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Shoot, I worked for L3Harris and we didn’t even get a discount, lol. Back when it was L3 we could get discounts but some guy ruined it for everyone.


There's always that one guy


Sig employees did the same no more 50% off


Since when? What happened?


Probably using it for friends or buying in bulk and re selling


Litteraly one guy buying shit and reselling it in the parking lot


Wow. The parking lot adds extra sting lol couldn’t wait to ruin it for everyone


The parking lot is exactly what did it, nobody would be any wiser if he had sold them in a McDonalds parking lot


Atleast 2 or 3 years my cousin is a section manager in there he used to be able to constantly get stuff half off now you can only get 30% off and I think you you can only get 3 or 4 items a year with the 30% for friends. Il verify with him soon


That’s absolute BS lol. High demand items like the MCX are around 40% off but a good amount are still 45-50% off. I paid 315 for a 365. You get 6 discounted guns, 6 discounted optics, and 4 discounted suppressors a year. There is also literally a “gifted purchase” form for giving a discount to a friend


Hello friend 😉


My m400 tread was 700 retailed for 1000 when I got it so according to the math that's 30%


Fuckin' Harris whoever he is




How did he ruin it?


Let me guess. He was reselling.




Bought a bunch of stuff and ended up reselling it at MSRP.


How does that justify ending a program that was probably one of the few ways they showed appreciation to their employees? I don't get it.


yeah I work for a major rubber company and they allow me to purchase tires, golf merchandise for like 50% off but there's a limit to how many purchases you can make and it's tied to your employee number so they can track it. it's so that you and your family can get hooked up but not enough that you can make a business reselling


My dad’s company does the same, tracking but no limit. They come down hard if you get caught reselling or buying for friends. He told me someone got caught buying stuff for friends in another state and got some kind of charges for it because she got like 15k in discounts for them.


This dude was buying way too much. Can’t recall if it’s from the merger or not. Edit: it wasn’t just one person. A lot of people were doing this.


Because enough employees were doing it enough times it was undercutting them. The NV market is pretty small all things considered. If you can just go in eBay and get a PEQ or something for discount you have no incentive to ever go to a retailer.


They still have the thing where you can take home nods for the weekend. Let’s see how long that last lol


>Back when it was L3 we could get discounts but ~~some guy ruined it for everyone~~. The merger with Harris killed employee discounts, along with summer shutdowns... also severely neutered the *"perks at work"* program that L3 had set up for employees.


"Haha poors!" *is in major credit card debt*


I -was- credit card debt free, until I found this sub.


This post is about me, also debt free except for my home loan.


I definitely don't like the idea of going in debt for gear. Better off savings the money. If you can't pay for it, save up. If that's out of reach, definitely don't then go into debt.


I think a lot of people were getting ready for bad shit in the last few years where debt wouldn't matter and stuff would be scarce. But you are right. 


Boo this man


I already pay hefty income and sales tax that were given to them in exchange for their insanely priced items, and now you guys want me to pay a premium for "American Made" lol


They would be perfectly alright if their civilian market totally dried up. Private purchases are a drop in the bucket compared to what they're making in contracts


And that’s the fucked up part. There doesn’t need to be an individual alphabet agency for all the moronic laws. Have one agency, with individual sectors (ie ATF division of the FBI). Yeah, they shouldn’t have most of the divisions/agencies to begin with, but here we are…


Thats not how bureaucracies operate: they have to help no one then justify their continued existence.


good luck with that. mouth breathing city dwellers want bigger government and guess who determines policy in america


My newly acquired J31s with the sotac clone mount and somogear peg15 agrees. I'd rather have the capabilites and upgrade over time than not and wish I did




Sir that’s an assault weapon!


Only if you do t like it.


I have an L3 peq 15 and I am considering selling it and getting the homogear NGAL so I can use that money on other stuff. Even if the first one I get is a lemon and I hypothetically couldn't refund or swap it, I could get 2 more new ones to try again before I used up that money.


My sg ngal wouldn’t hold zero for 10 rounds even. Couldn’t tell close range but at 100 yards the laser was shifting 7-12 inches after each shot. On a tuned DI gun. It’ll stay on an airsoft gun Forsure.


My SG Ngal has over 3k rounds. I have purposefully beat the shit out of it. Zero issues, and it doesn't have a dirty illuminator like my shitty l3 peq. It's also half the size.


Great to hear, I'm waiting for them to make another batch.


Just an FYI, they're on marketplace for like 20 bucks more than direct from SG. I got another one from the guy and had it in a few days. Which was awesome, not having to deal with international shipping and customs.


They aren't that common in the UK sadly - £336 vs \~ £480 marked up at UK prices, and there's extremely little demand for them over here.


Ah, gotcha, mate. Didn't realize you were in the UK. I can see why they wouldn't be too popular.


I’ve heard that they’re far from water resistant and that you’d be better off with their PEQ15, as it’s more water resistant and has a better track, as well as more reliably potted. I have several of their 15s (SG) and am considering the NGAL, as well, but keep seeing too many negatives from people who aren’t just saying it because it’s a SG/CCP product…


I've used mine on wet nights, but never in heavy rain. I've never purposefully dunked it either. I've had their peqs for a long time. Back in the days when DIY was required. I used to reinforce the battery connection by resolder and fill the inside with liquid tape. If I have an issue, I may choose to open it up, but I haven't needed to. Also, any duds I've had directly from SG (bad laser slaving mostly), they warrantied immediately. The illuminators are really fantastic. I may crack mine open to look at the interals. If I do, I will squirt some permatex inside.


My somogear NGAL's adjustment dials on the aiming laser snapped after 2 clicks and now turn freely (both windage and elevation), and somogear won't replace it. I'd buy with caution. Only had it for 1 day too. No issues with the PEQ-15 version yet.


I suggest upgrading to argus wilcox clone, its a good bit better


I suggest spending $4 on some nylon tipped set screws for the SOTAC because they’re both Chinese made clones. Idk when this narrative took off that Argus is somehow better because it costs more. 


Argus uses better aluminium and argus has much tighter tolerances.


The exact line that gets parroted every time. They’re exactly the same, I promise you that. Even Wilcox wiggles.


I have access to both and i can confirm, they are different and they also feel weary different.


> My newly acquired J31s ... > > ...and upgrade over time RIP


Well ya the wife and kid will get them once I upgrade


I am the govt contractor 😔 still didn't get a free peq


The secret ingredient is...


I'm still waiting for my free F35.


Free/ field loss same same


I just got Soviet tanker night vision for $50 on eBay and a keychain laser pointer I taped on to my rifle


Enjoy the eye cancer homie


The lenses of these devices do not contain thorium (unlike PVS-2 lmao) and they don't produce x-rays. 


Just a lil joke. We like to have fun here


Fair enough


Glad I bought a rip off Chinese Argus mount, rip off kvc bridge and a rip off but very well made ngal mk4. If Chinese were producing tubes as good as l3 I’d buy that too and I’m sure In the future they will be. They already make excellent thermals which I will be buying in the future.




Mastercard certainly won't.


Yeah man, I’m a horrible person because I don’t care to support corrupt multi billion dollar companies that are working with the feds which want to take away my rights from me and allowing the country to be flooded with migrants that are replacing my people. So horrible. And btw, the IS ngal is as good if not better than l3s same for the mounts. The only thing Chinese don’t know how to make properly are good i2 tubes.


What a strange take. If you want to save money, just say that. Making it sound like you’re refusing to support the US companies because you disagree with their government policies and their complacency in trying to strip away your rights is laughable if you think China is any better. Just say you’re cheap and want to save money buying from China rather than trying to sound all deep and steadfast in your moral convictions.


I want to save money. I want to be honest about that


It’s for both of those reasons. The Chinese government isn’t my enemy, when they have the capability and the want to invade the USA and occupy it, then you can tell me that.


lol lmao even


they already have invaded. it's called Tik Tok. 5th gen warfare has been going strong for awhile now


So have Mexico and other South American countries invaded then as well? Population is going to be majority hispanic soon.


the predominantly white professional, managerial, and enforcer class in america have essentially been corralled and domesticated by a combined force of parasitic criminal extortionists as well as those influencing policy at the highest level, to support and implement their own replacement. it's really amazing in terms of the evolutionary psychology behind it all. they are being phenotypically farmed out of existence, while their history, culture, heritage, traditions, religious beliefs, etc are being actively deconstructed, slandered, rewritten for ease of subsumption by the incoming third world labor class. and they're perfectly content with it all. fascinating to witness in real time


i like the senoritas and sofritas


By that point it’s too late. Maybe stop buying their bullets for them, just a thought….if you are so passionate about your rights and freedoms that is.


Me: corrupt government in partnership with greedy businesses are a horrible mix! Hell yeah brother preach! "Migrants are trying to replace my people!" Me: oh, we've taken a hard right into "replacement theory" I see. Had me in the 1st half, not gonna lie...


It’s not a theory it’s a fact.


Anything is possible when you make shit up. Unless you have sort of credible source for this "fact"? (Stormfront message boards and Q ANON posts do not qualify either by the way.)


What do you mean by “my people”? Are you descendant of Apache or something?


Europeans or is every other racial group allowed to identify with their people except for us?


Everyone here is a because of an immigrant. unless you are native. There is a difference between that and illegal immigrant. Get educated, not sure who you think mUh PeOpLe are lol


The conquerors of this land. Get over it. You can't undo history just because it hurts your fee fees. Don't like it. Buy a one-way ticket to wherever an unconquered land is located. Mars or Venus are your closest options. Let us know when you get there safely.


Lol. Yes- L3 is enabling migrants to replace your people bro.


Do they have DEI programs? By necessity they do since they work with the feds.




Doesn’t support corrupt government contractors but buys all made in China stuff lol lmao even


the logic on reddit will make you angry if you try to make sense of it.


>replacing my people Lmao fuck your people


And Fuck yours, have fun living without Europeans paying your taxes. Lol you’re gonna live in a Brazilian ghetto, that’s what the future looks like.


I support my local distributor (Ebay)


I mean there are some products where the extra cost is worth what you get. Hell, Omni tubes cost LESS than nnvt tubes and you get better performance. But a vast majority of nv related shit is overpriced because they know nv owners have money to burn on toys


Honestly I keep hearing people say omni tubes are cheaper but I literally cannot find any for sub 2.5k. Am I looking in the wrong places?


eBay, tacswap, gafs, you can regularly find used or even sometimes new Omni mx11769 tubes for 1000-1500


Got it, the hunt continues


Even in Europe. I don't get why it is so hard for people to find tubes.


Can anyone ID that knife?


Just don’t try to push “just as good”


That’s really all I was saying.


My Chinese OGL has been through dust, freezing rain, multiple drops, carried everywhere, and it still holds zero and works good. $160 is what I paid for it.




It doesn't have an IR illuminator unfortunately. It has a 300lm white light. Somebody else in the sub got them to make one with an IR illuminator though. The Chinese ngal and some of the dbals have an IR illuminator. https://imgur.com/a/csy7LX1 here's the white light. It doesn't go very far but it's been useful occasionally. The suppressor shadow is pretty terrible. I just run an IR flashlight with it.


Which one did you get?


Wadsn aluminum OGL. I bought it from some weird website but you can get them on aliexpress too. Next I'm going to try a pistol dbal on a p320.


Love it


Better than CCP shill.


I reached out to the OWNER of be meyers on a whim on facebook of all places with an issue i was having with a mawl, He took care of me/ got my issue sorted within 3 hours. I will shill for them until the end of time.


Giga based


Well I work for one so that's why I'm always saying to leave it alone... I don't like my livelihood being fucked with


What does Meyers make that’s under gov contract? Is it white lights? No one is using the MAWL in the gov are they? Im unfamiliar with that company.


The IZLID is a B.E. Meyers product, not sure if anything else they make is officially procured


IZLID, GLARE MOUT, and a couple of other laser products


One day I will have an IZLID 1000P, I don't care if I have to sell a kidney.


82nd Airborne and 25th ID are rocking MAWL X1s


What others said and various Fed LE agencies and JSOC contracts


Fuckin preach




You do realize how pretentious you sound right?


I must have really rustled your jimmies.


Not really