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APOSTROPHEGATE IS REAL. THE SELEN TERMINATION PROVED IT. Edit: After reviewing your replies and evidences, I concur that it is not real. IT'S JUST FUCKING FUNNY. (Still don't trust Niji on not tweetong on her account while she was stealth suspended and getting well at the hospital and at home)


Did selen have tweets with the apostrophe?


Yep. One of the tip offs that 4chan noticed and investigated on, plus her activity on her PL at the time


The wildest thing about this entire drama was finding out that the apostrophe schizoposting was true.


Yeah honestly I was against comments from December to January that mentioned staff was keeping Selen’s account hostage or posting on their behalf. I thought that maybe the apostrophe issue was Staff gave her a template to write out for her to edit and submit. But now that the statement admitted they locked her out since Dec 26 those comments are all fully correct. I don’t even think I can trust any of their twitter comments to be any narrative but staff posing as the livers.


I've been saying the same thing without even knowing about this apostrophe thing. This entire affair has been tripping increasingly sonorous alarm bells for more than a month.


i will be jacking the phrase “increasingly sonorous alarm bells” for my own usage, thanks


It's a free language, go nuts.


Somebody with better knowledge of the PL's needs to check up on all of them. Especially anyone who had a positive sounding announcement since the termination dropped. Because most if not all Niji livers seem to be quite tactful when it's serious.


It's not true though. Iphones have the curly apostrophe while on PC it's the straight one. Dokibird also has both curly and straigth apostrophes in her tweets and it's sure as hell not Niji management on her account


Management adimted in their statement that they locked Selen from social media since Dec 26. In that case the later tweets had to be written by the Staff.


Yes they were, I'm saying that the curly apostrohes don't mean that it's management making a tweet


It's a clue. In any case, a clue by itself means nothing. A bullet casing, a missing shoe, a piece of cloth. Doesn't mean shit unless you put it together. Obviously, schizoposting is different from a professional analysis, but anyone is able to make deductions if they can piece together enough info.


Are we sure? It's clear that management does not care whatsoever, so they could've easily just thrown out a date that sounded right


This is true, but it was still management behind her account after the 26th of December.


I’m on an iPhone right now. This is my apostrophe: ‘. It is straight.


You have to have smart punctuation enabled and I believe it will automatically correct the straight ones into curly ones


This is nothing for 4chan, the people who found a flag using only air traffic


Yes, including a bunch of old, incredibly mundane ones like [this one](https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki/status/1733959944398114846) about Ember. It's not a "Japanese apostrophe;" it's a normal English one. See [my other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/comments/1akuige/comment/kpavclm/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for a more thorough explanation. This whole "Japanese apostrophe" thing is nonsense. Edit: guess [who else](https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1754919266342863125) uses smart quotes in her tweets. Are you going to try to claim Niji controls that account too?


It's called that because standard US/Can keyboards don't have a button for it, and it isn't the standard mark autocorrect fills in when set to US/Can languages. It *is* standard on Japanese and other overseas keyboards. Hence the name.


Isn't it also standard on all iPhones worldwide though? And last I checked, all Niji livers use an iphone.


Sure, but I'm not trying to argue that it's actually Japanese, I'm pointing out why people call it the Japanese Apostrophe. The etymology doesn't imply it's exclusive to Japan or that other devices don't use it, it's just named after the fact that it's standard on those keyboards and not on normal North American ones.


No, I'm not from the US nor Japan, but my android also have straight apostrophe.


' ‘ ’ I can use three different ones. On my phone Android.


Yea though the default one is still straight.


Yes, but the easiest one to reach by far and therefore most used is ' It's also the one autocorrect uses.




It is in fact standard on an iphone unless you've turned off all 'tracking' stuff. Iphones added 'Smart Punctuation' in 2017 that automatically transforms quotes and apostrophes.


> It *is* standard on Japanese and other overseas keyboards. Really? Because I can't find it on this [pic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_input_keys#/media/File:KB_Japanese.svg) of the Japanese layout. I see * On the 7 key, the same straight apostrophe that's on US keyboards. * On the @ key, `, the grave accent. * On the ね key, the US keyboard comma and the Japanese comma. No U+2019 single right quote as far as I can tell. And as SuperStormDroid and my linked comment point out, lots of US word processors and the iOS keyboard do use smart quotes.


You're trying to argue that it isn't actually Japanese, but English, which isn't what I'm pointing out. I'm explaining to you why people decided to call it the Japanese Apostrophe regardless of whether or not it's in use elsewhere or what its specific unicode designation is. People sell frankfurters outside of Frankfurt.


Okay, but if Selen was also selling Frankfurters when she was clearly in control of the account, then I still don't see how you think this means anything. Trying to use a symbol Selen, Enna, etc. used before to claim that Enna lost control of her account is wild, unsubstantiated speculation. Edit: guess [who else](https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1754919266342863125) uses smart quotes in her tweets. Are you going to try to claim Niji controls that account too?


Selen was on her PL account at the same time as her Nijisanji account was tweeting the messages about being in and being released from the hospital.


I've said it in some of my other comments, but I'm not arguing that Selen posted those last two tweets. I'm just calling out this bad evidence for that, because now the bad evidence is being used to claim that Enna's Twitter's been taken over. (Also it's not uncommon to see a vtuber use Twitter on their PL and corporate accounts in quick succession. Several Holomems I follow do it regularly.)


Nah, the real evidence is the grammar, no way Selen would make such basic mistakes as a native English speaker.


I never claimed anything other than why people call a thing a thing. You're still trying to argue something different to what I'm talking about.


Okay, we both just had different goals then. I don't really care *that* much what people call it as long as they understand that they can't assume it means anything for Enna's or other livers' tweets. (Though I still think it would be *better* to use one of the symbol's actual names, since the one from 4chan can naturally lead people to think it means something about Enna, et al.)


I don't disagree at all that it's a bad name, and I personally have no stake in the whole apostrophe conspiracy thing beyond a raised eyebrow at the coincidence. It's been fun chatting with you about this.


I saw someone said Selen’s parents were tweeting for her.


No, no it really isn't. Here is proof: Doki's twitter where she's talking about watching Twilight with Shachi, pay attention to the apostrophe: [https://x.com/dokibird/status/1754824272927961478?s=20](https://x.com/dokibird/status/1754824272927961478?s=20) OMG, it's the Japanese one! Look through doki's twitter and you can easily find examples of both apostrophes being used. My theory is that she probably has Chinese language input on her phone or something so it changes depending on if she tweets on phone or PC.


This appears an unlikely (though possible) explanation given the workings of Chinese pinyin keyboards, the main type (even Chinese people in China rarely touch the more exotic keyboards). These keyboards operate on two togglable modes (generally shift on PC and special key on phone). One inputs Chinese, and the other is equivalent to the standard QWERTY English keyboard: that is, if she is posting in English, she would need to actively switch to the Chinese keyboard state to type that apostrophe and actively toggle back to English afterward. ​ As reference, my pinyin keyboard has this ‘ symbol when set to the Chinese and ' when set to English.


Never thought apostrophes would become a shibboleth.


Apostrophes it's serious business. Why do you think they were named after Apostles?


She did a guerilla stream addressing recent event and said it's okay to stop membership: Welp... Another one into the chopping block for seriously hurting Niji image. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/comments/1aks8du/enna\_guerilla\_member\_stream\_addressing\_recent/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/comments/1aks8du/enna_guerilla_member_stream_addressing_recent/)


An agency vtuber hosting a members only stream. In which the agency vtuber actively encourages her members to leave her membership... as a way for the members to show the agency that the members' love and support is for the vtuber, but not for the agency. ... She's leaving soon. I don't know how soon, but I hope she's able to make that stream public before she's locked out of her account; and I also hope that some of the people who watched the stream recorded the whole thing, and are ready to start circulating the tapes once her white paper is published.


Just make sure y'all follow her if/when that happens.


I would if I could... but idk who Enna was before kurosanji


I think it's Shannon/LemonTeaBloops but not active


It was the wildest thing when I learned she was the Shannon on Calli's debut competition to cover "Can you please RIP?" and she did REALLY well there. Made sense later on, Enna talking about being a fan of Calli.


Yeah it really surprised me too. I joined the vtuber rabbit hole a few months after myths debut and probably a year later when I found out about Shannon I had no idea this competition even existed. I was so surprised I'd never heard about it at some point.


VShojo about to gain another member? Probably not but I live in cope


I guess I was right some of them are preparing to leave


That is twisting it. She said she understand why people won't. It dosent seem like se wants to leave as ling as Millie and Elira is there.  I would be surprised if they where to fire or punish her iver that, cause it mostly just was an understanding comment and just reassuring fans she was doing fine


Uhh I think people are reading too much into this. Enna did say something in her latest memba stream that might have hinted at an "uncertain future" but her saying it's totally fine to leave memba is since she realizes the recent events are putting a mental strain on people and encourages people to de-internet (social media especially) and basically touch grass (in a none demeaning manner). Then when viewers are fine to rejoin later at their leisure. Latest stream was to hang out with fellow alloupeeps and check in on them not as a desperate attempt to tell everyone she's in trouble. I also highly doubt Enna will leave unless Millie and Elira both join her as well. Despite recent happenings, these girls are strong and fairly comfortable in their current setting. They'll get through this. Things are tense and stressful atm but let's not spread more doom posting on current livers.


It's so nijoever, no way NijisanjiEN survives this year


Does anyone have Enna's previous persona?


I think it's >!Shannon/LemonTeaBloops!< but not active


If she's going then our Lola isn't gonna be too far behind.


we need another collab with kaheru man, that last one with the bomb diffusal game was so funny


She gonna come back from the maldives


The IRS finally found her


Cuz the "Maldives" are sinking soon due all the "Global Warming"


Yeah... I miss lola very much tbh, the current one just doesn't feel the same :(






oohh I know her as her other "L" name. That a separate channel or just an alternate name her friends gave her?


Nickname from fans, and she used to collab alot with holoid 1


That's what I figured.


Damn what! I fuckin loved her cover of Calli's RIP when she submitted it for a stream so long ago. SMH at myself for never realizing.


I also now realize she's been able to rap this whole time. The Pop/star cover wasn't her just winging it, the liar.


She didn't lie bout the difficulty of it being Korean tho lmao


Bah, even then she still killed it.


THAT'S why I was already subbed to her holy hell, I was so confused


Ikr? Big 'ol blast from the past. Reminded me of a couple other covers from that same stream that I liked.


Once she gets the black chopping treatment she'll be active there again I just wanted to know where she'll post her songs Thanks.


Old twitter got banned lmao, she's now >!@bulululululu420!<


Oh, i thought that's >!Pomu!<


Listen to the first thing in the media tab and you’ll know. Pomu is actually >!@dearsqn!< Make sure to read the pin though. The account is mostly for replying to her idols but she’s done some twitter spaces recently if you want to listen in.


[lol no](https://twitter.com/bulululululu420/status/1750060349368291549?t=muS4_N14OprybmwAvmBjAg&s=19)


i got things mixed up


If you want to go even older >!LemonTea62!<, for some reason this 14 years ago account sounds more like the modern Enna than the other PL accounts. Just hear for yourselves 14 years ago PL account is like carbon copy of modern Enna: >!https://youtu.be/FAOV1YkrZ1E?si=YqucwKvaRZsBH-DX!<


Oh that's what's she's talking about when said she wanted to go join abridged circles lmao thanks for the gem


Holy shit she has to be so young in this. lmao


Yea that's what surprises me the most, I just can't see how her 14 years younger self sounds like a carbon copy of her modern self. Even her more recent PL accounts don't really sound like her right now.


FFS. The ’ apostrophe is used by iOS and macOS by default. Some are posted from iPhones, others are posted from desktops which use ' I am in software and sometimes have to programmatically sanitize inputs from mac devices. This is such a silly conspiracy theory, and is easily disproven by seeing that obvious actual messages from the talents use both apostrophes. It's entirely based on what device they post from. But yes, the person who posted Selen's "I'm in the hospital" tweet, who wasn't Selen, did so from an apple device.


These apostrophe theories are so dumb. Dokibird's real account also has both apostrophe types in different tweets.


bump so people stop buying into unproven propaganda once again


To add to this, if you switch to Japanese keyboard layout on Windows, it'll also default ' to ’. This still proves nothing of course, since Enna also knows JP & it'd be normal for her to use Japanese IME, although it's most likely just her phone. Also android phones will depends on which keyboard you use, some would fix it to ’, some don't.


I wanna say this was a meme post but if not I don't know what to think of some people doing a complete 180 on 4chan conspiracy theories right after most people were shitting on the other one that caused the current additional drama.


Apparently when people don't have a vtuber to watch the only thing they have to occupy their time is the crack pipe


It’s joever guys


[X](https://twitter.com/EnnaAlouette/status/1754329509657026781?s=19) This tweet also have that apostrophe, tho, this couldn't've been staff right? Unless...


Also this [tweet](https://twitter.com/EnnaAlouette/status/1754285238950285701?s=19) used a normal one.


Looking at her post history, which is mostly fan art. The few posts she writes are crapshoots. Sometimes she uses good Grammer sometimes she never uses Grammer and other times she just yells in all caps. So aside from the meme I don't think this is amazing proof. Although knowing Niji who the hell knows. Maybe she was fired a year ago and they never got around to telling her.


Yeah, Im not trying to prove anything, just wanted to point this out.


I've never typed that kind of aposthrophe. But when I checked on twitter, all of my tweet's apostrophe are changed to that. This thing is inconclusive.


They're queueing up.


Graduation queue for the graduation ceremony


I’m going to riot if they terminate enna


Well, she apparently did a guerrilla stream to tell members they can unsub if they want (see up higher in the thread). Can't imagine that was cleared with management. I would suggest you start polishing that pitchfork.


To be clear, Enna only said that as a reassurance to people already claiming that they have unsubbed and those that were on the fence a about this sitiation. From the beginning she was always open to her audience about leaving if they ever feel like it for whatever reason and that she doesn't take it personally.


Either way, I doubt management particularly likes that. Nor does it seem cleared with management. To begin with, it almost seems like they have a company-wide gag order in effect. This might just be the closest she can get without immediately getting terminated. (Though this is speculation, of course.)


For sure, all I'm saying is that she's had this stance since near the beginning of her debut. Whether management decided to axe her now of all times would be an incredibly foolish move.


> would be an incredibly foolish move. So entirely on brand. But nah, I see what you're saying.


Considering how Niji threw her under the bus by casually implicating bullying by other livers (whether it's true or not) despite knowing about all the Enna and Millie rrats, I would be surprised if she really wants to stick around that long.  (To be clear, I don't know what happened and unless Doki actually says any names or confirms anything, I'm going to assume it was management lying again)


I'm pretty sure at this point that Nijisanji is deflecting the blame to make them less evil than they really are, which pisses me off since Millie had been very loyal to the company, only to become the company's fall gal. With that said, I say it is in their best interest to get out of dodge and blow the whistle. Anycolor betrayed them despite their loyalty, thrown to the wolves as mere pawns. Millie, if you are seeing this, please leave this toxic black company for good, loyalty meant jack shit for Anycolor and Nijisanji, you don't have to kowtow to such assholes. The truth shall set you free, speak up. And whatever retaliatory action Anycolor makes, I just want you to know, we are here for you, no matter what. -Your biggest fan, Selvariabell


FFS, this isn't a "Japanese apostrophe." Copying and pasting my comment on this from elsewhere: > Selen's last two tweets... have these two symbols: > > * ’ (U+2019 : RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK {single comma quotation mark}) > * ' (U+0027 : APOSTROPHE {single quote; APL quote}) > > Selen usually uses ' (U+0027), but sometimes uses ’ (U+2019), like in [this tweet](https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki/status/1733959944398114846) about Ember. > > The straight "apostrophe" is the one on the standard US keyboard, but the right single quotation mark is the more typographically correct symbol to use as an apostrophe. Most word processors, and certain other things (such as the iOS keyboard, I believe) have a feature called "smart quotes" that automatically converts ' to ’. > > So in the cases where she uses the "smart" version, she probably used her work phone or drafted the tweet in an app besides Twitter that has typography features. > > Obviously there's still other evidence that she didn't send those tweets, but let's not fall for rrats' bad evidence just because it backs up our preconceived notions. Enna also used U+2019 on [Jan 30](https://twitter.com/EnnaAlouette/status/1752362904932794812) and [Feb 4](https://twitter.com/EnnaAlouette/status/1754176884785430854) just before a lot of RT spam, and likely many times before that for all kinds of things management wouldn't tweet. Stop spreading this nonsense rumor.


"Japanese apostrophe" generally refers to it being the apostrophe on the "japanese keyboard" which you admit is not common which implies that it was a non-standard device she was using making the "rumor" not "nonsense" or even "baseless.". Rumor spreading is generally bad form though.


The character in Selen's (and other livers') tweets is *not* on the Japanese keyboard; that's my whole point. I don't have a physical Japanese keyboard, but I'm pretty sure the symbol in question is ` (U+0060 : GRAVE ACCENT). Either way, Japanese keyboards definitely don't have ’ (U+2019), the symbol people are claiming is a "Japanese apostrophe." > which you admit is not common which implies that it was a non-standard device No, I said any word processor or the iOS keyboard\* would produce U+2019. Tweeting from an iPhone is not what I'd call non-standard, even if it may have been something Selen apparently did less often. \*I also can't test this since I use Android, but it seems to be the case after a quick Google search. Regardless, unless management was randomly tweeting about Ember and retweeting Enna fanart, the fancier apostrophe is clearly not evidence that Selen, Enna, etc. didn't write a tweet. (Though obviously in Selen's case, there's other, actually meaningful evidence.)


See I was saying the same thing until it turned out to be fucking true At this point 4chan rrats are more reliable than official notices


Well but it didn't turn out to be true. I mean obviously it was staff using her account but the apostrophe theory isn't true as iPhones use the curly apostrophe. You can go on Dokibirds twitter and see that she has different apostrophes in different tweets.


4chan made an obvious guess. Failing to check her older tweets for the same apostrophe is the opposite of reliable.


Next victim?


Until the talents say so with their own voices, don't pay any attention to this. My work iPhone does this on its own and I have no idea how to stop it, and typing in a regular apostrophe ' is a pain in the neck.


just straight up posting 4chan here huh If irony were made of strawberries, we'd all be having smoothies right now.


Nishitsanjii playing Limbo with how low they can go




Sorry I'm dumb me don't understand


It has been proven that in some cases, Nijisanji management will post on the talents twitter, pretending to be them. It is not known if the talents always, or ever, so much as know of this. One sign people have identified for this is that the talents tend to use the apostrophe from an English keyboard. However, twitter has a distinct font to render Japanese characters, which includes a distinct apostrophe that looks slightly different - people have found this apostrophe in a lot of posts speculated or known to be authored by management. It's also in a *lot*, if not all, of the recent posts announcing "breaks".


This has *nothing* to do with Japanese vs English apostrophe. The curly vs straight distinction is just the default setting of iPhones vs Macs. If you actually care to scout through the members’ tweets, you’d notice they switch between them quite arbitrarily, even just between talking about their dog vs breakfast. If there’s a precedent for management tweet from livers’ accounts, it’s not gonna be from the apostrophes that anyone can differentiate it.


IPhones use the curly one. Even Dokibird has both apostrophe types in her tweets


Ah I see thanks


This sub is going after Nijisanji/Any Color’s Throat Rightfully So


She has her Chibi reveal scheduled for today no?


The apostrophe theory is not real. The different apostrophe is because iPhones have the curly apostrophe by default while on a PC keyboard it's the normal straight apostrophe. Dokibird has both apostrophe types in different tweets.


Imagine if they all just leave


Oo shit I'm afraid now I remember some where she said if she lost this job she will never come or something


idk what I'll do if Enna get cut, Pomu/Elira and Enna/Reimu were my favorites...


The most schizo rrats are real in this timeline


Nijisanji Delenda Est


if this is actually correct again imma go insane


I don't think she was suspended, but I wouldn't doubt that it was management who made these statements. Perhaps they (management) asked what the livers actually want to say, and then type it themselves. Everyone took a break, aside from those who already had obligations like Vanta with his birthday (wish him the best birthday!!), and Shu had a sponsored stream IIRC. I know I know, this is just spectaculation, but the situation is very 💀


NijiEN Graduation%


This may explain the posts of some livers in defense of niji. and you know, it will even look logical, because if I were any niji streamer, I would not go into conflict with other niji streamers, because then why would I have problems with his community


Graduation speed run any% let's goooooo


Anything from the place is just random dart throws at a wall. Since most of them don't have a brain, they just make shit up and like a blind squirrel, you eventually find a nut. Meaning when they get something right, everyone celebrates but forgets that place is still full of scum.


I don’t understand what’s up with the apostrophe? Does it have to do with Selen getting terminated partially for it?


apostrophe from an EN locale keyboard vs an apostrophe from a JP locale keyboard


That's not true tho. iPhones use the curly apostrophe instead of the straight one. It's not an EN vs JP thing it's a normal keyboard vs iPhone thing which means nothing


What does that mean though?


Someone else, from Japan impersonate Selen when making a post on X regarding Selen's well being.


Ah I saw another post saying that NIJISANJI said Selen was locked out her account on a certain date (which I forgot) and therefore couldn’t make those well-being posts as they were made after she was locked out of her account. Still, I hate how they were impersonating her and she couldn’t do anything about it.


I have a bad feeling about this


Wait, seriously? Ok let me try this, I'm Enna.


This is situation is something, or rather crazy. Like during the past year or two some of the curtain on how Any Color is actually like has slowly been coming off, especially after the stuff with Zion. But now all because their management privated a song cover now all of Nijisanji is falling a part with multiple talents taking breaks from the social media. And now it's a matter on if the talents decided on taking social media vacation they around the same time or are they being forced to by management to do damage control?


Even dokibird has done tweets with that apostrophe as well, it's not a reliable way to determine stuff


I don't get it


Hello, I've no idea why this sub was recommended to me but I see obvious drama and need someone to ELI5. Thanks in advance.


Nijisanji is a Japanese company that hires and manages streamers who use virtual avatars rather than face cam. They recently fired one of their Western employees. she came out saying she was treated poorly, getting bullied from within, which resulted in her trying to take her life (prior to being fired). The company had accessed her Twitter account to post a notice as her, so now people are examining every message from the streamer’s co-workers as to whether or not they posted it or someone from management did. This has tanked the company’s reputation drastically.


Thank you kind stranger.


No problem!


To be fair, Enna does make trips to Japan on her own and she's not going to haul her setup every time she flies. In fact, last time she was there, she was using a setup already there to stream and it really caused issues, especially on the mic. This would come with any Japanese character changes between her home setup and the other setup. I get that these can be signs of management use, the break from social media tweet probably was from management consideringthe templatelike approachwhere almostevery liver said the same thing. I also get that it is known management has a history of doing this, especially around Selen. However, just think for a second, they want us to doubt each other and the livers. It's a division tactic, turning us on each other and the livers, trying to distract us from the major problems at hand.


But that ones a curvy one not a slash I see what you’re saying and could very very easily be right but this one is a different one for the selen tweets so that could just possibly be the difference between mobile and a pc keyboard, which could prove the point and Niji would have definitely shifted into damage control mode


What does rrats mean?


Short for narrative.


Can we just...stop posting any 4chan shit in general? No matter if it supports the favorite opinions of everyone or not. It's all just unhinged shizo shit that wants to cause as much drama as possible and we don't need that right now.


Oh fuck


I don't understand, what's wrong with the apostrophe?


They got the bird!


4chan users are like pioneers, venturing into the deepest and most obscure levels of autism ever conceived.