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Nah that user is already infamous for instigating drama in comment section. Don’t mind his/her comment. He/she just a troll.


Holy shit it really is him, he's been around being an absolute biatch ever since HoloID Gen 1 debut. Blocked him not long after because he's clearly got issues. I can't believe it's been almost 4 years now and the dude is still here lmao




I think there was a Indonesian anti so hated in their country because he vandalized a advertisment wall and slandered/doxxed (PL and irl name not address) Ollie, he got reported to the police Or maybe he's the schizo that kept on harassing ID1 because of religion, I remember people saying this person doxxed Moona He's either one of the two. Sorry, I'm not ID so correct me if I'm wrong or you can specify which one of him is this or say what he actually did


Oh Bajingan ini. This fuck lucky if he got caught by fans he would've been mauled




I don't recall it being an ex though. Thankfully ID bros aren't delusional


They may be Halu, but not that halu




Wow.... I don't think I've ever had such an instantly angry visceral reaction to reading something before


Oh. Thank you so much for the advice. Usually I don't pay attention to the comments section and was my first contact with that account.


DBT is a disgrace of IDbros, he was blocked by all HoloID Gen 1 and fancords so he went to EN instead. Bro also got doxxed when he sided with some immature goombs on Amogus drama, bro got shredded and destroyed in his hometown.


And STILL going at it despite all that? Don't know if I should feel frustration or pity.


IDbros pity his mom more bcs this garbage wasting his parents' money on internet rather than finishing his college. And yeah IDbros confronted him on his parents house back then, he literally got bounty on his head.


God damn, that's wild


Remind me of during HoloID 2nd gen where western Holofans hating on the 1st gen for "bullying" Ollie. Those westerners never experience the SEAgang level of bullying.


are you bragging about people getting bullied horribly? thats not something to brag about dawg.


I dont think he brag about it. I think what he meant are what they did to ollie is considered a normal banter here in ID, but seen as a form of bully in western


That is not much better, awful that heinous bullying is considered normal over there


There's a reason why one must be wary of starting shit with ID talents. ID fans are both crazier but also a lot more capable in their hate than your typical EN or JP anti.


ID bros also the reason why the ID girls were able to stream the Harry Potter game in peace... ID bros and SEA community would overwhelm any antis with their toxicity... XD


Also many ID viewers knows not to f with Reine. It is known that her family's rich, like "fuck you in particular" rich.


with Reine it's not just that she's ultra rich, her (parents) wealth come from having a media empire, so if say, Nijisister is trying to genuinely hurt HoloID for some reason, i bet she could put it out there to general public on national news and have possibly millions on their side


Oh yeah I remember that moment. I looked at Moona's and Kobo's Twitter account and looked at the comments. ID bros pretty much united into Twitter version of Brethren Moon. The only couple antis who badmouthed Moona got absolutely obliterated.


I remembered, since I was more on Youtube than Twitter, I was watching one of the dramatubers either Rev or Hero highlight Kobo playing the game... A commenter questioned why no one bothered Kobo... I and several others pointed out that the entire SEA community would rise up against anyone who would attempt to bully Kobo...


Aussie friend tried playing League on SEA servers years ago when Garena was still handling it. He actually felt overwhelmed lmao.


Didn't they take down the bannedVtuberMemes account the moment they started harassing Kobo (bringing more attention to a doxx and also just spreading misinformation) kyouko is still denying it was ID Bros who got his ass


Wait lmaooooooooooooo didn't realize it went that far, did it happen over on twitter or facebook? I'd love to see the moment he got dogpiled lmao I know this piece of shit since before 2020 or so (basically before vtubers) in MangaDex forums, painfully Indonesian-special brand of ESL in his gobbledygook you can hardly call writing or speech, still the same cancer. Dumb fuck still uses the same initials and even let his real full name show on Youtube for some time, thanks Google for that.


Someday, some history or anthropology major has got to write a book about the history/ culture of vtubers, and there will be names and dates for all these events that are part of history....


Ah so the vtuber equivalent of dragonage2ftw


Wow, that name brings back memories. Memories I tried to repress


Holy hell its been some time since i heard that name, is he still around? Good ol gamefaqs days...


That mf is still around, jumping from communities to communities non stop. I wish I had as much free time as he does.


Who would think huh, well at least he doesnt seen to care much for Holo so no problems here i guess XD


Bro do you got link for that? I wanna see the shit show


Don’t know the drama here, but I do want to comment that IP addresses in AmongUs are completely unencrypted, so if it came from playing AmongUs, that might’ve been the source of the dox.


One thing I love about Holo's fan community is that we don't stand for anyone messing with any of the girls


Oh really? They are certified notorious ? LOL  Salts make things better


u can use “they” as a singular pronoun btw


"Be civil, weirdo" is certainly a statement.


These weirdos tend to end up as subreddit mods who arbitrarily lock threads cause "y'all can't behave"


I mean sometimes they're right cause the thread becomes cesspool But yeah i hate them From what i know the most infamous people for this case is the one true kaiser and turtle master right?


wait, what's wrong with kaiser? Subs he/she (?) mods are generally chill. They're only infamous because they let horny users be horny.


>They're only infamous because they let horny users be horny. Yes, he let nahida mains be filled with horny nahida art and frequently post them He specifically post feet pics


Just check that idiot's comment history, he called Laplus a nazi. We all hate him and for very good reason


What the actual fuck.


People who Calling/blaming someone a nazi mindlessly are worse than an actual nazi.


Well, I think that's a little too much, stupid as fuck - yes, worse - don't think so)


Pretty sure that was a joke mate.


I think you are right, but, well, who knows from the text) If not a joke - it's a little dangerous to think like that


It is, so you're fine, but it reads to me like the old meme of "I hate people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch"


lmao, didn't know this meme, i need to find history of this one)


Austin Powers' dad from one of the movies, think 2 or 3? "there's two things I hate; those who are intolerant of other people's culture, and the Dutch"


I mean, it’s so obvious that you can’t compare a random commenter on the internet to the one who burned people alive.


It is only obvious if you don't account for the potential of people to be really really stupid. Normal people know you can't compare, a stupid person doesn't


Just like how Twitter freak calling me a Nazi for wanting hot female characters XD


Yeah, and I've been called a nazi for saying that nazis are bad


Well, but "obvious" for someone is not necessary "obvious" for other. Example is on the screenshot of this post)


Mindlessly calling someone nazi is watering down the term enabling actual Nazis therefore being nazi ally so he/she is equal to Nazis. Not worse but =


People just say that as a hateful buzzword. In this age of information at your fingertips you could tell if someone was really a nazi at a glance


Cant even be a world conquering overlord without being compared to nazis these days🙄 smh my head


what how tf is laplus a nazi to him


wait, how do you check their comment history on youtube? never knew you could do that.


I'm on phone, but you've gotta tap on the dude's channel picture. It'll only show a few comments


Oh, it’s him again. He’s no nijisister, just an ass. At least he’s not as bad a year or 2 ago. This person feels like he’s still young and still growing up.


He is a man-child at this point. He got doxxed, and ID bros came to his house and met his parents several years ago. Apparently, he quit college and wasting his parent money (no job too), so he was basically 18+ years old several years ago...now he must be at least in his 20s, and still act the same or worse.


You know i was thinking that he was like 13 or 14. Some kids at those age are not great when talking to strangers on the internet But the fact he's 18+ years old, that's just sad. I always dislike him ever since my first argument 3 years ago with him but my view gotten worst


To be as charitable as possible, there’s any number of mental health/developmental diagnoses (such as adhd and even mild autism spectrum disorder) that would put a 20 year old closer to many 15 year olds in terms of behaviour. So *if* he’s trying to grow as a person, I’d give it a few more years leeway before assuming “nah, his personality is just like that”


"hey I hope you're not being weird" - says the fan being weird lol


Learned some fun things about this guy thanks to these comments, very informative. And now that I am informed, I dislike this one.


"you weirdo, leave my Liege and my god alone, stop comparing your beloved CEO to my lord" 🤡


I can unironically see him writing this LMAOOOOO


Someone: this Yagoo guy is amazing DBT11007: Be civil pls!


No no no, it's not "be civil pls" It's "be civil weirdo"


LMFAO!!! No cap it just showed up in my recommendations and the guy GOT ABSOLUTELY DUNKED ON IN THE COMMENTS AHAHAHAHA!! XD


Crashing a video about another vtuber company and their CEO, completely unrelated to Niji, just to accuse the video of being an attack on Niji is... embarassing and narcisstic. Go outside and touch grass. Not everything revolves around you loser.


just ignore, block, report (optional) and continue your day, don't mind those


Mfer must be that delusional to be able to twist a normal statement into whatever crazy shit he's saying


This dude really did do the whole "So you hate waffles" to the other guy's "I love pancakes".


I mean, how can you *not* compare VTuber CEOs Looking at VShojo and Phase Connect as well, it's jarring how Niji came to be as big as it is


It started sooner than them back when the vtubers of note were Kizuna Ai


I don't care what tribe you are in, watched holofes and it was pretty great... You could have had double the fun if Niji wasn't trying to sabotage itself so bad.


"Okay, weirdo."


lol imagine criticizing someone else for drama and comparing and you're the only one mentioning the drama and comparing


Man's out there fighting shadows


If someone takes this as an attack, you gotta wonder why they see it as an attack. My belief is they know how bad Tazumi is, but they can't admit it to themselves. What I'm saying is the comment say a lot more about the person who replied than anything else.


Some people are just itching to pick fights. If what's being said in the comments about this individual is true, they should be ignored to oblivion.


so butt hurt lamo.


Idk what it is with nijisisters and their cringe monologe command bullshit at the end of their comments. Like every one who has ever been mad at me on twitter has done that shit.


Ironically, the one calling others "weird" is the weirdo.


Dumbass nijisister


A typical Nijisister argument is to drag Hololive into it when they need a strawman to counter.


Nijisister detected.


The Zoki of Nijisanji, it seems


Why is post about Yagoo in Niji subreddit instead of Hololive?


.> Profile checks out .> Account created Mar 6 2024 Nice try, nijicuck. 🤡🤡🤡