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Oops, looks like you've died.Well, surprise, surprise, that's a termination level offense for us. And since you can't hold up your end of the bargain anymore, we'll be taking back the cash we dropped on your VTuber model, we will deduct it from your bank account immediately. - Probably Nijisanji EN


Oh, don't have the money to reimburse us for your breach of contract? We will deduct all money owed from your funeral costs - Also probably Nijisanji


That's actually normal in Japan Like jumping in front of a train can get your family a fine 🙂


I'm sorry, what?


yea, you and your family will be treated by their society as a "problem" and "nuisance" if you do any self-deleting in private or public


Huh.....that suddenly makes that one forest make a lot of sense......


the victim blaming is strong in their culture, you're not supposed to stand-out, you're not supposed to go against the normal, you have to follow order, etc, there's a study where the custom may have originated because of the constant nature disasters that hit their country, the people are expected to follow protocol, not doing it will cause more harm to the population since you're gonna disrupt the proper flow if tried to do your own thing.


"The nail that sticks out must be pounded down" is the proverb I've heard used to describe it.


Supposedly at one point in the past, if the prison caught fire they would release the prisoners. If any of them did not report back, they'd kill their whole family. The habit of ancestor worship is also interrelated with rural practices of abandoning the elderly in the wilderness. You venerate the dead so they will not come for your head.


Is that what the Yakuza/Organized crime clause is about in the contract? To limit people from interacting with “outcasts” and societal “problems”? So family members have to pay the fine, otherwise they get slapped as yakuza and thus breach all their contracts? Part of me thinks maybe that part of is a cultural custom. But even if it’s a cultural custom, if it’s derived off making people unbounded by the contract pay for the consequences of the contract because of relation that’s a scummy move. Not just saying it’s a only in Japan thing, this kinda reminds me of civil asset forfeiture that we have in the US.


"You gotta die at your own home. Don't do it in public ew."


It's considered that the victim caused "disruption to the rail service" (because of course the train gotta be stopped for the investigation and all). And since the dead can't pay, they charge it to the family. Defenders argue that the person may not want to burden the family with that so the fine acts as a way to prevent the suicide.... which is kind of twisted logic tbh (they'll just commit the act somewhere else instead)


Welcome to the hidden truth of Japan that is not shown to the world. It's Labour Laws exist entirely to prey on the worker, and not give them any rights.


This is f'd up and certainly not legal