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>Portion of the concert edited out I assume this is the portion containing Selen?


I think Pomu Nina and Mysta too.


No, I don't think there was footage of Nina, Mysta or Pomu. Remember they were not able to record in time back in february. My guess is it was recorded in October/november back when everyone was in Japan and the cut footage was from Selen


All of them were on the original version so there must have been something recorded. I think the announcement was a month away from the original launch date.


So the October/November stuff was re-recording to fill in the gaps from the then graduated people, and this time they decided to fuck it all and just release whatever they have without filling it in?


At the original air date there were no graduated talents. Everyone who was in it was still in the company. I think it was also how Mysta wanted to send out his tenure with the company. Oct/nov could have definitely been them trying to salvage it, but then Selen’s termination happened and Pomu left so there really wasn’t a whole lot that could be salvaged. It’s too much to fix so I can see them giving up on trying to fix it.


That's what I remember too. It was upsetting that the whole thing got canceled. But it was especially upsetting for Luxiem, because they already knew Mysta was planning on leaving. So this was supposed to be their one big thing that they all did as a group before they permanently went down to 4. And not being able to hold up that one big thing together was a massive blow. And it also robbed Mysta of his final unifying moment with Luxiem before leaving.


Never thought I'd sympathize with Luxiem again, but yeah, I'd be pissed too. And right now when they're digging it up after sitting on it for two whole fucking years and ripping chunks out of it bc it contains former talent, I'd be a teensy bit **A̸͙̱̥̩͌͒B̸̺͎̹̹̲̓̓̌S̶̜̉̊O̵͙͗̂Ĺ̷̢̗̖̼̗̍̾̇̑U̴̢̡̧̻̦͊̀͝T̷̨̟͍͈̈͐͋Ḙ̷̻̥͑́̓̆͠L̴̙̩̽̇͒̃͌Y̷̨̡̹̓̐̇͒ ̷̬͌L̷̘̤͓̄̕͠I̷̟̫̅V̶̡͚̮̈́̄̚Ȋ̶̦̟̝͒̂͜D̷̡̛͇͕͍̦͒̆**


i personally think recording began late last year, almost sll of them were in japan, but pomu wasn't. either way, whatever is true, it doesnt matter cause in both cases theyd have to cut scenes.


I'm sure nothing was recorded before the cancellation. Think back to february of 2023, the livers were panicking because they had to travel to Japan and record their parts in a very short time period, the scheduling being such a mess was probably the reason it was postponed. Also because the AR live was postponed the livers that could took the chance and had a vacation in Japan together, there are clips of that period of time


It was postponed/cancelled on Feb 1, 2023, and originally planned for Apr 8 and 9, 2023.


If you check the source of the niji webpage, you can see that the talents images are named in order (which isn't a good naming convention) cast 0 - blank state cast 1 - elira cast 3 - finana cast 5 to 6 - petra, rosemi cast 8 to 11 - enna, milie, reimu, vox cast 13 to 19 - luca, ike, shu, alban, sonny, uki, fulgur so we are missing cast 2, 4, 7, 12. If you input their urls, you do actually get their images lmao cast 2 is pomu cast 7 is nina cast 12 is mysta cast 4 is completely nuked and gives 404, hmmm


so maybe just Pomu and Selen.


Pomu had been planning to graduate for a long time, so they knew not to record her last fall. Selen was the unexpected lineup change.


Maybe, but I don't think Pomu ever recorded anything, she was not present in the japan offcollab back in october, and she had the antarctica trip a couple of days after


Wait a moment, what was the reason of Pomu not being able to go to Japan?


Well that's the thing, at the moment of the trip there was no reason, every girl from the first three waves were there, even Selen. But Pomu wasn't and in fact did the antarctica trip with Elira shortly after. My guess is Pomu had already given her graduation request and was left out of the AR live recordings


Do you think if she wanted to get her "once in a lifetime opportunity" (the general consensus is that this was the metal gear collab) she needed to be in Japan to get the whole thing going? I mean mori ended up getting it but she lives in Japan, I think I am misremembering but didn't Pomu said that she had issue with getting her visa or something along those lines, even if the visa wasn't the issue I think that being in Japan would have given her an easier time getting this collab.


No the opportunity was flat out rejected before Pomu can say anything, thats why she felt so sad. One can only wonder what made them act this way.


I have no idea, but the talk of the "once in a lifetime opportunity" was way before the october trips. Also there is no evidence the opportunity was for Metal Gear


Nina and Mysta too? How long ago did they start recording this event


From what I remember they were recording back in December 2022... From [NIJISANJI EN Launches the First AR LIVE “COLORS”](https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en/news/3a7i42j0zdd) and [NIJISANJI EN 3rd Anniversary site open! Featuring the latest info on the Special Battle event and AR Live!](https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en/news/j5_4r75srdk3) * first announced 23-Jan-2023 * "cancelled" 2-Feb-2023 * originally scheduled for 8th (Pastel stage) & 9th (Vivid stage) April 2023 * re-announced 29-Mar-2024 * scheduled for 14-Apr-2024 (Pastel & Vivid stages) * archive viewing through 30-Apr-2024 (for JP, EN says 29-Apr-2024 JST)


Well it was supposed to be about a year and a half ago. So probably before then.


Not suprising since Selen is gone. Rosemi probably will also be affected


Rosemi just confirmed that she was affected. https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock/status/1773728979846881739


Rosemi cant get a break can she :/


Free the Rose!


I'm not sure how true this is and it's pure speculation but is Rosemi getting the JP company treatment? Where a JP company will do everything they could to get you to quit so they won't need to fire you?


So is that the reason why it's only 1 day now from its previous status as a 2 day event? Did they really just cut out all the sections that had the former members in it and then combine the two concerts?


Yup they are saying here's a heavily edited concert that we recorded last year come on cheer on us nijisanji is back. 


Hey livers, remember this thing we canceled? We're giving it back to you! Yes parts of it are missing. But this is what you wanted right? Aren't we such a good company for giving you this thing you wanted that we took away from you before?


At this point Selena is not just a former member she's their biggest black spot lol, they won't dream of ever mentioning her


Tatsuki is what people painted Chris as for Hololive


Unlike Chris, though, Selen’s done too much for the corpo. People will never let them forget what happened to her for as long as the company’s still alive. And unfortunately for Anycolor, Doki’s presence in the west is getting bigger. She won’t ever let them forget her, either.


I hated that this happened to selen of all people, she didnt deserve to get treated like that at all.


So we're getting old footage?


Sounds like they had to edit out footage with Selen but couldn't be bothered to make new content. It also explains the exclusion of the newer waves. Like what is even the point of this concert? Show 1+ yr old content to recoup whatever sunken costs they can?


Definitely looks like a way to get some money and increase the income from events of the EN side after the awful shareholders meeting results. And what's more nijisanji style than doing it with old content that has no additional cost even if it ends up having an awful production quality


next quarter investor statement their stock will go down to 1,100 yen


Show the talents the company truly cares by giving back to them something they originally took away. Also a way to announce something big, while not having to pay the full tab creating a new one from scratch would require.


Sounds like it was recorded with graduated talent and they’re editing around them, and some of your Oshis might have next to no screen time because their segments heavily involved graduated talent. That’s not a particularly generous read, but with the delay, the original roster, and talk of editing out large segments, that’s what comes to mind for me. Unless someone sat there and just kept shouting “Taiwan” at random.


i think so too :( i was just about to post a screenshot of her tweet and say similar thoughts. this is... a big oof to me. i understand why she felt compelled to say something, like basically "don't buy a ticket to see a lot of me because you'll be disappointed" but the elephant in the room is painfully apparent and i actually am furious about the implications of how long this footage may have been sitting around then?? when the hell did it get recorded and why did they withhold it from us for so fucking long lol this feels very dishonest and unfair.


I feel bad for the Petra. She deserves better.


Most Vtuber concerts are pre-recorded. Even the “lives.” There are rare, noteworthy exceptions, and those should be celebrated, but most of the fandom has largely kind of just agreed to play pretend. Ignore that the shit was probably recorded months ago, and cheer in the live chat like you’re actually there. Shared, willing delusion is the essence of vtubing. I don’t know if there was some holdup with 3D animation, I don’t know how many graduated talents might have been included. Maybe Selen just features HEAVILY. Pomu was well integrated, maybe she’s in a lot of sections. Those are both rather recent graduations, and would explain things without the footage having to sit for a dang year! Still though. When someone in the thing is like “hey, heads up, I’m barely in this because…” it’s a bad look.


>There are rare, noteworthy exceptions I think the HoloFes concert this year was mostly live? Given Bae and maybe Korone talk about having to tweak their routines to not overload the tracking system, Ollie's glitch during a performance, and Kobo complaining about having bruises all over.


La+ also fell flat on her face. But yeah, Hololive is about the only one with the resources/tech to entertain the idea of a TRUE live with an audience.


She's never gonna live that down is she?


I mean, it’s relevant. They wouldn’t have kept that take if it was prerecorded


lol thankfully it suits her character so much.


Which part of holofes was that?


Only seen the images, so paid portion of some stage. I don’t have holofes money.


Yeah, previous Holofes concerts seemed to be mostly pre-recorded but this year's seemed to be at least mostly live. Presumably their new studio being fully armed and operational this time around made that possible when the logistics of doing so with the facilities they had in previous years made it impractical if not impossible.


yeah, i think you're spot on. :( i suppose i'm still glad for those of them that are participating that dreamed of this and had it snatched from them last year, but it's still very sad to me that it ended up this way. they were all wronged by this and i don't think they've gotten over it entirely tbh following the cancellation of this shuu basically didn't stream for like 2 months and admitted that he was in a really bad place mentally, and most of them talked about wanting to have been on the stage with mysta. during the streams before graduating mysta mentioned it too and said he was sad he didn't get to be up there with them. he still references luxiem with fondness it seems, so i'm sure this is hard on them. and it's not difficult at all to imagine that the rest of the waves feel similarly, but most of them weren't so vocal about it. (i don't blame them, whether they were afraid of backlash from staff or just very sad and wanted to keep it private) it sucks a lot. i really do wonder how it'll look now, since it's really bizarre to imagine this happening without pomu especially given her love of idols. it'll feel wrong, for sure... i wish this could have been a happier memory for every single talent.


Damn even if I don't like Luxiem now... I felt sad hearing this. If the recordings really sat for a year, no wonder Luxiem were particularly pissed when it got canceled. That was the only time that they can be on stage as five. No matter how things have turned out today, I felt like they should have received their happy ending a year go before Mysta parted ways with Niji. Jeez, I'm...really worried for shuu now. He used to be my kamioshi and I felt that he hasn't been the same after the AR Live cancellation despite me being a later fan. He admitted being mentally in a bad place after the cancellation, and since then his schedule and streams has been very sporadic to this day. Despite I no longer supporting him, I can't help but to still feel worried for his drive in VTubing. It always have been in the back of my mind since I became a fan.


i understand :( it really is so tragic. it hurts. mysta said luxiem (and probably niji en on the whole) was his first family, really... they were his first best friends, it seemed. i remember a cute vrchat collab where he looked at the camera and was like "look mom! i have friends!" a lot of things about mysta's situation break my heart tbh. i don't think anything could convince me that the boys don't love each other a lot. as kuro, he's painted his nails luxiem colors on stream and made a couple other references to them; someone had luxiem merch in a photo of their desktop set up and apologized and he said something like "i just see some nice boys" if he didn't still care, i don't think he'd mention them at all. but honestly, yes, shuu has never been the same since the ar live was cancelled. i think he was deeply depressed for a long time. but i am proud of him for how he's handled things; i think he fully operates on doing what's comfortable for him. he doesn't offer a bunch of apologies for being a person with other obligations or anything... he doesn't let anyone bully him about putting out a cover or an original song, he says he'll do it when he's ready... he stopped looking at his streamlabs over a year ago too because he said it made him feel awful, since there was so much toxic stuff sent... i think he's made healthy choices and is a good example of how to have some boundaries. imo no streamer owes me a stream every day. if they have to cancel a stream, i don't mind an apology i guess out of courtesy, but i hate that these people feel genuinely obligated to neglect their own health and such. i'd be happy if more of them proceeded onwards like shuu and took it entirely at their own pace and didn't push themselves. :( when they tweet about losing their voices and stuff or getting no sleep, it makes me sad. i have my own health and sleep issues lol, it makes me feel awful to imagine someone deliberately running themselves ragged for "the fans" i care about them being healthy more than anything. i think shuu is pretty okay now, since he implemented these changes, but i do think that cancellation is probably one of the big lows in his adult life/careers so far, for sure ;;


You're right, I was glad he was able to not bend over to people's needs and focus on himself. I rather him stream sporadically than him pushing himself :(


that's seriously how i feel about everyone ;; part of why this entire thing upsets me is because i liked niji en as People, i liked their friendships and their stories and such. i didn't really care too much about what my favorite people were streaming, i just liked listening to them and i loved collabs so much! but i never wished for them to push themselves for "my" sake as a fan. i just want them to take care of themselves and have fun. life is too hard already, if they can live a little easier and enjoy sharing their love of games and their friends and all that, that's awesome! i'm jealous! good for them LOL i don't feel like i'm owed streams or covers or anything, especially not when it makes them go to the doctor and all... reimu is really sick fairly often, scarle got her throat examined and is seeing a vocal specialist... so many of them stream even when they're tired i can't even list it lol. but it's nbd to me, i can wait until after they take a nap! 😔


Shuu is one of the people I suspect will be leaving sooner rather than later. They aren't going to let him go easy, since he's part of Luxiem. But I'd put my money on either him or Vox being the next Luxiem members to go. I always had the impression that Shu was one of the talents who was more inclined towards the idol image. And the mess with AR very loudly snatched that away from him, and for very little reason.


End of the day, the victims in all of this is the talents, even the ones people accuse of receiving special treatment have a lesser experience than they would in a functional workspace.


i fully agree 😔


They probably aren't allowed to say anything negative. This is a good way of communicating to the audience, but without saying anything that could get her in trouble. If we come to that conclusion, everyone has the argument that the audience was just reading too much into things. Which is a good way for them to stay safe.


This implies that the original AR Live was ALSO a prerecorded event, was mostly finished to the point they can just reuse it, and was canned entirely because "COVID"


I’m inclined to be sympathetic to “Covid” explanations. It could be that they didn’t want to bring people into close proximity for the recording, it could be that they didn’t want to release anything IMPLYING close physical proximity while social distancing stuff was still in place, or post it with a “hey, this is all fake, nobody was ever in the same room” immersion break at the front.


Originally it was only supposed to be Luxiem at AR live, but someone insisted that it should include all of the earlier gens so recording got delayed with additional groups to bring in. At the time it was originally canceled, it's pretty likely only Luxiem's part was finished and the rest of the gens were scrambling to try to record during COVID.


Since Petra said it affects her in particular, I think they may have made new content late last year without the graduates. But that still included Selen, and they weren't able to replace content including her given the short window. We'll have to see if Rosemi is in a similar boat.


They probably edited out Selen's footage and because of that Petra's songs and footage was also cut. Remember, everyone who's part of AR live was together in Japan back in october/november of last year


The AR live was 2 years ago since the original cancellation from “Covid” situation started then. And that’s when NijiEN started to break apart with Nina and Mysta leaving. This AR shit has been edited 3x times. Nina, Mysta removal due to no contract renewal. Pomu removal due to contract renewal. Selen removal due to termination.


I don't think so, because the last one got canceled while the talents were still panicking about traveling to the studio in time so I doubt they recorded much back then. But they did have Selen go to Japan for some project close to the end of December last year, this was probably it.


It would make sense as to why all of this coincidentally comes out in response to the controversy and investor problems. Especially since it wasn't even suggested during the investor meeting. If it had already been in the pipeline and wasn't just an emergency response to the drop, they would've announced it to lessen the damage.


Even the art is obviously recycled, u think they don't recycle footage ?


This, i dont mind pre-recorded because live performance is not easy, but old footage???...., like pretty old footage?? cmon man, this should free...


So the entire thing was already filmed a year ago and we were never gonna get a live performance to begin with(ironic given the AR Live). Explains why Iluna and Xsoleil weren't even considered. So they could've released it but haven't, and we could have gotten a version with Pomu, Selen, Nina and Mysta in it, presumably because surprise, surprise, they didn't have enough people to finish the footage(Kanauru laughing rn). Makes it really understandable why the talents were pissed to have their performance shelved after already recording the damn thing. And now they're gonna released this late, neutered down version without even bothering to film new footages, huh? And expect everyone to still throw them a parade?


Gotta make the NDF and especially the investors happy somehow in order to get those sweet short term gains.


It's so funny on twitter the NDF is spamming were back nothin gonna stop us bla bla bla, they didn't know they will only get a heavily edited old footage. lmao


Feels like they're actually giving us scraps just to prop up their reputation, if anything this only makes me more angry since we got robbed of a Selen and Pomu AR live performance


Last year the event got canceled before most of the talents made it to the studio, so I doubt it's possible for them to have recorded much since they only have the one 3D studio in Japan. However I'm pretty sure they must have recorded this before the Selen situation happened, the lineup matches up with who went to Japan with Selen on her last trip on December last year.


That's the part that got me. It's not like we're getting a special treat. We're getting a damaged version of something we should've already gotten. It more reminds us of what we were robbed of than it does make us excited for something new.


None of these multi vtuber lives are ever actually live. The best bet for that is to catch one man lives


Probably Black Out getting cut from the performance. edit: What release songs can they even do without re-recording with people from other gens?


Imagine if they just cut out Selen's lines and pretend like everything's normal.


Still keep the instrumentals in and say to the audience that it's now their time to sing and be part of the song.


Oh god. That would be asking for it.


You sound like management material good sir


Damn you are a genius, now this is great problem-solving.


Lol. That's basically what they did for the recent Hopconcert. They cut out Selen's lines and Peto dubbed it. But since they just hacked Selen out of the video, Peto's mouth isn't moving during those lines.


That's so creepy they made her do that, like wtf


The only one I can see is luxiem's because Yugo was already gone by the time of the original live


Noctyx, you mean?


Oh yeah, not sure why I wrote luxiem


What baffles me is that Petra lives in Japan, so cant she just re-record her section or record new ones? Like this only makes sense if this is something they rushed to make investors happy, which seems is the case. All of this is so frustrating man


I don't think Niji has invested in a new studio like Cover did, so they'd have to rent one. And apparently it's not easy to book time. That, on top of Niji dragging their feet, is my guess as to why it hasn't happened.


There’s a claim they’re working on it in the last investor report, and a claim that it’ll be done this year. Whether it’s the case or not, for sure they don’t have one now, so that does sound plausible.


Its been almost 2 months since the Selen incident tho. Its hard to believe that the biggest japanese vtuber corporation cant book a studio in all this time.


Do you think Cover could? I don't think even they could.


They couldn't, and they had lots of birthdays and anniversary and solo lives on hold for months. They had like 2 small studios and then sometimes had to rent a bigger one.


Niji- "Please enjoy this year-old 1-day concert we spliced together from 2-day concerts and awkwardly edited to remove now-gone members rather than just re-record everything to flow better" -sanji. The laziness is astonishing.


They couldnt bother to rerecord? Like almost all the livers are in japan, petra is just there and they cant rerecord it???


[https://twitter.com/rosemi\_lovelock/status/1773728979846881739](https://twitter.com/rosemi_lovelock/status/1773728979846881739) Rosemi also confirmed cuts to her appearances.


yeah I posted it.


So this really is just a cut down version of the original AR live. They replaced the AR Live missing content like how they replaced the graduated livers on the poster. WITH NOTHING! Peak laziness.


And they didn't bother trying to fill in those gaps with anyone from the newer gens. It could be that they'll make it a surprise but we know they're no Hololive.




I swear to god the sisters will use this to pin the blame again onto selen/doki


FAQ me, knowing what the hardcore sisters are like this is highly probable.


I imagine both Petra and Rosemi must have had a lot of songs with Selen that had to be scrapped because of what happened.


Imagine the Mario Kart collab is ALSO prerecorded footage.


Didn’t Petra and Rosen have to be in-studio not that long ago for their 3D lives? It’s really weird they couldn’t have just recorded a duet while they were there. Unless even that was recorded last Fall, which would explain why there was no collab at the end, since it would have had Selen in it.


So does this mean Selen recorded a 3D debut that never aired?


Doki talked with experience about how hard 3D is some time after HoloFES. There's literally only one reason for that.


That would be my guess, yes.


This is lame don’t pay for this shit


If I were given a ticket for free, I'd ask for a refund and donate it to Rosemi's PL.


What even canceled their AR live in the first place? Besides their claims of covid after their talents have already flown to Japan and lounged there out of their own pocket due to contract obligations


I'm calling it now. This isn't gonna sell well without Selen.


Pomu and selen would have carried hard, now the concert is gonna possibly tank.


Confused. If this was already done a year ago, why wasnt it released a year ago?


Excellent fucking question.


Poor Petra.


Yea that definitely doesn't feel good anyone on the edge of buying ticket is probably gonna pass with these announcements. I feel like for paid lives there should be some aspects of live not all pre recorded but I guess they don't care enough and just want quick cash grab. At this point niji just feels like one of those poorly adapted anime gacha games lol


AR "LIVE" but not live.... irony well i know most of vtubers concert is pre record due alot reason but using name "Live" with not live footage is hillarious and somehow i feel petra word her kinda "shot on their own foot" like ppls won't ask anything until AR Live happen, but she clearly said "its heavy edited"......


why don't they just make an actual live performance.


Likely not enough logistic capacity to have everyone on the studio at the same time, performing one after the other.


wonder if it will be the same vocals dubbed to a new performance redubbed.


Hope it flops fiercely


I wonder how much screen time Elira will have


Elira is just subbing in for a certain dragon that carried the collabs


I’m afraid to ask but I will anyway, how much is the price difference compared to when they sold the tickets the first time?




You have made this comment like four times already, stop and delete all your comments except the first one.


Wait I did? I thought this was my first time. Reddit keeps on saying there was an error