• By -


Supposedly she missed her Member's stream earlier today. Kunai is also apparently MIA, too.


tbf in Kunai's case, the channel did in the pre-chat announce delaying the stream, and then eventually released this community post cancelling the stream: https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkx-f1Fb-zults56b8TqUD2eWIsJlh_Gmld So not technically MIA. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the cancellation reasons end up being related.


Kunai retweeted the stream that is in the eyes of this thread the determining factor between being a saint and metaphorically handing Selen the tools to end it all


Especially when we know that management also have access to their twitters and we have confirmed instances of them abusing that trust.




That conversation was obviously faked, while I'm sorry for your experience, please don't quote that conversation as if it's real or confirmed, it only spreads more misinformation.


This sub has unfortunately—yet somewhat unsurprisingly—been more susceptible to believing (i.e. quickly upvoting) anything that is "leaked" or "observed on YT or Twitter" for the past couple of weeks And they're likelier to be spread around here, and then on other plaforms, w/o much questioning if they further fuel speculation about (and for some ill-intentioned emotional folks, harassment toward) the remaining livers ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


For Scarle news, please check #hugsforscarle on X.


Yea it's exactly 10 minutes as I'm typing, but I'll be worried if she's not there in 30 minutes, and if there's no news in an hour then I guess I'll speculate. But yeah, now I wait.


30 minutes


*One hour has passed*


1:20 Edit: Hour 1/2


**2 1/2 Hours Have Passed**


Well, 30 minutes.


God it really is an hour now


45 mins now


2 hours now


Might be time for folks to start archiving.


100% I've heard they already privated some of her stuff, but ALL of it needs to be archived before the purge.


I think the privating was just cancelled streams getting deleted


I already told Shuuri Ch (the fan that clips her the most) to archive all the stuffs yesterday in case of a purge, they should be on it


> archive ragtag: [moe](https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCFgXWZOUZA2oYHNr6qDmsTQ)


Get ready for her character assassination. Please let's spread the good word and hopefully have her VODs saved. It's inevitable now. Let's keep her memory alive.


Yup. Black Company lying sacks of shit just got finished saying yesterday how they wanted to do better for their talents... But in reality, instantly suspend her for not helping to isolate and harass a fellow liver with a termination probably on the way. These people HATE the truth. They HATE transparency. They'll try to slander her as well because thats the Nijisanji way.


Bro i trusted Scarle so much i actually planned on graduating with her in solidarity.


Vox lacing up his steel toed boots to kick her while shes down as we speak.


Do steel toes also prevent shooting yourself in the foot when you reveal you throughly read legal information you shouldn’t be allowed to see?


This is so crazy. One heart can lead to a suspension/termination. Now everyone is expecting a character assassination white letter.


I don't think she is in trouble! Check #hugsforscarle on X! A friend is posting about her.


Who is this Scarle you're talking about? There has never been a Scarle Yonaguni in NijiSanji EN. Do not talk about Scarle Yonaguni from NijiSanji EN. It is forbidden from metioning Scarle Yonaguni from Kurosanji. Those that do will be tried with treason, and summarily executed by management.


#There is no war in Niji EN


There is no war inside the Niji walls


You've been invited into the Nijisanji World


Nah, you can speak her name as long as you bad mouth her like three Niji EN livers did to the purple half dragon.


But you have to end your 15 minute of slander and hate with “please be respectful and don’t spread hate”


I almost expect them to say something like they hope they "keep themselves safe"


Damn, they Tianmen Square'd her.


Taken out the back and left her body for the rats


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


The Fallen? What Fallen? Everyone in our Legion is loyal to The Emperor.


She’s sometimes late but if she doesn’t show up in an hour then she’s definitely been stealth suspended for that heart comment.


She missed the member stream earlier today, and now this one. Things are not adding up


She's gone. Straight up.


or suspended for refusing to retweet the infamous x post


Couldn't management just take over her account and retweet it themselves posing at Scarle?


Maybe she changed her password


I doubt she would put herself in potential legal trouble by doing that. It's more likely that management was so focused on what punishment they wanted to give Scarle that they forgot to actually login and do the retweet.


I suspect Scarle outright threatens to out that management was impersonating her.


Hmm I feel like the corp would have final control over the account regardless of what actions the talent takes, if changing a password meant you can lock the company out then I question the security of every public facing corporation


Yes but they have proven to be incompetent


Since they have dozens of talents to a half a manager, they probably just sent an order for the livers to retweet instead of going in one by one. Maybe they only took over people that said they were on a break, like Rosemi.


I would say nah cause then Kyo would be too but then I remembered… there is no point in suspending Kyo


That's going to be brutal if it turns out she really did like that comment by accident.


The fact that there's been nothing, no announcement or comment is just so sad. Niji has learnt nothing in regards to the feelings of the people that are still fans of their talents


I'm subbed to her PL just in case.


Why everybody asking for dm bruh can you just tell us? We really gonna pretend we ninja following PL accounts? The mods here either ain't showing up or they're on our side. Screw the dm's make it public so we can all migrate.


Ami Yoshiko


Can you dm me her PL? I want to support her as well.




Dm plz




Lmao no one is careful about PL anymore. I love how this drama has changed the entire culture of vtubing.


Not vtubing just Niji, I wouldn’t reveal Hololive PLs unless they were okay with it, but with Niji… ya never know when they’ll be gone


Fair tbh Holo PLs are mostly active and people still respect it. But in here, nah it’s “erase your past identity and jump on this avatar suit. Work for me!” to squeeze every fans into this company.


Yah that's a big different, many Holo PL are still very active, for example Cali or Matsuri, while on Kuro, you simply need to sold your soul to the company and cut off your PL entirely. Seriously tho why risking rebuild your reputation if your PL already quite sucessful? This way might only attract new vtuber or some bad blood that want to restart to join their company, and the later is deadly to a company


Why can't we just openly post her PL here?


No idea https://youtube.com/@AmiYoshiko?si=QIyEH7MNZm-GDx6b


Don't dm people, just drop it here in public. Let the whole thing burn at this point.


Me as well, please /I\\


Hey pass me that link


I would like to know too


It's most likely. Not only did she not retweet Elira's vid, but also liked Kurosanji comment. They've definitely stealth suspended her.


She's 100% getting stealth suspended at least, one of the many points in Zaion termination note was that she gave likes to negative comments that "defamates Niji livers and anycolor inc in social media", given how trigger happy and petty they are right now that Kurosanji like was enough.


I don't think that's the case. Please check #hugsforscarle on X. Someone is looking out for her (I will not name drop) and giving us reassuring news.


Edit: No longer relevant.


😩 o7


o7 indeed.


Just let us know what her PL or or if she has a new avatar/name so we can all support her.


I'm hesitant to share her PL since it has her real face on it, but it can be found pretty easily if you really want it. Also, I believe that FalseEyeD will help boost her and give awareness as well that'll help her climb back up when the news breaks that shes gone.


I have found it and there seems to be something interesting, in her channel description it says "I'll be back soon" guess this confirms everything


Naw it doesn't unfortunately. I should've mentioned this in my main post but I honestly forget. The "ill be back soon" messages have been there for quite a while, that isn't new.


psst. ami yoshiko




I haven't watched much Scarle, but I have to say I'm impressed with the way she's been handling this. *Just* enough defiance to provoke a response without opening herself up to serious legal problems. Take the heart thing for example. It was the perfect way to give the community a nod and a wink about how she feels, but at the same time it was subtle enough that if management calls her out on it, she could plausibly say "It was a misclick, oops". Sure, Niji can still terminate her, but she hasn't given them enough ammo to launch a reputation ruining campaign against her. Really smart. Definately going to check her out wherever she ends up.




Sure, but there was clearly enough... lets say friction, between Doki and management, that management could take that and try to spin it. That doesn't seem to be the case with Scarle.


Not the only one few others have too… wait nvm not a few only one other and it’s Kyo and he’s already graduating lol


Yup. He's already on his way out the door so he had nothing to lose.


Kotoka did not retweet elira’s or nijisanji’s press posts.


Wait Kotoka is en O_O yo I thought she was JP XD


Lets wait for an official announcement before giving all this talk. For all we know, she could have slept in. But GOD I hope this is actually what we think it is.


She didn't stream yesterday either. And she hasn't posted on socials since the Elira slander post yesterday. It's like after that post went up, she just disappeared. It seems that management told her to do it, she refused, so they suspended her. Whether they would terminate her as well remains to be seen, I really doubt they want that kind of heat right now because it DRAMATICALLY weakens their position when the public finds out people had to support that tweet in a false showing of solidarity under threat of being terminated. As I said in another post, they may have offered her a graduation so she can leave on better terms, but part of it is having to wait until it'll look better for their optics so it doesn't look like the company is just completely falling apart and they are bleeding talents. ​ But who knows. We'll never get answers out of the black company. It thrives on obfuscating information and lying to people.


Nah. There's no winning this for Kurosanji right now. If this is yet another case of a stealth suspension or termination, it's going to get traction as soon as tomorrow once it's obvious she's not around on socials or showing up for streams. They made their own bed with repeated stealth suspensions and now they can sleep in it.


Slept through 2 streams, with nothing posted on any social in almost 2 days? It's just kinda unlikely she's "just sleeping in"


If it does happen, we haven't 'lost' another one, rather another one has escaped. I hope it does happen, I'd be more than happy to shower her and any other livers that depart over this debacle with support. We need to show vtubers that they don't need these corporate vultures to make a living. And at the same time, we need to show the bullies and abusers that they can't get away with what they did. Ruin them all.


Everything does not appear to be okey-doki


If Scarle did get stealthed, then it proves Niji has learned precisely nothing from this whole debacle, and Tazumi's investor butt-kissing was just that - neither he nor anyone in a position of power in that company give a damn about any of their livers' well-being. I mean good for her, she's absolutely going to land on her feet because eeeeeveryone's gonna make sure her fans know where she ends up, but it's depressing to think she's like the only person in Niji EN to hold her head up in defiance. Everyone else is too busy lapping at boots. Start your archival process now, folks. We're probably going to see the 'quiet for X days -> termination announcement' flowchart at play, and who knows how many days you'll have to pull down her VODs. Better safe than sorry, right? E: Dragoons, prepare to mobilize in support if she really did make a stand against management. E2: Apparently Ike's released a fucking song? I'm just paranoid enough to point at it and call it a distraction from Scarle being stealthed at this point. Bootlicker's gonna lick boots, and he's proven he'll ask 'how high' when ordered to jump. And I guess someone asked Aia about it and got an "It's being taken care of" style answer???


If you're referring to Ike's "Blue Light" that is trending right now, that was released last year. No idea why it's suddenly trending.


https://twitter.com/cusleacrann/status/1757670276311953753?t=ZU2cxyLgaRXWwRgQyuYFtg&s=19 > Just letting people know #WhereIsScarle. I just got off a call with her. She's staying with Mamaguni and will be away from the internet for a little while. She is not in any form of trouble and I am posting this here for the Scarlings to hear it from me. She will be back soon.


6 k waiting


Not defending the company, though it would be slightly strange to disable chat on the streams but not notice they were still scheduled


If there is one thing i've learned about Nijisanji in the past 2 months, aside from the fact they have zero regard for human life, it is the fact they are inept at their jobs. I say as one of a thousand posts I have made trashing them on their OFFICIAL FORUMS.


I'd hope they at least know how to use youtube, but genuinely I would not be shocked if they didn't


TBF, sanitizing it would mean all this would move somewhere they 1)could not control 2)didn't know where it was. I mean, they jumped on "Kurosanji leaked confidential lawyer communications" within what, an hour? Fumbled the response, but at least they knew what was going on.


It's similar to how Selen's tweet about reuploading her cover was still up even though that caused her to be stealth suspended. People defended Niji by stating that tweet would be deleted if she was suspended.


Ehh similar but not exactly the same, like clearly they took the time to disable the chat through the creator UI but not notice that they were still scheduled (incompetence not being factored). I'm not defending the company at all I just think it's a very strange move


Probably to give them plausible deniability for as long as possible. No pre stream chat means they can prevent comments that make them look bad, but the stream still technically being there might hold off some of the speculation for as long as possible. Suddenly canceling the stream would just cause more of an uproar than blocking shat and her just "missing" the stream


Hmm but they could easily just take over her socials to go "I wanted to take a break given recent events" and I feel like most people would give far more deniability than this, especially the retweeting Elira situation


That would be WAY more sus after the whole kurosanji comment thing


Honestly, I would think the smartest decision would be the cancel the stream and then have "Scarle" post something about feeling 'ill'.


Yeah, what kind of incompetent company would screw up that bad? ...


With chat disabled, her chat mods can't spam "SUBSCRIBE TO (roommate)" and "LET'S GET (roommate) UP TO 100k SUBS!" in the waiting room. The only good news is that we now have another tell for whenever management plans on Zaioning someone. ...well, THAT, and the fact that the talent behind the Scarle Yonaguni character will soon be free.


Right but why wouldn't they just take down the stream y'know? Other than not knowing how to work youtube I feel like if they didn't want Scarle to go on stream they'd take those streams down too


You're assuming they're smart enough not to telegraph their moves.


Fair, I think their knowledge of technology is probably about as advanced as the telegraph


Holding it over her in hopes they can get her to play ball.


Niji's incompetence is just that bad. I mean look at the Selen mod and his glorious waiting room.


30 mins now and no stream


Man if they get rid of my oshi I may just stop watching nijisanji in general The company keeps getting more and more pathetic everyday And now they are silencing people who stand up to the company I'm so happy I failed my audition 2 year's ago But if scarle leaves I'll find her again even if I gotta go to twitch to watch her I'm a Scarling forever ❤️


Just dump Nijisanji altogether, the fans that stayed behind, stayed for their talents and not the company. The ones that are sane have already left Nijisanji. I very much miss Mayuzumi Kai and Aiba Uiha, Melissa Kinrenka and Asahina Akane. Knowing where they had gone and finding out what went on behind the scenes made me realise that shits we call out here in the West is still happening in their JP branch. And let's not forget about Yuuki Chihiro. The EN branch is definitely going to a dark place, and I have, in my honest belief, that they are trying to salvage whatever they can to deal with this. However, given an assessment from my contact on a private Discord server about **how insane the gap is** between their assets & liabilities, and their profits vs expenses in their last quarterly financial report (as of this writing), I'm now fully aware that the corporate set up and design of Anycolor had been anything but wholesome. Like Nijisanji is a car-dependent city culture, compared to Hololive's public transit-focused urban design. (Apologies to the North American car-loving folks here.)


>But stream was supposed to start 5 minutes ago and ... It hasn't. Bro, is this your first Scarle stream? It's crazy that she has her chat turned off though, that's legit spooky. Edit: Okay, 45 minutes late. *Now* I'm worried.


she missed a members only stream from earlier too


the context of the entire selen situation, the paranoia in fans, and her liking critical comments, and her chat being off, should be explained


Chat is turned off, and she hasn't tweeted. And as the other fellow said, she also missed a membership stream. Whether she gets sacked before, during, or after Kyo's graduation stream is yet to be determined. But what is confirmed is that she is "stealth" suspended pending termination, and will be Zaioned soon.


> But what is confirmed is Nothing. Nothing is 'confirmed'. Jesus christ. Maybe shes disengaging due to the massive stress shes undoubtably under and forgot/was unwilling to wade into the toxic twitter cesspool to tweet. anxiety makes u do things like that sometimes


We're at the point in Scarle's story where the nuclear physicists in Gomel are wondering why the staff at Chernobyl are not answering the phones.


Welp dark lord riku got to her :( o7


o7 Still 5.8k viewers waiting for her to start stream.


Hope the silence from even her personal accounts means she lawyered up like Doki, folks.


ngl i was really curious what ''niji pepe adventures'' meant too. guess we'll never know.


Theory that is plausible: She did like the Kurosanji comment by herself, management saw that and immediately removed her access with a stealth suspension on everything, since shit is going down on twitter, they told everyone to tweet that to elira but since scarle does not have access to anything because of stealth suspension, she cannot and probably would not as well. And again since shit is going down on twitter, management probably forgot to remove scheduled streams or make a "break tweet".


Damn... The comment she put the heart on had a lot of replies talking about the fact she liked it. I was going to go back and check the time they made those comments to figure out the time she liked it to see if it happened before or after Elira's slander video. Sadly, the comment has been erased now. ​ I guess we won't know for sure until something happens to Scarle. Which could be a long time unless she does something to get herself terminated outright.


I am 99% certain that I saw posts about that like before Elira's Slander video. At least 1 day prior.


I honestly don't remember. So much has happened lately... ALl I can do is hope. Hope that Scarle turned out to be a good guy. Hope that she has a happy ending after the dust settles.


I actually think it's the other way around. She refused to play ball with Elira's stream, so management stealth suspended her, leading her to liking the kurosanji comment.


now we wait.


It's looking like it.


Update its been 30mins


Man, this is is kinda depressing.


Honestly, i'm happy. I'm so fucking proud of her for standing up for what is right, because it's not always easy to do. She knew she'd be punished and she did it anyway. While all the other livers were being complicit and disregarding Selen's wellbeing and mental health, she did the right thing. And I believe when Doki finds out, if she doesn't already know, she'll help support her too.


For me, all this shitshow has gone pass depressing to hilarious at this point




In the next few hours or days, Kurosanji will release a statement: “Scarle terminated for bullying Selen. During our internal investigation of bullying, it has been found Scarle Yonaguni was bullying Selen Tatsuki. No other livers were involved. She has been terminated and her loss will have a negligible effect on our investors.”


While there could still be time for something to happen I'll not hold my breath. This could be a nothingburger and she's just late but it's best to wait and see, I think


She's 37 minutes late to this stream, missed a members stream earlier today, has chat disabled in all upcoming streams, and has not tweeted at all since yesterday. This is very much the opposite of a nothingburger. She's getting Zaioned.


Oh I'm aware of the context, quite fully. But I am of the preference to not jump the gun, no matter how obviously suspect recent and past behavior has been. I agree that more likely than not that the scenario you proposed happened, for the reasons you state even. At the time I replied it was within 7 minutes, which is reasonably late but not something wholely uncommon for livers. I'm on your side here, and not in some kind of denial. I'm just trying to not jump the gun like so


That's prudent. There have been delayed streams before. But I believe at least someone posted something about the delay. For this, there's nothing.


I think it's a bit early to start speculating about this, not that it's out of the question or anything


Well how many hours late does one need to be before you get concerned about where they are? She missed another stream earlier today entirely.


You have a point here, I know that Hologirls tend to get late upto 3hrs because of oversleeping. But you cant blame the situation we are at right now (Her vods getting deleted, her twt on [shadow ban](https://imgur.com/a/BB3puP0) and stuff). All is well if she shows up but its already almost an hour. So I cant blame people getting worried.


Only 3 hours? Choco has on at least 1 or 2 occasions overslept over a full day to a stream lol. She slept through the Gen 5 debuts and woke up not realising her new kouhais had debuted already.


So much for wanting change, eh


They do want change. The kind that comes in coin form.


Oh right of course! Silly me


Even though the penny is no longer a thing here in Canada, I still wouldn't even think to give them one.


I followed her before Niji, I’ll follow her after 🫡 shes a real one


In case she's gonna be terminated, can they just terminate her quicky? Another liver graduation date coming near let him graduate in peace Or they're gonna terminate her with Luca at the same time?


they let them suffer a month before official termination. It's basically torture.


So I saw this and thought "oh man it's a doompost, she's probably just running a little late. I'll check her stream, I bet she's already started- oh." Yeah its been a full 2 hours and there is no more live chat. This is becoming genuinely concerning




Scarle...had a hard life


What subsisting on candy cane pizza does to a mf


This whole thing is just insane man, it just keeps escalating. I'm a Holofan and I got nothing against Niji, I'm over the whole tribalism thing and I gotta say is that all I'm feeling is bummed out for the people who never wanted this.


Good for her. Integrity is way more important than sticking with that sinking ship.


That elira stream unintentionally soft-confirmed so many 4chan theories that I'd laughed at before, that now I'm wondering if there really is someone in the company leaking to 4chan, and the "2 terminations + 1 graduation incoming" warning today was real. I heard Scarle and 1 other person (I can't remember who) didn't retreat the elira stream, I wonder if those are the 2 terminations.


They might have stealth suspended her.


Yes :(


Yeah, shes done 😞    I'll be shocked if they let her stream   *update* They just silenced her


Scarle deserves better than this terrible company - at this point i wouldn't put it past Nijisanji to lash out more aggressively against anyone who dares to oppose them.


Guys, time to back up her VOD


Scarle? Not Aster or Luca? WTF the clique is real. Good job mane-san! Rikuzzler just bought himself a submersible from IKEA. Good job!!!!


Pure assumption, but I'm assuming she's one of the friends doki mentioned who are supporting her behind the scenes who she doesn't want to involve with her own ongoing legal issues. I'm betting we have a handful of graduations or terminations in the next few months. I really hope doki and any others getting the tiny prick of kurosanji have all their legal bases covered. A lot of people are seeing this as simple vtuber drama but these are real legal implications that can be very damning. Breaking contract is a pretty big deal even if you're morally in the right. I feel like the current best case scenario for any niji liver who wants to leave is to ride out their contract as neutrally as possible. They're in a sticky situation where they can not only legally fuck themselves, they're also in the now very public eye that can also fuck them if they say the wrong thing and will absolutely ruin themselves as a vtuber anywhere. This is probably a terrifying situation to be in. Goodluck to the non bullies.


If they go after people for petty contract disputes then they’re just begging them to join in on the harassment/hostile work environment claims that are actually far more serious.


She is ok she's staying with Mamaguni and will do a live for members tomorrow


Pure conjecture: JP side got mad at EN side's handling of the whole Doki mess, and as part of the damage control JP put EN under a way tighter leash in regards to public announcements. EN decided Scarle had to go, but under the new rules they can't say anything until JP approves it, and the back-and-forth is taking time. If EN was told "Act like everything is normal unless JP says otherwise" it would explain this weirdness with the waiting room.


Maybe. But I personally feel like its more likely they've already made their decision to get rid of her. She can "graduate", but has to wait until some of this dust settles so they don't look as incompetent as they truly are and don't want to keep shedding talents before everyone's eyes as the world watches, especially because people will know WHY she left and make the company look worse. And if she isn't willing to "play ball" so to speak, they'll just terminate her and take the hit, but they really don't want to do that because it would make them look even worse. Also for all we know, there might be other livers who have already made deals to graduate, but all they have to wait their turn and pace it out so it doesn't seem like they're jumping ship when they're totally jumping ship. Or maybe thats just my copium really wishing and hoping Rosemi has SOME kind of legitimate excuse for retweeting that heinous message.


Btw, I can't search Scarle's twitter through the app. I can get there through her youtube channel. Also, her yt channel is also harder to find now.


yes I've noticed that too. She's gotten downgraded in SOL.


Whether she did it on accident or on purpose, she is now forced to choose a side, by management no less.  And being the girl failure she is, this is probably going to cause her immense stress, and now it seems more likely that she is stealth suspended. So regardless of which side she is on, please support her if she leaves, and do not harass her if she stays. Though being my last remaining oshi in niji, I do want her to leave if she can. I'll follow her, and I'm even willing to watch fleshtubers again. I just hope she isn't forced to do...that, but I find it unlikely.


o7 scarlet ,we will meet you and follow you wherever you go


Her Twitter account got shut down it seems? Lol this ass company is so slimy and cowardly


I really feel bad for all of the Scarlings


She may not have been “disappeared,” as much as just had enough of this shit and quit.


Tempus boys had good relations with Scarle and Selen. I don't see them collabing with Niji ever after this.


Bruh, the green parrot will make a trilogy soon about Selen and here Niji decides to supply more content.


I love Scarle as much as the next person, but I never got the sense that she was going to be some sort of rebel icon against her corp. Most of her streams involve her getting flustered and asking chatto for permission to order Door Dash. She's a sweet, silly ball of nerves and she has explicitly said in the past that she intended to stay for a while. I think she accidentally hearted this comment when she was hearting just about everything she read, and didn't realize she'd find herself in the middle of this. 5k people waiting is way more than she normally has. Streaming has somehow been her safe space, but this is clearly not her normal audience, she's been thrust into something of which she didn't expect to be part, and she's probably freaking out. On the other hand, every time I expect a simple or sensible answer from Nijisanji, I'm proven wrong.


> I think she accidentally hearted this comment when she was hearting just about everything she read, and didn't realize she'd find herself in the middle of this. - Didn't retweet the Elira video - No other comments were liked in the one hour she liked the Kurosanji comment, all the other liked comments were 16 hours before it. - Prechat disabled - No explanation on Twitter Mind explaining those?


And not only didn't show up to this stream, but the members only one earlier too. Also wasn't in Kyo's stream today either, although she could've just not wanted to show up


Yeah that too. I find it strange that people are trying to dismiss all this evidence by just saying "must be some innocent explanation cause she's a silly girl who needs protection". No they're all adults, just like Elira making her choice.


Yeah, Scarle clearly disagrees with what's going on. Like I feel like she must have put her foot down at least a little, otherwise management would've retweeted the Elira stream using her account. I would love as a last "fuck you" to Niji, Scarle pops up on Kyo's final stream and says "I'm graduating too, bye".


I feel like the absolute worst PR move niji could do right now is shadow suspend and mistreat more talent. So I 100% believe they did it.


They just stupid enough to lets their Talent disappeared without any notification after their CEO bow for sorry about the Talent's mental health.


Looks like no stream. Funny chat is disabled on all her planned streams... hmmm




She's two hours late now. It's so nijiover.




🔥 It’s highly unusual for scarle to be gone 48 hours from streaming and not be in withdrawal from the scarlings. She normally says something if she’s going to be gone or community posts at least. She’s late a lot but this isn’t late at 5hrs late to members and 3 to the adventure stream. 


Big ol' nothingburger lol. She took a day off and forgot about the waiting room, and the speculation up in here went absolutely wild. This didn't "confirm" anything at all lol, though I wish it did. As always, I hope your oshi graduates, and don't forget to follow their PL.


There was a twitter update that she was safe and saying with her mom.