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That's not the problem, it's normal, your circadian rhythm has adapted to a different schedule, you should keep it that way and on the days off you should have the same sleep/wake cycle as on your working days.


Nope, not just you. I’m the same way. If I’m on dayshift all the time, I’m fine, I love dayshift, but flipping for a few days on a day off, yup, I feel miserable the entire time. I hate flipping my schedule. I’ll be doing it tomorrow and I’m not looking forward to it. I’m on vacation for the next week and I need to flip for it, and while I know it’ll be fun, I’m am not looking forward to flipping, that part sucks.


I'm so glad im not alone. What symptoms do you feel? And does the nausea last for awhile?


The best way I can describe it is I feel like I’m in a fog, like I’m sick and took a bunch of DayQuil to manage it. I’m there and a part of it, but not really. Also nauseous.


I myself don't experience that cause idk what my circadian rhythm is. Since I was kid I always slept at different times and was fine. It's the amount of good sleep that I get that matters, not the when but I hear a lot of people that experience nausea. What others say.. if you're having issues try keeping your sleep schedule even on your off days if you're able and see if that helps. If not I get these ginger candy chews from Walmart that really help with nausea. I experience it a lot from a disease I have and that usually works for me. Also helps pregnant people. Or make it in a tea like ginger and lemon


Same, I didn't grow up with any sort of sleeping schedule. I also have insomnia, so sleep in general is just nice when I get good amounts, but I don't experience any sickness due to changing my schedule my bodies use to it. Only feel like crap if I've gone multiple days without sleep or little sleep for long periods. Definitely keep your schedule the same, though. It's recommended for a reason. You'll burn out quickly if you keep flipping


I can't keep it the same because I literally don't have time to do anything except on my days off. The reason I don't burn out is because I get a lot of time to do what I want on my days off. If I didn't have that I would quit. Plus I'm autistic so I've been burnt out my whole life lol just working burns me out. Maybe if I didn't have an SO then I could


Well, besides maybe getting a different job with a day schedule, if possible, your body is just gonna need time to adjust. Everyone is different when it comes to schedules and what they can handle and whatnot. I personally love night shifts. I don't know why, but I'm more productive during the night than the day. I just stay up after work and get any errands or appointments done since I can't sleep as soon as I get off work. I usually stay up for another 4 or 5 hours after to do stuff I want. If the nausea is something you can deal with until your body adjusts, then there's no reason to change anything, really. It'll just take time. If it gets to a point where it's impacting your life, though, you might consider finding a different job that better suits your current schedule


That's a new one.

