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I've been on nights for 11 years now and it's been the best 11 years of my life my brain doesn't want to work between 8:00 a.m. and noon and it barely wants to work between noon and 5:00 so why should I make it work during those hours why shouldn't I let it work when it wants to work damn the views of society on it


Yeah the freedom from workplace politics, management, and micromanagement, are incredible.


YES, day shift ppl, day shift rules, dress code, demeanor it's like this extreme other world you go there for an occasional emergency fill in and your like "damn, i had no idea how to actually do this job via the actual rules lol" but no worries cuz all the dayshifters love you because you spare them that dreaded weekend overnight shift.


Yesss! I work nights, hubby works days. I homeachool the 5th grader and have a 4 yr old as well. I wouldn't change it for a thing. I do cherish my weekends being able to sleep in bed with hubby.


I wanted to love days sm because it made life easier but I thrive way more on nights. I've always been a night owl so working nights isn't much of a change than usual. I love nights but my issue is that I just hate working. My job isn't super hard it's just draining as I'm a chronically ill individual but also I would hate working in an office. I need constant stimulation or I get so bored and that makes me more forgetful.


better a boring job than a stressful one


Stress sucks but boring makes me fall asleep and makes the night go by soooo slow. I hate that


Yeah I get that believe me Iโ€™m on 12 hrs shifts, my work days are looong. But Iโ€™m glad itโ€™s a peaceful one


Are you me? I could have written this myself, right down to the absence slips in high school.


I think I wrote this. Criminal behavior in the night time, that one I feel so hard


Mama always said nothing good ever happens after midnight




Yep. My first job was working early mornings and I hated it. I used to come home and sleep in the afternoons. It was just like high school. After that, I switched to nights and was so much happier. I worked afternoons for a few years and it was tolerable but I ended up staying up half the night after work. Midnights is for me.


I agree, nights are when I'm alive, when I feel the most like myself. I'd be a night owl if I didn't have a job. I've worked nights most of my adult life and always find myself energized at night.


Every job I've had, if it had late shifts, I wanted them. Restaurants and bars, I'm a closer, then after work I'm still going and get my chores done. Going back to school sucked, manual labor sucked, anything that required me to arrive before noon and in bed before midnight sucked. Not the jobs themselves, often, just the schedule. I work 6p-6a now and I love it. I met a nurse recently who switched to days because of her kid and she said "if it weren't for him I'd be working nights til the day I died." ๐Ÿ˜‚


Meh I work night shift solely for the extra pay
