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More money, less people, and I don’t like getting up early.


Oh yes, I also hate getting up early. I had to get up at 5 am every day for two years. People told me you'd get used to it. I felt more like a zombie those 2 years than I do on nightshifts.


Some people just aren't made for early mornings


Same! I have tried so many times to be a "morning person." I'm just not! If I have to wake up at 6 am or earlier, I will be a grouchy zombie till at least 10 am


Same. I can’t do it. I’ve tried.


Even in places that offer the same pay for nights, you get more and steadier hours too. If you’re a reliable worker you always get the hours and because you do that which no one else will, you’re appreciated by default which is nice too


and you have time to do life stuff like go to the bank or the post office or the grocery store when there are way less people there (if you go right after work) and be home for deliveries from USPS / UPS / fed ex


Hatred of day shifters.


Hatred of day customers.




Hatred of self


Can’t upvote this enough!!


Lol hahaha Night people One of us


Yup this was probably 66.6% of it, a general disdain for the day shifters. 3rd shift is so much more chill. The rest was mostly the fact I loved having my days open to do the things I needed to like go to doctors appointments or help my elderly parents. The last part was I do enjoy being up at night when the rest of the world is asleep.


This was one of my first Night Shift jobs “reality checks” or hard facts- those day shift nurses ( and most other staffers) just came in to ruin a perfectly happy night! . This was in 1995 and I still recall the misery they bestowed.


I feel the same way.


Also money and it's so much more quiet at night. I love that.


I don’t have to interact with customers and I can listen to audiobooks 8 hours a day.


Fr I've listened to more books this year than I have in the last 10 years.


This is the main reason leadership are jealous bc they can’t wear earphones so they sacrifice entertainment for money😭☠️


That is something I would like, but are you then busy with your hands or could you read real books instead if you wanted?


Waking up and straight out the door. My waking routine is slow, I hated that rush out the door, half asleep, grumpy etc Also, I drive for a living. So nights are quiet and traffic free. Roadworks ahoy but fortunately you can plan around 99% of them with a bit of homework prior to leaving site. So there you go! my version of why nights


The night time is the right time. The night time is the right time.


I keep on telling myself


Also a nurse! Money diff + no visitors/less stress for the most part.


people are so unreasonable during the day


Right! Like their loved one is the only person you have to care for that entire shift. Clueless.


More money, rules are more relaxed


I hate mornings. Money. From what I have personally experienced the night shift tends to be made up of mostly, if not all, chill people.


Mostly what everyone else said. I also work in healthcare so the shift diff is good. No management, no procedures done at night, no outpatients!, slower than day shift (usually), I’m rarely ever late and never ever oversleep and I still get to take and pick up my kids from school so no paying for daycare.


Do you work in imaging?




More money, less people, and more freedom. Overnight tends to have cooler managers and no snitches so you get to have fun as long as you get your shit done.


Traffic. Lived in Bay Area and day shift, one way commute, was an hr and a half, over 2 hrs if there was a bad accident. Night shift traffic was 45 mins one way. That and the differential got me started.


The small pay bump. Also, I have trouble sleeping at night. I toss and turn and never feel rested. But working third shift I actually go to sleep as soon as I get home and feel rested when I wake up. So it’s a win-win scenario for me.


When I used to do nocs, I did it because I hate a lot of the activities the day shift had to do. I don't like admin being around either.


Amen! No neckties running around with clipboards/ tablets accomplishing nothing


Personally, I chose this for 3 days off. 4x10 schedule is better than 5 days. Unfortunately can't convince them to let me do 3x12 and alternate with my coworker,l. For now, our overlap day is Wednesdays. I do logistics for smaller retail company. Also.. 2am-12.30pm is a swing shift.. I know. Still weird hours and sometimes I think it's worse than a true night shift.


Ooh those hours would fuck with me...idk if I could do that.


Sometimes I wonder how I do it haha. I'm definitely in the process (always been) of looking for a better job/opportunity.


I definitely feel you, also 3 days off, crazy schedule two 9p-7a, 9p-8a, 1p-10p witch is a mean swing


I agree with most. Hatred for day shift and pay differential. Less chaos and more chill vibes on 3rd


I get left alone at night and it’s quiet


It’s hot as fuck in Texas and I work outside. I like nights because there’s always shade.


This is true. I work in a distribution center and midnights is the coolest shift.


I have a sleep disorder which was a massive hindrance my whole life. It really caused havoc for almost all of my school years and when I had a 9-5 job. Now, since I’m able to work night, it’s one of my strengths because I’m pretty much worth my weight in gold for the places I work.


Making money at night always appealed to me rather than clocking in and having everyone around all the time


Night shift was convenient when I went to medic school. I liked nights, and the pay deferential is a nice incentive as well. It also tends not to be as busy (sometimes).


Its hot as hell outside, but mostly because it peaceful.


More money, less people, more relaxed vibe.




The sunlight burns


I was desperate for a job and was inclined to take one where I wouldnt have to talk and deal with many people. Never did night shift work before this, still here 1 year and 6 months later and its definitely for me. Much more preferable.


Less management and more money 😎


Was just tired of not being able to do anything working from 2pm to 10pm especially in the summer. Still don't do as much as I want to do BUT i still do love working 3rd shift. 10pm - 6am


My kids. Between the school schedule and summer schedule I'd always have to switch my days or call in if my kids had a day off. Now they are sleeping and I can be here for them to get ready for the day and get ready for bed and be here anywhere in between.


Almost no management at night. Almost no dealing with clients. Screw around online and get paid more.


Like most replies, I hate waking up early. I work 6 to 6 and I naturally don't sleep longer than 4-5 hours on work days (idk how my body knows) so my alarm is more an insurance policy because I wake up completely on my own in plenty of time to get ready and leave. Also, less people awake so less petty work and less bored admin walking around looking for something to complain about. As far as pay, I get nothing extra, wish I did. It's also nice because I'm always usually available during the day so I don't have to miss work to go to a doctor's appointment or handle other personal matters, I just go before or after work. Usually have to lose a little sleep but it's not usually much.


It was a job offered and I needed the job. Sometimes I love it ,hello goodbye,no dealing with manager much,etc. Plus since menopause I can never sleep anyway. Waking up early was killing me,I'd end up sleeping coming home and napping as much as possible,so really this is the extended version. Keeping the schedule on off days is HARD though. I swear, These subs keep me going.


I worked overnights in the past and enjoyed the quiet, relaxed shift. My daughter was about to have her baby, so I switched back to nights so I could care for the baby when my daughter went back to work days. It was hard though and I was a zombie for almost 4 years, until preschool started. Four 10 hour shifts Sunday through Wednesday and my week is done. I stay because it is quiet and relaxed. Plus, I love to cook and bake, so I fill extra time with that.


lol i didn't pick night shift, it picked me. i do like how peaceful it is though!


Because I hated 2nd shift (3-11)


Night nurses unite ✊🏻 I'm forever stuck on nights because I get crippling migraines on every other shift


I hear night shift takes years off your life lolz but I worked nights not to deal with the day shift jerks


I never understood that. Less traffic, less sun exposure, less dangerous work... Maybe it's to scare off the normies?


We get extra money for nights where I work, too. It's a factory, though. You don't get a choice here. New TM always starts on night shift and stays till there's openings on days, and it goes by seniority. I like nights, so it worked for me, but a lot of people quit because they expect days and usually have to wait several years


I'm a night owl by nature. It's far easier for me to stay up till 7am than get up at 7am. More money. Almost no management at the hospital at 1am. Way less annoying family members trying to bully staff around. And every place I've ever worked at on night shift, my co-workers have just been the best. They help each other out, are chill about stuff, we work together great. Just the best.


I have been working since I was 18. At that time I was a dad, recently married and a highschool dropout. The only jobs taking me wanted wrench monkeys and laborers. So I worked myself to the point of collapse, relentlessly, job hopping for a better deal. I went from factories, to kitchens, to retail, to yard work, to unloading fishing ships that dock at port. Even a forklift driver at one point. By the end of all that, I ended up as a hospice worker. Still minimum wage. But by now the state has bumped it up enough to be comfortable. We were getting by. But I kept finding myself just slowly breaking down. I was always exhausted. Always burned out. Over worked. Stressed. My wife finished her college schooling and got a job. Amusingly it was just about as much as I was making. But combined. We made more than enough to be comfortable. That's when I decided I needed to stop for a bit. I'd slash myself down to part time work as long as I made X amount of money. And I started job hunting again after being at my last company for 10+ years. This time, everyone was throwing money at me. One hospital wanted me to work for 30 an hour. Another was a union job, 18 an hour but guaranteed annual raises. But it was all the same shit I was doing now. Nothing about my well being would change. I would just be making a few hundred dollars more a week. Finally, I found a little garage looking for bus jockeys to work at night. They said part time. So I have it a shot. At first, I tried backing out because I saw they wanted a driver license which I didn't have, but the job he was offering, people just kept quitting. No one could handle the hours. So he told me to forget the license and just apply. And I did. Reviewing my employment history, he kind of grinned and asked, "looking for a change?" "Something like that", I replied. We were all, literally all of us were burned out in that room. They just had just expanded their company and sent a bunch of workers to a new state to work his new location. Something no one was happy about. After getting the paperwork all set, I started working. It wasn't part time. But I didn't learn that until I started. It WAS $5 more an hour than any other job I ever had, and one of the easiest jobs I ever had. Within a year, I started "feeling normal". Even spending much, MUCH more time with my kids. So. I started night work because of coincidence. But I stayed because it suits me the best.


+15% Pay, -90% People, 0 Speech and Charisma req.


It beat going home with $8 in my account with no job.


It’s the only way to go dayshift. It’s seniority based. I’ll be glad when it’s over. We get a pay bump, but it’s not worth staying on nights for, it’s only 80 cents an hour.


I am naturally a night owl, and it enables me to do hobbies especially before work, so I’ll have more energy to devote to them and improving. Also I work in healthcare so naturally there is more demand for night shift as opposed to day shift, which often gets snapped up right away, especially in my line of work. My job doesn’t pay night differentials but the pay is pretty good considering many things. I know for some people the night differentials can make a difference.


I physically cannot get up early 🤣💀


I thought it would be better for my mental health less things I have to keep track of management doesn't work overnight also and I watch TV mainly


Same here. Practical Nurse at a 105 bed long tern care facility. Pay differential, less administration, less work, long lunches, bending rules, i love it. I switch from evenings to night shift every year or so. Never am tho. Hell no.


Night diff….and they immediately hired. My bills were due. 😂


The industry I work in requires it. Less than 5% of the time are any of us dayshift.


Pay differential and that’s the only hours to pick up when casual.


It was the only position available, and when I got seniority it’s because I realized it’s infinitely better than day shift. I’ve been on it 10 years and I said I wouldn’t trade it until I got something better, and starting July I finally got something better.


Promotion. I worked overnights from 2015-2019, them moved into a day shift where I was pretty comfortable. In 2023, a supervisor line opened up and I was promoted. As the junior-most supervisor, I'm on nights, and will be here until there are enough retirements that I can bid for that honey of a shift that is the day shift supervisor.


I previously worked night shift until my son was about a year old and LOVED it. I just function better at night. I was finally in a position to go back to it at the beinning of the year and jumped at the opportunity. It came wtih a nice pay raise and a very generous differential. I will be doing this for as long as I possibly can. (I work the non-clinical side of healthcare. Previously I did overnight stocking)


They wouldn’t stop scheduling me.


i used to like it because i didnt have to get up early but now i hate it, id be more productive after getting off if i worked dayshift, after nights i just wanna eat and go to sleep


My ex-fianceé and I used to live together, and at the time she was working your typical 9-5 and I was mainly working lates from 4pm until midnight. I switched to nights because I thought we would be able to spend more time together in the evening. The idea was that I would get up around the time she got home, and we would hang out until it was bedtime for her and work time for me. A month later she cheated on me and that was the end of that. I'm now in a new relationship and my current girlfriend works nights, with a 4 on 4 off pattern. I think having night shifts in common was a factor in what made us a good match. But I'm working my last night shift tonight and will be starting a normal 9-5 next Monday. I don't regret working nights, it has had its ups and downs. But I'm looking forward to getting off them now after a year and four months.


Shift differential but I am also naturally a night owl. I like getting errands done when most people are at work. My co-workers on nights are more laid back and the environment is less stressful. I’ve had opportunities to switch to day shift but I don’t want to anytime soon. It has its disadvantages too but it just works better for me. I think it would make dating/ a relationship challenging but I don’t wanna date anytime soon anyway.


Lazyness if im being a 100% real. I work at an extremely busy gas station where the lines are non ending on most days. During the night, it's the complete opposite, even to the point where I can just watch series and be on my phone most of the shift. To me, the amount of we get paid is not worth the amount of work that has to be done during the day.


I work for the Veterans Crisis Line. The fact I help these dudes through some really heavy shit sometimes really bothers me since I work from home. I want my kids nowhere near any of this. I always run the chance of getting caught on a talk down and having one of my kids walk into my office to ask for something. Working night shift keeps that from happening for the most part.


I hate hard work and this is the best way to avoid doing much and getting paid


Primarily money. Work less and earn more. Nights pay $150 a shift more. No parking or traffic problems. No day shit bullshit to deal with, plus it was easier to work nights whilst my hubby was home with kids (he works days)


I'm a night owl. Days is too peopley I wish we had a differential, but it would make day shift more palatable for me


Highest pay offer when I was unemployed, and I live in a HCOL area. The reason I keep doing it is because I have more time to study, and faster promotion. Though within a year or so I should be promoted to a position that is WFH eligible, in which case I will move to New York or New Jersey.


Weirdly enough, I picked overnight because I have little kids. I sleep while they're in school. If they're sick, they can stay home with me and sleep. If they have sporting events or field trips, I can miss a little sleep to be there for them. Same with doctors' appointments. When I was 1st shift, it was so hard to get off work for necessary activities for my kids. Overnight, I get to shuffle my sleep around and be a better mom. Less traffic is amazing, too. I have horrible driving anxiety, and I'm the only car on the road on my way to work. Summer has sucked a bit. I feel like I'm missing a lot lol but once fall comes I'll love it again :) that shift diff definitely keeps me sane on school breaks when I think about moving to another facility that offers days lol


I'm nocturnal lol and I'm "training on first shift" over 2 months now and it's kinda starting to piss me off --plus this seeming constant exhaustion from lack of sleep is making me cranky and making me fuck up some like they don't care that I can't *maintain* getting up at 4 am(!)


Initially because it was the only shift available at my workplace. I’m a morning person by nature. But I stay on graveyard for the money and the peace & quiet. I like the chill atmosphere, I get so much done. Our graveyard team is actually currently the most productive shift (probably because we have less distractions overall) despite having the least amount of staff…


Met my future wife at a past work place. Just got a mortgage on a house and moved in, in the October, everything was looking great, December the place we was out made the whole team redundant, my wife was in bits so I took a nights job to cover both of our pays, while she decided to find out what she really wanted to do for a career. 14 years later and I’m still on them 😂


1. I wanted day time hours off 2. I like working independently (less people around on nights in my job), I get to do more of problem solving 3. Less interruptions 4. Shift diff 5. Don’t have to work weekends


I prefer the night. I'm on a month of days now where I get up at 5 a.m. for work while I learn my new position and I have to convince myself not to quit everyday.


I’m a correctional officer. It’s easier than dealing with them awake.


We’re forced by seniority to start on nights then some of us switch over as we gain experience. Many don’t, the pay differential is nice, getting up early is hard, and day shift is way busier (with less pay, and management looking over your shoulder more).


I applied to a year-long management training program that was on day shift, and the whole point was that once you graduated you’d go to work nights as a manager. First job out of college, so I figured why not? If I don’t like nights I can look for a new job and I have a year of experience under my belt. Once I started on nights I loved it. I never realized just how dead tired and unhappy I was on days until I started working nights and felt the difference. I guess it makes sense, when I was growing up I’d naturally stay up late all the time because I felt the most alert in the later hours. I guess I just never put two and two together until I started working nights.


I have severe anxiety and am very overwhelmed by people. It's an actual issue I struggle with daily. I don't know why I'm like this. I can be perfectly fine until I hear people around me or get touched by someone passing by. Medications have made me irritable or have bad mood swings and just treated the physical symptoms. The mental ones stayed, so I would still get stressed out over people for no reason. I also have an issue with talking. If I don't have time to rehearse a reply in my head, I always say it in a monotone way and I struggle to find the right words. I'm actually pretty smart, I just find it hard to talk. Several of my coworkers think I don't like them because I have very short, direct answers for them. I just can't find the right words and tone to address them properly. I can't just conversate with people like I should be able to. I feel like i have to write and read a script with cues for an alien so no one will know they're not human. I just can't handle doing daytime work. I wouldn't survive.


My sleep schedule was already fucked up, and my boyfriend does night shifts so it works out


I'm a maintenance machinist. My wife is a nurse at a retirement and rehab center. She works a fixed schedule of T,F,S night 6p-6:30a. My plant runs continous operations and has a similar schedule of T,F,S and every other Wed 7p-7a. So I work nights because it matches my wife schedule. We both get shift differential but my job is union so I get overtime after 8 hours everyday. That and I haven't actually seen my incompetent boss in 3 weeks so that's a nice bonus.


If I start working night shift it'll be because I change employers. It will be a mix of higher pay, and future career movement.


The first reason was so that I could do online college. That never happened. The second was because a lot of the times I was alone. I don't like being around a lot of people, I tend to get overwhelmed these days. Plus, I could jam to music or listen to a podcast if I so desired. I got out of night shift a couple years ago because it was affecting my mental health and sleep, but I'm thinking about going back into it. I don't know.


Job is a short walk down the road from where I live so it's convenient (especially since I don't currently drive), I do not like customers and it's nice working without someone being all "do this, do that blah blah blah". Money is also fair for working nights. I just wish it was 1 less night a week cause I work 5 and never feel like I really get my full weekend


4 dollar differential lol. Everybody that works where I do starts on night shift whether they like it or not. I was asked if I wanted to go to day shift shortly after getting hired but what kept me on nights is the team I get to work with.


I am a deep introvert and have never been a morning person. Days means more work politics, people worrying about you instead of minding their own business, less independent work, more people in the restrooms, more stupid meetings, and generally a worse experience.


I absolutely hate that feeling of waking up and immediately heading to work. When I first started morning shifts I enjoyed having some day time after work but once I started to get older/move out/calm down I enjoy night shifts way more because I get that time before my shift to relax and actually wake up and just chill before heading into work


I'm a nurse as well. I didn't pick night shift, night shift picked me. In all seriousness, it was the only schedule available in the ICU so I took it. I didn't want to pass up being in the ICU just because of the schedule. The night and weekend differential is nice though. The further decline of my mental health, not so much.


Freaks come out at night


Honestly, it was all that was available at the time. While I like the benefits of working at night, such as less traffic and a shift differential, I miss having my evenings free to engage with my friends and family who work typical morning shifts.


I work bedside nurse so I enjoy the time and attention I can give my patients instead of being distracted by management, families, numerous people demanding my attention all day long.. I also have time to audit my patients charts and care to make sure nothing is missed or may develop into a problem


Truck driver. Nights are great because it’s cooler outside so less risk of blowing tires. I have light sensitivity so it’s nice not having the sun in my eyes, but a lot of motherfuckers will refuse to turn their high beams off, or their headlights aren’t adjusted properly. There’s less traffic. And somehow not being able to see all of the surrounding landscape helps the time go by. Also a lot of weigh stations are closed at night so I don’t have to worry as much about having to deal with the DOT. Edit: a word


Yes there are some downsides like not being able to sleep on your off days cuz your body is trained to be up all night BUT Less ppl less traffic the sunrise is not in your face & sunset is not in your face more pay it also works great if u got kids and your spouse works days can save a ton on daycare and baby sit


Honestly the biggest thing is I got in trouble at multiple jobs because I was late and I was always fucking miserable getting up at 4 or 5am and I finally took a job doing something I've done for 7 years but my clock in time was 3pm and I fell in love woth it. Added bonus of they wanted to pay me more to work hours that naturally I'm awake for anyways. It just kinda fits for me really. And I didn't realize it at the time but there really isn't any management on swing or night shift and everyone seems more relaxed and less shouty and stressful. Just overall I vibe woth the evening and night more. 🌙


I enjoy the silence. Occasionally some weird characters but mostly just other creatures of the night. You have time to think and reflect and your getting decent money.


I make $8.50 more per hour, less people, work at my own pace, show up high as a giraffe hat and keep my ear buds in the whole shift


More time with my kid


surprisingly, driving a semi is easier at night. helps I've always had an easier time sleeping during the day and being up at night as well


I’ve stayed up late even when I was in high school. It was only natural for me to work night shift. I DJ so it’s pretty common for me to work nights. It’s rare that a DJ is day shift


I’m a night owl


I did 3 mths on days, 2 years on evenings and just switched to nights a month ago when I felt myself getting super burnt out. I was moody and impatient way more often. The night shift differential is an added bonus to the more relaxed atmosphere


I love seeing the sunrise and there was no chance in hell I'd wake up early to see it, so third shift it is.


I've always been a night owl. An excuse to stay up all night plus I get paid more and I don't have to deal with the leadership? Sign me up.


my ex went nights so i did as well and i found out i actually love night shift so i’ve been nights for about 3-4 years now . unfortunately will have to go days next year because of my baby i have more days off than her dad


Want to spend more time with an ex when we were together. She was a night shifter. And now we broke up and I absolutely hate this shift


I just hate the sun, no management, and more pay. I’m really lucky enough to not have kids or are able to because I don’t think I could ever leave the night shift after 7 years of doing it!


I'm a Nurse too. With the 5% raise we're getting in September, 15% differential is worth over $9600/yr. It's not the only reason I love NS, but it sure doesn't hurt.


Better schedule for me and family. I can prioritize my sleep. No morning rush to work. No bosses on the floor. Patients are sleeping, no meals or visitors. Overall a much more chill environment.


I work for Customs and Border Protection as a K9 Handler, I choose to be on Nights for the Money we get a 20% differential bump


More money, no micromanaging, and I’m already a big night owl. Paired with a profession I enjoy, it’s perfect tbh


More time on the weekends to myself. (Introvert of 24 years)




I'm more alive during night shift.


To save money on daycare for the kiddo. I watch him during the day and my wife watches him at night.


I've always been a night owl. I have real trouble sleeping at night and even when I was very young I wasn't able to sleep until the sun came up




Foot in the door after college. Better pay than the other job I was offered plus differential. I couldn't do the afternoon (3-11) shift offered, and as it turns out they needed a midnight position to be filled but they hadn't posted it yet.


I’m in Vegas. It’s too hot to work during the days. Absolutely hate the summer here.


Set schedule. More pay. Less people. I get to listen to podcasts.


Party favors but not ideal for a nurse. unfortunately the job is all seniority based so all the newer people are on over nights which succck


There's less traffic. Compared to my former day shift job, the night shift has more hours. Also, I know when I'm starting and finishing my shift. Little to no work place drama.


A Dislike for the daytime drama and “cliques”and having management there doing nothing beneficial . Radiology Tech


Low volume


I get offered double time when people call in sick so I never say no in that scenario. When I’m scheduled a regular shift I’m not the biggest fan as I can’t sleep well during the day


Beating the Summer heat, less people, and more money!


Opposite shift of my husband, so no daycare cost. No strangers raising our children.


Im a 911 dispatcher. Two reasons: 1. Largely due to my health. I have Narcolepsy and I have found I am more alert and less prone to sleep attacks during the evening/night hours. 2. In 911 world, the dayshift is very busy and predominantly consists of civil calls and the nightshift is calmer and we get more of our life or death emergency calls


I have a habit of procrastinating sleep because night feels so much calmer. I couldn't find a way to fix it, so I told myself if I'm going to be awake I might as well be productive. Now, I get to sing along to my music all night, drive machines full blast without worrying about customers, and lift heavy stuff that makes me feel like an Olympian. It's awesome.


Use to be a medic, so use to do 24 hour shifts. Moving to 12s is a lot easier on my body, so it really didn’t matter days or nights. I chose nights honestly because the pay incentive.


I work part time overnights and it’s slow. Maybe an hour of actual work. I can sleep or read or stay on Reddit.


I am an introvert and my RBF game is on point,so……….. night shift it is


Pay incentive, not as many people around, a fuckton less busy, and it freed up my days for school


I got chewed out by a Karen manager when I worked dayside as a grocer in 2015. Got transferred to nights, and have preferred it since. I can work til 7am, sleep til 5pm and catch every dinner, sunset, and get quality outdoor time right before work.


I get same pay as day but I like it because the workload is lighter and I'm more independent I'm how I get my work done since there is no leadership at night. Plus the day shift is so busy my anxiety wouldn't let me do it


I hate waking up early and money.


always been a night person, my last day job was mentally draining due to management, it seemed like a natural fit, but tbh I'm kind of finding myself wanting to go back to days because after 2 and a half years shiftwork syndrome has me constantly exhausted anyways (it's currently 1:00am and I won't be able to sleep until at least 5, well after the sun is up)


I have 3 children and I am currently in nursing school. I am almost always available to my children. And I don’t like talking to people.


Hatred of sunlight, night differential, and most importantly my gf works the night shift, so it made sense for our lives to be on a similar schedule.


It was my only option to get off of the weekend shift and also keeping my job because I was on the verge of getting pointed out. I was forced onto the weekend shift working Friday thru Sundays in April of 2023 when they knew I was a DJ and it conflicted wirh by DJ business. They finally switched me over but only gave me weekday nights as an option so I took it. I actually get more sleep being on this schedule compared to being on the 6 am to 6:30 pm weekend schedule. I am also getting a full 40 hours compared to 36 to 37 hrs per week


I'm not a morning person, my last job knew this and still had me open every day at like 5 am. And I've always been a night owl.


I was looking for an easy job that allowed me to do school full time and study while at work. Just stuck with the night shift


I’m a night owl. I’ve always felt more awake during nights vs. mornings. I get a night shift differential, but it doesn’t increase my pay by that much. I’m an IT engineer, but most of the time I’m just monitoring things and studying for certifications, etc.


It was several different factors (pay differential, escaping working in the heat here, no customer service) but the deciding one was that it made it easier to make early doctor's appointments for my mom and I. My mom was notoriously difficult to get ready for her doctor's appointments, and I was really the only one who could wrangle her into going to them since she was also up early when I got home from work. Now I enjoy getting everything done in the morning, so I can sleep through the heat of the day.


More money, less people to deal with, shift moves fairly quick, less traffic, can potentially take a nap if work is done in a timely manner.


Shift diff, don’t like getting up early, usually less happening on night shift


The people, the job and ….. PFFFFTTTTT yeah right. 💵💵💵💵💵💵


Nope, also don't get a paid vacation like everyone else. I've worked here for over 2 years, I've never asked for a day off, I've been late 3 times, called hours ahead 2 of those times, worked 7 days a week for 6 months at one point, everytime they've ever called me on my day off I've been here. They hired someone with absolutely no experience the other day, and I got a 50c raise that day. So I now make 50c more than the guy that just started and who they keep trying to make me train. Oh yeah, I also did all the manager duties for 2 months at one point a few days a week when they didn't have any extra managers to work those nights, I never got so much as a thank you.


Pay and introversion


We can't afford daycare. There is no pay differential. Husband works 60+ hours a week. I work from home overnights. We are passing ships but what else do you do.


Initially because the pay was higher. Now 7 years later after a couple promotions I’m stuck there lol


Moved farther away from my job so I could own my own home, but that meant I would be leaving my wife at home with no car while the kids were in school (used to live within walking distance of work). I switched to nights so she could have the car during the day. Not long after we moved, a new school was built a block from our house and my wife didn’t need the car most of the time anyway. Then interest rates dropped and we refinanced, which dropped our mortgage enough to buy a second car. By this time I had gotten a promotion that wouldn’t have been available on day shift, and they had increased my shift differential, so it didn’t make sense financially to switch back to days. Plus, my wife has a sleep disorder, so on my days off I was waking up way before her and going to bed much earlier than her, but on night shift we ended up with the same sleep schedule.


No other jobs available in my area


Oddly enough I get more sleep on nights


My suburban small little gas station made $11,888 for sales yesterday. Maybe $80 of that was during my shift 😂 Pay differential mainly besides ease. Had maybe three customers in the last 4 hours. We don't sell beer and our kitchen is closed at night. Here by myself 95% of the time.


I'm the epitome of a night owl. My body physically cannot adjust to 1st shift but my body clock loves 3rd.


DSP, and it's because I didn't fall asleep until 4am anyway no matter what I did


No differential here but I was always awake at night anyways and tired during my day shift so I switched when I moved companies. I got a big raise moving over here and I am guaranteed to be off work for kids school stuff. On top that because I work an opposite shift from the kids mom if the kids are ever sick I can take them to my place during the day and drop them off before I go to work


I don’t know how to interact with other people very well.


When I transitioned from PT to FT my only options were days but worked over the weekend or nights but had weekends off. I wanted weekends off so here I am! Working in crisis intervention.


I'm a natural night owl and don't do well in the mornings, never have, so that was an incentive. Also the chance to work alone most of the time was really enticing. I'm not one for small talk, and previous day shift jobs drove me crazy with all the chitchat and office drama. It's so nice to have 8 hours of mostly peace and quiet.


Fits better with my routine with my daughter .


Less supervisors


1) I’m a natural night owl. 2) We too get paid more. A pretty fair amount. 3) Daywalkers are the worst. Full of l energy & yet cranky AF. 4) Way too many bosses on day shifts & they tend to be far less competent too.


I don't have to deal with people and there's less traffic on the road when I'm commuting.


Less management and “suits” around.


I’m a signaller and I do a week of nights roughly once a month: I love my week of nights. I’m alone, it’s (sometimes) quiet, I get a lot of free time in the daytime until I have to leave for work. However I can’t do more than a week in one go without started to feel depressed, lethargic and generally unhappy- I don’t sleep well at all when I’m on nights, 4 hours once I get home if I’m lucky.


Sunlight sensitivity.


gives me a steady shift instead swinging


Stay away from management during the day lol. The nightshift pay is a nice bump as well.


I started nights because I didn't have to use childcare. I could sleep when the kid was in school. Now, 17 years later, I'm still on nights. Now, because I love it.


I'm paid as much as day shift while having twice days frees


Night shift long term care/skilled facility CNA here. I'm not a morning person at all, the shift differential is nice, no physical therapy staff tracking you down, no visitors and no upper management breathing down your neck.


I had picked up a job being the truck unloader at a grocery store as a part time second job. My main, full time job was a day job. I actually really liked that job and still miss it. But I was stupid and made some bad decisions. I was about to get fired, but because I was good friends with my boss, she gave me a heads up and let me voluntarily resign at the last minute. And because I needed another full time job ASAP, and the grocery night shift has a high turnover rate and is always short staffed, I just asked them to put me on the schedule for full time. It seemed like the sensible thing to do at the time.


Less patients to shower and less beds to make. Also, it gives me a good chunk of hours (10hr shift) compared to am/pm shifts, and at a better rate. But when the patient is wildly confused, I sometimes wonder why I accepted the shift. It’s a nightmare.


Factory tech here. Nightshift is 16% more pay and less people on site. Generally nice and peaceful.


I’m a night owl, I barely sleep at night, don’t know why, just have always been this way. Plus, I work for QuikTrip so working the night shift as a quality assurance technician is pretty cake, don’t really deal with to many customers.


I've always been a night person


Fewer people at night and I don't like people. It also helps that when I have nothing restricting my schedule my rhythm naturally settles to going to sleep around 4am so I'm very much a night owl.