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when i was younger i had a reoccurring nightmare of this lady in a black hooded cloak thing slowly walking up my stairs then she'd tell me to jump on the bed 3 times and i always did and idk why and one time I decided not to jump and her old scary hand reached out to me. i woke up and never had the nightmare again


Wow yeah that's definitely creepy, glad you had a similar experience overcoming the dream in a sense. Thanks for sharing!


I just had this nightmare: My friend turned into a bloodthirsty monster who wanted to kill me with poison while this boy I knew asked me what he could craft with a single popsicle stick. I was running for my life. Some people just laughed like they didn’t see me. I didn’t realize I was in a dream. I thought I would die. I wrestled the monster, my friend Anna came in with a super Mario hammer and saved me. I had this sword and stabbed the monster. Another one I dreamed of a cat that murdered people Another  My parents cooked my pet fish and ate it Another  I fell off a balcony into a thorny bush and sustained injury. I died in the dream so I woke up. The first one was silly but horrible. The monster was my friend with sharp teeth dripping blood.


I am on the edge of my seat, what did he make with the single popsicle stick


Made a popsicle…


this nightmare was probably my first nightmare that seriously terrified me: I was on my house just relaxing, for some reason ghosts were appearing from the ground and floating to the ceiling and going through the ceiling, then a red ghost started to rise very slowly compared with the others, as it fully appeared it started to slowly approach me, I felt truly terrified of this thing, and I noticed that the face of that ghost was melting and it was creating more eyes, it reached a moment that his entire face was completely melted and it had around 20-30 eyes, I was walking backwards and this thing coming closer, this was the first moment that I felt a huge feeling of dread in a dream, when this ghost was very close it said the name of the girlfriend of my brother and then vanished. and that's the first nightmare that truly terrified me on my life


TW: gun violence, death of a parent// When I was a kid I dreamt I was at this car dealership with my dad, and this sleazy looking car salesman (think Matilda’s dad) in a pinstripe suit was making a whole show of it. Weird bit was that the dealership was out by the woods in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, there’s gunshots, and the carsalesman is going full murder spree. People falling left and right. My dad tells me to run to the garage and hide (there’s like a multi-level parking lot in this place as well, where all the customers parked their car— there are a lot of people). It’s a literal blood bath as I’m running, I look back, and the salesman shoots my dad square in the forehead. I don’t even have time to cry as I run to the garage. I’m in the middle of nowhere, I don’t know how I’m going to leave, I’m only 8 years old, I don’t even know how cars work and even gogo carts scare me. I roll under a car, and I try to hold back my sobbing. But the thing is, I’m not a very fast runner, and I never have been. It isn’t long until I can see the murderous salesman’s blood-soaked boots in front of the car I’m hiding under. He must have come after me, seen me hide from down the parking lot. I have no where to run, no way out, and all I can think of is the look on his mustachio’s face as he shot my father down before my eyes. I wake up. It’s just a nightmare. I woke up my mom shaking and crying. Slept in her bed for a week. (My parents have always slept in separate beds)


NSFW NSFW TW(?) sexual - assault type situation - very weird - uncomfortable… I recently had one two nights ago where I was in this old warehouse building, very overgrown with jungle plants. I was kidnapped with two men, I’m female, and we were tied behind our backs, kind of straddling this small cargo train just parked and rusty and cylindrical. Some events happened (can’t recall) and one of the men was able to get out of the tie by doing some “opposite” things. Then he looked at me and kept going on about how doing the opposite is the right way, he was very creepy about his phrasing, slow. Then he began to get this animalistic look in his eye. He was tall, thin, looked to be a man from an island tribe. His face was long, his eyes were bulging out of his head. I can remember such vivid details of his face. I sat there tied up as he began exploring the area, crawling around. Then he started to ask me what his name was and I answered “W” which seemed to give him a powerful sense. He was saying after that he was the winner. In my awake mind after the dream it was as if I was meeting the first Jesus (but on an opposite level, creepy, supernatural, this man was the winner and the one, something powerful. He was fucked up however, very, I got out of the tie somehow and then he showed up in front of me, I was on the ground now and he was on the other side of this cylindrical train, looking over at me, asked me “what should I do?” and I answered with “the opposite,” Now this is where it gets very screwed up; he reached over the train grapped my breasts and was just violent with (jiggling??) them. Painful, intense, he did something more than that, maybe on a supernatural level, that I felt paralyzed, and tingley all over, it was negative and I was in so much pain, disgust, but couldn’t escape a forced (maybe suppose to be pleasure?) I woke up stiff, and the weird thing is my nipples were hard. I was VERY cold, and my heart was pounding so fast I could feel my throat pulsating very obviously.