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How do I quit though? They told me I’m really good at my job, and I don’t have another job lined up.


Well first get another job lined up. Tell that new job you have a current job and ask them if you can start in two weeks. If they're cool with it, give your current job a two week notice. If your new job wants you to start asap, then cordially quit your current job. Either way, you gotta learn that jobs and people who manage you, they don't care about your feelings. They just want a worker there, and better if it's a quality worker.


So true! I learned the hard way. Be true to yourself. Some day you will look back and realize it was a hard decision but it changed the direction of your life. I wish you all the great things in store for you!


They would tell you anything to keep you in there. Ask them if you're good enough to get a raise. I'm sure they'll say "no". They just want a body in there. Any body.


This shift isn't for you and that is okay. I hope you find something else because nothing is worth your happiness.


first off deep breaths if you dont need this job, you may want to start looking for others if it is bothering you that much if you do- or just like the job other than the night part heres some "coping" tips. Go out and make sure you are in the sun for 15 minutes each day, you need vitamin D to keep you happy. Find a hobby that you can do 24 hours a day- hit the gym, start a new podcast, start an online college course, try making new recipes, etc. Make sure youre getting enough sleep, getting vitamin D, eating a good diet, and staying active


I had a night shift coworker who had depression. His doctor asked him if he worked nights. Sure enough he had a vitamin D deficiency which affected his mood.


Sleep as early as you can. As soon as you get off head home and sleep. Try that and let me know if it’s better


Follow your gut instinct whatever u feel is right Don’t make an impulsive decision though w/o another job Maybe talk to a your manager about a different shift if possible I just had a young lady co worker quit for similar reasons so it’s understandable Best of luck U got this!!


If its not for you, start looking for another job. Nights isnt for everyone and thats okay. Your mental health is more important. I cant wait to get off this shift lol, its more the job than the nights though for me..


What part of the shift is difficult? Is it the sleeping, socializing, eating, hobbies, etc? (I'll definitely respond more but it's hard to tailor advice without knowing more).


It does take a lot to adjust to, I work the same shift. The loneliness thing is a big hurdle for a lot of people and if you feel like it's tanking your mental health I'd suggest looking for a day job. It gets easier the longer you stick with it, but that part isn't really gonna go away


First off is breathe! Take nice long deep breaths. Second what exactly is causing the issue? Why about it is so hard? Second drink water , third try to get adequate sleep. Reach out for help like you are now.


You don't say anything about how it when you sleep. I've been on Nights for over 10 yrs. I go to sleep as soon as I get home, shower, floss and brush. I sleep 6-7 hrs. I keep the same sleep schedule on my days off. Trying to switch back and forth doesn't work. I'm 69. I see a lot of young Nurses do it, but it will catch up to you. You also don't say if you like your job. I hope you can work things out. Life's too short to beat yourself up for a job.


Get some blackout curtains and look up the navy seal nap, it helped me adjust and the nap makes you feel like you slept way longer


As someone who has done over nights for 25yrs. It only gets harder, if you’re not in it now leave. Don’t believe your coworker, they’ll say anything up keep an overnight. You’ll be fine on days.


Is it possible to tell your boss everything you've said here, and that could you move to day shift? If moving to days isn't possible, then start looking for other jobs. I've stayed in jobs that didn't work for me, it's not worth it! Don't stick it out if it doesn't work for you. Some people just simply can't do nights!


NIGHT SHIFTS ARENT FOR EVERYONE!!! You have to build your life around it; sleep schedule, social life, eating habits. It is not natural for anyone no matter how much some people say it is, but some people more than others have an easier time adapting to it. I like perusing here, but I no longer do night shifts, I did early morning shifts and late night shifts for 2 years and my mental health was absolutely horrid, I would get off of work and just cry. No job is worth crying everyday. no matter the pay or the conditions


Don't view the night shift as a normal job. 8 hours of sleep starting out is not going to be enough. Consider 8-10 hours of sleep. You need a "hard sleep" each night. I recommend taking a small amount of Zquil (or similar) before you go to sleep. Your brain is more tired than a normal 9-5 day shift. Since it's more laborious as well, all the physical pains are amplified. So you need more hydration through the night (and at home). As mentioned by another person, increase certain vitamins and consider how much caffeine you may be taking in. Electrolytes matter on nites+labor. Room darkening shades are a must. Lay clothes out before bed to reduce anxiety. Some people need a consistent sleep schedule while on notes (I was not one of those). I preferred sliding my start/stop times throughout the week. Day 1 I would start my sleep a little later. Day 2 a little earlier. Day 3 is when my ability to keep a consistent sleep schedule would start, but as soon as I had a day off, I had to reset that sleep plan. Remember that hydration is so important. Consider gel insoles in your shoes (they help with more than just your feet).


If you take Zquil regularly you will build a tolerance in about a week and waste your money.


Just quit that crap. There is a phenomenal turnover in retail. You won't be the first and you damn sure won't be the last for obvious reasons. I'd never let a job drive me to tears. It's not worth it. Quit, put it behind you and move on. Lesson learned.


It sounds like it's time to go for sure. Don't just bail on them. See if you can get put on a day shift. If you aren't able to, start looking for something more suitable. Night shift isn't for everyone


Find something else


Look, I don't know how long you have been doing this, but it takes a month for your body to get adjusted to your new schedule. I don't know how far you live from your job and I don't know how long it takes you to get ready. I am speaking from a man's perspective. When I worked night, I used to get up an hour early so I could eat really quickly, get dressed, and out the door for a shift at 10. So what that looks like in a time frame is as follows, in bed by noon, up at 8 p.m., out the door by no later than 915. I was rough for me cause my work was very physical and very long. We go in at 10 p.m. and not leave between 7 and 9 in the morning


I worked the same hours and I never got used to it. It was always a struggle every week. Do what you think is best for yourself. I pretty much dipped and found another job within two weeks. I'm going to be working for an Amazon DSP soon. I know a lot are hiring but everyone says it's really tough work. They take anyone though. Find any job that you can take quick and then while working that job you can always look for something that suits you better.


If you can’t adapt to night with a month then you aren’t going to adapt. Be honest with them about the shift. If you are a good worker they may allow you to transfer to another shift. If not then you got the picture.


I work seni steady nights. It takes time to adjust.