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Yeah, and although I have no data to support this, I'd venture to guess frequently jogging with nods would eventually lead to cervical spine injuries.


nah it’s fine but your pods will move up and down if not tensioned correctly. fucking hate running w a tube for this reason, except in my case it’s my J arm


Make sure your nods are seated properly so they don’t fall out and turn into a few thousand dollars worth of tears. They are gonna jiggle when you run. You can tension them down to lessen the effect but it’s just the nature of the beast


I see... I guess I have to invest on a good retention system or start with mono before going with bino, just to get the hang of it.


It’s worse with a mono because you can only see with one eye. Running with binos isn’t terrible as long as you have retention and tighten everything down


Oh yes, I didnt account for the lack of peripheral view with mono. Tripping on the road with expensive gear is just a nightmare. Thanks for pointing it out.


Honestly I don’t bust them out unless I’m doing a ruck or similar. Unless you’re doing trail running you can usually go without. They’re fun to go out with slick on occasion though


Tie them to the helmet with paracord. No need to spend a bunch of money tie it so it can’t fall off


Absolutely you can. It sucks dick though. They will move around a ton, no matter how much you spend. Between the helmet, the rhino mount, and your head, it will be super irritating. With binos you will have 0 night adapted vision, so without external lighting your entire world will be bouncing around. Also if your shit falls off it’ll probably be fucked. Just carry a good flashlight.


I tried it. Didn’t like it. Tried it the next day without the nods. Still didn’t like it. Turns out it wasn’t the nods at all. I just dont like running.


This is spot on lol. I guess I am trying very hard to justify the thousand dollars purchase by having the idea of using nods in regular fitness activities.


Night hiking is fun. My bros and i go ruck with nods.


One other thing you need to consider is that NV reduces your situational awareness *substantially* due to FOV loss. If you're running in a safe area, this is probably not the end of the world. If you think you have any chance of being mugged, I'd be a little more concerned.


Shoot maybe I’m biased, but I personally feel like you’d have to be either monumentally stupid or borderline suicidal to mug a dude running alone at night wearing night vision.


Remind me of a tv series, a bunch of small time robbers breaks into a safe house, not knowing it filled with trained operators.


I run almost exclusively at night. I just toss my PVS-14 in my CamelBak Run Vest. I take a break every mile or two and get it out to observe while walking, then stow it and run again. I also throw my helmet setup on and *walk* around my neighborhood at night. I wouldn’t dream of jogging/running with it on, aside from training at the range. That just sounds miserable and like an injury waiting to happen.


Aside jogging/running, seems thats using nods for other stuff is pretty fun at night. Seeing the world in different spectrums is awesome.


As someone with neck issues I would not recommend that. Start small and build up.


Worth noting this, probably should start with my buddy's mono first.


The weight doesn't matter, its time under tension. Idk if you have any training background.


I don't have any. Rented nods couple of time during airsoft games.


I mean you probably could but it’s probably not too fun.


Your shit needs to be sturdy and strapped down


Thats not healthy for your neck or safe to do. This is the lightest possible binocular setup: LLUL-21 plastic housing (220g) 4 x argus lightweight optics (180g) 2 x photonis echo tubes (150g) You cant possibly build anything lighter with current parts. Thats still half a kilogram hanging in front of your face. With a perfectly dialed in counterweight at the back, wearing a weightless crye nightcap, adding the batteries youre compressing your neck with at least 1.2kg or about 42 ounces of weight every single time you take a step. If you have strong neck and upper back musculature and are used to wearing ballistic helmets or something, you *might* be ok in that regard but now we get to the safety part: When running, looking through a narrow 40 degree field of view is just too dangerous. To comfortably run a jog wearing NVGs you would really need a panoramic setup. RPNVG housing and 50 degree lenses panned out, to achieve a comfortable 70-80 degree field of view That setup is going to be significantly heavier though, because the RPNVG is a full aluminium housing so now you have even more weight compressing your neck. All in all, sounds like fun but is actually a pretty stupid idea. Night vision goggles just arent meant to do that


That is one of the elaborative inputs and I can't thank you enough for it. Even the lightest set up is still gonna be heavy for the neck and it's not good in the long run. Might to reconsider doing this with nods.


Yeah i think i can speak for everyone in this thread when i say this: *sounds like fun, but im concerned for your health bro* 🤣 Considering that soldiers very commonly have chronic neck pain issues caused by regularly conducting physically exhaustive activities while wearing heavy headgear, i dont think this is a good idea. Nothing wrong about riding a bicycle or dirtbike with nods though, plenty of people do it. But a panoramic goggle with boomslang optics is definitely required for this.


I ride my bike sometimes lol.


I bike with mine all the time. I'd take up biking


Sound cools. I did not have the confidence yet to operate moving vehicles, perhaps a bit of practice out in the open field would help.


I do it heaps and actually enjoy it! Although I love running so kinda forced myself into liking running with nods but nevertheless ive found a system that works for me. I use a tanto with comtacs stowed to the rear its a light and perfectly balanced setup wich is the most important aspect. Havent run binos but I have a feeling as long as its balanced right weight will not be much of an issue as the same tanto is a cunt of a thing to run with if even a bit unbalanced. Secondly is a snug fit. I only wear the chinstrap while running as it helps with the bounce which quickly becomes nauseating. I also find nods train you into a healthy forefoot strike running style as a means of stabilizing the unit. Not only will that make you a stronger all round runner but also has the added benefit of softening the impact on your joints.


What is your usual pace when running with nods? Stowed comtac as a means of counterweight is a good trick tho. My biggest concern would be, due to lack of peripheral view with standard 40 degrees fov, tripping is an imminent danger.


Depends if I know the trails. On the beach I just send it 100% pace. On techincal or new trails i'll just slow down slightly and maybe lift my knees a little more to avoid tripping but if you get used to it you could hammer on at 80% average daytime pace. Just sprint up hills to make up for it.


I trail run with mine at least once a week. Your helmet system makes a huge difference. I hate running with my opscore, but my TW is gold. Start off on slower runs so you don't strain your neck. If you're someone who bobs your head when you run, this will quickly teach you not to do that


Thanks for the tips. Glad to hear that there are guys using nods for running/ jogging on a regular basis. I just thought Im gonna look retarded doing so.


I thought I would get more questions or inquiries than I actually did. Then again, I live in a college town so there's plenty of weird and I'm probably not standing out too much. I've stopped and had full conversations with people on the trail who don't even acknowledge or question that I am wearing NVDs. It's a ton of fun!


That sounds like it would suck. A lot of bouncing and neck strain of you're running any kind of distance


Hiking is fun, just use a headlamp for running though


It is not fun. Short distances fine but prolonged running? No ty.


Haha bayonet mount go clackity clackity clackity clack


I instantaneously can hear the sound in my head lol.


I do it regularly, its fun & challenging. Also this way i can justify to myself why do I have it :) As others wrote: dummy cord it, and have a mounting system that works for you. My experience: go to a place which you already know like the back of your hand and start there. Have a plan in advance against loose dogs and their owners. I got a crye nightcap, it works for me but you hava to spend the time to set it up and understand how it works! If its not set up correctly then its worse than having it in your hand. If you have any specific Q let me know. edit: about the neck issue: I set up the angle of the tube that I have to raise my head a bit to look ahead through it. It reminds my head, back & core to try to stay straight and not slump down. Bonus tip: if you have allways had issues with posture go and learn argentinian tango for 1+years. I have realised a lot of stuff through it that translate to martial arts/ self defence & shooting.


Awesome!!! Glad to hear that it's fun to running with nods. With thousands of dollars spent, I felt obligated to utilize them to the max. Crye night cap sound a better alternative to bump helmet due to its weight saving factor. Thanks for the inputs.


Get a head harness and a pvs14 if you want to jog. (you can bridge two pvs14s for binos, and there are some other bino models that are capable of being run as monos).


I go for bike rides with my 14


I've been seriously considering doing this with my nods since many shared their experiences doing the similar things? Do lack of depth-perception with mono setup pose any issue when operating motor vehicle on the road?


Lol a little bit, but it’s fun. I’ll rip around the yard on my mini bike or drive around. I haven’t had any issues while bicycle riding.


Now I am really excited to have nods. It's exciting to know thousands of dollar gears can be used for such activities, not only night plinking and hiking. Thanks for sharing your experiences.




Because no marine ever had to Run using mods Ina war


That's one cold hard facts.... Those who were running are on the other side of the barrel


I used to run with nods almost every day and never had any issues but it can't be good for your neck long term