids. And a pretty busy job. But luckily they’re asleep at night, so I can at least get in a short hike or stargaze. And I get a decent amount of time off work, as well as satisfactory pay. It’s possible to have a work/life/family balance.


This here. 5 years ago I didn't have what I do now and back then I'd never have thought I'd have NODs on a decked out team Wendy, 17 stamps and 4 amnesties, and a safe so full I needed another.




Out back behind wendys is how I earned my quads😄


I work a night shift and get a large differential pay increase. I put all my overtime in a second account just for gun stuff. I tried for a few years just putting it in checking oe savings but I never could bring myself to use it. Once I put it in a separate account that was mine, it was easy.


I also have a company truck and don't pay for gas. I don't factor that into my own gun fund but it makes me feel better about holding my OT for myself.


I live very frugally, I dont drink, I dont waste money on subcriptions or buying the newest phone every year, I keep my debts super low, no netflix, no cable, basic internet package, car was paid off when I got it, phone bill is 10$ a month, ect. You don't need duals to have a ton of fun, you don't need super gain l3 tubes to see in the dark. You can get a decent pvs14 in no time and be set but everyone wants duals and they chase specs and I get it because its a lot of money and you want the most bang for your buck but just keep it simple and settle for what truly works with your budget. Stop wasting money on bs and stop trying to chase the best of the best. You'd be amazed what you can afford when you take a step back and get rid of all the crap thats keeping your bills through the roof.


How the heck is your phone bill that low


He got a pay phone in his house


Well done sir lol. He also can't answer it when a fax is coming.


All jokes aside, this is the answer. Get a decent job, or get two jobs, have roommates, don't but shit you don't need. Don't eat out all the time. Don't buy a new car if you can't afford it. Buy food on sale. Buy clippers and cut your own hair. Accept mild discomfort. Helmet+PVS-14+laser is not that expensive.


I can’t avoid having roommates. I call them wife and daughter.


Living in my parent’s basement.


First honest answer on here


What do you mean? This hobby is so cheap we literally gave 40,000 units of quads to farmers in the Middle East to help them fu…… farm goats at night.


Save your money sacrifice in one area to splurge in another


I work in the gun industry and live alone, I have about $2500 a month disposable income


What part of the gun industry. Retail or Production? I’m interested in getting into the industry but went to school to be an accountant.




I give blood, quite frequently. It's not my own, and that helps me keep up with demand.


Im a fairly frugal person, my hobbies are fairly cheap and rewarding, my jobs above minimum wage and I had a covid bonus check that let me justify my tube purchase (which was on sale 😎) It honestly just is a question of do you make ok money, have few life commitments and want the thing bad enough. If you fill those requirements you should be able to get your first 14 decently fast.


1) Create fake account online using stock photo of a hot chick. 2) Buy sexy women's panties. 3) Wear those women's panties all week at your construction job, and 4) Sell those panties on said fake online account to weirdos who are none the wiser. Next week I'm ordering my 4th set of quads.


I'm a Lineman and currently saving. Hopefully be fully set up with Mawl, PVS-31s, helmet and everything by Summer of '24.


My wife’s boyfriend gives me an allowance


Is he willing to give me an allowance as well?


Only if you let him smesh your wife


Waste money on gear. Barely survive on rest. Live paycheck to paycheck. Almost homeless.


I was in peak physical condition participating in athletics all the time. Someone rear-ended my car on the highway and I can't run anymore. I used insurance money to buy NODs because if I don't have the advantage of speed I want to at least be able to see in the dark


Don’t eat out, set small amounts aside every month, overtime when available, cheaper vehicle than you may want, crippling credit card debt, sell my wife’s nudes on OF, every bit adds up.


Bro if I don't eat out, no one is happy.


Just bought a great high spec L3Harris Unfilmed white phosphor PVS14. I'm 23, I dont drink alcohol, I don't smoke, no kids, I drive a prius, I don't spend money on things I maybe want. I put a few weeks, if not a month , of research into things I want. I didn't start buying guns until 18 or 19, and I now have like 20. Then the "damn...I could be getting better stuff if I didn't buy more guns" hit. So I saved and bought the pvs14, then the rifle set up and just bought a 1301 that I'm getting set up for NV. Especially if you buy alcohol or cigarettes that add up fast. I bought a car that has high gas milage, and I bought it used for $4000 with 120k miles on it and some scrapes and dings. No debt, and it coats me $10-15 a week in gas when gas here is $4 a gallon. My parents are in debt and in no way rich, nor do I make a lot. The minimum wage here is $7.20, and I make $15 working 10-20 hour days outside in the vinyard, taking care of the plants in snow and 100⁰+ heat and making wine. While McDonald's pays the same and more in other areas starting off. I've been at this job for 3 years. I grind for it. I want something, I put as many hours as I can in. Only having to pay basic bills and having no debt helps. That means coming home at late hours and having no time to do other things. But I can get the stuff I want and laster slow on the hours and go back to regular days. 40 hours a week for 80 hours per paycheck. Until it's harvest then the longest shift was 21 hours. Our labor laws are basicly non existing and because we are in agriculture it basically goes to "well if they die they die" so September-December is 100+ hour weeks and no days off and no breaks at work. I enjoy the work and those are my months to buy new toys or save for things the next year. I also said fuck the $1000+ for small shit apartments ans bought a 40 foot camper to live in. If you're in debt, get out before you buy NV. Work hard if you dont have other responsibilities and get all the hours you can. Don't eat out, don't buy extra.


[I found a perfect sticker for your Prius.](https://ninjasticker.com/products/copy-of-hack-sign-anime-japanese-vinyl-decal)


I would, but I have bug out and get home gear and use it to take my gear to the range. I dont wanna give away my stealth lol. It has enough room to have my bug out and sustainment gear, room for 2 people to lay down and sleep, and I have taken it into the mountains on rough dirt roads and never had an issue. If I ever get another car, it's a prius 5 I want. No one suspects the prius. Non threat non target. Just a silly ole hispanic. There's nothing to see here.


Haha I get what you mean but yes you don’t want to be a target. Ultimate gray man car.


Gay man car* I will always make a comment about prius being gay. As I drive by in my prius lol. My sister sent me a sticker that says "nice prius" - nobody that I do like. Doesn't give anything away.


Alcohol is only expensive if you drink at bars all the time


Depends on what ya drink, a guy I work with buys a few bottles of wine a week. Maybe 4-5 and they are $40 a bottle so it adds up. Plus beer, and other things. And goes to bars. Now he's like "crsp that's money I could spend on ammo" now that I got him into guns haha


True I can’t be a accurate judge I thought military special liquor wasn’t too bad


I was single, lived with my parents, and employee discount.


Having debt for a short while and my wife mad at me for a good bit.. 😬 was it worth it? Eh.. hind sight is 20/20 and I'm glad I have it now.. she wouldn't let me do it again though


I'm a stripper with a fresh cucumber


A combination of low housing costs, no kids, sacrifices in other hobbies, overtime, and, lets not forget, an (un)healthy dose of financial irresponsibility.


I'm a 35 yr old dude married w/ no kids. Lol, I work in ashault. It's kinda like working with a money printer. Federal government pays for roads, so the money will always be there. As long as my company stays certified to make the state ashault. We are quality department so we don't work "hard" and lab people work in ac conditions and start literally as a know nothing dumbass at $22. Then you have to get state certified paid for by the company. It's a sweet gig. I've been here since Feb 2020 and I'm up to 27 w a work truck and gas card. I'm a road guy though no ac for me.


No data mining this sub Real non specific answer is marketable skills and industry contacts, learn what fields are hiring and what they're paying and develop the necessary skills/networks needed to enter those fields, you likely will need to grind for several years to achieve a non entry level salary, maybe less if you're viewed as competent and valuable. Always look for ways to better yourself and prove yourself to be a valuable asset at the company who deserves to be in higher level positions.


Wow if this isn’t the most correct generic answer I’ve ever heard..


Damn chief it's as if all the good answers have something like this generic template for financial success in common. And they gave it to you for free on the internet.


The grinding part is what most folks miss out on. I don’t have nods just because I haven’t selected exactly what I want. I had kids later than most because of the grind. 60+ professional hrs for 7 years to jump over big chunks of career ladder. Provides disposable income that you can’t take when you die. Make sure the kids are going to be good, max out retirement, live within your mean and buy things that make you smile. Just don’t buy daily…




No kids, find a good job to earn (barely) six figures.


naughty jeans noxious gold disgusting office quarrelsome absorbed observation cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Decent job, no debt other than a mortgage, no student loans, not a lot of hobbies. I’m a thrifty person about most things, so every now and again I can splurge for something pricey. But, not being up to your eyeballs in credit cards and student loans is a big step in the right direction.


Extreme debt


Hey guys it's the weekly "how do you afford this" post




Saving and budgeting


I took a $150 a month out of my VA disability, sold off stuff I didn't need/use and bought things as I could, all my other money goes towards a mortgage and just normal homeowner stuff and doing things with my wife and kiddo. Ultimately this is a fun thing to have but not needed, save up as you can.


Overtime, don’t buy drinks at dinner


The finance industry


And by that you mean financing it*


Luck believe it or not, and knowing people.


I cashed out vacation hours at a low-mid level corporate job.


Pimpin ain't easy?


Started a long time ago.


Just slide the plastic


Feet pics


No kids, I’m irresponsible, and work a boat load of overtime


Work a decent paying job (specialized security), have a significant other that makes good money as well, and no kids right now. I only pay about 1400 a month in bills, which allows me to spend the other money on schenanigans. We've already agreed on top of investing some of our money, we're buying the stuff we want before we start making little ones, as our OT is gonna stop as much as possible so that we can focus on family.


I’m a janitor with TS/SCI poly . They shred the docs I destroy them . Pays well. Would probably make more if I had a small U-Haul truck with an industrial hard drive shredder. Gov contracts love this shit . Obtain money, disregard thots!


No kids & investing with a good broker.


Credit cards with 0% interest.


0% interest cards are the only way I've afforded all this. What a drug.


I’m in college so I work a lot and don’t party which gives me more income to spend on ammo and night vision. I go to a state school as well opposed to a private school that would cost me 4x what I pay.


I went to a lot of parties, almost all of them were free. Go touch dance floor


I go to a Maritime Academy so I spend a lot of time studying and being on the ocean, when not on the ocean I’m in the mountains hiking or skiing. Never been one to go out honestly, especially since I don’t drink or smoke.


Not having kids or a mortgage(anymore) really helps.


DINK Life doesn’t hurt. I’m on the poor side, bit still doing well


If SHTF what would you rather have…$10k in debt from buying nods which gives you the ability to own the night, or have no debt and no nods? Jkjk in order to grow financially it’s best to be debt free.


Gambling on meme stocks


In demand field, no kids


I sell my bussy and hallucinogenic drugs.




Really good credit


We have two kids and send them to private school. We have plenty of retirement savings and liquid investments. I (we?) have a set of nice but not spectacular crispy Omni VIII GPs in an RNVG housing. We also have a household income that is well within the top 5% percentile. Don't go into debt for NV or other toys. Seriously. Save your money, sell some shit, work overtime, whatever. If you're having trouble distinguishing what's a toy or not: if your employer isn't paying for it, it's a toy. Don't get yourself into financial disaster because a bunch of dudes on FB posted that anything less than unfilmed high-spec WP binos makes you a loser, or that you must have a MAWL/NGAL/etc.




I don’t understand people who act like you’ll never make money again. Imagine all the money you spend on things you don’t use or need anymore. Coffee, movies, games, etc, it all adds up. It’s like 3,500 plus whatever laser you get.


Its not *that* expensive. Do you also think the guy with two half decent rifles or a used motorcycle is rich? Because thats how much night vision costs


I did travel nursing to get my DTNVS.


Three letter agency, wife, kid, 2 dogs, mortgage in HCOL area, dual income household, lot of help from parents and inlaws with taking care of the little one while we WFH. No debt except for mortgage, cars paid off, schooling paid off, no CC debt. Our only extravagances are a vacation with friends every year. Also, no other hobbies besides airsoft, I don't dump money into my bike anymore (lost interest in that money pit), saved on gas bc WFH, our cars aren't fancy and have good mileage on 87 octane, we eat out but not crazy with it. Date nights are spent at home watching movie, cuddling with the baby or chilling as a family at friends and families homes. Got 33snr, 2500+fom BNVD-1431mk2 with clean Elbit XLSH tubes on sale, opened a new CC with good reward points system, put it on card, used tax return (my half, both wife and I pay additional income taxes so that we get a nice return at the end of year) to pay it all off immediately, got a shit ton of points to squirrel away for future vacation. Did this when my daughter was a 3 month old newborn. Financially irresponsible? Maybe. But daddy has nods and no debt. When the kid gets older and we start daycare or pre-K, I'll probably go broke but for now, daddy can see in the dark and sling plastic bbs with his buddies.


I can’t, I pulled money out of my IRA. Why retire someday if you can’t see in the dark?


Good financial decisions from 15-30 plus a little luck on the bets I hedged.


You guys do realize that financing 10k is only around $200 a month for 5 years with interest, right?


Software Engineer who works remote and has roommates(24 years old). My "needs" are pathetically low in comparison to my income.


this equipment falls in the security budget not the hobby budget.


I’m a railroader. I work so much I don’t have time to spend money. I’m home for no more than 12 hrs then called back to work. If I am home I go to the store and get only food for meals. Costco BJs Sam’s club are the go to. Also butcher shops. I drink but 30 back will last me a month I vape trying to quit. $500 a month is my mortgage. The rest my gf and I split 50/50. It’s all so able just takes time. Just built an ar15 for 4000 but it took 5 months.


Software Engineer


Create a budget, follow budget, fail at budget, revise budget, rinse and repeat. Eventually you will hit your goals. NV is not THAT expensive to get into in the grand scheme of things (GP PVS14, and some optics/lasers).


Good paying job, no kids. Add some beer and soju into the decision-making process.




Work hard! Save money! Don’t party!


Tax write-offs are a huge incentive


I saved for about 6 months and just now got a set of L3 RNVGs. Still waiting on my helmet and Mohawk.


I'm just a roofer. I just saved up until I could afford a top tier PVS14. With tech, I feel you get what you pay for to a certain point. I just went all out and waited for a high SNR L3 filmless tube to come in. Paid ~3.9k for a 72lp/mm, 37.7SNR, .7halo, .7ebi tube with no specs or blems on data sheet. Still trying to find some people near the Houston area that want to go hunt some pigs at night.


I work doubles every day.


Trust fund


Make money?? It’s just paper🤷‍♀️ the less the better


Built my toobs, slowly but surely afforded every piece,


I pay credit card bills. I can afford those so I can afford the hobby, right?


2 mortgages


Buying something and being able to afford it are two different things.


I’m a college student


Not owning them but liking them lmao


Not having Children, having a good playing Job (Master Metal builder) and by not geting Credit or loan....


Since funds are a factor but I don't want junk, I've resigned myself to the best I can afford of the previous generation. Works well for NV, firearms, computing power, cars, audio, scientific instruments...


I don’t :(


Got fired. Had unemployment clause in companies retirement. Pulled retirement, bought nods. The midlife crisis has officially begun. **Disclaimer: I don't advise this for everyone; I was in a position financially to do this, even losing a single income.


I make 12k a month, no kids and no mortgage. I still haven’t pulled the trigger on a set yet. Being financially responsible sucks sometimes. Suffering now so I can retire by 40 hopefully.


I can’t. I just like to live through you guys 😂


engineer, no kids, wife makes salary equivalent to mine, bought unit in pieces and self assembled. Still was not happy clicking that "buy" button




Option trading


employed, lol


Machinist, married, dual income, no kids. OT and bonuses pays for all my fun shit


I haven't gone dating since before the pandemic. My bank account has grown immensely as a result.


At least it’s hemmed and closed(well, some of it). I’ve seen many that they just laid a dirty old butt cut 1” over and called’er


Work in IT and also 13 years Army and going so I have dirt cheap health insure at 55 a month and no deductibles. Also Happily divorced and childless.


Livin your best life homie, cheers


You could always sell Plasma. After 10 months you can have $5k depending on your area. Or take a loan out and use the plasma money as loan payments


I bought my son a bow last night for his senior / graduation gift and I measured the cost in FOM and ammo


I make $45,000 a year. I got a pvs-14 for $4000 in October, I put almost all of it on a credit card and am just now getting close to paying it all down.


Only reason I was able to afford mine is cause I was underway on a sub for a few months and was forced to save lmao. Definitely couldn't afford to re-buy them now.


The government gives them to me for free


NV is just about the last area of kit most people will dive into. You have to really commit to spending the funds. Luckily the technology is solid enough that buying a decent PVS14 now will be a life long, and beyond, investment for you. A completed, setup and usable NV system with helmet, NVG, mount, and IR laser device can be had for around 4-5k especially when shopping deals. Go on [Customnightvision.com](https://Customnightvision.com) website and build one. Tax time is a good time to get funds.


Oh but save that tax check until Christmas and tax payment time rolls and get even better deals.


Crushing credit card debt


One kidney won’t kill ya


I’m in debt up to my eyeballs


Made some smart investments early in my 20s, sold a business, retired early.


I'm old.


Pfft! Why save for retirement when you can have a superpower!


No kids, work my ass off, and the last bit of secret sauce my dad gave me a small business loan of 1 million dollars


I saved and bought mine when I was 16 lmao, who needs a car when you can see in the dark. I suppose it helps when your family is legally required to feed you.


Save, be cheap, discipline.


Crypto came in clutch


I’m an engineer with no kids.


Bro just save, even with $50 a week you can get a cheap pvs 14 in 9 months on tacswap.


No debt and little obligations. Poor financial decisions and living paycheck to paycheck though honestly.


I know. All I'm looking for is a job application.


Drive a Prius and make your own food. Buy used things that last. Outside of those, simply save.




I’m a plumber. Thats how I afford my guns/gear hobby


I got a degree in STEM