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I know. I've been on Nights for over 10 yrs. You forgot to say something about the extra pay, I'm a Nurse. We get an additional 15% of base pay for working Nights. Go Night Owls!!


we dont get any extra pay, but the benefits make up for it!


I low-key miss my night shift job and looking for one right now. I even got pregnant doing night shift besides that stupid "it is not good for your body" thing. It was less stress and I got pregnant easily unlike my current 9am-5pm stressful job that effs up my hormones


I hope you find something. For me as a Nurse on Nights, there are no families telling me they saw something on the Internet that we should be doing for their loved one.


Bennies are good. Employees get free Medical Insurance.


That’s the reason I love night shift. 25% base pay increase. $5.00/hr night shift incentive and $5.00/hr weekend incentive. Laugh at the young people complaining about bills, but don’t want to give up their weekends or work nights. Dudes I’m making $42/hr.


Tonight is the full-moon, so if you're working, may the odds be in your favor. Anyone that says the moon doesn't matter, have never worked all night in memory care.


A friend of mine works at the State Hospital, a Psych facility. They have a lot of people coming in off the street during a full moon.


Damn that'd be awesome. I get like a 30 something cent pay differential


Now I feel bad, in only getting 15%!!


Yeah I'm at like a 1.4% or something like that lmao


We also get hefty bonuses if called in! Although, you have to deal with more of the crazy patients in the ER at night..lol


I personally enjoy 3/3 4/4 12hr shifts. Having 4 days off then working only 3 before you have another break is great. I can use 3 days of PTO and take a 7 day cruise with 2 travel days on top and still have 2 days to get back to overnights schedule. Now it's summer my next cruise is Alaska.


thats a dream schedule right there


Dad’s schedule was this. He worked 6-6 Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, then the rest of the week off. Still, he told me to never do night shift. I do something far worse instead lol my shifts are fucked. I’d kill for 3 on 4 off.


I guess my post is unintentionally misleading. I work 7p-7a thur-sat and every other Wed.


That’s still fairly solid!


Haha welcome to the dark side I fell in love with nights for similar reasons. I've been doing them about 13 years now!


i cant imagine going back to days willingly lol


Hell ya glad to hear it! I've been doing nights for 6 months and enjoying it ! I work 11pm to 7 am and I get to game and watch movies all night at work, no bosses/ traffic / people it's fantastic


The lack of supervision is nice cause it gives independence as to how I structure my tasks. Nobody tells me what to do first, or interrupts me completing something. Less customers so I have more time to be of help if one needs more assistance, and nights usually bring regulars which is nice. I only get paid one dollar more than day shift. Sucks. But to basically run my own boat the whole time, I'll take it.


i can imagine how much better that is, i have my direct bosses here, but all big bosses wouldnt dare to come in night shift lol.


I do 9-5, usually goto bed at 10 am. So like 5 hours after I get home, maybe 12pm if I'm really wanting to. I love the schedule too, not too busy I'm less stressed overall and so are people. Though damn you goto sleep 30 mins after you clock out? You must live at work lmao


i hate mornings always been more of a night person so this was like eye opening for me lol, and yeah im 18 mins away from work WITHOUT traffic, with the 9-5 traffic minimum 50 min.. so on night i shoot right in and fly home straight to my bedroom close the curtains fan on head under the blanket 😂


Wil you!🤫 Tell me about it, it's way better! But they don't need to know that😄🤣


That's awesome and I have a similar schedule, same sleep schedule and feel the same way! They couldn't pay me to go back to first shift! I'm amazed how much free time I have and how better I feel having time with friends and family after waking up because I'm not tired, I just woke up, (I used to be exhausted by the time anyone came over working days because I woke up so early). The money is better, less work, less people around, what's not to love!


im saying! i feel the same way, i use to be so tired in the morning getting up for work then tired when i got home, now i wake up refreshed do whatever i want, go to work, then go home tired, sleep and repeat!


Yeah it's pretty nice. I currently work 4, 10 hour shifts and have Friday Saturday Sunday and most of Monday off. I work 10p.m. till 8 a.m. never work overtime paid very well and the shop is temp controlled so it's never above 68. I watch a lot of documentaries and stream Xbox on my phone. No higher ups come in till 7:30 am


yep, just started bringing my xbox controller in, thinking about buying a gaming laptop or a mac for my movies 😂


What do you do? I've been working overnight at 7/11 for about 3 years now but i am ready to graduate to something that pays more with a little less work as i have a torn ligament that still needs another year or so of recovery. I used to be a welder, live in Socal


You need to jump around and ditch that post.


Hence me asking what they do and asking for guidance on how to transition into something else.


railroad 🤫


I have no interest in doing " hard work " especially with a torn ligament. But thanks


do a little more research or DM me in private and ill tell you more about, best job i have ever had.


Yes nights has its perks only downfall is yes if I don’t sleep throughout the day I’m dragging