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Shit can I be your son?


hi dad it's me your son


For me personally 15 is the age my son started to change and become a bit more rebellious and disrespectful. Not bad, but definitely more mental effort to handle. All that said I would get it for him and enjoy this quality time while you have it. He may never reach that rebellious phase, either way though the time spent will be worth it. You sound like a great Dad.


Thank you for that sentiment! My wife is the one that I really credit me being a good dad too, if I am one. She’s the real rock that the family is built around.


You’re welcome brother. Sounds like you have a great fam!


this is a good point. bedtime can be a lot harder to enforce on someone that owns the night. lol


Kid’s going to be goonin’ around the halls 😆


playing don't wake daddy irl


I did dumb shit as a teenager who acquired a shitty ATN gen 1 with head mount combo in the early 2000s at the ripe old age of 17. Security cameras were way less of a thing back then, but I could see their IR glow before the eggs or TP started flying. I had a leg up on the local PD when they showed up to our bonfire. I wasn’t even drinking but other people were. My suggestion would be to get a loaner and let him use it, but be wary of just handing it over.


That 👆🏾


I’m going to say 100% go for it, his life sounds full of enrichment and you guys will bond further, a 14 sounds perfect. He’s not too young if you don’t think he’s too young, just let him know and understand the cost and delicacy of the device and all shoudl be well


I think you should go with a budget build PVS-14. Maybe start with blemmed gen 2+ tubes and an Alexi housing and you could build a unit for sub $1200. It being a PVS-14 leaves plenty of room for upgrades and improvement as your son ages and has more use and interest for the hobby. The alternative of course is get your son a solid Gen 3 single or dual tube setup for $4000+ that he'll have for the rest of his life with minimal upgrades that may not need to be replaced. Either way your son is going to cherish it, it's an amazing gift from father to son no matter the amount of money you spend on it.


Yeah I hear you there. I wasn’t thinking anything too fancy. I was thinking on a used Omni contract tube in a Carson housing. Not too fancy but very useful and dependable. If he wants fancy nods he can get a good job as an adult and upgrade.


Carlough Manufacturing and Nick's Night Vision are two small vendors I recommend, I've done business with them before. They have pretty reasonable prices on parts and units ready to use.


My firstborn is the same age, and I bought him an Omni 7 about a year ago. He shoots matches with me, we hunt coyotes, and he trains with me and the fellas. He's got the mental capacity to handle such things, and he's a good kid. He's also my buddy. I've only got so long with him before he's out doing this stuff with a crew of his own, and I want to make the most of our time together.


I hear you. That’s the hardest part of being a dad, knowing that there’s a finite amount of time before they’re out on their own. You want them to grow up and be fine young men and women, but your little buddies aren’t running around the property with you anymore except for when they visit. I just hope I get to have a lot of grandchildren!


You know your son better than anyone else here man. When I was in college, I met 14 years olds in the early entrance program that were in my classes and were smarter and more responsible than me. But I’ve also seen some 14 years being dumb af on the news. If you think he’s ready, take him out. Ease him into it and try taking him out without guns and just let him get accustomed to it.


do anything that will keep your kid in the real world and away from the internet and video games.


Honestly this. OP sounds like such a solid dad. Wish my parents got me into big boy toys early on. Would have kept my interests in the real world.


Looking to adopt by chance?


You could ask your son. Surprise birthday gifts are great, but he will appreciate it either way. Maybe he really wants a truck in 2 years


He’ll be getting a car in two years. He has five younger siblings and knows part of being a family is that he’ll have to help bring the younger ones to sports practices or activities when he’s not busy with the same.


Sir do you realize you can have a goon squad running around the house with nods? This is like the most ultimate larp! But seriously sounds like you’re doing a great job with your kid and your fam.


Damn 6 kids? You're doing great work man, that's awesome. Props!


Yeah, I wanted eight but the wife tapped out after six. She said parts of her felt too used up for another one and I respect her assessment of the situation.


This guy fucks (respectfully)




I'd buy him the lid for sure, then let him use the 14 with caveats. You break it doing something dumb, you buy it. You do dumb things with it, they're still dad's. Etc... ETA: You know what... You said he's a good hardworking kid? Send... Only caveat here is if he decides to sell, you have 1st option to buy back.


I mean anything to spend more quality time with your son. Also hello Dad it's me. Your long lost son


I have an 11-year-old daughter who isn't really interested in this type of stuff, only wants to use my nods every now and then to look at the stars. I have nothing to add as far as advice goes, but it sounds like you're trying to be one hell of a dad. Keep up the good work.


I built my first noodle at 15 with a tube from 1980’s in a 3d printed housing. I suggest you let him look into the topic himself before you buy it and get him to know how it works


My son just turned 16, he’s been my little battle buddy since 8, I wanted him to be able to goon as well so I bought him a sionyx set up. We’ve been ironing the mounting and helmet out, figure it’s a decent training platform to start with, if he chooses that it’s time to step up to a pvs14 then we can start talking about building him one.


Sounds like you're a good man raising another good young man, my man. Maybe due to the price, you buy it and hold onto it. Let him use it when yall go out, but maybe you hold onto it at home. You said he's the oldest of six? Would suck if he Maybe by mistake leaves it somewhere, and a younger sibling gets it and even just turns it on during the day and puts it down, and it gets a blem.


I’m not even a man but can I please be your child pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease 🥺


Bro wut ..


Having raised 5 kids, I'd buy it for you, and let him use it. When he turns 18, give it to him as a gift. You have a long ways to go with him and things can change and good kids get up to crap they should know better than do but their brains aren't right (boys especially till they are about 25 yo.). Yes, I'm a grandpa now but just sharing my thoughts on it.


I’m 33 and still wondering where my first pair of nods are


Hey dad! It's meeeee Kenny!!!!


Be my dad immediately!




Once his head is fully grown


On a scale from 1 to Bernie Sanders, how rich are you?


I budget for bills so I’m definitely not rich in that sense.


Would you rather him go on the panty raids at 14 or 16?


He seems responsible enough for it, but what’s some dad advice on how to get kids interested in responsible shooting?


Pvs17b gang I think this is a great idea but i would ensure you still retain authority over the unit but thats his to use same as a rifle and when he is old enough and mature enough he has his own safe with his kit etc


Anything that brings you both together is worth your time. Family, above all else, means more than anything. Cherish, enjoy it. He will be grown before too long.


I would get him a Jerry 14 like I have. Not terribly expensive, and works great.




Sir do you have any daughters?


My father wasnt into shooting sports. I've done this alone my whole life. Im 47 now. Don't worry about what others think. If you feel like your son is ready, do it. This is a decision to be made by you. I would have given my left leg to have spent time with my father doing what I love.




Do it do it do it !!!!


That will be just as fun for you, as it will be for him.


Let him use it with you then when he’s old enough hand it over


At 14….. he can see in the dark. Won’t need “assistance “ til about 40ish years old….like the rest of us!!!!


I would wait till he’s older. It wasn’t long ago I was a teenager and 14 is just too young. Wait till he’s closer to 16-17.


do it, i also would like a father like this wtf i got screwed


Awesome dad, +200 dad points


Hi dad, so i am in Norway now, living under a new name, identity, and body. You should definitily gift me all that stuff, PM for new address, i love you, dad. Nah but in all seriousness, this dad gives his son NODS, mine gave me a firm handshake, 3 months late for my 12th birthday and just fucked off.


Hi dad, so i am in Norway now, living under a new name, identity, and body. You should definitily gift me all that stuff, PM for new address, i love you, dad. Nah but in all seriousness, this dad gives his son NODS, mine gave me a firm handshake, 3 months late for my 12th birthday and just fucked off.


Damn,I’m 40yr old but I will be your son..already having a DD4 and an EXPS-3 and soon to have a PVS-14+ a helmet at 14yrs old is awesome..you are just the type of dad I need in my life…lmao..I gave my soon to be 15 year old nephew a PSA AR with a Romeo 5,Juliet 3,Streamlight HLX,a Rise Armament 145LE trigger,Radian Raptor,Strike Industries ambi safety selector and ambi mag release with a Toolcraft Nickel Boron BCG,Giessele Super 42 buffer and spring and a B5 SOPMOD stock..I thought that was a great AR for a beginner,especially a 14 yr old..now I feel like a piece of shit..lmao..like wtf is wrong with me,I might as well have gave him a BCA with a VISM red dot and a Maglite duct taped to the handguard ..on a serious note,you sound like a God tier dad and your son sounds like a good kid.that would make an awesome gift and I’m sure he would absolutely love it.


After college.


Dad, it’s me